Name Description Size
AnimatedPropertyID.h 3019
AnimatedPropertyIDSet.h 7423
AnimationCollection.cpp static 2786
AnimationCollection.h 2352
AnimationCommon.h Notify the manager that the pres context is going away. 9307
AttributeStyles.cpp Data from presentational HTML attributes and style attributes 3641
AttributeStyles.h style sheet and style rule processor representing data from presentational HTML attributes 2727
BuiltinCounterStyleList.h a list of all builtin counter styles 1896
CachedInheritingStyles.cpp 2122
CachedInheritingStyles.h 1964
ComputedStyle.cpp the interface (to internal code) for retrieving computed style data 17951
ComputedStyle.h the interface (to internal code) for retrieving computed style data 13182
ComputedStyleInlines.h Inlined methods for ComputedStyle. Will just redirect to GeckoComputedStyle methods when compiled without stylo, but will do virtual dispatch (by checking which kind of container it is) in stylo mode. 4302
contenteditable.css contenteditable.css is empty, see bug 1941134 338
CounterStyleManager.cpp 62030
CounterStyleManager.h This method returns whether an ordinal is in the range of this counter style. Note that, it is possible that an ordinal in range is rejected by the generating algorithm. 6943
CSS.cpp DOM object holding utility CSS functions 2272
CSS.h DOM object holding utility CSS functions 1308
CSSContainerRule.cpp virtual 2976
CSSContainerRule.h 1694
CSSCounterStyleRule.cpp virtual 3213
CSSCounterStyleRule.h 1988
CSSEnabledState.h enum for whether a CSS feature (property, pseudo-class, etc.) is enabled in a specific context 1292
CSSFontFaceRule.cpp 7621
CSSFontFaceRule.h 3432
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule.cpp CSSRule implementation 2515
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule.h 1922
CSSFontPaletteValuesRule.cpp CSSRule implementation 2380
CSSFontPaletteValuesRule.h 1819
CSSImportRule.cpp virtual 4834
CSSImportRule.h 1874
CSSKeyframeRule.cpp virtual 6305
CSSKeyframeRule.h 1832
CSSKeyframesRule.cpp 10087
CSSKeyframesRule.h 2151
CSSLayerBlockRule.cpp 2248
CSSLayerBlockRule.h 1472
CSSLayerStatementRule.cpp 2339
CSSLayerStatementRule.h 1538
CSSMarginRule.cpp nsDOMCSSDeclaration implementation 6078
CSSMarginRule.h 3294
CSSMediaRule.cpp virtual 3447
CSSMediaRule.h 1720
CSSMozDocumentRule.cpp virtual 4986
CSSMozDocumentRule.h 1773
CSSNamespaceRule.cpp 1463
CSSNamespaceRule.h 1951
CSSNestedDeclarations.cpp 6215
CSSNestedDeclarations.h 3834
CSSPageRule.cpp nsDOMCSSDeclaration implementation 6817
CSSPageRule.h 3611
CSSPositionTryRule.cpp 6376
CSSPositionTryRule.h 3039
CSSPropertyRule.cpp virtual 2124
CSSPropertyRule.h 1725
CSSPropFlags.h 2507
CSSRuleList.cpp virtual 986
CSSRuleList.h mozilla_dom_CSSRuleList_h 1160
CSSScopeRule.cpp 2172
CSSScopeRule.h 1415
CSSStartingStyleRule.cpp 1575
CSSStartingStyleRule.h 1707
CSSStyleRule.cpp nsDOMCSSDeclaration implementation 11525
CSSStyleRule.h 4230
CSSSupportsRule.cpp virtual 2458
CSSSupportsRule.h 1515
CSSValue.h DOM object representing values in DOM computed style 1314
DeclarationBlock.cpp 1033
DeclarationBlock.h representation of a declaration block in a CSS stylesheet, or of a style attribute 7772
designmode.css designmode.css is empty, see bug 1941134 253
DocumentMatchingFunction.h Enum defining the type of matching function for a @-moz-document rule condition. 797
DocumentStyleRootIterator.cpp 1325
DocumentStyleRootIterator.h DocumentStyleRootIterator traverses the roots of the document from the perspective of the Servo-backed style system. In the general case, this will first traverse the document root, followed by any document level native anonymous content. If the caller passes an element to the constructor rather than the document, that element (and nothing else) is returned from GetNextStyleRoot. 1271
ErrorReporter.cpp diagnostic reporting for CSS style sheet parser 6970
ErrorReporter.h diagnostic reporting for CSS style sheet parser 2020
FontFace.cpp 9104
FontFace.h Returns and takes ownership of the buffer storing the font data. 4318
FontFaceImpl.cpp An object that wraps a FontFace object and exposes its ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView data in a form the user font set can consume. 25660
FontFaceImpl.h Returns whether this object is in the specified FontFaceSet. 10188
