android |
BasicEvents.h |
BaseEventFlags must be a POD struct for safe to use memcpy (including
in ParamTraits<BaseEventFlags>). So don't make virtual methods, constructor,
destructor and operators.
This is necessary for VC which is NOT C++0x compiler.
**************************************************************************** |
53058 |
ClipboardContentAnalysisChild.cpp |
static |
1215 |
ClipboardContentAnalysisChild.h |
1215 |
ClipboardContentAnalysisParent.cpp |
9988 |
ClipboardContentAnalysisParent.h |
1936 |
ClipboardReadRequestChild.h |
997 |
ClipboardReadRequestParent.cpp |
aInSyncMessage |
5469 |
ClipboardReadRequestParent.h |
1492 |
ClipboardWriteRequestChild.cpp |
2291 |
ClipboardWriteRequestChild.h |
1210 |
ClipboardWriteRequestParent.cpp |
aAddDataFlavor |
3663 |
ClipboardWriteRequestParent.h |
1415 |
cocoa |
ColorScheme.h |
1009 |
CommandList.h |
Define NS_DEFINE_COMMAND(aName, aCommandStr) before including this.
@param aName The name useful in C++ of the command.
@param aCommandStr The command string in JS.
Define NS_DEFINE_COMMAND_WITH_PARAM(aName, aCommandStr, aParam) before
including this.
@param aName The name useful in C++ of the command.
@param aCommandStr The command string in JS, but this may be shared with
other aName values. I.e., cannot map aName and
aCommandStr 1:1.
@param aParam Additional param value. When aCommandStr is executed,
this value is also specified. I.e., aName becomes
unique when you look for with both aCommandStr and
Define NS_DEFINE_COMMAND_NO_EXEC_COMMAND(aName) before including this.
@param aName The name useful in C++ of the command.
8644 |
components.conf |
3192 |
CompositorWidget.cpp |
2877 |
CompositorWidget.h |
Access to a widget from the compositor is restricted to these methods.
8890 |
ContentCache.cpp |
*************************************************************************** |
87667 |
ContentCache.h |
ContentCache stores various information of the child content.
This class has members which are necessary both in parent process and
content process.
25141 |
ContentData.cpp |
**************************************************************************** |
1148 |
ContentData.h |
This file is intended for declaring classes which store DOM content data for
widget classes. Those data should be retrived by `WidgetQueryContentEvent`,
notified with `IMENotification`, or set assumed data as result of dispatching
widget events such as `WidgetKeyboardEvent`, `WidgetCompositionEvent`,
`WidgetSelectionEvent` etc.
2975 |
ContentEvents.h |
**************************************************************************** |
11255 |
crashtests |
DimensionRequest.cpp |
3369 |
DimensionRequest.h |
DimensionRequest allows to request the change of some dimensions without
having to specify the unchanged dimensions. This is specifically necessary
when a change is initiated from a child process, which might not have an
up-to-date view of its latest dimensions. Having to specify the missing
dimensions with an outdated view can revert a previous change.
The following series of changes `window.screenX = 10; window.screenY = 10;`
essentially translates into two moveTo() calls. For the second call we want
to account for changes made by the first call. From a child process we would
end up crafting the second call without knowing the results of the first
call. In the parent process we have access to results of the first call
before crafting the second one. Although on Linux even the parent process
doesn't have immediate access to the results of the last change.
Note: The concept of an inner position is not present on
nsIDocShellTreeOwner and nsIBaseWindow. A request specifying an inner
position will return an NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
2617 |
EventClassList.h |
This header file lists up all event classes and related structs.
Define NS_EVENT_CLASS(aPrefix, aName) and NS_ROOT_EVENT_CLASS(aPrefix, aName)
before including this.
If an event name is WidgetInputEvent, aPrefix is "Widget" and aName is
"InputEvent". NS_ROOT_EVENT_CLASS() is only used for WidgetEvent for
allowing special handling for it. If you don't need such special handling,
you can define it as:
#define NS_ROOT_EVENT_CLASS(aPrefix, aName) NS_EVENT_CLASS(aPrefix, aName)
2113 |
EventForwards.h |
XXX Following enums should be in BasicEvents.h. However, currently, it's
impossible to use foward delearation for enum.
16081 |
EventMessageList.h |
This header file lists up all event messages.
