AnimatedPropertyID.h |
3019 |
AnimatedPropertyIDSet.h |
7423 |
AnimationCollection.cpp |
static |
2786 |
AnimationCollection.h |
2352 |
AnimationCommon.h |
Notify the manager that the pres context is going away.
9307 |
AttributeStyles.cpp |
Data from presentational HTML attributes and style attributes |
3641 |
AttributeStyles.h |
style sheet and style rule processor representing data from presentational
HTML attributes
2727 |
BuiltinCounterStyleList.h |
a list of all builtin counter styles |
1896 |
CachedInheritingStyles.cpp |
2122 |
CachedInheritingStyles.h |
1964 |
ComputedStyle.cpp |
the interface (to internal code) for retrieving computed style data |
17951 |
ComputedStyle.h |
the interface (to internal code) for retrieving computed style data |
13182 |
ComputedStyleInlines.h |
Inlined methods for ComputedStyle. Will just redirect to
GeckoComputedStyle methods when compiled without stylo, but will do
virtual dispatch (by checking which kind of container it is)
in stylo mode.
4302 |
contenteditable.css |
contenteditable.css is empty, see bug 1941134 |
338 |
CounterStyleManager.cpp |
62030 |
CounterStyleManager.h |
This method returns whether an ordinal is in the range of this
counter style. Note that, it is possible that an ordinal in range
is rejected by the generating algorithm.
6943 |
crashtests |
CSS.cpp |
DOM object holding utility CSS functions |
2272 |
CSS.h |
DOM object holding utility CSS functions |
1308 |
CSSContainerRule.cpp |
virtual |
2976 |
CSSContainerRule.h |
1694 |
CSSCounterStyleRule.cpp |
virtual |
3213 |
CSSCounterStyleRule.h |
1988 |
CSSEnabledState.h |
enum for whether a CSS feature (property, pseudo-class, etc.) is
enabled in a specific context
1292 |
CSSFontFaceRule.cpp |
7621 |
CSSFontFaceRule.h |
3432 |
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule.cpp |
CSSRule implementation |
2515 |
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule.h |
1922 |
CSSFontPaletteValuesRule.cpp |
CSSRule implementation |
2380 |
CSSFontPaletteValuesRule.h |
1819 |
CSSImportRule.cpp |
virtual |
4834 |
CSSImportRule.h |
1874 |
CSSKeyframeRule.cpp |
virtual |
6305 |
CSSKeyframeRule.h |
1832 |
CSSKeyframesRule.cpp |
10087 |
CSSKeyframesRule.h |
2151 |
CSSLayerBlockRule.cpp |
2248 |
CSSLayerBlockRule.h |
1472 |
CSSLayerStatementRule.cpp |
2339 |
CSSLayerStatementRule.h |
1538 |
CSSMarginRule.cpp |
nsDOMCSSDeclaration implementation |
6078 |
CSSMarginRule.h |
3294 |
CSSMediaRule.cpp |
virtual |
3447 |
CSSMediaRule.h |
1720 |
CSSMozDocumentRule.cpp |
virtual |
4986 |
CSSMozDocumentRule.h |
1773 |
CSSNamespaceRule.cpp |
1463 |
CSSNamespaceRule.h |
1951 |
CSSNestedDeclarations.cpp |
6215 |
CSSNestedDeclarations.h |
3834 |
CSSPageRule.cpp |
nsDOMCSSDeclaration implementation |
6817 |
CSSPageRule.h |
3611 |
CSSPositionTryRule.cpp |
6376 |
CSSPositionTryRule.h |
3039 |
CSSPropertyRule.cpp |
virtual |
2124 |
CSSPropertyRule.h |
1725 |
CSSPropFlags.h |
2507 |
CSSRuleList.cpp |
virtual |
986 |
CSSRuleList.h |
mozilla_dom_CSSRuleList_h |
1160 |
CSSScopeRule.cpp |
2172 |
CSSScopeRule.h |
1415 |
CSSStartingStyleRule.cpp |
1575 |
CSSStartingStyleRule.h |
1707 |
CSSStyleRule.cpp |
nsDOMCSSDeclaration implementation |
11525 |
CSSStyleRule.h |
4230 |
CSSSupportsRule.cpp |
virtual |
2458 |
CSSSupportsRule.h |
1515 |
CSSValue.h |
DOM object representing values in DOM computed style |
1314 |
DeclarationBlock.cpp |
1033 |
DeclarationBlock.h |
representation of a declaration block in a CSS stylesheet, or of
a style attribute
7772 |
designmode.css |
designmode.css is empty, see bug 1941134 |
253 |
DocumentMatchingFunction.h |
Enum defining the type of matching function for a @-moz-document rule
797 |
DocumentStyleRootIterator.cpp |
1325 |
DocumentStyleRootIterator.h |
DocumentStyleRootIterator traverses the roots of the document from the
perspective of the Servo-backed style system. In the general case, this
will first traverse the document root, followed by any document level
native anonymous content.
