AbstractRange.cpp |
22387 |
AbstractRange.h |
Called when the process is shutting down.
8717 |
AncestorIterator.h |
Implementation of some generic iterators over ancestor nodes.
Note that these keep raw pointers to the nodes they iterate from, and as
such the DOM should not be mutated while they're in use. There are debug
assertions (via nsMutationGuard) that check this in debug builds.
4903 |
AnimationFrameProvider.cpp |
1487 |
AnimationFrameProvider.h |
1371 |
AnonymousContent.cpp |
1841 |
AnonymousContent.h |
1383 |
Attr.cpp |
Implementation of DOM Core's Attr node.
7991 |
Attr.h |
Implementation of DOM Core's Attr node.
3698 |
AttrArray.cpp |
Storage of the children and attributes of a DOM node; storage for
the two is unified to minimize footprint.
10652 |
AttrArray.h |
Storage of the attributes of a DOM node.
8698 |
AutocompleteFieldList.h |
This file contains the list of field names that are used in @autocomplete
attribute for <input>, <select> and <textarea> controls. It is designed
to be used as inline input through the magic of C preprocessing.
The first argument to AUTOCOMPLETE_* macro is the identifier for the token
The second argument is the string value of the token
9229 |
AutoPrintEventDispatcher.h |
aRecurse = |
2235 |
AutoSuppressEventHandlingAndSuspend.h |
Suppresses event handling and suspends for all in-process documents in a
BrowsingContext subtree.
2003 |
BarProps.cpp |
6978 |
BarProps.h |
BarProps are the collection of little properties of DOM windows whose
only property of their own is "visible". They describe the window
chrome which can be made visible or not through JavaScript by setting
the appropriate property (window.menubar.visible)
4161 |
BindContext.cpp |
1394 |
BindContext.h |
State that is passed down to BindToTree. |
3593 |
BodyConsumer.cpp |
Called on successfully reading the complete stream.
24822 |
BodyConsumer.h |
Returns a promise which will be resolved when the body is completely
consumed and converted to the wanted type (See ConsumeType).
@param aGlobal the global to construct the Promise.
@param aMainThreadEventTarget the main-thread event target. The reading
needs to start on the main-thread because of nsIInputStreamPump.
@param aBodyStream the stream to read.
@param aSignalImpl an AbortSignal object. Optional.
@param aType the consume type.
@param aBodyBlobURISpec this is used only if the consume type is
ConsumeType::Blob. Optional.
@param aBodyLocalPath local path in case the blob is created from a local
file. Used only by ConsumeType::Blob. Optional.
@param aBodyMimeType the mime-type for blob. Used only by
ConsumeType::Blob. Optional.
@param aMixedCaseMimeType is needed to get mixed case multipart
boundary value to FormDataParser.
@param aBlobStorageType Blobs can be saved in temporary file. This is the
type of blob storage to use. Used only by ConsumeType::Blob.
@param aRv An ErrorResult.
5184 |
BodyUtil.cpp |
A simple multipart/form-data parser as defined in RFC 2388 and RFC 2046.
This does not respect any encoding specified per entry, using UTF-8
throughout. This is as the Fetch spec states in the consume body algorithm.
Borrows some things from Necko's nsMultiMixedConv, but is simpler since
unlike Necko we do not have to deal with receiving incomplete chunks of data.
This parser will fail the entire parse on any invalid entry, so it will
never return a partially filled FormData.
The content-disposition header is used to figure out the name and filename
entries. The inclusion of the filename parameter decides if the entry is
inserted into the FormData as a string or a File.
File blobs are copies of the underlying data string since we cannot adopt
char* chunks embedded within the larger body without significant effort.
FIXME(nsm): Bug 1127552 - We should add telemetry to calls to formData() and
friends to figure out if Fetch ends up copying big blobs to see if this is
worth optimizing.
15389 |
BodyUtil.h |
Creates an array buffer from an array, assigning the result to |aValue|.
The array buffer takes ownership of |aInput|, which must be allocated
by |malloc|.
3001 |
BorrowedAttrInfo.cpp |
772 |
BorrowedAttrInfo.h |
Struct that stores info on an attribute. The name and value must either both
be null or both be non-null.
Note that, just as the pointers returned by GetAttrNameAt, the pointers that
this struct hold are only valid until the element or its attributes are
mutated (directly or via script).
1168 |
CacheExpirationTime.h |
The expiration time for sub resource cache.
1961 |
CallState.h |
746 |
CCGCScheduler.cpp |
Globally initialized constants
37102 |
CCGCScheduler.h |
18367 |
CharacterData.cpp |
Base class for DOM Core's Comment, DocumentType, Text,
CDATASection and ProcessingInstruction nodes.
18684 |
CharacterData.h |
Base class for DOM Core's Comment, DocumentType, Text,
CDATASection, and ProcessingInstruction nodes.
8045 |
ChildIterator.cpp |
8483 |
ChildIterator.h |
AllChildrenIterator traverses the children of an element including before /
after content and shadow DOM. The iterator can be initialized to start at
the end by providing false for aStartAtBeginning in order to start iterating
in reverse from the last child.
Note: it assumes that no mutation of the DOM or frame tree takes place during
iteration, and will break horribly if that is not true.
7166 |
ChildProcessMessageManager.h |
1313 |
ChromeMessageBroadcaster.cpp |
777 |
ChromeMessageBroadcaster.h |
Implementation for the WebIDL ChromeMessageBroadcaster interface. Used for
window and group message managers.
2117 |
ChromeMessageSender.cpp |
735 |
ChromeMessageSender.h |
1650 |
ChromeNodeList.cpp |
1839 |
ChromeNodeList.h |
1058 |
ChromeUtils.cpp |
static |
83525 |
ChromeUtils.h |
15070 |
Comment.cpp |
Implementations of DOM Core's Comment node.
2036 |
Comment.h |
1875 |
components.conf |
1338 |
CompressionStream.cpp |
default memLevel |
10080 |
CompressionStream.h |
1733 |
CompressionStreamHelper.h |
2179 |
ContentAreaDropListener.sys.mjs |
10319 |
ContentFrameMessageManager.cpp |
900 |
ContentFrameMessageManager.h |
Base class for implementing the WebIDL ContentFrameMessageManager class.
2167 |
ContentIterator.cpp |
42084 |
ContentIterator.h |
ContentIteratorBase is a base class of PostContentIterator,
PreContentIterator and ContentSubtreeIterator. Making each concrete
classes "final", compiler can avoid virtual calls if they are treated
by the users directly.
12921 |
ContentProcessMessageManager.cpp |
4265 |
ContentProcessMessageManager.h |
This class implements a singleton process message manager for content
processes. Each child process has exactly one instance of this class, which
hosts the process's process scripts, and may exchange messages with its
corresponding ParentProcessMessageManager on the parent side.
3379 |
CORSMode.h |
The default of not using CORS to validate cross-origin loads.
1013 |
crashtests |
CrossShadowBoundaryRange.cpp |
static |
10698 |
CrossShadowBoundaryRange.h |
DoSetRange() is called when `AbstractRange::SetStartAndEndInternal()` sets
mStart and mEnd.
@param aStartBoundary Computed start point. This must equals or be before
aEndBoundary in the DOM tree order.
@param aEndBoundary Computed end point.
@param aRootNode The root node of aStartBoundary or aEndBoundary.
It's useless to CrossShadowBoundaryRange.
@param aOwner The nsRange that owns this CrossShadowBoundaryRange.
3906 |
Crypto.cpp |
virtual |
3341 |
Crypto.h |
1411 |
CustomElementRegistry.cpp |
static |
57293 |
CustomElementRegistry.h |
21747 |
DecompressionStream.cpp |
18542 |
DecompressionStream.h |
1747 |
DirectionalityUtils.cpp |
This file contains most of the code to implement html directionality.