Before including this header file, you should define:
Additionally, you can specify following macro for e*First and e*Last.
NS_EVENT_MESSAGE_FIRST_LAST(aMessage, aFirst, aLast)
This is optional, if you need only actual event messages, you don't need
to define this macro.
Naming rules of the event messages:
0. Starting with "e" prefix and use camelcase.
1. Basically, use same name as the DOM name which is fired at dispatching
the event.
2. If the event message name becomes too generic, e.g., "eInvalid", that may
conflict with another enum's item name, append something after the "e"
prefix, e.g., "eFormInvalid".
NOTE: What you need to do when you add new event messages?
- If the new events are dispatched to the DOM, they should be registered in
- If the new events are dispatched to the DOM, set proper default values of
"bubbles" and "cancelable" in WidgetEvent::SetDefaultCancelableAndBubbles()
defined in widget/BasicEvents.h.
- If the new events should be included into an existing event group, you may
need to update WidgetEvent::Has*EventMessage() etc defined in
- If the new events are pointer event messages, update
IsPointerEventMessage*() defined in widget/WidgetEventImpl.cpp.
- Check whether the trusted events of the new messages are targeted to
expected EventTarget by WidgetEvent::IsTargeted*(),
WidgetEvent::CanBeSentToRemoteProcess() etc which are defined in
- If trusted events of the new events may be a content node but are allowed
to fired only on an Element node, you need to update
IsForbiddenDispatchingToNonElementContent() defined in
- Possibly handle them in PresShell::EventHandler,
EventStateManager::PreHandleEvent and/or
18014 |
FontRange.h |
666 |
generic |
GfxDriverInfo.cpp |
= nullptr |
29341 |
GfxDriverInfo.h |
15922 |
GfxInfoBase.cpp |
65502 |
GfxInfoBase.h |
7592 |
GfxInfoCollector.cpp |
1379 |
GfxInfoCollector.h |
this is handy wrapper around JSAPI to make it more pleasant to use.
We collect the JSAPI errors and so that callers don't need to |
2253 |
GfxInfoDeviceVendorDefs.h |
clang-format off |
1289 |
GfxInfoDriverVendorDefs.h |
clang-format off |
1871 |
GfxInfoDriverVersionCmpDefs.h |
clang-format off |
1397 |
GfxInfoFeatureDefs.h |
clang-format off |
8442 |
GfxInfoFeatureStatusDefs.h |
clang-format off |
2177 |
GfxInfoOperatingSystemDefs.h |
clang-format off |
1338 |
GfxInfoWindowProtocolDefs.h |
clang-format off |
973 |
gtk |
headless |
IconLoader.cpp |
aUseUrgentStartForChannel |
4143 |
IconLoader.h |
IconLoader is a utility for loading icons from either the disk or over
the network, and then using them in native OS widgetry like the macOS
global menu bar or the Windows notification area.
2131 |
IMEData.cpp |
= UINT32_MAX |
13675 |
IMEData.h |
38300 |
InitData.h |
4088 |
InProcessCompositorWidget.cpp |
static |
4355 |
InProcessCompositorWidget.h |
2162 |
InputData.cpp |
33975 |
InputData.h |
Base input data class. Should never be instantiated. |
31013 |
LookAndFeel.h |
A Boolean value to determine whether the Windows accent color
should be applied to the title bar.
The value of this metric is not used on other platforms. These platforms
should return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when queried for this metric.
19075 |
LookAndFeelTypes.ipdlh |
The format allows for some compression compared with having fixed
length arrays for each value type and some indication of whether
a value is present. This is because not all values are present on
a given platform, and because there is also substantial repetition
of specific values.
Each of ints, floats, colors, and fonts is an array that stores the
unique values that occur in the LookAndFeel. intMap, floatMap,
colorMap, and fontMap map from value IDs (LookAndFeel::IntID, etc.)
to indexes into the value arrays. The map arrays are of fixed
length, determined by the maximum ID value. If a value for a
particular ID is not present, the entry in the map is set to -1.