If the caller passes an element to the constructor rather than the document,
that element (and nothing else) is returned from GetNextStyleRoot.
1271 |
ErrorReporter.cpp |
diagnostic reporting for CSS style sheet parser |
6970 |
ErrorReporter.h |
diagnostic reporting for CSS style sheet parser |
2020 |
FontFace.cpp |
9104 |
FontFace.h |
Returns and takes ownership of the buffer storing the font data.
4318 |
FontFaceImpl.cpp |
An object that wraps a FontFace object and exposes its ArrayBuffer
or ArrayBufferView data in a form the user font set can consume.
25660 |
FontFaceImpl.h |
Returns whether this object is in the specified FontFaceSet.
10188 |
FontFaceSet.cpp |
static |
15010 |
FontFaceSet.h |
Notification method called by the nsPresContext to indicate that the
refresh driver ticked and flushed style and layout.
were just flushed.
5646 |
FontFaceSetDocumentImpl.cpp |
25815 |
FontFaceSetDocumentImpl.h |
Notification method called by the nsPresContext to indicate that the
refresh driver ticked and flushed style and layout.
were just flushed.
3922 |
FontFaceSetImpl.cpp |
30955 |
FontFaceSetImpl.h |
Finds an existing entry in the user font cache or creates a new user
font entry for the given FontFace object.
10813 |
FontFaceSetIterator.cpp |
2306 |
FontFaceSetIterator.h |
1278 |
FontFaceSetWorkerImpl.cpp |
12038 |
FontFaceSetWorkerImpl.h |
1978 |
FontLoaderUtils.cpp |
static |
7414 |
FontLoaderUtils.h |
2647 |
FontPreloader.cpp |
1222 |
FontPreloader.h |
1008 |
GeckoBindings.cpp |
FFI functions for Servo to call into Gecko |
64785 |
GeckoBindings.h |
FFI functions for Servo to call into Gecko |
26556 | |
1161 | |
/* processed file that defines entries for nsComputedDOMStyle, designed
to be #included in nsComputedDOMStyle.cpp */
static constexpr size_t kEntryIndices[eCSSProperty_COUNT] = {{
static constexpr Entry kEntries[eCSSProperty_COUNT] = {{
2555 | |
704 | |
1353 | |
/* processed file that defines CSS property tables that can't be generated
with the pre-processor, designed to be #included in nsCSSProps.cpp */
3602 | |
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
CSS_PROP_PUBLIC_OR_PRIVATE(Moz ## name_, name_)
#define CSS_PROP_LONGHAND(name_, id_, method_, flags_, pref_) /* nothing */
#define CSS_PROP_SHORTHAND(name_, id_, method_, flags_, pref_) /* nothing */
#define CSS_PROP_ALIAS(name_, aliasid_, id_, method_, flags_, pref_) /* nothing */
4215 |
GlobalStyleSheetCache.cpp |
22118 |
GlobalStyleSheetCache.h |
4632 |
GroupRule.cpp |
internal interface representing CSS style rules that contain other
rules, such as @media rules
3827 |
GroupRule.h |
internal interface representing CSS style rules that contain other
rules, such as @media rules
2704 |
ImageDocument.css |
This CSS stylesheet defines the rules to be applied to any ImageDocuments,
including those in frames.