This includes default direction, inheritance, and auto directionality.
A useful perspective is separating the static and dynamic case.
In the static case, directionality is computed based on the current DOM,
closely following the specification, e.g. in ComputeAutoDirectionality.
Dynamic changes, e.g. OnSetDirAttr, are propagated to the impacted nodes,
for which the static case is re-run.
To minimize searching for dir=auto nodes impacted by a dynamic change, several
flags are maintained (see their declaration for documentation):
- NodeAncestorHasDirAuto and NodeAffectsDirAutoSlot apply to all nodes.
They are set when a node is placed somewhere in the tree and set or cleared
when a dir attribute changes.
- NS_MAY_SET_DIR_AUTO applies to text. It is set whenever a text node might be
responsible for the auto directionality of a dir=auto element. It is cleared
when the element is unbound.
32542 |
DirectionalityUtils.h |
Various methods for returning the directionality of a string using the
first-strong algorithm defined in http://unicode.org/reports/tr9/#P2
@param[out] aFirstStrong the offset to the first character in the string with
strong directionality, or UINT32_MAX if there is none (in which
case the return value is Directionality::Unset).
@return the directionality of the string, or Unset if not available.
6417 |
DocGroup.cpp |
static |
5664 |
DocGroup.h |
4893 |
Document.cpp |
Base class for all our document implementations.
680941 |
Document.h |
207455 |
DocumentFragment.cpp |
Implementation of DOM Core's DocumentFragment.
3631 |
DocumentFragment.h |
3624 |
DocumentInlines.h |
2462 |
DocumentOrShadowRoot.cpp |
26077 |
DocumentOrShadowRoot.h |
A class meant to be shared by ShadowRoot and Document, that holds a list of
TODO(emilio, bug 1418159): In the future this should hold most of the
relevant style state, this should allow us to fix bug 548397.
10099 |
DocumentType.cpp |
Implementation of DOM Core's DocumentType node.
2779 |
DocumentType.h |
Implementation of DOM Core's DocumentType node.
2384 |
DOMArena.h |
2126 |
domerr.msg |
12004 |
DOMException.cpp |
DOM4 errors from
http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#domexception |
13818 |
DOMException.h |
unused |
5981 |
DOMImplementation.cpp |
7277 |
DOMImplementation.h |
2398 |
DOMIntersectionObserver.cpp |
33068 |
DOMIntersectionObserver.h |
8057 |
DOMMatrix.cpp |
33473 |
DOMMatrix.h |
13401 |
DOMMozPromiseRequestHolder.h |
This is a helper class that can be used when MozPromises are
being consumed by binding layer code. It effectively creates
a MozPromiseRequestHolder that auto-disconnects when the binding's
global is disconnected.
It can be used like this:
SomeAsyncAPI(Args& aArgs, ErrorResult& aRv)
nsIGlobalObject* global = GetParentObject();
if (!global) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<Promise> outer = Promise::Create(global, aRv);
if (aRv.Failed()) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<DOMMozPromiseRequestHolder> holder =
new DOMMozPromiseRequestHolder(global);
global->EventTargetFor(TaskCategory::Other), __func__,
[holder, outer] (const Result& aResult) {
// Note, you can access the holder's bound global in
// your reaction handler. Its mostly likely set if
// the handler fires, but you still must check for
// its existence since something could disconnect
// the global between when the MozPromise reaction
// runnable is queued and when it actually runs.
nsIGlobalObject* global = holder->GetParentObject();
}, [holder, outer] (nsresult aRv) {
return outer.forget();
NOTE: Currently this helper class extends DETH. This is only
so that it can bind to the global and receive the
DisconnectFromOwner() method call. In this future the
binding code should be factored out so DETH is not
needed here. See bug 1456893.
3771 |
DOMParser.cpp |
11560 |
DOMParser.h |
3583 |
DOMPoint.cpp |
4512 |
DOMPoint.h |
3672 |
DOMQuad.cpp |
5250 |
DOMQuad.h |
3044 |
DOMRect.cpp |
5721 |
DOMRect.h |
5356 |
DOMStringList.cpp |
1034 |
DOMStringList.h |
mozilla_dom_DOMStringList_h |
2377 |
DOMTokenListSupportedTokens.h |
Definitions of supported tokens data types for nsDOMTokenList. This is in a
separate header so Element.h can include it too.
1207 |
Element.cpp |
Base class for all element classes; this provides an implementation
of DOM Core's Element, implements nsIContent, provides
utility methods for subclasses, and so forth.
191316 |
Element.h |
Base class for all element classes; this provides an implementation
of DOM Core's Element, implements nsIContent, provides
utility methods for subclasses, and so forth.
94929 |
ElementInlines.h |
2041 |
EventSource.cpp |
64808 |
EventSource.h |
This implementation has support only for http requests. It is because the
spec has defined event streams only for http. HTTP is required because
this implementation uses some http headers: "Last-Event-ID", "Cache-Control"
and "Accept".
2783 |
EventSourceEventService.cpp |
static |
9453 |
EventSourceEventService.h |
Casting EventSourceEventService to nsISupports is ambiguous.
This method handles that.
2390 |
External.cpp |
651 |
External.h |
1138 |
FilteredNodeIterator.h |
Implementation of a generic filtered iterator over nodes.
1334 |
FlushType.h |
This is the enum used by Document::FlushPendingNotifications to
decide what to flush.
Please note that if you change these values, you should sync it with the
kFlushTypeNames array below.
2344 |
FocusModel.h |
1289 |
FormData.cpp |
12821 |
FormData.h |
5478 |
FragmentDirective.cpp |
17415 |
FragmentDirective.h |
@brief The `FragmentDirective` class is the C++ representation of the
`Document.fragmentDirective` webidl property.
This class also serves as the main interface to interact with the fragment
directive from the C++ side. It allows to find text fragment ranges from a
given list of `TextDirective`s using
To avoid Text Directives being applied multiple times, this class implements
the `uninvoked directive` mechanism, which in the spec is defined to be part
of the `Document` [0], by encapsuling the code in a lazily constructed
helper, which is destroyed when all text directives have been found.
5514 |
fragmentdirectives |
FragmentOrElement.cpp |
Base class for all element classes and DocumentFragment.
68470 |
FragmentOrElement.h |
Base class for all element classes as well as nsDocumentFragment. This
provides an implementation of nsINode, implements nsIContent, provides
utility methods for subclasses, and so forth.
11889 |
FromParser.h |
Constants for passing as aFromParser
706 |
FullscreenChange.h |
Struct for holding fullscreen request.
5474 |
FuzzingFunctions.cpp |
static |
15308 |
FuzzingFunctions.h |
ActivateModifiers() activates aModifiers in the TextInputProcessor.
@param aTextInputProcessor The TIP whose modifier state you want to change.
@param aModifiers Modifiers which you want to activate.
@param aWidget The widget which should be set to
@param aRv Returns error if TextInputProcessor fails to
dispatch a modifier key event.
@return Modifiers which are activated by the call.
2959 |
fuzztest |
gen-usecounters.py |
#ifndef %(name)s
#define %(name)s(interface_, name_) // nothing
#define DEFINED_%(name)s
2138 |
GeneratedImageContent.cpp |
1557 |
GeneratedImageContent.h |
A content node that keeps track of an index in the parent's `content`
property value, used for url() values in the content of a ::before or ::after
pseudo-element. |
2264 |
GlobalFreezeObserver.h |
This method is non-virtual because it's expected that any object
subclassing GlobalFreezeObserver that wants to know when it is disconnected
from the global will also subclass GlobalTeardownObserver and take any
relevant action by overriding GlobalTeardownObserver::DisconnectFromOwner.