1741 |
LSBUtils.cpp |
5024 |
LSBUtils.h |
828 |
MediaKeysEventSourceFactory.h |
732 |
metrics.yaml |
1328 |
MiscEvents.h |
**************************************************************************** |
6085 |
MockDragServiceController.cpp |
9309 |
MockDragServiceController.h |
796 |
MouseEvents.h |
**************************************************************************** |
31397 | |
10814 |
NativeKeyBindingsType.h |
647 |
NativeKeyToDOMCodeName.h |
This header file defines simple code mapping between native scancode or
something and DOM code name index.
You must define NS_NATIVE_KEY_TO_DOM_CODE_NAME_INDEX macro before include
It must have two arguments, (aNativeKey, aCodeNameIndex).
aNativeKey is a scancode value or something (depends on the platform).
aCodeNameIndex is the widget::CodeNameIndex value.
22747 |
NativeKeyToDOMKeyName.h |
This header file defines simple key mapping between native keycode value and
DOM key name index.
You must define NS_NATIVE_KEY_TO_DOM_KEY_NAME_INDEX macro before include
It must have two arguments, (aNativeKey, aKeyNameIndex).
aNativeKey is a native keycode value.
aKeyNameIndex is the widget::KeyNameIndex value.
37418 |
NativeMenu.h |
3736 |
NativeMenuSupport.h |
1343 |
nsAppShellSingleton.h |
This file is designed to be included into the file that provides the
XPCOM module implementation for a particular widget toolkit.
The following functions are defined:
The nsAppShellInit function is designed to be used as a module constructor.
If you already have a module constructor, then call nsAppShellInit from your
module constructor.
The nsAppShellShutdown function is designed to be used as a module
destructor. If you already have a module destructor, then call
nsAppShellShutdown from your module destructor.
The nsAppShellConstructor function is designed to be used as a factory
method for the nsAppShell class.
2101 |
nsAutoRollup.cpp |
static |
1301 |
nsAutoRollup.h |
2032 |
nsBaseAppShell.cpp |
10273 |
nsBaseAppShell.h |
A singleton that manages the UI thread's event queue. Subclass this class
to enable platform-specific event queue support.
4870 |
nsBaseClipboard.cpp |
46720 |
nsBaseClipboard.h |
A base clipboard class for all platform, so that they can share the same
10869 |
nsBaseColorPicker.cpp |
1684 |
nsBaseColorPicker.h |
1326 |
nsBaseDragService.cpp |
46240 |
nsBaseDragService.h |
Platform-agnostic base for nsIDragSession.
12675 |
nsBaseFilePicker.cpp |
13293 |
nsBaseFilePicker.h |
2850 |
nsBaseWidget.cpp |
static |
128743 |
nsBaseWidget.h |
Common widget implementation used as base class for native
or crossplatform implementations of Widgets.
All cross-platform behavior that all widgets need to implement
should be placed in this class.
(Note: widget implementations are not required to use this
class, but it gives them a head start.)
29321 |
nsClipboardHelper.cpp |
nsClipboardHelper ctor / dtor
*************************************************************************** |
4392 |
nsClipboardHelper.h |
impl class for nsIClipboardHelper, a helper for common uses of nsIClipboard.
722 |
nsClipboardProxy.cpp |
aAddDataFlavor |
14513 |
nsClipboardProxy.h |
1438 |
nsColorPickerProxy.cpp |
1720 |
nsColorPickerProxy.h |
1051 |
nsContentProcessWidgetFactory.h |
2752 |
nsCUPSShim.cpp |
ex: set tabstop=8 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab: |
2452 |
nsCUPSShim.h |
ex: set tabstop=8 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab: |
3273 |
nsDeviceContextSpecProxy.cpp |
5518 |
nsDeviceContextSpecProxy.h |
1813 |
nsDragServiceProxy.cpp |
7022 |
nsDragServiceProxy.h |
1999 |
nsFilePickerProxy.cpp |
8887 |
nsFilePickerProxy.h |
This class creates a proxy file picker to be used in content processes.
The file picker just collects the initialization data and when Open() is
called, remotes everything to the chrome process which in turn can show a
platform specific file picker.
3276 |
nsGUIEventIPC.h |
56332 |
nsHTMLFormatConverter.cpp |
6060 |
nsHTMLFormatConverter.h |
966 |
nsIApplicationChooser.idl |
Initialize the application chooser picker widget. The application chooser
is not valid until this method is called.
@param parent nsIDOMWindow parent. This dialog will be dependent
on this parent. parent must be non-null.
