accessibility |
addon |
animation-type-longhand.js |
10980 |
animation.js |
Set of actors that expose the Web Animations API to devtools protocol
The |Animations| actor is the main entry point. It is used to discover
animation players on given nodes.
There should only be one instance per devtools server.
The |AnimationPlayer| actor provides attributes and methods to inspect an
animation as well as pause/resume/seek it.
The Web Animation spec implementation is ongoing in Gecko, and so this set
of actors should evolve when the implementation progresses.
- WebAnimation spec:
- WebAnimation WebIDL files:
28012 |
array-buffer.js |
Creates an actor for the specified ArrayBuffer.
@param {DevToolsServerConnection} conn
The server connection.
@param buffer ArrayBuffer
The buffer.
1823 |
blackboxing.js |
This actor manages the blackboxing of sources.
Blackboxing data should be available as early as possible to new targets and
will be forwarded to the WatcherActor to populate the shared session data available to
all DevTools targets.
2656 |
breakpoint-list.js |
This actor manages the breakpoints list.
Breakpoints should be available as early as possible to new targets and
will be forwarded to the WatcherActor to populate the shared session data available to
all DevTools targets.
2960 |
breakpoint.js |
global assert |
6924 |
changes.js |
The ChangesActor stores a stack of changes made by devtools on
the document in the associated tab.
3786 |
common.js |
A SourceLocation represents a location in a source.
@param SourceActor actor
A SourceActor representing a source.
@param Number line
A line within the given source.
@param Number column
A column within the given line.
2826 |
compatibility |
css-properties.js |
Generate the CSS properties object. Every key is the property name, while
the values are objects that contain information about that property.
@param {Document} doc
@return {Object}
2812 |
descriptors |
device.js |
2046 |
emulation |
environment.js |
Creates an EnvironmentActor. EnvironmentActors are responsible for listing
the bindings introduced by a lexical environment and assigning new values to
those identifier bindings.
@param Debugger.Environment aEnvironment
The lexical environment that will be used to create the actor.
@param ThreadActor aThreadActor
The parent thread actor that contains this environment.
5376 |
errordocs.js |
A mapping of error message names to external documentation. Any error message
included here will be displayed alongside its link in the web console.
9876 |
frame.js |
An actor for a specified stack frame.
6116 |
heap-snapshot-file.js |
The HeapSnapshotFileActor handles transferring heap snapshot files from the
server to the client. This has to be a global actor in the parent process
because child processes are sandboxed and do not have access to the file
2156 |
highlighters |
highlighters.js |
The registration mechanism for highlighters provides a quick way to
have modular highlighters instead of a hard coded list.
11385 |
inspector |
layout.js |
Set of actors the expose the CSS layout information to the devtools protocol clients.
The |Layout| actor is the main entry point. It is used to get various CSS
layout-related information from the document.
The |Flexbox| actor provides the container node information to inspect the flexbox
container. It is also used to return an array of |FlexItem| actors which provide the
flex item information.
The |Grid| actor provides the grid fragment information to inspect the grid container.
15400 |
manifest.js |
An actor for a Web Manifest
1091 |
memory.js |
An actor that returns memory usage data for its parent actor's window.
A target-scoped instance of this actor will measure the memory footprint of
the target, such as a tab. A global-scoped instance however, will measure the memory
footprint of the chrome window referenced by the root actor.
This actor wraps the Memory module at devtools/server/performance/memory.js
and provides RDP definitions.
@see devtools/server/performance/memory.js for documentation.
2855 | |
2081 |
network-monitor |
object |
object.js |
Creates an actor for the specified object.
@param ThreadActor threadActor
The current thread actor from where this object is running from.
@param Debugger.Object obj
The debuggee object.
@param Object
A collection of abstract methods that are implemented by the caller.
ObjectActor requires the following functions to be implemented by
the caller:
- {Number} customFormatterObjectTagDepth: See `processObjectTag`
- {Debugger.Object} customFormatterConfigDbgObj
23633 |
objects-manager.js |
This actor is a singleton per Target which allows interacting with JS Object
inspected by DevTools. Typically from the Console or Debugger.
1263 |
page-style.js |
The PageStyle actor lets the client look at the styles on a page, as
they are applied to a given node.
44790 |
pause-scoped.js |
Creates a pause-scoped actor for the specified object.
@see ObjectActor
2265 |
perf.js |
The PerfActor wraps the Gecko Profiler interface (aka Services.profiler).