1871 |
GlobalTeardownObserver.cpp |
2161 |
GlobalTeardownObserver.h |
2335 |
Highlight.cpp |
6517 |
Highlight.h |
@brief Collection of all data of a highlight instance.
This struct is intended to be allocated on the stack and passed on
to the `nsFrameSelection` and layout code.
6503 |
HighlightRegistry.cpp |
8062 |
HighlightRegistry.h |
@brief HighlightRegistry manages all `Highlight`s available to a `Document`.
This class is exposed via `HighlightRegistry.webidl` and used to
add or remove `Highlight` instances to a document and binding it
to a highlight name.
The HighlightRegistry idl interface defines this class to be a `maplike`.
To be able to access the members of the maplike without proper support
for iteration from C++, the insertion and deletion operations are
overridden and the data is also held inside of this class.
@see https://drafts.csswg.org/css-highlight-api-1/#registration
5176 |
HTMLSplitOnSpacesTokenizer.h |
584 |
IdentifierMapEntry.h |
Entry for the Document or ShadowRoot's identifier map.
7544 |
IdleDeadline.cpp |
2638 |
IdleDeadline.h |
1626 |
IdleRequest.cpp |
1926 |
IdleRequest.h |
1517 |
IDTracker.cpp |
aWatch |
9403 |
IDTracker.h |
Class to track what element is referenced by a given ID.
To use it, call one of the Reset methods to set it up to watch a given ID.
Call get() anytime to determine the referenced element (which may be null if
the element isn't found). When the element changes, ElementChanged
will be called, so subclass this class if you want to receive that
notification. ElementChanged runs at safe-for-script time, i.e. outside
of the content update. Call Unlink() if you want to stop watching
for changes (get() will then return null).
By default this is a single-shot tracker --- i.e., when ElementChanged
fires, we will automatically stop tracking. get() will continue to return
the changed-to element.
Override IsPersistent to return true if you want to keep tracking after
the first change.
6909 |
IframeSandboxKeywordList.h |
NOTE: no include guard; this file is meant to maybe be included multiple
times. It has a list of the sandbox keywords we support, with their
corresponding sandbox flags. |
2113 |
ImageEncoder.cpp |
16824 |
ImageEncoder.h |
The callback interface of ExtractDataAsync and
ExtractDataFromLayersImageAsync. ReceiveBlobImpl() is called on main thread
when encoding is complete.
5492 |
ImageTracker.cpp |
table of images used in a document, for batch locking/unlocking and
animating |
4521 |
ImageTracker.h |
table of images used in a document, for batch locking/unlocking and
animating |
2243 |
IndexedDBHelper.sys.mjs |
Open a new database.
User has to provide upgradeSchema.
@param successCb
Success callback to call once database is open.
@param failureCb
Error callback to call when an error is encountered.
6843 |
InProcessBrowserChildMessageManager.cpp |
static |
9225 |
InProcessBrowserChildMessageManager.h |
This class implements a ContentFrameMessageManager for use by frame loaders
in the parent process. It is bound to a DocShell rather than a BrowserChild,
and does not use any IPC infrastructure for its message passing.
4192 |
InteractiveWidget.h |
976 |
IntlUtils.cpp |
2901 |
IntlUtils.h |
1534 |
JSExecutionUtils.cpp |
This is not a generated file. It contains common utility functions
invoked from the JavaScript code generated from IDL interfaces.
The goal of the utility functions is to cut down on the size of
the generated code itself.
2342 |
JSExecutionUtils.h |
1049 |
Link.cpp |
aNotify = |
11363 |
Link.h |
This is the base class for all link classes.
4347 |
LinkStyle.cpp |
A base class which implements nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement and can
be subclassed by various content nodes that want to load
stylesheets (<style>, <link>, processing instructions, etc).
11693 |
LinkStyle.h |
Used to make the association between a style sheet and
the element that linked it to the document.
@param aStyleSheet the style sheet associated with this
9109 |
Location.cpp |
15649 |
Location.h |
4527 |
LocationBase.cpp |
10538 |
LocationBase.h |
2172 |
LocationHelper.sys.mjs |
Shared utility functions for modules dealing with
Location Services.
1308 |
mach_commands.py |
1262 |
MaybeCrossOriginObject.cpp |
static |
18521 |
MaybeCrossOriginObject.h |
Shared infrastructure for WindowProxy and Location objects. These
are the objects that can be accessed cross-origin in the HTML
This class can be inherited from by the relevant proxy handlers to
help implement spec algorithms.
The algorithms this class implements come from
The class is templated on its base so we can directly implement the things
that should have identical implementations for WindowProxy and Location. The
templating is needed because WindowProxy needs to be a wrapper and Location
shouldn't be one.
14264 |
MessageBroadcaster.cpp |
1315 |
MessageBroadcaster.h |
Implementation for the WebIDL MessageBroadcaster interface. Base class for
window and process broadcaster message managers.
1742 |
MessageListenerManager.cpp |
2075 |
MessageListenerManager.h |
Implementation for the WebIDL MessageListenerManager interface. Base class
for message managers that are exposed to script.
1721 |
MessageManagerCallback.h |
1891 |
MessageManagerGlobal.cpp |
1564 |
MessageManagerGlobal.h |
Base class for implementing the WebIDL MessageManagerGlobal class.
4031 |
MessageSender.cpp |
965 |
MessageSender.h |
Implementation for the WebIDL MessageSender interface. Base class for frame
and child process message managers.
1047 |
MimeType.cpp |
static |
12237 |
MimeType.h |
3296 |
moz.build |
17247 |
mozAutoDocUpdate.h |
Helper class to automatically handle batching of document updates. This
class will call BeginUpdate on construction and EndUpdate on destruction on
the given document with the given update type. The document could be null,
in which case no updates will be called. The constructor also takes a
boolean that can be set to false to prevent notifications.
1724 |
mozIDOMWindow.idl |
Placeholder interfaces to allow passing inner/outer windows through XPIDL.
551 |
MozQueryInterface.cpp |
static |
2798 |
MozQueryInterface.h |
This class implements an optimized QueryInterface method for
XPConnect-wrapped JS objects.
For JavaScript callers, it behaves as an ordinary QueryInterface method,
returning its `this` object or throwing depending on the interface it was
For native XPConnect callers, we bypass JSAPI entirely, and directly check
whether the queried interface is in the interfaces list.
1723 |
MutationObservers.cpp |
9769 |
MutationObservers.h |
Send CharacterDataWillChange notifications to nsIMutationObservers.
@param aContent Node whose data changed
@param aInfo Struct with information details about the change
@see nsIMutationObserver::CharacterDataWillChange
6613 |
NameSpaceConstants.h |
1272 |
Navigator.cpp |
71677 |
Navigator.h |
// Navigator: Script "navigator" object
namespace mozilla::dom {
class Permissions;
namespace battery {
class BatteryManager;
} // namespace battery
class Promise;
class Gamepad;
class GamepadServiceTest;
class NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback;
class NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback;
struct MIDIOptions;
nsTArray<uint32_t> SanitizeVibratePattern(const nsTArray<uint32_t>& aPattern);
namespace network {
class Connection;
} // namespace network
class LegacyMozTCPSocket;
class VRDisplay;
class VRServiceTest;
class XRSystem;
class StorageManager;
class MediaCapabilities;
class MediaSession;
class UserActivation;
struct ShareData;
class WindowGlobalChild;
class Navigator final : public nsISupports, public nsWrapperCache {
explicit Navigator(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aInnerWindow);
void Invalidate();
nsPIDOMWindowInner* GetWindow() const { return mWindow; }
size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
Called when the inner window navigates to a new page.