FontFaceSet.cpp static 15010
FontFaceSet.h Notification method called by the nsPresContext to indicate that the refresh driver ticked and flushed style and layout. were just flushed. 5646
FontFaceSetDocumentImpl.cpp 25815
FontFaceSetDocumentImpl.h Notification method called by the nsPresContext to indicate that the refresh driver ticked and flushed style and layout. were just flushed. 3922
FontFaceSetImpl.cpp 30955
FontFaceSetImpl.h Finds an existing entry in the user font cache or creates a new user font entry for the given FontFace object. 10813
FontFaceSetIterator.cpp 2306
FontFaceSetIterator.h 1278
FontFaceSetWorkerImpl.cpp 12038
FontFaceSetWorkerImpl.h 1978
FontLoaderUtils.cpp static 7414
FontLoaderUtils.h 2647
FontPreloader.cpp 1222
FontPreloader.h 1008
GeckoBindings.cpp FFI functions for Servo to call into Gecko 64785
GeckoBindings.h FFI functions for Servo to call into Gecko 26556 /* THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT */ #ifndef COMPOSITOR_ANIMATABLE_PROPERTY_LIST #define COMPOSITOR_ANIMATABLE_PROPERTY_LIST { \\ 1161 /* THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT */ /* processed file that defines entries for nsComputedDOMStyle, designed to be #included in nsComputedDOMStyle.cpp */ static constexpr size_t kEntryIndices[eCSSProperty_COUNT] = {{ {indices} }}; {asserts} static constexpr Entry kEntries[eCSSProperty_COUNT] = {{ {entries} }}; 2555 704 1353 /* THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT */ /* processed file that defines CSS property tables that can't be generated with the pre-processor, designed to be #included in nsCSSProps.cpp */ 3602 /* THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT */ /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ #define CSS_PROP_DOMPROP_PREFIXED(name_) \\ CSS_PROP_PUBLIC_OR_PRIVATE(Moz ## name_, name_) #ifndef CSS_PROP_LONGHAND #define CSS_PROP_LONGHAND(name_, id_, method_, flags_, pref_) /* nothing */ #define DEFINED_CSS_PROP_LONGHAND #endif #ifndef CSS_PROP_SHORTHAND #define CSS_PROP_SHORTHAND(name_, id_, method_, flags_, pref_) /* nothing */ #define DEFINED_CSS_PROP_SHORTHAND #endif #ifndef CSS_PROP_ALIAS #define CSS_PROP_ALIAS(name_, aliasid_, id_, method_, flags_, pref_) /* nothing */ #define DEFINED_CSS_PROP_ALIAS #endif 4215
GlobalStyleSheetCache.cpp 22118
GlobalStyleSheetCache.h 4632
GroupRule.cpp internal interface representing CSS style rules that contain other rules, such as @media rules 3827
GroupRule.h internal interface representing CSS style rules that contain other rules, such as @media rules 2704
ImageDocument.css This CSS stylesheet defines the rules to be applied to any ImageDocuments, including those in frames. 910
ImageLoader.cpp A class that handles style system image loads (other image loads are handled by the nodes in the content tree). 27422
ImageLoader.h NOTE: All methods must be called from the main thread unless otherwise specified. 5547
ImportScanner.cpp 6842
ImportScanner.h A simple best-effort scanner for @import rules for the HTML parser 3281 2190
LayerAnimationInfo.cpp static 1569
LayerAnimationInfo.h !defined(mozilla_LayerAnimationInfo_h) 3470
Loader.cpp loading of CSS style sheets using the network APIs 85013
Loader.h loading of CSS style sheets using the network APIs 26516
MappedDeclarationsBuilder.cpp 1470
MappedDeclarationsBuilder.h Representation of a declaration block used for attribute mapping 7011
MediaFeatureChange.h A struct defining a media feature change. 3185
MediaList.cpp base class for representation of media lists 5357
MediaList.h base class for representation of media lists 3032
MediaQueryList.cpp implements DOM interface for querying and observing media queries 4723
MediaQueryList.h implements DOM interface for querying and observing media queries 3586 9537
nsAnimationManager.cpp 18855
nsAnimationManager.h namespace mozilla 3817
nsComputedDOMStyle.cpp DOM object returned from element.getComputedStyle() 83955
nsComputedDOMStyle.h DOM object returned from element.getComputedStyle() 15040
nsCSSAnonBoxes.cpp atom list for CSS anonymous boxes 1589
nsCSSAnonBoxes.h atom list for CSS anonymous boxes 2188
nsCSSAnonBoxList.h atom list for CSS anonymous boxes 7353
nsCSSCounterDescList.h 681
nsCSSFontDescList.h 936 2489
