browser |
bug586713_window.xhtml |
1437 |
chrome.toml |
5295 |
clipboard_helper.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
7284 |
empty_window.xhtml |
188 |
file_bug596600.html |
44 |
file_ime_state_test_helper.js |
@param {Node} aNode
5814 |
file_input_events_on_deactive_window.html |
58 |
file_secure_input.html |
65 |
file_test_clipboard.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4801 |
file_test_clipboard_asyncSetData.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5513 |
file_test_clipboard_getDataSnapshot.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
8589 |
file_test_clipboard_getDataSnapshotSync.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
7651 |
file_test_ime_state_in_contenteditable_on_readonly_change.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
19276 |
file_test_ime_state_in_text_control_on_reframe.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5825 |
file_test_ime_state_on_focus_move.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
57334 |
file_test_ime_state_on_input_type_change.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
8357 |
file_test_ime_state_on_readonly_change.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
7669 |
gtest |
mochitest.toml |
2068 | |
3366 |
native_menus_window.xhtml |
11280 |
standalone_native_menu_window.xhtml |
15763 |
system_font_changes.xhtml |
1826 |
taskbar_previews.xhtml |
Previews - yeah! |
4015 |
test_actionhint.html |
Tests for action hint that is used by software keyboard |
4927 |
test_AltGr_key_events_in_web_content_on_windows.html |
Testing if AltGr keydown and keyup events are fired in web content on Windows |
3926 |
test_alwaysontop_focus.xhtml |
Test that alwaysontop windows do not pull focus when opened. |
1277 |
test_assign_event_data.html |
Testing ns*Event::Assign*EventData() |
25834 |
test_autocapitalize.html |
Tests for autocapitalize that is used by software keyboard |
2876 |
test_autocorrect.html |
Tests for autocorrect |
2790 |
test_autocorrect_in_parent.html |
Tests for default of autocorrect in parent |
1522 |
test_bug343416.xhtml |
5380 |
test_bug428405.xhtml |
6183 |
test_bug429954.xhtml |
1192 |
test_bug444800.xhtml |
5657 |
test_bug466599.xhtml |
2962 |
test_bug478536.xhtml |
Test for Bug 478536 |
903 |
test_bug485118.xhtml |
2212 |
test_bug517396.xhtml |
1698 |
test_bug522217.xhtml |
880 |
test_bug538242.xhtml |
1646 |
test_bug565392.html |
Test for Bug 565392 |
1927 |
test_bug586713.xhtml |
798 |
test_bug593307.xhtml |
1094 |
test_bug596600.xhtml |
7074 |
test_bug673301.xhtml |
1092 |
test_bug760802.xhtml |
2826 |
test_bug1123480.xhtml |
nsTransferable PBM Overflow Selection Test |
6969 |
test_clipboard.html |
Test for Bug 948065 |
425 |
test_clipboard_asyncSetData.html |
Test for Bug 1712122 |
543 |
test_clipboard_asyncSetData_chrome.html |
Test for Bug 1712122 |
593 |
test_clipboard_cache_chrome.html |
Test for Bug 1812543 |
11424 |
test_clipboard_chrome.html |
Test for Bug 948065 |
475 |
test_clipboard_getDataSnapshot.html |
Test for Bug 1852947 |
549 |
test_clipboard_getDataSnapshot_chrome.html |
Test for Bug 1852947 |
599 |
test_clipboard_getDataSnapshotSync.html |
Test for Bug 1858627 |
557 |
test_clipboard_getDataSnapshotSync_chrome.html |
Test for Bug 1858627 |
607 |
test_clipboard_owner_chrome.html |
Test for Bug 1812078 |
2531 |
test_composition_text_querycontent.xhtml |
1217 |
test_contextmenu_by_mouse_on_unix.html |
Test to fire contextmenu event by widget level |
3000 |
test_contextmenu_chorded_buttons.html |
Test PointerEvent.buttons of `contextmenu` |
2934 |
test_ime_focus_with_multiple_contenteditable.html |
Test IME state and focus with multiple contenteditable elements |
2887 |
test_ime_state_in_contenteditable_on_readonly_change_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state of contenteditable on readonly state change |
3920 |
test_ime_state_in_plugin_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state on plugin |
2591 |
test_ime_state_in_text_control_on_reframe_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state of contenteditable on readonly state change |
1586 |
test_ime_state_on_editable_state_change_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state management at changing editable state |
9709 |
test_ime_state_on_focus_move_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state management on focus move in parent process |
3280 |
test_ime_state_on_input_type_change_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state on input type change |
1465 |
test_ime_state_on_readonly_change_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state on readonly state change |
1198 |
test_ime_state_others_in_parent.html |
Test for IME state controlling in some special cases |
4700 |
test_input_events_on_deactive_window.xhtml |
7478 |
test_key_event_counts.xhtml |
2838 |
test_keycodes.xhtml |
448874 |
test_keypress_event_with_alt_on_mac.html |
Testing if keypress event is fired when alt key is pressed |
4578 |
test_mouse_double_click_on_android.html |
Test to fire dblclick event by Android's widget level |
3578 |
test_mouse_event_with_control_on_mac.html |
Test control+click on Mac |
3657 |
test_mouse_scroll.xhtml |
893 |
test_native_context_menus.xhtml |
4700 |
test_native_key_bindings_mac.html |
Native Key Bindings for Cocoa Test |
13542 |
test_native_menus.xhtml |
801 |
test_panel_mouse_coords.xhtml |
2563 |
test_picker_no_crash.html |
Test for crashes when the parent window of a file picker is closed via script |
1037 |
test_platform_colors.xhtml |
4152 |
test_position_on_resize.xhtml |
2542 |
test_secure_input.html |
Test for secure input mode |
5282 |
test_sizemode_events.xhtml |
4441 |
test_standalone_native_menu.xhtml |
825 |
test_surrogate_pair_native_key_handling.xhtml |
8095 |
test_system_font_changes.xhtml |
807 |
test_system_status_bar.xhtml |
1983 |
test_taskbar_progress.xhtml |
3899 |
test_textScaleFactor_system_font.html |
Test that system font sizing is independent from ui.textScaleFactor |
5809 |
test_transferable_overflow.xhtml |
nsTransferable with large string |
7130 |
test_wheeltransaction.xhtml |
779 |
unit |
window_bug429954.xhtml |
1156 |
window_bug478536.xhtml |
5446 |
window_bug522217.xhtml |
2883 |
window_bug538242.xhtml |
151 |
window_bug593307_centerscreen.xhtml |
813 |
window_bug593307_offscreen.xhtml |
809 |
window_composition_text_querycontent.xhtml |
519398 |
window_imestate_iframes.html |
Test for IME state controling and focus moving for iframes |
16888 |
window_mouse_scroll_win.html |
Test for mouse scroll handling on Windows |
52199 |
window_mouse_scroll_win_2.html |
93 |
window_picker_no_crash_child.html |
Picker window |
253 |
window_state_windows.xhtml |
2684 |
window_wheeltransaction.xhtml |
65344 |