910 |
ImageLoader.cpp |
A class that handles style system image loads (other image loads are handled
by the nodes in the content tree).
27422 |
ImageLoader.h |
NOTE: All methods must be called from the main thread unless otherwise
5547 |
ImportScanner.cpp |
6842 |
ImportScanner.h |
A simple best-effort scanner for @import rules for the HTML parser |
3281 | |
2190 |
LayerAnimationInfo.cpp |
static |
1569 |
LayerAnimationInfo.h |
!defined(mozilla_LayerAnimationInfo_h) |
3470 |
Loader.cpp |
loading of CSS style sheets using the network APIs |
85013 |
Loader.h |
loading of CSS style sheets using the network APIs |
26516 |
MappedDeclarationsBuilder.cpp |
1470 |
MappedDeclarationsBuilder.h |
Representation of a declaration block used for attribute mapping |
7011 |
MediaFeatureChange.h |
A struct defining a media feature change. |
3185 |
MediaList.cpp |
base class for representation of media lists |
5357 |
MediaList.h |
base class for representation of media lists |
3032 |
MediaQueryList.cpp |
implements DOM interface for querying and observing media queries |
4723 |
MediaQueryList.h |
implements DOM interface for querying and observing media queries |
3586 | |
9537 |
nsAnimationManager.cpp |
18855 |
nsAnimationManager.h |
namespace mozilla |
3817 |
nsComputedDOMStyle.cpp |
DOM object returned from element.getComputedStyle() |
83955 |
nsComputedDOMStyle.h |
DOM object returned from element.getComputedStyle() |
15040 |
nsCSSAnonBoxes.cpp |
atom list for CSS anonymous boxes |
1589 |
nsCSSAnonBoxes.h |
atom list for CSS anonymous boxes |
2188 |
nsCSSAnonBoxList.h |
atom list for CSS anonymous boxes |
7353 |
nsCSSCounterDescList.h |
681 |
nsCSSFontDescList.h |
936 | |
2489 |
nsCSSPropertyIDSet.h |
bit vectors for sets of CSS properties |
9313 |
nsCSSProps.cpp |
methods for dealing with CSS properties and tables of the keyword
values they accept
8471 |
nsCSSProps.h |
methods for dealing with CSS properties and tables of the keyword
values they accept
8600 |
nsCSSPseudoElementList.h |
list of CSS pseudo-elements |
6303 |
nsCSSPseudoElements.cpp |
atom list for CSS pseudo-elements |
6000 |
nsCSSPseudoElements.h |
atom list for CSS pseudo-elements |
6945 |
nsCSSValue.cpp |
representation of simple property values within CSS declarations |
3230 |
nsCSSValue.h |
representation of simple property values within CSS declarations |
4164 |
nsCSSVisitedDependentPropList.h |
a list of style struct's member variables which can be visited-dependent |
1540 |
nsDOMCSSAttrDeclaration.cpp |
DOM object for |
10328 |
nsDOMCSSAttrDeclaration.h |
DOM object for |
3667 |
nsDOMCSSDeclaration.cpp |
base class for DOM objects for and |
12412 |
nsDOMCSSDeclaration.h |
base class for DOM objects for and |
7317 |
nsDOMCSSValueList.cpp |
DOM object representing lists of values in DOM computed style |
1761 |
nsDOMCSSValueList.h |
DOM object representing lists of values in DOM computed style |
1170 |
nsFontFaceLoader.cpp |
code for loading in @font-face defined font data |
12723 |
nsFontFaceLoader.h |
code for loading in @font-face defined font data |
2371 |
nsFontFaceUtils.cpp |
extra = |
8194 |
nsFontFaceUtils.h |
helper utilities for working with downloadable fonts |
747 |
nsICSSDeclaration.cpp |
Implementation of non-inline bits of nsICSSDeclaration. |
804 |
nsICSSDeclaration.h |
interface for accessing style declarations using enums instead of strings,
for internal use
5214 |
nsICSSLoaderObserver.h |
internal interface for observing CSS style sheet loads |
1930 |
nsMediaFeatures.cpp |
the features that media queries can test |
14199 |
nsROCSSPrimitiveValue.cpp |
DOM object representing values in DOM computed style |
3933 |
nsROCSSPrimitiveValue.h |
DOM object representing values in DOM computed style |
1991 |
nsStyleAutoArray.h |
An array of objects, similar to AutoTArray<T,1> but which is memmovable. It
always has length >= 1.