11340 |
NodeInfo.cpp |
Class that represents a prefix/namespace/localName triple; a single
nodeinfo is shared by all elements in a document that have that
prefix, namespace, and localName.
5853 |
NodeInfo.h |
Class that represents a prefix/namespace/localName triple; a single
nodeinfo is shared by all elements in a document that have that
prefix, namespace, and localName.
nsNodeInfoManagers are internal objects that manage a list of
NodeInfos, every document object should hold a strong reference to
a nsNodeInfoManager and every NodeInfo also holds a strong reference
to their owning manager. When a NodeInfo is no longer used it will
automatically remove itself from its owner manager, and when all
NodeInfos have been removed from a nsNodeInfoManager and all external
references are released the nsNodeInfoManager deletes itself.
9775 |
NodeInfoInlines.h |
mozilla_dom_NodeInfoInlines_h___ |
4436 |
NodeIterator.cpp |
Implementation of DOM Traversal's NodeIterator
5441 |
NodeIterator.h |
Implementation of DOM Traversal's NodeIterator
2596 |
NodeUbiReporting.cpp |
2533 |
NodeUbiReporting.h |
This file defines specializations of JS::ubi::Concrete for DOM nodes
so that the JS memory tools, which operate on the UbiNode graph, can
define subclasses of JS::ubi::Base that represent DOM nodes and
yield the outgoing edges in a DOM node graph for reporting.
2826 |
nsAttrName.h |
Class that represents the name (nodeinfo or atom) of an attribute;
using nodeinfos all the time is too slow, so we use atoms when we
5218 |
nsAttrValue.cpp |
A struct that represents the value (type and actual data) of an
65482 |
nsAttrValue.h |
A struct that represents the value (type and actual data) of an
21265 |
nsAttrValueInlines.h |
Implementation of inline methods
8845 |
nsAttrValueOrString.cpp |
833 |
nsAttrValueOrString.h |
A wrapper to contain either an nsAttrValue or an nsAString. This is useful
because constructing an nsAttrValue from an nsAString can be expensive when
the buffer of the string is not shared.
This treats nsAttrValueOrString(nullptr) as the empty string,
to help with contexts where a null pointer denotes an empty value.
Since a raw pointer to the passed-in string is kept, this class should only
be used on the stack.
2772 |
nsCaseTreatment.h |
This is the enum used by functions that need to be told whether to
do case-sensitive or case-insensitive string comparisons.
611 |
nsCCUncollectableMarker.cpp |
static |
15415 |
nsCCUncollectableMarker.h |
Inits a global nsCCUncollectableMarker. Should only be called once.
1264 |
nsChildContentList.h |
Class that implements the nsINodeList interface (a list of children of
the content), by holding a reference to the content and delegating Length
and Item to its existing child list.
@see nsINodeList
2525 |
nsContentAreaDragDrop.cpp |
32027 |
nsContentAreaDragDrop.h |
Determine what data in the content area, if any, is being dragged.
aWindow - the window containing the target node
aTarget - the mousedown event target that started the drag
aSelectionTargetNode - the node where the drag event should be fired
aIsAltKeyPressed - true if the Alt key is pressed. In some cases, this
will prevent the drag from occuring. For example,
holding down Alt over a link should select the text,
not drag the link.
aDataTransfer - the dataTransfer for the drag event.
aCanDrag - [out] set to true if the drag may proceed, false to stop the
drag entirely
aSelection - [out] set to the selection being dragged, or null if no
selection is being dragged.
aDragNode - [out] the link, image or area being dragged, or null if the
drag occurred on another element.
aCSP - [out] set to the CSP of the Drag, or null if
it's from browser chrome or OS
aCookieJarSettings - [out] set to the cookieJarSetting of the Drag, or null
if it's from browser chrome or OS
3375 |
nsContentCreatorFunctions.h |
Functions to create content, to be used only inside Gecko
(mozilla/content and mozilla/layout).
2734 |
nsContentList.cpp |
nsBaseContentList is a basic list of content nodes; nsContentList
is a commonly used NodeList implementation (used for
getElementsByTagName, some properties on HTMLDocument/Document, etc).
37127 |
nsContentList.h |
nsBaseContentList is a basic list of content nodes; nsContentList
is a commonly used NodeList implementation (used for
getElementsByTagName, some properties on HTMLDocument/Document, etc).
22665 |
nsContentListDeclarations.h |
A function that allocates the matching data for this
FuncStringContentList. Returning aString is perfectly fine; in
that case the destructor function should be a no-op.
2467 |
nsContentPermissionHelper.cpp |
26767 |
nsContentPermissionHelper.h |
7710 |
nsContentPolicy.cpp |
Implementation of the "@mozilla.org/layout/content-policy;1" contract.
6053 |
nsContentPolicy.h |
Implementation of the "@mozilla.org/layout/content-policy;1" contract.
1207 |
nsContentPolicyUtils.h |
Utility routines for checking content load/process policy settings,
and routines helpful for content policy implementors.
XXXbz it would be nice if some of this stuff could be out-of-lined in
nsContentUtils. That would work for almost all the callers...
13137 |
nsContentSink.cpp |
Base class for the XML and HTML content sinks, which construct a
DOM based on information from the parser.
31792 |
nsContentSink.h |
Base class for the XML and HTML content sinks, which construct a
DOM based on information from the parser.
8775 |
nsContentTypeParser.cpp |
958 |
nsContentTypeParser.h |
687 |
nsContentUtils.cpp |
A namespace class for static layout utilities. |
408688 |
nsContentUtils.h |
A namespace class for static content utilities. |
152337 |
nsCopySupport.cpp |
34399 |
nsCopySupport.h |
@param aDoc Needs to be not nullptr.
5064 |
nsDataDocumentContentPolicy.cpp |
Content policy implementation that prevents all loads of images,
subframes, etc from documents loaded as data (eg documents loaded
via XMLHttpRequest).
6498 |
nsDataDocumentContentPolicy.h |
Content policy implementation that prevents all loads of images,
subframes, etc from documents loaded as data (eg documents loaded
via XMLHttpRequest).
1323 |
nsDeprecatedOperationList.h |
This file contains the list of deprecated DOM operations. It is
designed to be used as input to the C preprocessor *only*.
3139 |
nsDocElementCreatedNotificationRunner.h |
nsRunnable |
1036 |
nsDocumentWarningList.h |
This file contains the list of document DOM operations warnings. It is
designed to be used as input to the C preprocessor *only*.
806 |
nsDOMAttributeMap.cpp |
Implementation of the |attributes| property of DOM Core's Element object.
13400 |
nsDOMAttributeMap.h |
Implementation of the |attributes| property of DOM Core's Element object.
5149 |
nsDOMCaretPosition.cpp |
1898 |
nsDOMCaretPosition.h |
Implementation of a DOM Caret Position, which is a node and offset within
that node, in the DOM tree.
@see Document::caretPositionFromPoint(float x, float y)
2960 |
nsDOMCID.h |
9eb760f0-4380-11d2-b328-00805f8a3859 |
1058 |
nsDOMDataChannel.cpp |
virtual |
15006 |
nsDOMDataChannel.h |
4362 |
nsDOMDataChannelDeclarations.h |
880 |
nsDOMJSUtils.h |
1063 |
nsDOMMutationObserver.cpp |
36054 |
nsDOMMutationObserver.h |
27321 |
nsDOMNavigationTiming.cpp |
23030 |
nsDOMNavigationTiming.h |
9032 |
nsDOMString.h |
nsDOMString_h___ |
598 |
nsDOMTokenList.cpp |
Implementation of DOMTokenList specified by HTML5.
9808 |
nsDOMTokenList.h |
Implementation of DOMTokenList specified by HTML5.
