Name Description Size
aboutprofiling.css Intro 3093
accessibility-color-contrast.css Classes used to style the color contrast section in the Accessibility Checks panel and color picker tooltip across the Inspector panel. The section consists of: - contrast ratio value (numeric + score badge (AA/AAA/FAIL)): Only shows up if contrast ratio can be calculated. - large text indicator badge: Only shows up if the selected text node contains large text. 2182
animation.css Animation-inspector specific theme variables 16515
badge.css Inspector badge 3203
boxmodel.css Header 8530
breadcrumbs.css Inspector HTMLBreadcrumbs 3351
changes.css CSS Variables specific to the Changes panel that aren't defined by the themes 5639
chart.css Chart 2518
common.css Bug 1458224: the initial `font-size` is different on Mac/Windows (appears fixed to 11px) and Linux (bigger, depends on user settings). Workaround: specify font-size on root, on form inputs, and whenever we're using the `font` shorthand. 18908
compatibility.css In dark mode, the tooltip background is slightly lighter than the compatibility panel background, so we need to adjust colors to have good contrast. 9080
components-frame.css Frame Component Styles for React component at `devtools/client/shared/components/Frame.js` 1414
components-h-split-box.css HSplitBox Component Styles for React component at `devtools/client/shared/components/HSplitBox.js` 501
computed.css Reset the global rotation of the icon done for RTL layout. Computed view is always LTR 6261
dark-theme.css FIXME: CSS links without :visited set cause assertion failures in debug builds. 6913
devtools-browser.css Imports the styles that will apply to the browser window for Responsive Design Mode. This is dynamically loaded when either the toolbox or RDM is open. 739
fonts.css CSS Variables specific to the font editor that aren't defined by the themes 10369
inspector.css Make sure to hide scroll bars for the parent window 5675
layout.css Common styles for the layout container 15839
light-theme.css FIXME: CSS links without :visited set cause assertion failures in debug builds. 6623
markup.css Force height and width (possibly overflowing) from inline elements. This allows long overflows of text or input fields to still be styled with the container, rather than the background disappearing when scrolling 11727
memory.css CSS Variables specific to this panel that aren't defined by the themes 13900 314
perf.css See for the spec 5208
rules.css CSS Variables specific to this panel that aren't defined by the themes 26140
splitters.css This file is loaded by both browser.xhtml and toolbox.xhtml. Therefore, rules defined here can not rely on toolbox.xhtml variables. 3720
splitview.css Toolbars 3185
storage.css Global styles 3051
styleeditor.css Filter input 6464
toolbars.css Toolbars 5145
toolbox.css Debug Target Info layout +------------+--------------+------------------------+ | connection | runtime info | target info icon + text | +------------+--------------+------------------------+ 16293
tooltips.css Import stylesheets for specific tooltip widgets 24298
variables.css IMPORTANT NOTE This file is parsed in js (see client/shared/theme.js) so the formatting should be consistent (i.e. no '}' inside a rule). 14053
webconsole.css Webconsole specific theme variables 29268
widgets.css Generic pane helpers 16601