345339_iframe.html |
Form Elements |
759 |
accesscontrol.resource |
119 |
165 |
Ahem.ttf |
12480 |
audio.ogg |
14293 |
badContentType.eventsource |
35 |
25 |
badHTTPResponseCode.eventsource |
35 |
51 |
badMessageEvent.eventsource |
27 |
32 |
badMessageEvent2.eventsource |
48 |
32 |
browser.toml |
4741 |
browser_aboutnewtab_process_selection.js |
4353 |
browser_blocking_image.js |
Loading an image from https:// should work.
5359 |
browser_bug902350.js |
Mixed Content Block frame navigates for target="_top" - Test for Bug 902350
1820 |
browser_bug1011748.js |
960 |
browser_bug1058164.js |
Adds a content event listener on the given browser element. NOTE: this test
is checking the behavior of pageshow and pagehide as seen by frame scripts,
so it is specifically implemented using the message message manager.
Similar to BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent, but the listener will fire
until it is removed. A callable object is returned that, when called, removes
the event listener. Note that this function works even if the browser's
frameloader is swapped.
@param {xul:browser} browser
The browser element to listen for events in.
@param {string} eventName
Name of the event to listen to.
@param {function} listener
Function to call in parent process when event fires.
Not passed any arguments.
@param {function} checkFn [optional]
Called with the Event object as argument, should return true if the
event is the expected one, or false if it should be ignored and
listening should continue. If not specified, the first event with
the specified name resolves the returned promise. This is called
within the content process and can have no closure environment.
@returns function
If called, the return value will remove the event listener.
7534 |
browser_bug1303838.js |
Test for bug 1303838.
Load a tab with some links, emulate link clicks and check if the
browser would switch to the existing target tab opened by previous
link click if loadDivertedInBackground is set to true.
10036 |
browser_bug1554070.js |
1496 |
browser_bug1691214.js |
4009 |
browser_bug1703472.js |
2319 |
browser_chromeutils_getalldomprocesses.js |
2344 |
browser_chromeutils_isdomobject.js |
2707 |
browser_data_documents_aboutmemory.js |
anonymized = |
606 |
browser_event_source_reconnect_after_disconnect.js |
3025 |
browser_force_process_selector.js |
1293 |
browser_form_validity_popup_submit.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
1765 |
browser_inputStream_structuredClone.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
1805 |
browser_messagemanager_loadprocessscript.js |
eslint-env mozilla/process-script |
5966 |
browser_messagemanager_targetframeloader.js |
1056 |
browser_messagemanager_unload.js |
3244 |
browser_multiple_popups.html |
1797 |
browser_multiple_popups.js |
In this test, we check that the content can't open more than one popup at a
time (depending on "dom.allow_mulitple_popups" preference value).
7130 |
browser_object_attachment.js |
5331 |
browser_outline_refocus.js |
1860 |
browser_page_load_event_telemetry.js |
1718 |
browser_pagehide_on_tab_close.js |
446 |
browser_promiseDocumentFlushed.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
7723 |
browser_refresh_content.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
3709 |
browser_set_focus_after_reuse_bcg.js |
3342 |
browser_state_notifications.js |
globals Components: true, Promise: true, gBrowser: true, Test: true,
info: true, is: true, window: true, waitForExplicitFinish: true,
finish: true, ok: true |
6886 |
browser_timeout_throttling_with_audio_playback.js |
2399 |
browser_use_counters.js |
11986 |
browser_user_input_handling_delay.js |
2359 |
browser_user_input_handling_delay_aboutblank.js |
1821 |
browser_user_input_handling_delay_bfcache.js |
3032 |
browser_user_input_handling_delay_invisible_iframe.js |
2356 |
browser_user_input_handling_delay_reload_ticks.js |
1757 |
browser_xml_toggle.js |
666 |
bug282547.sjs |
316 |
bug298064-subframe.html |
780 |
bug313646.txt |
62 |
bug382113_object.html |
203 |
bug403852_fileOpener.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
726 |
bug419132.html |
632 |
bug426308-redirect.sjs |
154 |
bug435425.sjs |
677 |
bug435425_redirect.sjs |
166 |
bug444322.js |
0 |
bug444322.txt |
0 |
bug444546.sjs |
572 |
bug455629-helper.svg |
159 |
bug457746.sjs |
329 |
bug461735-post-redirect.js |
27 |
bug461735-redirect1.sjs |
218 |
bug461735-redirect2.sjs |
222 |
bug466080.sjs |
494 |
bug466409-empty.css |
0 |
bug466409-page.html |
237 |
bug475156.sjs |
796 |
bug482935.sjs |
310 |
bug540854.sjs |
572 |