3399 |
nsDOMWindowUtils.cpp |
156952 |
nsDOMWindowUtils.h |
3923 |
nsFocusManager.cpp |
216452 |
nsFocusManager.h |
The focus manager keeps track of where the focus is, that is, the node
which receives key events.
44910 |
nsFrameLoader.cpp |
Class for managing loading of a subframe (creation of the docshell,
handling of loads in it, recursion-checking).
133974 |
nsFrameLoader.h |
Class for managing loading of a subframe (creation of the docshell,
handling of loads in it, recursion-checking).
19572 |
nsFrameLoaderOwner.cpp |
14861 |
nsFrameLoaderOwner.h |
5487 |
nsFrameMessageManager.cpp |
55174 |
nsFrameMessageManager.h |
12854 |
nsGlobalWindowCommands.cpp |
46575 |
nsGlobalWindowCommands.h |
Search through nsGlobalWindowCommands to find the keyboard scrolling action
that would be done in response to a command.
@param aCommandName the name of the command
@param aOutAction the result of searching for this command, must not be
@returns whether a keyboard action was found or not
1300 |
nsGlobalWindowInner.cpp |
256574 |
nsGlobalWindowInner.h |
58798 |
nsGlobalWindowOuter.cpp |
258717 |
nsGlobalWindowOuter.h |
43916 |
nsHistory.cpp |
8825 |
nsHistory.h |
nsHistory_h___ |
2946 |
nsIAnimationObserver.h |
2304 |
nsIContent.h |
A node of content in a document's content model. This interface
is supported by all content objects.
26764 |
nsIContentInlines.h |
9359 |
nsIContentPolicy.idl |
Interface for content policy mechanism. Implementations of this
interface can be used to control loading of various types of out-of-line
content, or processing of certain types of in-line content.
WARNING: do not block the caller from shouldLoad or shouldProcess (e.g.,
by launching a dialog to prompt the user for something).
19389 |
nsIDocumentObserver.h |
Notify that a content model update is beginning. This call can be
4399 |
nsIDroppedLinkHandler.idl |
Returns the URL of the link.
3286 |
nsIEventSourceEventService.idl |
1475 |
nsIGlobalObject.cpp |
15910 |
nsIGlobalObject.h |
See <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Global_object>.
15570 |
nsIImageLoadingContent.idl |
This interface represents a content node that loads images. The interface
exists to allow getting information on the images that the content node
loads and to allow registration of observers for the image loads.
Implementors of this interface should handle all the mechanics of actually
loading an image -- getting the URI, checking with content policies and
the security manager to see whether loading the URI is allowed, performing
the load, firing any DOM events as needed.
An implementation of this interface may support the concepts of a
"current" image and a "pending" image. If it does, a request to change
the currently loaded image will start a "pending" request which will
become current only when the image is loaded. It is the responsibility of
observers to check which request they are getting notifications for.
Please make sure to update the MozImageLoadingContent WebIDL
mixin to mirror this interface when changing it.
6104 |
nsImageLoadingContent.cpp |
A base class which implements nsIImageLoadingContent and can be
subclassed by various content nodes that want to provide image
loading functionality (eg <img>, <object>, etc).
59224 |
nsImageLoadingContent.h |
A base class which implements nsIImageLoadingContent and can be
subclassed by various content nodes that want to provide image
loading functionality (eg <img>, <object>, etc).
20597 |
nsIMessageManager.idl |
665 |
nsIMutationObserver.h |
Information details about a characterdata change. Basically, we
view all changes as replacements of a length of text at some offset
with some other text (of possibly some other length).
18223 |
nsINode.cpp |
Base class for all DOM nodes.
130209 |
nsINode.h |
@return true if aChar is what the WHATWG defines as a 'ascii whitespace'.
102380 |
nsINodeList.h |
An internal interface for a reasonably fast indexOf.
1580 |
nsIObjectLoadingContent.idl |
This interface represents a content node that loads objects.
Please make sure to update the MozObjectLoadingContent WebIDL
mixin to mirror this interface when changing it.
1623 |
nsIScriptableContentIterator.idl |
nsIScriptableContentIterator is designed to testing concrete classes of
2363 |
nsIScriptChannel.idl |
An interface representing a channel which will have to execute some sort of
program provided via its URI to compute the data it should return.
If a channel implements this interface, the execution of the program in
question will be restricted in the following ways:
- If the channel does not have an owner principal, the program will not be
executed at all, no matter what. This is necessary because in this
circumstance we have no way to tell whether script execution is allowed at
all for the originating security context of this channel.
- If the channel has an owner principal, how it is executed is controlled by
this interface. However if the owner principal does not subsume the
principal of the environment in which the program is to be executed the
execution will be forced to happen in a sandbox.
2847 |
nsIScriptContext.h |
It is used by the application to initialize a runtime and run scripts.
A script runtime would implement this interface.
3109 |
nsIScriptGlobalObject.h |
The global object which keeps a script context for each supported script
language. This often used to store per-window global state.
This is a heavyweight interface implemented only by DOM globals, and
it might go away some time in the future.
3153 |
nsIScriptObjectPrincipal.h |
JS Object Principal information.
1281 |
nsISelectionController.idl |
SetDisplaySelection will set the display mode for the selection. OFF,ON,DISABLED
14009 |
nsISelectionDisplay.idl |
SetSelectionFlags used to set whether you want to see HRULES/IMAGES with border.
also used to tell if the presshell is an editor right now. this should change
@param aToggle -either DISPLAY_(TEXT,IMAGES,FRAMES,ALL)
This will tell the rendering engine to draw the different
selection types.
1405 |
nsISelectionListener.idl |
bitflags |
1675 |
nsISizeOfEventTarget.h |
This class is much the same as nsISizeOf, but is specifically for measuring
the contents of nsGlobalWindow::mEventTargetObjects.
We don't use nsISizeOf because if we did, any object belonging to
mEventTargetObjects that implements nsISizeOf would be measured, which we
may not want (perhaps because the object is also measured elsewhere).
1554 |
nsISlowScriptDebug.idl |
1123 |
nsJSEnvironment.cpp |
70066 |
nsJSEnvironment.h |
7953 |
nsJSUtils.cpp |
This is not a generated file. It contains common utility functions
invoked from the JavaScript code generated from IDL interfaces.
The goal of the utility functions is to cut down on the size of
the generated code itself.
6087 |
nsJSUtils.h |
This is not a generated file. It contains common utility functions
invoked from the JavaScript code generated from IDL interfaces.
The goal of the utility functions is to cut down on the size of
the generated code itself.
7486 |
nsLineBreaker.cpp |
static |
26041 |
nsLineBreaker.h |
A receiver of line break data.
12423 |
nsMimeTypeArray.cpp |
2915 |
nsMimeTypeArray.h |
Array class backing HTML's navigator.mimeTypes. This always holds
references to the hard-coded set of PDF MIME types defined by HTML but it
only consults them if "pdfjs.disabled" is false. There is never more
than one of these per DOM window.
3506 |
nsNameSpaceManager.cpp |
A class for managing namespace IDs and mapping back and forth
between namespace IDs and namespace URIs.
9670 |
nsNameSpaceManager.h |
The Name Space Manager tracks the association between a NameSpace
URI and the int32_t runtime id. Mappings between NameSpaces and
NameSpace prefixes are managed by nsINameSpaces.
All NameSpace URIs are stored in a global table so that IDs are
consistent accross the app. NameSpace IDs are only consistent at runtime
ie: they are not guaranteed to be consistent accross app sessions.
The nsNameSpaceManager needs to have a live reference for as long as
the NameSpace IDs are needed.
2906 |
nsNoDataProtocolContentPolicy.cpp |
Content policy implementation that prevents all loads of images,
subframes, etc from protocols that don't return data but rather open
applications (such as mailto).