nsCSSPropertyIDSet.h bit vectors for sets of CSS properties 9313
nsCSSProps.cpp methods for dealing with CSS properties and tables of the keyword values they accept 8471
nsCSSProps.h methods for dealing with CSS properties and tables of the keyword values they accept 8600
nsCSSPseudoElementList.h list of CSS pseudo-elements 6303
nsCSSPseudoElements.cpp atom list for CSS pseudo-elements 6000
nsCSSPseudoElements.h atom list for CSS pseudo-elements 6945
nsCSSValue.cpp representation of simple property values within CSS declarations 3230
nsCSSValue.h representation of simple property values within CSS declarations 4164
nsCSSVisitedDependentPropList.h a list of style struct's member variables which can be visited-dependent 1540
nsDOMCSSAttrDeclaration.cpp DOM object for 10328
nsDOMCSSAttrDeclaration.h DOM object for 3667
nsDOMCSSDeclaration.cpp base class for DOM objects for and 12412
nsDOMCSSDeclaration.h base class for DOM objects for and 7317
nsDOMCSSValueList.cpp DOM object representing lists of values in DOM computed style 1761
nsDOMCSSValueList.h DOM object representing lists of values in DOM computed style 1170
nsFontFaceLoader.cpp code for loading in @font-face defined font data 12723
nsFontFaceLoader.h code for loading in @font-face defined font data 2371
nsFontFaceUtils.cpp extra = 8194
nsFontFaceUtils.h helper utilities for working with downloadable fonts 747
nsICSSDeclaration.cpp Implementation of non-inline bits of nsICSSDeclaration. 804
nsICSSDeclaration.h interface for accessing style declarations using enums instead of strings, for internal use 5214
nsICSSLoaderObserver.h internal interface for observing CSS style sheet loads 1930
nsMediaFeatures.cpp the features that media queries can test 14199
nsROCSSPrimitiveValue.cpp DOM object representing values in DOM computed style 3933
nsROCSSPrimitiveValue.h DOM object representing values in DOM computed style 1991
nsStyleAutoArray.h An array of objects, similar to AutoTArray<T,1> but which is memmovable. It always has length >= 1. 2525
nsStyleConsts.h constants used in the style struct data provided by ComputedStyle 10835
nsStyleStruct.cpp structs that contain the data provided by ComputedStyle, the internal API for computed style data for an element 142208
nsStyleStruct.h structs that contain the data provided by ComputedStyle, the internal API for computed style data for an element 79750
nsStyleStructFwd.h Forward declarations to avoid including all of nsStyleStruct.h. 2270
nsStyleStructInlines.h Inline methods that belong in nsStyleStruct.h, except that they require more headers. 5457
nsStyleStructList.h list of structs that contain the data provided by ComputedStyle, the internal API for computed style data for an element 2094
nsStyleTransformMatrix.cpp A class used for intermediate representations of the transform and transform-like properties. 24899
nsStyleTransformMatrix.h A class representing three matrices that can be used for style transforms. 6838
nsStyleUtil.cpp 12817
nsStyleUtil.h Convert an author-provided floating point number to an integer (0 ... 255) appropriate for use in the alpha component of a color. 6869
nsTransitionManager.cpp Code to start and animate CSS transitions. 22025
nsTransitionManager.h Code to start and animate CSS transitions. 3685
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp 1255
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.h 1062
PaintWorkletImpl.cpp static 1352
PaintWorkletImpl.h 1086
PostTraversalTask.cpp 1757
PostTraversalTask.h a task to be performed immediately after a Servo traversal 3732
PreferenceSheet.cpp 12186
PreferenceSheet.h Some prefable colors for style system use 3394
PreloadedStyleSheet.cpp a CSS style sheet returned from nsIStyleSheetService.preloadSheet 2716
PreloadedStyleSheet.h a CSS style sheet returned from nsIStyleSheetService.preloadSheet 1993
PseudoStyleType.cpp 1064
PseudoStyleType.h The psuedo style request is used to get the pseudo style of an element. This include a pseudo style type and an identidier which is used for functional pseudo style. 6263
Rule.cpp base class for all rule types in a CSS style sheet 5220
Rule.h base class for all rule types in a CSS style sheet 4730
RustCell.h an object with the same layout as a Rust std::cell::Cell<T> 1358