@param title The title for the file widget
1386 |
nsIAppShell.idl |
After the default timezone changes, this topic is notified. Some systems may
not support monitoring timezone.
2419 |
nsIBaseWindow.cpp |
589 |
nsIBaseWindow.idl |
#include "nsIWidget.idl" Boy this would be nice. |
9327 |
nsIBidiKeyboard.idl |
Inspects the installed keyboards and resets the bidi keyboard state
966 |
nsIClipboard.idl |
Provide the data for the set request.
@param aTransferable
The transferable contains the data to be written.
@param aOwner [optional]
The owner of the transferable.
11062 |
nsIClipboardHelper.idl |
helper service for common uses of nsIClipboard.
2368 |
nsIClipboardOwner.idl |
Notifies the owner of the clipboard transferable that the
transferable is being removed from the clipboard
@param aTransferable The transferable
@result NS_Ok if no errors
746 |
nsIColorPicker.idl |
nsIColorPicker is representing colors as strings because the internal
representation will depend on the underlying backend.
The format of the colors taken in input and returned will always follow the
format of the <input type='color'> value as described in the HTML
2903 |
nsIDeviceContextSpec.cpp |
3093 |
nsIDeviceContextSpec.h |
Initialize the device context spec.
@param aWidget A widget a dialog can be hosted in
@param aPrintSettings Print settings for the print operation
@param aIsPrintPreview True if creating Spec for PrintPreview
@return NS_OK or a suitable error code.
3675 |
nsIDisplayInfo.idl |
485 |
nsIDragService.idl |
Starts a modal drag session using an image. The first four arguments are
the same as invokeDragSession.
Note: This method is deprecated for non-native code.
A custom image may be specified using the aImage argument. If this is
supplied, the aImageX and aImageY arguments specify the offset within
the image where the cursor would be positioned. That is, when the image
is drawn, it is offset up and left the amount so that the cursor appears
at that location within the image.
If aImage is null, aImageX and aImageY are not used and the image is instead
determined from the source node aDOMNode, and the offset calculated so that
the initial location for the image appears in the same screen position as
where the element is located. The node must be within a document.
Currently, supported images are all DOM nodes. If this is an HTML <image> or
<canvas>, the drag image is taken from the image data. If the element is in
a document, it will be rendered at its displayed size, othewise, it will be
rendered at its real size. For other types of elements, the element is
rendered into an offscreen buffer in the same manner as it is currently
displayed. The document selection is hidden while drawing.
The aDragEvent must be supplied as the current screen coordinates of the
event are needed to calculate the image location.
9183 |
nsIDragSession.idl |
Set the current state of the drag, whether it can be dropped or not.
usually the target "frame" sets this so the native system can render the correct feedback
8694 |
nsIFilePicker.idl |
Initialize the file picker widget. The file picker is not valid until this
method is called.
@param browsingContext The context in which the file picker is being
shown, must be non-null.
@param title The title for the file widget
@param mode load, save, or get folder
8870 |
nsIFormatConverter.idl |
Get the list of the "input" data flavors (mime types as nsISupportsCString),
in otherwords, the flavors that this converter can convert "from" (the
incoming data to the converter).
1703 |
nsIGeckoViewBridge.idl |
1891 |
nsIGfxInfo.idl |
NOTE: this interface is completely undesigned, not stable and likely to change |
9203 |
nsIGfxInfoDebug.idl |
NOTE: this interface is only implemented in debug builds |
674 |
nsIGtkTaskbarProgress.idl |
Allow the TaskbarProgress instance to set a new target window.
636 |
nsIJumpListBuilder.idl |
Note: This method is deprecated in favour of obtainAndCacheFaviconAsync,
which does not use main-thread IO.
Returns the local filesystem path for a favicon for a page hosted at
faviconURL if we happen to have written one to disk before. If we have not,
then a background thread retrieves the favicon and will write it to disk
and NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE will be thrown.
@param {nsIURI} faviconURL
The URL for the web page for which we would like a filesystem path for
the favicon.
@returns {AString}
The local filesystem path for the favicon if it has been cached before.
If it has not been cached before, this method will throw
In the event that the favicon has never been cached to disk before.
