.eslintrc.js |
693 |
aboutdebugging |
accessibility |
application |
bin |
constants.js |
Set of protocol messages that affect thread state, and the
state the actor is in after each message.
811 |
debugger |
definitions.js |
24381 |
devtools-client.js |
Creates a client for the remote debugging protocol server. This client
provides the means to communicate with the server and exchange the messages
required by the protocol in a traditional JavaScript API.
30025 |
devtools-experimental-prefs.js |
Temporary module to show a Tooltip with the currently enabled preferences
relevant for DevTools ongoing architectural work (e.g. Fission, EFT, …).
This module should be deleted once all experimental prefs are preffed on in Nightly.
7094 |
dom |
framework |
fronts |
inspector |
jar.mn |
36739 |
jsonview |
locales |
memory |
menus.js |
This module defines the sorted list of menuitems inserted into the
"Browser Tools" menu.
It also defines the key shortcuts that relates to them.
Various fields are necessary for historical compatiblity with XUL/addons:
- id:
used as <xul:menuitem> id attribute
- l10nKey:
prefix used to locale localization strings from menus.properties
- oncommand:
function called when the menu item or key shortcut are fired
- keyId:
Identifier used in devtools/client/devtools-startup.js
Helps figuring out the DOM id for the related <xul:key>
in order to have the key text displayed in menus.
- checkbox:
If true, the menuitem is prefixed by a checkbox and runtime code can
toggle it.
5566 |
moz.build |
976 |
netmonitor |
performance-new |
preferences |
responsive |
shared |
storage |
styleeditor |
themes |
webconsole |