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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef mozilla_PseudoStyleType_h
#define mozilla_PseudoStyleType_h
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "nsAtom.h"
#include "PLDHashTable.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iosfwd>
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class Element;
} // namespace dom
// The kind of pseudo-style that we have. This can be:
// * CSS pseudo-elements (see nsCSSPseudoElements.h).
// * Anonymous boxes (see nsCSSAnonBoxes.h).
// * XUL tree pseudo-element stuff.
// This roughly corresponds to the `PseudoElement` enum in Rust code.
enum class PseudoStyleType : uint8_t {
// If CSS pseudo-elements stop being first here, change GetPseudoType.
#define CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT(_name, _value, _flags) _name,
#include "nsCSSPseudoElementList.h"
AnonBoxesStart = CSSPseudoElementsEnd,
InheritingAnonBoxesStart = CSSPseudoElementsEnd,
// Dummy variant so the next variant also has the same discriminant as
// AnonBoxesStart.
__reset_1 = AnonBoxesStart - 1,
#define CSS_ANON_BOX(_name, _str) _name,
#define CSS_NON_INHERITING_ANON_BOX(_name, _str)
#define CSS_WRAPPER_ANON_BOX(_name, _str)
#include "nsCSSAnonBoxList.h"
// Wrapper anon boxes are inheriting anon boxes.
// Dummy variant so the next variant also has the same discriminant as
// WrapperAnonBoxesStart.
__reset_2 = WrapperAnonBoxesStart - 1,
#define CSS_ANON_BOX(_name, _str)
#define CSS_NON_INHERITING_ANON_BOX(_name, _str)
#define CSS_WRAPPER_ANON_BOX(_name, _str) _name,
#include "nsCSSAnonBoxList.h"
InheritingAnonBoxesEnd = WrapperAnonBoxesEnd,
NonInheritingAnonBoxesStart = WrapperAnonBoxesEnd,
__reset_3 = NonInheritingAnonBoxesStart - 1,
#define CSS_ANON_BOX(_name, _str)
#define CSS_NON_INHERITING_ANON_BOX(_name, _str) _name,
#include "nsCSSAnonBoxList.h"
AnonBoxesEnd = NonInheritingAnonBoxesEnd,
XULTree = AnonBoxesEnd,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, PseudoStyleType);
class PseudoStyle final {
using Type = PseudoStyleType;
// This must match EAGER_PSEUDO_COUNT in Rust code.
static const size_t kEagerPseudoCount = 4;
static bool IsPseudoElement(Type aType) {
return aType < Type::CSSPseudoElementsEnd;
static bool IsAnonBox(Type aType) {
return aType >= Type::AnonBoxesStart && aType < Type::AnonBoxesEnd;
static bool IsInheritingAnonBox(Type aType) {
return aType >= Type::InheritingAnonBoxesStart &&
aType < Type::InheritingAnonBoxesEnd;
static bool IsNonInheritingAnonBox(Type aType) {
return aType >= Type::NonInheritingAnonBoxesStart &&
aType < Type::NonInheritingAnonBoxesEnd;
static bool IsWrapperAnonBox(Type aType) {
return aType >= Type::WrapperAnonBoxesStart &&
aType < Type::WrapperAnonBoxesEnd;
static bool IsNamedViewTransitionPseudoElement(Type aType) {
return aType == Type::viewTransitionGroup ||
aType == Type::viewTransitionImagePair ||
aType == Type::viewTransitionOld || aType == Type::viewTransitionNew;
static bool IsViewTransitionPseudoElement(Type aType) {
return aType == Type::viewTransition ||
* The psuedo style request is used to get the pseudo style of an element. This
* include a pseudo style type and an identidier which is used for functional
* pseudo style.
struct PseudoStyleRequest {
PseudoStyleRequest() = default;
PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoStyleRequest&&) = default;
PseudoStyleRequest(const PseudoStyleRequest&) = default;
PseudoStyleRequest& operator=(PseudoStyleRequest&&) = default;
PseudoStyleRequest& operator=(const PseudoStyleRequest&) = default;
explicit PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoStyleType aType) : mType(aType) {}
PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoStyleType aType, nsAtom* aIdentifier)
: mType(aType), mIdentifier(aIdentifier) {}
bool operator==(const PseudoStyleRequest& aOther) const {
return mType == aOther.mType && mIdentifier == aOther.mIdentifier;
bool IsNotPseudo() const { return mType == PseudoStyleType::NotPseudo; }
bool IsPseudoElementOrNotPseudo() const {
return IsNotPseudo() || PseudoStyle::IsPseudoElement(mType);
bool IsViewTransition() const {
return PseudoStyle::IsViewTransitionPseudoElement(mType);
static PseudoStyleRequest NotPseudo() { return PseudoStyleRequest(); }
static PseudoStyleRequest Before() {
return PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoStyleType::before);
static PseudoStyleRequest After() {
return PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoStyleType::after);
static PseudoStyleRequest Marker() {
return PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoStyleType::marker);
PseudoStyleType mType = PseudoStyleType::NotPseudo;
RefPtr<nsAtom> mIdentifier;
class PseudoStyleRequestHashKey : public PLDHashEntryHdr {
using KeyType = PseudoStyleRequest;
using KeyTypePointer = const PseudoStyleRequest*;
explicit PseudoStyleRequestHashKey(KeyTypePointer aKey) : mRequest(*aKey) {}
PseudoStyleRequestHashKey(PseudoStyleRequestHashKey&& aOther) = default;
~PseudoStyleRequestHashKey() = default;
KeyType GetKey() const { return mRequest; }
bool KeyEquals(KeyTypePointer aKey) const { return *aKey == mRequest; }
static KeyTypePointer KeyToPointer(KeyType& aKey) { return &aKey; }
static PLDHashNumber HashKey(KeyTypePointer aKey) {
return mozilla::HashGeneric(
aKey->mIdentifier ? aKey->mIdentifier->hash() : 0);
enum { ALLOW_MEMMOVE = true };
PseudoStyleRequest mRequest;
} // namespace mozilla