6097 |
nsIMacDockSupport.idl |
A Boolean value indicating whether to add the app or documents to the
Recent Items menu.
3765 |
nsIMacFinderProgress.idl |
Initialize and display a new Finder progressbar on the given file
@param path The path of the file
@param canceledCallback Callback which is called when cancelation is requested
1319 |
nsIMacSharingService.idl |
Allow applications to interface with the Mac OS X Sharing APIs.
819 |
nsIMacUserActivityUpdater.idl |
Updates macOS widget code with the current URI and page title. Widget code
can use this information to update NSUserActivity, enabling Handoff
758 |
nsIMacWebAppUtils.idl |
Allow MozApps API to locate and manipulate natively installed apps
1010 |
nsIMockDragServiceController.idl |
A driver for MockDragService, so that tests can mock system DND behavior.
(System DND is not permitted in tests.)
2536 |
nsIPaper.idl |
The internal name of the paper (a fixed, non-localized ID).
(For CUPS, this is the PWG-standardized name as used internally by CUPS;
on Windows, it is the integer paper ID as a string.)
1526 |
nsIPaperMargin.idl |
653 |
nsIPrintDialogService.idl |
Doc interface here |
2411 |
nsIPrinter.idl |
An array of nsIPaper instances that represents the available paper sizes.
2571 |
nsIPrinterList.idl |
Initializes certain settings from the native printer into the PrintSettings
These settings include, but are not limited to:
Page Orientation
Page Size
Number of Copies
2227 |
nsIPrintSettings.idl |
Native types
16304 |
nsIPrintSettingsService.idl |
Interface to the Service for gwetting the Global PrintSettings object
or a unique PrintSettings object
4993 |
nsIPrintSettingsWin.idl |
Native types
1490 |
nsIRollupListener.h |
Notifies the object to rollup, optionally returning the node that
was just rolled up in aLastRolledUp, if non-null.
aLastRolledUp is not addrefed.
Returns true if the event that the caller is processing should be consumed.
2745 |
nsIScreen.idl |
The display type of nsIScreen belongs to.
4310 |
nsIScreenManager.idl |
1270 |
nsISharePicker.idl |
Initialize the share picker widget.
@param nsIDOMWindow openerWindow.
917 |
nsISound.idl |
Not strictly necessary, but avoids delay before first sound.
The various methods on nsISound call Init() if they need to.
1333 |
nsIStandaloneNativeMenu.idl |
Platform-independent interface to platform native menu objects.
1692 |
nsISystemStatusBar.idl |
Allow applications to interface with the Mac OS X system status bar.
1493 |
nsITaskbarOverlayIconController.idl |
Starting in Windows 7, applications can display an overlay on the icon in
the taskbar. This class wraps around the native functionality to do this.
2150 |
nsITaskbarPreview.idl |
Common interface for both window and tab taskbar previews. This interface
cannot be instantiated directly.
2144 |
nsITaskbarPreviewButton.idl |
Provides access to a window preview's toolbar button's properties.
1438 |
nsITaskbarPreviewController.idl |
Provides an interface for async image result callbacks. See
nsITaskbarPreviewController request apis below.
3628 |
nsITaskbarProgress.idl |
Starting in Windows 7, applications can display a progress notification in
the taskbar. This class wraps around the native functionality to do this.
2008 |
nsITaskbarTabPreview.idl |
This interface controls tab preview-specific behavior. Creating an
nsITaskbarTabPreview for a window will hide that window's
nsITaskbarWindowPreview in the taskbar - the native API performs this
unconditionally. When there are no more tab previews for a window, the
nsITaskbarWindowPreview will automatically become visible again.
An application may have as many tab previews per window as memory allows.
1923 |
nsITaskbarWindowPreview.idl |
This interface represents the preview for a window in the taskbar. By
default, Windows implements much of the behavior for applications by
default. The primary purpose of this interface is to allow Gecko
applications to take control over parts of the preview. Some parts are not
controlled through this interface: the title and icon of the preview match
the title and icon of the window always.
By default, Windows takes care of drawing the thumbnail and preview for the
application however if enableCustomDrawing is set to true, then the
controller will start to receive requestPreview and requestThumbnail calls
as well as reads on the thumbnailAspectRatio, width and height properties.