2486 |
nsNoDataProtocolContentPolicy.h |
Content policy implementation that prevents all loads of images,
subframes, etc from documents loaded as data (eg documents loaded
via XMLHttpRequest).
1340 |
nsNodeInfoManager.cpp |
A class for handing out nodeinfos and ensuring sharing of them as needed.
13559 |
nsNodeInfoManager.h |
A class for handing out nodeinfos and ensuring sharing of them as needed.
6021 |
nsObjectLoadingContent.cpp |
A base class implementing nsIObjectLoadingContent for use by
various content nodes that want to provide plugin/document/image
loading functionality (eg <embed>, <object>, etc).
65350 |
nsObjectLoadingContent.h |
A base class implementing nsIObjectLoadingContent for use by
various content nodes that want to provide plugin/document/image
loading functionality (eg <embed>, <object>, etc).
18091 |
nsOpenURIInFrameParams.cpp |
2908 |
nsOpenURIInFrameParams.h |
1317 |
nsPIDOMWindow.h |
Associate this inner window with a MediaKeys instance.
39187 |
nsPIDOMWindowInlines.h |
2235 |
nsPIWindowRoot.h |
@param aForVisibleWindow true if caller needs controller which is
associated with visible window.
3315 |
nsPluginArray.cpp |
5181 |
nsPluginArray.h |
Array class backing HTML's navigator.plugins. This always holds references
to the hard-coded set of PDF plugins defined by HTML but it only consults
them if "pdfjs.disabled" is false. There is never more than one of these
per DOM window.
4057 |
nsPropertyTable.cpp |
nsPropertyTable allows a set of arbitrary key/value pairs to be stored
for any number of nodes, in a global hashtable rather than on the nodes
themselves. Nodes can be any type of object; the hashtable keys are
nsAtom pointers, and the values are void pointers.
9423 |
nsPropertyTable.h |
nsPropertyTable allows a set of arbitrary key/value pairs to be stored
for any number of nodes, in a global hashtable rather than on the nodes
themselves. Nodes can be any type of object; the hashtable keys are
nsAtom pointers, and the values are void pointers.
6618 |
nsQueryContentEventResult.cpp |
Is*PropertyAvailable() methods which check if the property is available
(valid) with the event message.
**************************************************************************** |
7627 |
nsQueryContentEventResult.h |
1366 |
nsRange.cpp |
Implementation of the DOM Range object.
124294 |
nsRange.h |
Implementation of the DOM Range object.
25491 |
nsSandboxFlags.h |
Constant flags that describe how a document is sandboxed according to the
HTML5 spec.
4144 |
nsScreen.cpp |
virtual |
5573 |
nsScreen.h |
nsScreen_h___ |
3263 |
nsStructuredCloneContainer.cpp |
4115 |
nsStructuredCloneContainer.h |
38bd0634-0fd4-46f0-b85f-13ced889eeec |
1314 |
nsStubAnimationObserver.cpp |
424 |
nsStubAnimationObserver.h |
587 |
nsStubDocumentObserver.cpp |
nsStubDocumentObserver is an implementation of the nsIDocumentObserver
interface (except for the methods on nsISupports) that is intended to be
used as a base class within the content/layout library. All methods do
856 |
nsStubDocumentObserver.h |
nsStubDocumentObserver is an implementation of the nsIDocumentObserver
interface (except for the methods on nsISupports) that is intended to be
used as a base class within the content/layout library. All methods do
1362 |
nsStubMutationObserver.cpp |
nsStubMutationObserver is an implementation of the nsIMutationObserver
interface (except for the methods on nsISupports) that is intended to be
used as a base class within the content/layout library. All methods do
6740 |
nsStubMutationObserver.h |
nsStubMutationObserver is an implementation of the nsIMutationObserver
interface (except for the methods on nsISupports) that is intended to be
used as a base class within the content/layout library. All methods do
2947 |
nsStyledElement.cpp |
aForceInDataDoc |
7547 |
nsStyledElement.h |
nsStyledElement is the base for elements supporting styling via the
id/class/style attributes; it is a common base for their support in HTML,
SVG and MathML.
3652 |
nsSyncLoadService.cpp |
A service that provides methods for synchronously loading a DOM in various
10704 |
nsSyncLoadService.h |
A service that provides methods for synchronously loading a DOM in various
2556 |
nsTextFragment.cpp |
A class which represents a fragment of text (eg inside a text
node); if only codepoints below 256 are used, the text is stored as
a char*; otherwise the text is stored as a char16_t*
15376 |
nsTextFragment.h |
A class which represents a fragment of text (eg inside a text
node); if only codepoints below 256 are used, the text is stored as
a char*; otherwise the text is stored as a char16_t*
17688 |
nsTextFragmentGeneric.h |
2022 |
nsTextFragmentGenericFwd.h |
589 |
nsTextFragmentImpl.h |
1357 |
nsTextFragmentSSE2.cpp |
444 |
nsTextFragmentVMX.cpp |
3320 |
nsTextNode.cpp |
Implementation of DOM Core's Text node.
8230 |
nsTextNode.h |
Implementation of DOM Core's Text node.
1763 |
nsTraversal.cpp |
destructor code |
1986 |
nsTraversal.h |
Implementation of common traversal methods for TreeWalker and NodeIterator.
1454 |
nsTreeSanitizer.cpp |
59313 |
nsTreeSanitizer.h |
See the documentation of nsIParserUtils::sanitize for documentation
about the default behavior and the configuration options of this sanitizer.
8422 |
nsViewportInfo.cpp |
1784 |
nsViewportInfo.h |
Default values for the nsViewportInfo class.
5577 |
nsWindowMemoryReporter.cpp |
Don't trigger a ghost window check when a DOM window is detached if we've
run it this recently.
36091 |
nsWindowMemoryReporter.h |
nsWindowMemoryReporter is responsible for the 'explicit/window-objects'
memory reporter.
We classify DOM window objects into one of three categories:
- "active" windows, which are displayed in a tab (as the top-level window
or an iframe),
- "cached" windows, which are in the fastback cache (aka the bfcache), and
- "detached" windows, which have a null docshell. A window becomes
detached when its <iframe> or tab containing the window is destroyed --
i.e., when the window is no longer active or cached.
Additionally, we classify a subset of detached windows as "ghost" windows.
Although ghost windows can happen legitimately (a page can hold a reference
to a cross-domain window and then close its container), the presence of
ghost windows is often indicative of a memory leak.
A window is a ghost if it meets the following three criteria:
1) The window is detached.
2) There exist no non-detached windows with the same base domain as
the window's principal. (For example, the base domain of
"wiki.mozilla.co.uk" is "mozilla.co.uk".) This criterion makes us less
likely to flag a legitimately held-alive detached window as a ghost.
3) The window has met criteria (1) and (2) above for at least
memory.ghost_window_timeout_seconds. This criterion is in place so we
don't immediately declare a window a ghost before the GC/CC has had a
chance to run.
nsWindowMemoryReporter observes window detachment and uses mDetachedWindows
to remember when a window first met criteria (1) and (2). When we generate
a memory report, we use this accounting to determine which windows are
We use the following memory reporter path for active and cached windows:
explicit/window-objects/top(<top-outer-uri>, id=<top-outer-id>)/
For detached and ghost windows, we use
- <category> is "active", "cached", "detached", or "ghost", as described
- <top-outer-id> is the window id of the top outer window (i.e. the tab, or
the top level chrome window). Exposing this ensures that each tab gets
its own sub-tree, even if multiple tabs are showing the same URI.
- <top-uri> is the URI of the top window. Excepting special windows (such
as browser.xhtml or hiddenWindowMac.xhtml) it's what the address bar shows
for the tab.