ServoBindings.h FFI functions for Gecko to call into Servo 4701
ServoBindings.toml 38850
ServoBindingTypes.h C++ types corresponding to Servo and Gecko types used across bindings, with some annotations to indicate ownership expectations 6687
ServoBoxedTypeList.h a list of all Servo Box<T> types used across bindings, for preprocessing 1513
ServoComputedData.h ServoComputedData and its related types. 3856
ServoCSSParser.cpp CSS parsing utility functions 3943
ServoCSSParser.h CSS parsing utility functions 6816 4728
ServoCSSRuleList.cpp representation of CSSRuleList for stylo 11734
ServoCSSRuleList.h representation of CSSRuleList for stylo 3127
ServoElementSnapshot.cpp 2802
ServoElementSnapshot.h A bitflags enum class used to determine what data does a ServoElementSnapshot contains. 4998
ServoElementSnapshotTable.h 741
ServoLockedArcTypeList.h a list of all Servo Arc<Locked<T>> types used across bindings 1171
ServoStyleConstsForwards.h This file contains forward declarations and typedefs for types that cbindgen cannot understand but renames / prefixes, and includes for some of the types it needs. 7028
ServoStyleConstsInlines.h Some inline functions declared in cbindgen.toml 39961
ServoStyleSet.cpp 59052
ServoStyleSet.h The set of style sheets that apply to a document, backed by a Servo Stylist. A ServoStyleSet contains StyleSheets. 27051
ServoStyleSetInlines.h 899
ServoTraversalStatistics.h 929
ServoTypes.h types defined to pass values through Gecko_* and Servo_* FFI functions 4525
ServoUtils.h some utilities for Gecko to use for Servo initialization and assertions 1533
ShadowParts.cpp 3977
ShadowParts.h 1320
SharedStyleSheetCache.cpp 8537
SharedStyleSheetCache.h 2698
SharedSubResourceCache.cpp 2591
SharedSubResourceCache.h 20782
SheetLoadData.h Data needed to properly load a stylesheet * ******************************************* 12169
SheetParsingMode.h Enum defining the mode in which a sheet is to be parsed. This is usually, but not always, the same as the cascade level at which the sheet will apply (see nsStyleSet.h). Most of the Loader APIs only support loading of author sheets. Author sheets are the normal case: styles embedded in or linked from HTML pages. They are also the most restricted. User sheets can do anything author sheets can do, and also get access to a few CSS extensions that are not yet suitable for exposure on the public Web, but are very useful for expressing user style overrides, such as @-moz-document rules. XXX: eUserSheetFeatures was added in bug 1035091, but some patches in that bug never landed to use this enum value. Currently, all the features in user sheet are also available in author sheet. Agent sheets have access to all author- and user-sheet features plus more extensions that are necessary for internal use but, again, not yet suitable for exposure on the public Web. Some of these are outright unsafe to expose; in particular, incorrect styling of anonymous box pseudo-elements can violate layout invariants. 1849
StreamLoader.cpp nsIRequestObserver implementation 10957
StreamLoader.h callback method used for ReadSegments 2225
StyleAnimationValue.cpp Utilities for animation of computed style values 9350
StyleAnimationValue.h Utilities for animation of computed style values 4774
StyleColor.cpp 2532
StyleColorInlines.h Inline functions for StyleColor (aka values::computed::Color) 2342
StylePreloadKind.h 1845
StyleSheet.cpp static 48908
StyleSheet.h Dummy 23348
StyleSheetInfo.h Struct for data common to CSSStyleSheetInner and ServoStyleSheet. 3224
StyleSheetInlines.h 1284
TimelineCollection.cpp static 2354
TimelineCollection.h 2245
TimelineManager.cpp 6895
TimelineManager.h 2585
TopLevelImageDocument.css This CSS stylesheet defines the rules to be applied to ImageDocuments that are top level (e.g. not iframes). 1550
TopLevelVideoDocument.css This CSS stylesheet defines the rules to be applied to VideoDocuments that are top level (e.g. not iframes). 901
URLExtraData.cpp thread-safe container of information for resolving url values 1666
URLExtraData.h thread-safe container of information for resolving url values 2614
UserAgentStyleSheetID.h an identifier for User Agent style sheets 728
UserAgentStyleSheetList.h list of user agent style sheets that GlobalStyleSheetCache manages 1416