By default, nsITaskbarWindowPreviews are visible. When made invisible, the
window disappears from the list of windows in the taskbar for the
If the window has any visible nsITaskbarTabPreviews, then the
nsITaskbarWindowPreview for the corresponding window is automatically
hidden. This is not reflected in the visible property. Note that other parts
of the system (such as alt-tab) may still request thumbnails and/or previews
through the nsITaskbarWindowPreview's controller.
nsITaskbarWindowPreview will never invoke the controller's onClose or
onActivate methods since handling them may conflict with other internal
Gecko state and there is existing infrastructure in place to allow clients
to handle those events
Window previews may have a toolbar with up to 7 buttons. See
nsITaskbarPreviewButton for more information about button properties.
2762 |
nsITouchBarHelper.idl |
Back-to-frontend communication for the Touch Bar
1490 |
nsITouchBarInput.idl |
Implements an input to be registered on the Mac Touch Bar.
2150 |
nsITouchBarUpdater.idl |
Front-to-backend communication to keep Touch Bar updated
1318 |
nsITransferable.idl |
nsIFlavorDataProvider allows a flavor to 'promise' data later,
supplying the data lazily.
To use it, call setTransferData, passing the flavor string and
a nsIFlavorDataProvider QI'd to nsISupports.
When someone calls getTransferData later, if the data size is
stored as 0, the nsISupports will be QI'd to nsIFlavorDataProvider,
and its getFlavorData called.
8664 |
nsIUserIdleService.idl |
This interface lets you monitor how long the user has been 'idle',
i.e. not used their mouse or keyboard. You can get the idle time directly,
but in most cases you will want to register an observer for a predefined
interval. The observer will get an 'idle' notification when the user is idle
for that interval (or longer), and receive an 'active' notification when the
user starts using their computer again.
3325 |
nsIUserIdleServiceInternal.idl |
"Resets the idle time to the value specified."
@param idleDelta the time (in milliseconds) since the last user inter
591 |
nsIWidget.h |
Callback function that processes events.
The argument is actually a subtype (subclass) of WidgetEvent which carries
platform specific information about the event. Platform specific code
knows how to deal with it.
The return value determines whether or not the default action should take
74463 |
nsIWidgetListener.h |
sizemode is an adjunct to widget size
5456 |
nsIWindowsUIUtils.idl |
Whether the OS is currently in Win10's Tablet Mode. Always false on
versions of Windows other than Win10.
(Win10 tablet mode is sufficiently different from Win11 tablet mode that
there is no single getter to retrieve whether we're in a generic "tablet
1654 |
nsIWinTaskbar.idl |
This interface represents a service which exposes the APIs provided by the
Windows taskbar to applications.
Starting in Windows 7, applications gain some control over their appearance
in the taskbar. By default, there is one taskbar preview per top level
window (excluding popups). This preview is represented by an
nsITaskbarWindowPreview object.
An application can register its own "tab" previews. Such previews will hide
the corresponding nsITaskbarWindowPreview automatically (though this is not
reflected in the visible attribute of the nsITaskbarWindowPreview). These
tab previews do not have to correspond to tabs in the application - they can
vary in size, shape and location. They do not even need to be actual GUI
elements on the window. Unlike window previews, tab previews require most of
the functionality of the nsITaskbarPreviewController to be implemented.
Applications can also show progress on their taskbar icon. This does not
interact with the taskbar previews except if the nsITaskbarWindowPreview is
made invisible in which case the progress is naturally not shown on that
When taskbar icons are combined as is the default in Windows 7, the progress
for those windows is also combined as defined here:
Applications may also define custom taskbar jump lists on application shortcuts.
See nsIJumpListBuilder for more information.
6848 |
nsNativeTheme.cpp |
static |
19026 |
nsNativeTheme.h |
4893 |
nsPaper.cpp |
2389 |
nsPaper.h |
Plain struct used for commonly used, hard-coded paper sizes.
Used to construct PaperInfo at runtime by localizing the name.
4100 |
nsPaperMargin.cpp |
763 |
nsPaperMargin.h |
771 |
nsPrimitiveHelpers.cpp |
7282 |
nsPrimitiveHelpers.h |
2319 |
nsPrinterBase.cpp |
8291 |
nsPrinterBase.h |
Caches the argument by copying it into mPrintSettingsInitializer.