6181 |
nsWindowRoot.cpp |
13826 |
nsWindowRoot.h |
3491 |
nsWindowSizes.h |
6789 |
nsWrapperCache.cpp |
static |
4888 |
nsWrapperCache.h |
Class to store the wrapper for an object. This can only be used with objects
that only have one non-security wrapper at a time (for an XPCWrappedNative
this is usually ensured by setting an explicit parent in the PreCreate hook
for the class).
An instance of nsWrapperCache can be gotten from an object that implements
a wrapper cache by calling QueryInterface on it. Note that this breaks XPCOM
rules a bit (this object doesn't derive from nsISupports).
The cache can store objects other than wrappers. We allow wrappers to use a
separate JSObject to store their state (mostly expandos). If the wrapper is
collected and we want to preserve this state we actually store the state
object in the cache.
The cache can store 3 types of objects: a DOM binding object (regular JS
object or proxy), an nsOuterWindowProxy or an XPCWrappedNative wrapper.
The finalizer for the wrapper clears the cache.
A compacting GC can move the wrapper object. Pointers to moved objects are
usually found and updated by tracing the heap, however non-preserved wrappers
are weak references and are not traced, so another approach is
necessary. Instead a class hook (objectMovedOp) is provided that is called
when an object is moved and is responsible for ensuring pointers are
updated. It does this by calling UpdateWrapper() on the wrapper
cache. SetWrapper() asserts that the hook is implemented for any wrapper set.
A number of the methods are implemented in nsWrapperCacheInlines.h because we
have to include some JS headers that don't play nicely with the rest of the
codebase. Include nsWrapperCacheInlines.h if you need to call those methods.
30337 |
nsWrapperCacheInlines.h |
nsWrapperCache_h___ |
3362 |
Nyx.cpp |
static |
2270 |
Nyx.h |
1077 |
ParentProcessMessageManager.cpp |
1124 |
ParentProcessMessageManager.h |
Implementation for the WebIDL ParentProcessMessageManager interface.
ParentProcessMessageManager is used in a parent process to communicate with
all the child processes.
1692 |
PlacesBookmark.h |
1288 |
PlacesBookmarkAddition.h |
3201 |
PlacesBookmarkChanged.h |
849 |
PlacesBookmarkGuid.h |
1612 |
PlacesBookmarkKeyword.h |
1786 |
PlacesBookmarkMoved.h |
2856 |
PlacesBookmarkRemoved.h |
1978 |
PlacesBookmarkTags.h |
1751 |
PlacesBookmarkTime.h |
1728 |
PlacesBookmarkTitle.h |
1745 |
PlacesBookmarkUrl.h |
1593 |
PlacesEvent.cpp |
905 |
PlacesEvent.h |
2523 |
PlacesEventCounts.cpp |
2054 |
PlacesEventCounts.h |
1162 |
PlacesFavicon.h |
1605 |
PlacesHistoryCleared.h |
1265 |
PlacesObservers.cpp |
14744 |
PlacesObservers.h |
2835 |
PlacesPurgeCaches.h |
1214 |
PlacesRanking.h |
1172 |
PlacesVisit.h |
2248 |
PlacesVisitRemoved.h |
2520 |
PlacesVisitTitle.h |
1618 |
PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper.cpp |
1586 |
PlacesWeakCallbackWrapper.h |
1526 |
PointerLockManager.cpp |
static |
17241 |
PointerLockManager.h |
Returns true if aContext and the current pointer locked document
have common top BrowsingContext.
Note that this method returns true only if caller is in the same process
as pointer locked document.
2680 |
PopoverData.cpp |
aUseCapture |
2855 |
PopoverData.h |
3839 |
PopupBlocker.cpp |
static |
13635 |
PopupBlocker.h |
3922 |
Pose.cpp |
1954 |
Pose.h |
2532 |
PostMessageEvent.cpp |
11422 |
PostMessageEvent.h |
Class used to represent events generated by calls to Window.postMessage,
which asynchronously creates and dispatches events.
5002 |
ProcessMessageManager.cpp |
1756 |
ProcessMessageManager.h |
ProcessMessageManager is used in a parent process to communicate with a child
process (or with the process itself in a single-process scenario).
1868 |
RadioGroupContainer.cpp |
A struct that holds all the information about a radio group.
7861 |
RadioGroupContainer.h |
2249 |
RangeBoundary.h |
There are two ways of ensuring that `mRef` points to the correct node.
In most cases, the `RangeBoundary` is used by an object that is a
`MutationObserver` (i.e. `nsRange`) and replaces its `RangeBoundary`
objects when its parent chain changes.
However, there are Ranges which are not `MutationObserver`s (i.e.
`StaticRange`). `mRef` may become invalid when a DOM mutation happens.
Therefore, it needs to be recomputed using `mOffset` before it is being
Because recomputing / validating of `mRef` could be an expensive operation,
it should be ensured that `Ref()` is called as few times as possible, i.e.
only once per method of `RangeBoundaryBase`.
Furthermore, there are special implications when the `RangeBoundary` is not
used by an `MutationObserver`:
After a DOM mutation, the Boundary may point to something that is not valid
anymore, i.e. the `mOffset` is larger than `Container()->Length()`. In this
case, `Ref()` and `Get*ChildAtOffset()` return `nullptr` as an indication
that this RangeBoundary is not valid anymore. Also, `IsSetAndValid()`
returns false. However, `IsSet()` will still return true.
21612 |
RangeUtils.cpp |
11014 |
RangeUtils.h |
ShadowDOMSelectionHelpers contains the static methods to help extra values
based on whether or not the iterator allows to iterate nodes cross the shadow
5807 |
RemoteOuterWindowProxy.cpp |
RemoteOuterWindowProxy is the proxy handler for the WindowProxy objects for
Window objects that live in a different process.
RemoteOuterWindowProxy holds a BrowsingContext, which is cycle collected.
This reference is declared to the cycle collector via NoteChildren().
6346 |
RequestCallbackManager.h |
The current frame request callback handle
3340 |
ResizeObserver.cpp |
Returns the length of the parent-traversal path (in terms of the number of
nodes) to an unparented/root node from aNode. An unparented/root node is
considered to have a depth of 1, its children have a depth of 2, etc.
aNode is expected to be non-null.
Note: The shadow root is not part of the calculation because the caller,
ResizeObserver, doesn't observe the shadow root, and only needs relative
depths among all the observed targets. In other words, we calculate the
depth of the flattened tree.
However, these is a spec issue about how to handle shadow DOM case. We
may need to update this function later:
19256 |
ResizeObserver.h |
Returns whether the observed target element size differs from the saved
11286 |
ResponsiveImageSelector.cpp |
22574 |
ResponsiveImageSelector.h |
7725 |
rust |
RustTypes.h |
2095 |
SameProcessMessageQueue.cpp |
static |
1830 |
SameProcessMessageQueue.h |
1157 |
ScreenLuminance.cpp |
688 |
ScreenLuminance.h |
1506 |
ScreenOrientation.cpp |
30326 |
ScreenOrientation.h |
4213 |
ScriptableContentIterator.cpp |
5997 |
ScriptableContentIterator.h |
1121 |
ScrollingMetrics.cpp |
4004 |
ScrollingMetrics.h |
ScrollingMetrics records user-intiated scrolling interactions. These are
aggregrated along with other user interactions (e.g. typing, view time), in
the history metadata.
1713 |
Selection.cpp |
Implementation of mozilla::dom::Selection
156033 |
Selection.h |
This cache allows to store all selected nodes during a reflow operation.
All fully selected nodes are stored in a hash set per-selection instance.
