console-messages.js |
Start watching for all console messages related to a given Target Actor.
This will notify about existing console messages, but also the one created in future.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe console messages
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
10081 |
css-changes.js |
Start watching for all css changes related to a given Target Actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe css changes.
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
1122 |
css-messages.js |
Start watching for all CSS messages related to a given Target Actor.
This will notify about existing messages, but also the one created in future.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe messages
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
6454 |
css-registered-properties.js |
@typedef InspectorCSSPropertyDefinition (see InspectorUtils.webidl)
@type {object}
@property {string} name
@property {string} syntax
@property {boolean} inherits
@property {string} initialValue
@property {boolean} fromJS - true if property was registered via CSS.registerProperty
8509 |
document-event.js |
Start watching for all document event related to a given Target Actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe document event
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
3632 |
error-messages.js |
Check if the given message category is allowed to be tracked or not.
We ignore chrome-originating errors as we only care about content.
@param string category
The message category you want to check.
@return boolean
True if the category is allowed to be logged, false otherwise.
6412 |
extensions-backgroundscript-status.js |
Start watching for the status updates related to a background
scripts extension context (either an event page or a background
service worker).
This is used in about:debugging to update the background script
row updated visible in Extensions details cards (only for extensions
with a non persistent background script defined in the manifest)
when the background contex is terminated on idle or started back
to handle a persistent WebExtensions API event.
@param RootActor rootActor
The root actor in the parent process from which we should
observe root resources.
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
1950 |
index.js |
19949 |
jstracer-state.js |
Start watching for tracing state changes for a given target actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
2872 |
jstracer-trace.js |
Start watching for traces for a given target actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
1185 |
last-private-context-exit.js |
Start watching for all times where we close a private browsing top level window.
Meaning we should clear the console for all logs generated from these private browsing contexts.
@param WatcherActor watcherActor
The watcher actor in the parent process from which we should
observe these events.
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
1322 | |
1194 |
network-events-content.js |
Handles network events from the content process
This currently only handles events for requests (js/css) blocked by CSP.
8454 |
network-events-stacktraces.js |
Start watching for all network event's stack traces related to a given Target actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe the strack traces
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory
This will be called for each resource.
7022 |
network-events.js |
Handles network events from the parent process
14448 |
parent-process-document-event.js |
Start watching, from the parent process, for DOCUMENT_EVENT's "will-navigate" event related to a given Watcher Actor.
All other DOCUMENT_EVENT events are implemented from another watcher class, running in the content process.
Note that this other content process watcher will also emit one special edgecase of will-navigate
retlated to the iframe dropdown menu.
We have to move listen for navigation in the parent to better handle bfcache navigations
and more generally all navigations which are initiated from the parent process.
'bfcacheInParent' feature enabled many types of navigations to be controlled from the parent process.
This was especially important to have this implementation in the parent
because the navigation event may be fired too late in the content process.
Leading to will-navigate being emitted *after* the new target we navigate to is notified to the client.
@param WatcherActor watcherActor
The watcher actor from which we should observe document event
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
7137 |
platform-messages.js |
Returns true if the message is considered a platform message, and as a result, should
be sent to the client.
@param {TargetActor} targetActor
@param {nsIConsoleMessage} message
1785 |
reflow.js |
Start watching for reflows related to a given Target Actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe reflows
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
1579 |
server-sent-events.js |
Start watching for all server sent events related to a given Target Actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor on which we should observe server sent events.
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
3872 |
sources.js |
Start watching for all JS sources related to a given Target Actor.
This will notify about existing sources, but also the ones created in future.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe sources
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
3448 |
storage |
storage-cache.js |
609 |
storage-cookie.js |
602 |
storage-extension.js |
931 |
storage-indexed-db.js |
615 |
storage-local-storage.js |
650 |
storage-session-storage.js |
660 |
stylesheets.js |
Start watching for all stylesheets related to a given Target Actor.
@param TargetActor targetActor
The target actor from which we should observe css changes.
@param Object options
Dictionary object with following attributes:
- onAvailable: mandatory function
This will be called for each resource.
3520 |
thread-states.js |
Emit THREAD_STATE resources, which is emitted each time the target's thread pauses or resumes.
So that there is two distinct values for this resource: pauses and resumes.
These values are distinguished by `state` attribute which can be either "paused" or "resumed".
Resume events, won't expose any other attribute other than `resourceType` and `state`.
Pause events will expose the following attributes:
- why {Object}: Description of why the thread pauses. See ThreadActor's PAUSE_REASONS definition for more information.
- frame {Object}: Description of the frame where we just paused. This is a FrameActor's form.
5278 |
utils |
websockets.js |
5093 |