If mPrintSettingsInitializer is already populated this is a no-op.
3880 |
nsPrinterCUPS.cpp |
18029 |
nsPrinterCUPS.h |
@brief Interface to help implementing nsIPrinter using a CUPS printer.
7336 |
nsPrinterListBase.cpp |
5874 |
nsPrinterListBase.h |
3831 |
nsPrinterListCUPS.cpp |
Retrieves a human-readable name for the printer from CUPS.
7715 |
nsPrinterListCUPS.h |
1080 |
nsPrintSettingsImpl.cpp |
member initializers and constructor code |
29117 |
nsPrintSettingsImpl.h |
//*** nsPrintSettings
class nsPrintSettings;
namespace mozilla {
A struct that can be used off the main thread to collect printer-specific
info that can be used to initialized a default nsIPrintSettings object.
4179 |
nsPrintSettingsService.cpp |
38456 |
nsPrintSettingsService.h |
Class nsPrintSettingsService. Base class for the platform specific widget
subclasses to inherit from.
3079 |
nsTransferable.cpp |
Notes to self:
- at some point, strings will be accessible from JS, so we won't have to wrap
flavors in an nsISupportsCString. Until then, we're kinda stuck with
this crappy API of nsIArrays.
14914 |
nsTransferable.h |
XP Transferable wrapper
2491 |
nsUserIdleService.cpp |
31535 |
nsUserIdleService.h |
Class we can use to store an observer with its associated idle time
requirement and whether or not the observer thinks it's "idle".
6542 |
nsWidgetsCID.h |
bd57cee8-1dd1-11b2-9fe7-95cf4709aea3 |
11814 |
nsXPLookAndFeel.cpp |
50630 |
nsXPLookAndFeel.h |
3457 |
PClipboardContentAnalysis.ipdl |
1415 |
PClipboardReadRequest.ipdl |
697 |
PClipboardWriteRequest.ipdl |
566 |
PrintBackgroundTask.h |
strict = |
4254 |
PuppetBidiKeyboard.cpp |
1260 |
PuppetBidiKeyboard.h |
863 |
PuppetWidget.cpp |
static |
37553 |
PuppetWidget.h |
This "puppet widget" isn't really a platform widget. It's intended
to be used in widgetless rendering contexts, such as sandboxed
content processes. If any "real" widgetry is needed, the request
is forwarded to and/or data received from elsewhere.
15869 |
reftests |
RemoteLookAndFeel.cpp |
7583 |
RemoteLookAndFeel.h |
A LookAndFeel implementation whose native values are provided by the
parent process.
2164 |
Screen.cpp |
6418 |
Screen.h |
Return default orientation type that angle is 0.
This returns LandscapePrimary or PortraitPrimary.
2755 |
ScreenManager.cpp |
8029 |
ScreenManager.h |
1848 |
ScrollbarDrawing.cpp |
static |
16664 |
ScrollbarDrawing.h |
6867 |
ScrollbarDrawingAndroid.cpp |
3609 |
ScrollbarDrawingAndroid.h |
2215 |
ScrollbarDrawingCocoa.cpp |
18358 |
ScrollbarDrawingCocoa.h |
3673 |
ScrollbarDrawingGTK.cpp |
5077 |
ScrollbarDrawingGTK.h |
2225 |
ScrollbarDrawingWin.cpp |
7002 |
ScrollbarDrawingWin.h |
2280 |
ScrollbarDrawingWin11.cpp |
14421 |
ScrollbarDrawingWin11.h |
3217 |
SharedWidgetUtils.cpp |
6704 |
SwipeTracker.cpp |
aProcessingFirstEvent = |
10772 |
SwipeTracker.h |
SwipeTracker turns PanGestureInput events into swipe events
(WidgetSimpleGestureEvent) and dispatches them into Gecko.
The swiping behavior mirrors the behavior of the Cocoa API
The advantage of using this class over the Cocoa API is that this class
properly supports submitting queued up events to it, and that it hopefully
doesn't intermittently break scrolling the way the Cocoa API does (bug
The swipe direction is either left or right. It is determined before the
SwipeTracker is created and stays fixed during the swipe.
During the swipe, the swipe has a current "value" which is between 0 and the
target value. The target value is either 1 (swiping left) or -1 (swiping
right) - see SwipeSuccessTargetValue().