2525 |
nsStyleConsts.h |
constants used in the style struct data provided by ComputedStyle |
10835 |
nsStyleStruct.cpp |
structs that contain the data provided by ComputedStyle, the
internal API for computed style data for an element
142208 |
nsStyleStruct.h |
structs that contain the data provided by ComputedStyle, the
internal API for computed style data for an element
79750 |
nsStyleStructFwd.h |
Forward declarations to avoid including all of nsStyleStruct.h.
2270 |
nsStyleStructInlines.h |
Inline methods that belong in nsStyleStruct.h, except that they
require more headers.
5457 |
nsStyleStructList.h |
list of structs that contain the data provided by ComputedStyle, the
internal API for computed style data for an element
2094 |
nsStyleTransformMatrix.cpp |
A class used for intermediate representations of the transform and
transform-like properties.
24899 |
nsStyleTransformMatrix.h |
A class representing three matrices that can be used for style transforms.
6838 |
nsStyleUtil.cpp |
12817 |
nsStyleUtil.h |
Convert an author-provided floating point number to an integer (0
... 255) appropriate for use in the alpha component of a color.
6869 |
nsTransitionManager.cpp |
Code to start and animate CSS transitions. |
22025 |
nsTransitionManager.h |
Code to start and animate CSS transitions. |
3685 |
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp |
1255 |
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.h |
1062 |
PaintWorkletImpl.cpp |
static |
1352 |
PaintWorkletImpl.h |
1086 |
PostTraversalTask.cpp |
1757 |
PostTraversalTask.h |
a task to be performed immediately after a Servo traversal |
3732 |
PreferenceSheet.cpp |
12186 |
PreferenceSheet.h |
Some prefable colors for style system use |
3394 |
PreloadedStyleSheet.cpp |
a CSS style sheet returned from nsIStyleSheetService.preloadSheet |
2716 |
PreloadedStyleSheet.h |
a CSS style sheet returned from nsIStyleSheetService.preloadSheet |
1993 |
PseudoStyleType.cpp |
1064 |
PseudoStyleType.h |
The psuedo style request is used to get the pseudo style of an element. This
include a pseudo style type and an identidier which is used for functional
pseudo style.
6263 |
res |
Rule.cpp |
base class for all rule types in a CSS style sheet |
5220 |
Rule.h |
base class for all rule types in a CSS style sheet |
4730 |
RustCell.h |
an object with the same layout as a Rust std::cell::Cell<T> |
1358 |
ServoBindings.h |
FFI functions for Gecko to call into Servo |
4701 |
ServoBindings.toml |
38850 |
ServoBindingTypes.h |
C++ types corresponding to Servo and Gecko types used across bindings,
with some annotations to indicate ownership expectations |
6687 |
ServoBoxedTypeList.h |
a list of all Servo Box<T> types used across bindings, for preprocessing |
1513 |
ServoComputedData.h |
ServoComputedData and its related types.
3856 |
ServoCSSParser.cpp |
CSS parsing utility functions |
3943 |
ServoCSSParser.h |
CSS parsing utility functions |
6816 | |
4728 |
ServoCSSRuleList.cpp |
representation of CSSRuleList for stylo |
11734 |
ServoCSSRuleList.h |
representation of CSSRuleList for stylo |
3127 |
ServoElementSnapshot.cpp |
2802 |
ServoElementSnapshot.h |
A bitflags enum class used to determine what data does a ServoElementSnapshot
4998 |
ServoElementSnapshotTable.h |
741 |
ServoLockedArcTypeList.h |
a list of all Servo Arc<Locked<T>> types used across bindings |
1171 |
ServoStyleConstsForwards.h |
This file contains forward declarations and typedefs for types that cbindgen
cannot understand but renames / prefixes, and includes for some of the types
it needs.