This allows fast paths in `nsINode::IsSelected()` and
`Selection::LookupSelection()`. For partially selected nodes, the old
mechanisms are used. This is okay, because for partially selected nodes
no expensive node traversal is necessary.
This cache is designed to be used in a context where no script is allowed
to run. It assumes that the selection itself, or any range therein, does not
change during its lifetime.
By design, this class can only be instantiated in the `PresShell`.
49995 |
SelectionChangeEventDispatcher.cpp |
Implementation of mozilla::SelectionChangeEventDispatcher
6349 |
SelectionChangeEventDispatcher.h |
2422 |
SerializedStackHolder.cpp |
5047 |
SerializedStackHolder.h |
3570 |
ShadowIncludingTreeIterator.h |
Implementation of
https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-shadow-including-tree-order in iterator
form. This can and should be used to avoid recursion on the stack and lots
of function calls during shadow-including tree iteration.
3897 |
ShadowRoot.cpp |
29514 |
ShadowRoot.h |
Clones internal state, for example stylesheets, of aOther to 'this'.
10787 |
SlowScriptDebug.sys.mjs |
694 |
SourceLocation.cpp |
2027 |
SourceLocation.h |
1786 |
StaticRange.cpp |
6500 |
StaticRange.h |
The following Create() returns `nsRange` instance which is initialized
only with aNode. The result is never positioned.
5872 |
StorageAccessPermissionRequest.cpp |
5717 |
StorageAccessPermissionRequest.h |
3147 |
StructuredCloneBlob.cpp |
static |
7620 |
StructuredCloneBlob.h |
3032 |
StructuredCloneHolder.cpp |
60706 |
StructuredCloneHolder.h |
16133 |
StructuredCloneTags.h |
5065 |
StructuredCloneTester.cpp |
static |
3218 |
StructuredCloneTester.h |
1915 |
StyledRange.cpp |
472 |
StyledRange.h |
715 |
StyleSheetList.cpp |
virtual |
1521 |
StyleSheetList.h |
1859 |
SubtleCrypto.cpp |
6333 |
SubtleCrypto.h |
4754 |
SyncMessageSender.h |
773 |
test |
TestUtils.cpp |
shrinking |
1923 |
TestUtils.h |
851 |
Text.cpp |
static |
4821 |
Text.h |
Method to see if the text node contains data that is useful
for a translation: i.e., it consists of more than just whitespace,
digits and punctuation.
1886 |
TextDirectiveCreator.cpp |
static |
46627 |
TextDirectiveCreator.h |
@brief Caches fold case representations of `nsRange`s.
This class is a specialization for a hashmap using `nsRange*` as key and
`UniquePtr<nsString>` as value.
The class only exposes the strings as raw pointers, which are valid as long
as this cache is alive. The addresses will not change and the pointers can
safely be stored, as long as the lifetime of this cache is greater.
13211 |
TextDirectiveFinder.cpp |
19036 |
TextDirectiveFinder.h |
@brief Finds one or more `TextDirective`s in a `Document`.
This class is designed to consume the `TextDirective`s.
Every `TextDirective` which is found is removed from the list of uninvoked
text directives, and is returned as an `nsRange`.
Internally, finding a text directive in a document uses Gecko's find-in-page
implementation `nsFind`.
1686 |
TextDirectiveUtil.cpp |
static |
29147 |
TextDirectiveUtil.h |
@brief Return true if `aNode` is a visible Text node.
A node is a visible text node if it is a Text node, the computed value of
its parent element's visibility property is visible, and it is being
see https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#visible-text-node
9531 |
TextInputProcessor.cpp |
**************************************************************************** |
61294 |
TextInputProcessor.h |
TextInputProcessor manages modifier key state. E.g., when it dispatches
a modifier keydown event, activates proper modifier state and when it
dispatches a modifier keyup event, inactivates proper modifier state.
This returns all active modifiers in the instance.
9879 |
ThirdPartyUtil.cpp |
17770 |
ThirdPartyUtil.h |
1540 |
Timeout.cpp |
2751 |
Timeout.h |
Timeout struct that holds information about each script
timeout. Holds a strong reference to an nsITimeoutHandler, which
abstracts the language specific cruft.
5699 |
TimeoutBudgetManager.cpp |
966 |
TimeoutBudgetManager.h |
806 |
TimeoutExecutor.cpp |
8425 |
TimeoutExecutor.h |
2964 |
TimeoutHandler.cpp |
unused |
6429 |
TimeoutHandler.h |
Utility class for implementing nsITimeoutHandlers, designed to be subclassed.
3266 |
TimeoutManager.cpp |
51103 |
TimeoutManager.h |
8782 |
TreeIterator.h |
A generic pre-order tree iterator on top of ChildIterator.
See ChildIterator.h for the kind of iterators you can use as the template
argument for this class.
4024 |
TreeOrderedArray.h |
1911 |
TreeOrderedArrayInlines.h |
1576 |
TreeWalker.cpp |
Implementation of DOM Traversal's TreeWalker
8347 |
TreeWalker.h |
Implementation of DOM Traversal's TreeWalker
2801 |
UIDirectionManager.cpp |
static |
2831 |
UIDirectionManager.h |
823 |
UnbindContext.h |
State that is passed down to UnbindToTree. |
1139 |
use_counter_metrics.yaml |
1235009 |
UseCounter.h |
2749 |
UseCounterMetrics.h |
Increments the metric associated with the specific use counter.
@param aUseCounter - The use counter for the feature that was used.
@param aIsPage - Whether we should record to the page or document metric.
@returns The name of the metric that was incremented, or "".
1391 |
UseCounters.conf |
18372 |
usecounters.py |
# This file is AUTOGENERATED by usecounters.py. DO NOT EDIT.
# (instead, re-run ./mach gen-use-counter-metrics)
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
$schema: moz://mozilla.org/schemas/glean/metrics/2-0-0
- 'Core :: DOM: Core & HTML'
26622 |
UseCountersWorker.conf |
3484 |
UserActivation.cpp |
static |
5215 |
UserActivation.h |
Most of this class is for the old user activation model. The new model
defined in the spec [1] is implemented by `dom::WindowContext` (see
`WindowContext::GetUserActivationState` etc.) since the state defined in the
spec is associated with the `window` object.
6579 |
VideoFrameProvider.h |
1084 |
ViewportMetaData.cpp |
Helper function for ViewportMetaData::ProcessViewportInfo.
Handles a single key=value pair. If it corresponds to a valid viewport
attribute, add it to the document header data. No validation is done on the
value itself (this is done at display time).
3698 |
ViewportMetaData.h |
Process viewport META data. This gives us information for the scale
and zoom of a page on mobile devices. We stick the information in
the document header and use it later on after rendering.
See Bug #436083
1712 |
VisualViewport.cpp |
virtual |
10885 |
VisualViewport.h |
Visual Viewport API spec:
https://wicg.github.io/visual-viewport/#the-visualviewport-interface |
3872 |
WindowDestroyedEvent.cpp |
5253 |
WindowDestroyedEvent.h |
1088 |
WindowFeatures.cpp |
static |
8242 |
WindowFeatures.h |
4315 |
WindowNamedPropertiesHandler.cpp |
unused |
10212 |
WindowNamedPropertiesHandler.h |
hasPrototype = |
2683 |
WindowProxyHolder.h |
This class is used for passing arguments and the return value for WebIDL
binding code that takes/returns a WindowProxy object and for WebIDL
unions/dictionaries that contain a WindowProxy member. It should never
contain null; if the value in WebIDL is nullable the binding code will use a
2657 |
XPathGenerator.cpp |
Check whether a character is a non-word character. A non-word character is a
character that isn't in ('a'..'z') or in ('A'..'Z') or a number or an
5762 |
XPathGenerator.h |
Return a properly quoted string to insert into an XPath
918 |