Name Description Size 421
ObjectActorPool.js A Pool dedicated to host only Object Actors for given JS values. It optionaly ensures that we instantate only one Object Actor for any unique JS value. @param {ThreadActor} threadActor The related Thread Actor from which JS values are coming from. @param {String} label Pool's description (for debugging purpose) @param {Boolean} uniqueActorPerValue Ensure instantiating only one Object Actor for each unique JS Value passed to createObjectGrip. 3482
previewers.js Functions for adding information to ObjectActor grips for the purpose of having customized output. This object holds arrays mapped by Debugger.Object.prototype.class. In each array you can add functions that take three arguments: - the ObjectActor instance and its hooks to make a preview for, - the grip object being prepared for the client, - the depth of the object compared to the top level object, when we are inspecting nested attributes. Functions must return false if they cannot provide preview information for the debugger object, or true otherwise. 34399
private-properties-iterator.js Creates an actor to iterate over an object's private properties. @param objectActor ObjectActor The object actor. 2239
property-descriptor.js A helper method that creates a property descriptor for the provided object, properly formatted for sending in a protocol response. @param ObjectActor objectActor The object actor of the object we are current listing properties. @param string name The property that the descriptor is generated for. @param {Number} depth Current depth in the generated preview object sent to the client. @param boolean [onlyEnumerable] Optional: true if you want a descriptor only for an enumerable property, false otherwise. @return object|undefined The property descriptor, or undefined if objectActor is not an enumerable property and onlyEnumerable=true. 2729
property-iterator.js Creates an actor to iterate over an object's property names and values. @param objectActor ObjectActor The object actor. @param options Object A dictionary object with various boolean attributes: - enumEntries Boolean If true, enumerates the entries of a Map or Set object instead of enumerating properties. - ignoreIndexedProperties Boolean If true, filters out Array items. e.g. properties names between `0` and `object.length`. - ignoreNonIndexedProperties Boolean If true, filters out items that aren't array items e.g. properties names that are not a number between `0` and `object.length`. - sort Boolean If true, the iterator will sort the properties by name before dispatching them. - query String If non-empty, will filter the properties by names and values containing this query string. The match is not case-sensitive. Regarding value filtering it just compare to the stringification of the property value. 22193
symbol-iterator.js Creates an actor to iterate over an object's symbols. @param objectActor ObjectActor The object actor. 1935
symbol.js Creates an actor for the specified symbol. @param {ThreadActor} threadActor: The related thread actor. @param {Symbol} symbol: The symbol we want to create an actor for. 2996
utils.js Get thisDebugger.Object referent's `promiseState`. @returns Object An object of one of the following forms: - { state: "pending" } - { state: "fulfilled", value } - { state: "rejected", reason } 14563