A swipe can either succeed or fail. If it succeeds, the swipe animation
animates towards the success target value; if it fails, it animates back to
a value of 0. A swipe can only succeed if the user is swiping in an allowed
direction. (Since both the allowed directions and the swipe direction are
known at swipe start time, it's clear from the beginning whether a swipe is
doomed to fail. In that case, the purpose of the SwipeTracker is to simulate
a bounce-back animation.)
4191 |
SystemTimeConverter.h |
9334 |
tests |
TextEventDispatcher.cpp |
*************************************************************************** |
37831 |
TextEventDispatcher.h |
TextEventDispatcher is a helper class for dispatching widget events defined
in TextEvents.h. Currently, this is a helper for dispatching
WidgetCompositionEvent and WidgetKeyboardEvent. This manages the behavior
of them for conforming to DOM Level 3 Events.
An instance of this class is created by nsIWidget instance and owned by it.
This is typically created only by the top level widgets because only they
handle IME.
24087 |
TextEventDispatcherListener.h |
NotifyIME() is called by TextEventDispatcher::NotifyIME(). This is a
notification or request to IME. See document of nsIWidget::NotifyIME()
for the detail.
4273 |
TextEvents.h |
virtual keycode values
**************************************************************************** |
60722 |
TextRange.h |
**************************************************************************** |
10080 |
TextRecognition.cpp |
4688 |
TextRecognition.h |
IsExclusive = |
1520 |
Theme.cpp |
64814 |
Theme.h |
bool NeedToClearBackgroundBehindWidget(
nsIFrame*, StyleAppearance) override; |
9692 |
ThemeChangeKind.h |
1226 |
ThemeCocoa.cpp |
1777 |
ThemeCocoa.h |
1202 |
ThemeColors.cpp |
9840 |
ThemeColors.h |
3968 |
ThemeDrawing.cpp |
static |
7371 |
ThemeDrawing.h |
3315 |
TouchEvents.h |
This event is the first event generated when the user touches
the screen with a finger, and it's meant to decide what kind
of action we'll use for that touch interaction.
The event is dispatched to the layout and based on what is underneath
the initial contact point it's then decided if we should pan
(finger scrolling) or drag the target element.
**************************************************************************** |
7934 |
TouchResampler.cpp |
TouchResampler implementation
15454 |
TouchResampler.h |
De-jitters touch motions by resampling (interpolating or extrapolating) touch
positions for the vsync timestamp.
Touch resampling improves the touch panning experience on devices where touch
positions are sampled at a rate that's not an integer multiple of the display
refresh rate, for example 100Hz touch sampling on a 60Hz display: Without
resampling, we would alternate between taking one touch sample or two touch
samples into account each frame, creating a jittery motion ("small step, big
step, small step, big step").
Intended for use on Android, where both touch events and vsync notifications
arrive on the same thread, the Java UI thread.
This class is not thread safe.
TouchResampler operates in the following way:
Original events are fed into ProcessEvent().
Outgoing events (potentially resampled for resampling) are added to a queue
and can be consumed by calling ConsumeOutgoingEvents(). Touch events which
are not touch move events are forwarded instantly and not resampled. Only
touch move events are resampled. Whenever a touch move event is received, it
gets delayed until NotifyFrame() is called, at which point it is resampled
into a resampled version for the given frame timestamp, and added to the
outgoing queue. If no touch move event is received between two consecutive
frames, this is treated as a stop in the touch motion. If the last outgoing
event was an resampled touch move event, we return back to the non-resampled
state by emitting a copy of the last original touch move event, which has
unmodified position data. Touch events which are not touch move events also
force a return to the non-resampled state before they are moved to the
outgoing queue.
7970 |
uikit |
VsyncDispatcher.cpp |
8070 |
VsyncDispatcher.h |
5763 |
WidgetEventImpl.cpp |
Global helper methods
**************************************************************************** |
76997 |
WidgetMessageUtils.h |
3035 |
WidgetUtils.cpp |
3924 |
WidgetUtils.h |
Shutdown() is called when "xpcom-will-shutdown" is notified. This is
useful when you need to observe the notification in XP level code under
3128 |
WindowButtonType.h |
519 |
WindowOcclusionState.h |
1174 |
windows |
x11 |