5323 |
preference.js |
Normally the preferences are set using Services.prefs, but this actor allows
a devtools client to set preferences on the debuggee. This is particularly useful
when remote debugging, and the preferences should persist to the remote target
and not to the client. If used for a local target, it effectively behaves the same
as using Services.prefs.
This actor is used as a global-scoped actor, targeting the entire browser, not an
individual tab.
3144 |
process.js |
2159 |
reflow.js |
About the types of objects in this file:
- ReflowActor: the actor class used for protocol purposes.
Mostly empty, just gets an instance of LayoutChangesObserver and forwards
its "reflows" events to clients.
- LayoutChangesObserver: extends Observable and uses the ReflowObserver, to
track reflows on the page.
Used by the LayoutActor, but is also exported on the module, so can be used
by any other actor that needs it.
- Observable: A utility parent class, meant at being extended by classes that
need a to observe something on the targetActor's windows.
- Dedicated observers: There's only one of them for now: ReflowObserver which
listens to reflow events via the docshell,
These dedicated classes are used by the LayoutChangesObserver.
14057 |
resources |
root.js |
eslint-disable no-throw-literal |
20295 |
screenshot-content.js |
Retrieve some window-related information that will be passed to the parent process
to actually generate the screenshot.
@param {Object} args
@param {Boolean} args.fullpage: Should the screenshot be the height of the whole page
@param {String} args.selector: A CSS selector for the element we should take the
screenshot of. The function will return true for the `error` property
if the screenshot does not match any element.
@param {String} args.nodeActorID: The actorID of the node actor matching the element
we should take the screenshot of.
@returns {Object} An object with the following properties:
- error {Boolean}: Set to true if an issue was encountered that prevents
taking the screenshot
- messages {Array<Object{text, level}>}: An array of objects representing
the messages emitted throught the process and their level.
- windowDpr {Number}: Value of window.devicePixelRatio
- windowZoom {Number}: The page current zoom level
- rect {Object}: Object with left, top, width and height properties
representing the rect **inside the browser element** that should be rendered.
For screenshot of the current viewport, we return null, as expected by the
`drawSnapshot` API.
4955 |
screenshot.js |
769 |
source.js |
A SourceActor provides information about the source of a script. Source
actors are 1:1 with Debugger.Source objects.
@param Debugger.Source source
The source object we are representing.
@param ThreadActor thread
The current thread actor.
22725 |
string.js |
1089 |
style-rule.js |
An actor that represents a CSS style object on the protocol.
We slightly flatten the CSSOM for this actor, it represents
both the CSSRule and CSSStyle objects in one actor. For nodes
(which have a CSSStyle but no CSSRule) we create a StyleRuleActor
with a special rule type (100).
50514 |
style-sheets.js |
Creates a StyleSheetsActor. StyleSheetsActor provides remote access to the
stylesheets of a document.
2809 |
target-configuration.js |
eslint sort-keys: "error" |
19070 |
targets |
thread-configuration.js |
eslint sort-keys: "error" |
2843 |
thread.js |
eslint-disable no-throw-literal |
74378 |
tracer |
tracer.js |
Toggle tracing JavaScript.
Meant for the WebConsole command in order to pass advanced
configuration directly to JavaScriptTracer class.
@param {Object} options
Options used to configure JavaScriptTracer.
See `JavaScriptTracer.startTracing`.
@return {Boolean}
True if the tracer starts, or false if it was stopped.
8697 |
utils |
watcher |
watcher.js |
Initialize a new WatcherActor which is the main entry point to debug
something. The main features of this actor are to:
- observe targets related to the context we are debugging.
This is done via watchTargets/unwatchTargets methods, and
target-available-form/target-destroyed-form events.
- observe resources related to the observed targets.
This is done via watchResources/unwatchResources methods, and
resources-available-array/resources-updated-array/resources-destroyed-array events.
Note that these events are also emited on both the watcher actor,
for resources observed from the parent process, as well as on the
target actors, when the resources are observed from the target's process or thread.
@param {DevToolsServerConnection} conn
The connection to use in order to communicate back to the client.
@param {object} sessionContext
The Session Context to help know what is debugged.
See devtools/server/actors/watcher/session-context.js
@param {Number} sessionContext.browserId: If this is a "browser-element" context type,
the "browserId" of the <browser> element we would like to debug.
@param {Boolean} sessionContext.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled: Flag to to know if we should
spawn new top level targets for the debugged context.
31647 |
webbrowser.js |
Browser-specific actors.
24363 |
webconsole |
webconsole.js |
global clearConsoleEvents |
53469 |
worker |