7028 |
ServoStyleConstsInlines.h |
Some inline functions declared in cbindgen.toml |
39961 |
ServoStyleSet.cpp |
59052 |
ServoStyleSet.h |
The set of style sheets that apply to a document, backed by a Servo
Stylist. A ServoStyleSet contains StyleSheets.
27051 |
ServoStyleSetInlines.h |
899 |
ServoTraversalStatistics.h |
929 |
ServoTypes.h |
types defined to pass values through Gecko_* and Servo_* FFI functions |
4525 |
ServoUtils.h |
some utilities for Gecko to use for Servo initialization and assertions |
1533 |
ShadowParts.cpp |
3977 |
ShadowParts.h |
1320 |
SharedStyleSheetCache.cpp |
8537 |
SharedStyleSheetCache.h |
2698 |
SharedSubResourceCache.cpp |
2591 |
SharedSubResourceCache.h |
20782 |
SheetLoadData.h |
Data needed to properly load a stylesheet *
******************************************* |
12169 |
SheetParsingMode.h |
Enum defining the mode in which a sheet is to be parsed. This is
usually, but not always, the same as the cascade level at which the
sheet will apply (see nsStyleSet.h). Most of the Loader APIs only
support loading of author sheets.
Author sheets are the normal case: styles embedded in or linked
from HTML pages. They are also the most restricted.
User sheets can do anything author sheets can do, and also get
access to a few CSS extensions that are not yet suitable for
exposure on the public Web, but are very useful for expressing
user style overrides, such as @-moz-document rules.
XXX: eUserSheetFeatures was added in bug 1035091, but some patches in
that bug never landed to use this enum value. Currently, all the features
in user sheet are also available in author sheet.
Agent sheets have access to all author- and user-sheet features
plus more extensions that are necessary for internal use but,
again, not yet suitable for exposure on the public Web. Some of
these are outright unsafe to expose; in particular, incorrect
styling of anonymous box pseudo-elements can violate layout
1849 |
StreamLoader.cpp |
nsIRequestObserver implementation |
10957 |
StreamLoader.h |
callback method used for ReadSegments
2225 |
StyleAnimationValue.cpp |
Utilities for animation of computed style values |
9350 |
StyleAnimationValue.h |
Utilities for animation of computed style values |
4774 |
StyleColor.cpp |
2532 |
StyleColorInlines.h |
Inline functions for StyleColor (aka values::computed::Color) |
2342 |
StylePreloadKind.h |
1845 |
StyleSheet.cpp |
static |
48908 |
StyleSheet.h |
Dummy |
23348 |
StyleSheetInfo.h |
Struct for data common to CSSStyleSheetInner and ServoStyleSheet.
3224 |
StyleSheetInlines.h |
1284 |
test |
TimelineCollection.cpp |
static |
2354 |
TimelineCollection.h |
2245 |
TimelineManager.cpp |
6895 |
TimelineManager.h |
2585 |
tools |
TopLevelImageDocument.css |
This CSS stylesheet defines the rules to be applied to ImageDocuments that
are top level (e.g. not iframes).
1550 |
TopLevelVideoDocument.css |
This CSS stylesheet defines the rules to be applied to VideoDocuments that
are top level (e.g. not iframes).
901 |
URLExtraData.cpp |
thread-safe container of information for resolving url values |
1666 |
URLExtraData.h |
thread-safe container of information for resolving url values |
2614 |
UserAgentStyleSheetID.h |
an identifier for User Agent style sheets |
728 |
UserAgentStyleSheetList.h |
list of user agent style sheets that GlobalStyleSheetCache manages |
1416 |