bug578096LoadChromeScript.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
645 |
bug638112-response.txt |
247 |
bug638112.sjs |
700 |
bug696301-script-1.js |
36 |
31 |
bug696301-script-2.js |
36 |
bug704320.sjs |
11430 |
bug704320_counter.sjs |
2477 |
bug819051.sjs |
292 |
bug1576154.sjs |
315 |
bug1739957.sjs |
315 |
chrome |
chrome.toml |
1601 |
common_postMessages.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok |
10066 |
copypaste.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
17828 |
copypaste_shadow_dom.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
10868 |
delayedServerEvents.sjs |
1084 |
dummy.html |
Dummy test page |
173 |
embed_bug455472.html |
70 |
empty.html |
0 |
eventsource.resource |
260 |
74 |
eventsource_message.sjs |
412 |
eventsource_reconnect.sjs |
531 |
eventsource_redirect.resource |
12 |
71 |
eventsource_redirect_to.resource |
20 |
74 |
eventsource_worker.js |
148 |
FAIL.html |
5 |
fake_plugin.tst |
92 |
file_audioLoop.html |
61 |
file_audioLoopInIframe.html |
60 |
file_blocking_image.html |
Image Blocking test |
271 |
file_browser_refresh_content.html |
1381 |
file_browser_refresh_expired_resource.sjs |
432 |
file_browser_refresh_iframe.sjs |
384 |
file_browser_refresh_image.sjs |
1013 |
file_browser_refresh_non_cacheable.sjs |
170 |
file_bug28293.sjs |
164 |
file_bug326337.xml |
20 |
file_bug326337_inner.html |
Inner file for Bug 326337 |
769 |
file_bug326337_outer.html |
323 |
file_bug357450.js |
Test for Bug 357450 * |
2486 |
file_bug416317.xhtml |
selectorTest |
67742 |
file_bug426646-1.html |
Bug 426646, Using location.replace breaks iframe history |
1074 |
file_bug426646-2.html |
Bug 426646, Using location.replace breaks iframe history |
1735 |
file_bug428847-1.xhtml |
219 |
file_bug428847-2.xhtml |
188 |
file_bug498897.css |
29 |
file_bug498897.html |
Testcase for bug 498897 |
409 |
43 |
file_bug503473-frame.sjs |
607 |
file_bug503481.sjs |
1347 |
file_bug503481b_inner.html |
1534 |
file_bug518104.js |
60 |
file_bug541937.html |
Test |
193 |
file_bug541937.xhtml |
Test |
349 |
file_bug557892.html |
Crash [@ nsGenericElement::SetAttr] with classList.toggle |
684 |
file_bug562137.txt |
12 |
file_bug590812-ref.xhtml |
499 |
file_bug590812.xml |
28 |
file_bug590870.html |
341 |
file_bug601803a.html |
Test for Bug 601803 |
550 |
file_bug601803b.html |
Test for Bug 601803 |
180 |
file_bug604660-1.xml |
101 |
file_bug604660-2.xsl |
698 |
file_bug604660-3.js |
21 |
file_bug604660-4.js |
21 |
file_bug604660-5.xml |
37 |
file_bug604660-6.xsl |
282 |
file_bug622088.sjs |
200 |
file_bug622088_inner.html |
939 |
file_bug675121.sjs |
493 |
file_bug687859-16.js |
64 |
47 |
file_bug687859-bom.js |
36 |
47 |
file_bug687859-charset.js |
34 |
file_bug687859-http.js |
32 |
47 |
file_bug687859-inherit.js |
34 |
file_bug692434.xml |
60 |
file_bug704320_preload_attr.html |
1037 |
file_bug704320_preload_common.js |
1145 |
file_bug704320_preload_reuse.html |
1135 |
file_bug704320_redirect.html |
138 |
file_bug707142_baseline.json |
17 |
file_bug707142_bom.json |
20 |
file_bug707142_utf-16.json |
32 |
file_bug708620-2.html |
Non-UTF form target |
105 |
file_bug708620.html |
Non-UTF form |
189 |
file_bug753278.html |
54 |
file_bug769117.html |
426 |
file_bug782342.txt |
12 |
file_bug787778.sjs |
210 |
file_bug869432.eventsource |
23 |
100 |
file_bug902350.html |
Test for Bug 902350 |
394 |
file_bug902350_frame.html |
Tests for Mixed Content Frame Navigation |
370 |
file_bug907892.html |
252 |
file_bug945152.jar |
92275 |
file_bug945152_worker.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok |
2987 |
file_bug1008126_worker.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
3792 |
file_bug1011748_OK.sjs |
174 |
file_bug1011748_redirect.sjs |
250 |
file_bug1091883_frame.html |
350 |
file_bug1091883_subframe.html |
70 |
file_bug1091883_target.html |
255 |
file_bug1100912.html |
Test for Bug 1100912 |
5541 |
file_bug1198095.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
1034 |
file_bug1250148.sjs |
1966 |
file_bug1268962.sjs |
2652 |
file_bug1274806.html |
1760 |
file_bug1303838.html |
Tests for tab switching on link clicks. |
1607 |
file_bug1303838_target.html |
Tests for tab switching on link clicks. |
480 |
file_bug1303838_target_bar.html |
30 |
file_bug1303838_target_baz.html |
30 |
file_bug1303838_target_foo.html |
30 |
file_bug1303838_target_ibar.html |
31 |
file_bug1303838_target_ibaz.html |
31 |
file_bug1303838_target_ifoo.html |
31 |
file_bug1303838_with_iframe.html |
Tests for tab switching on link clicks. |
250 |
file_bug1554070_1.html |
Test for Bug 1554070 |
279 |
file_bug1554070_2.html |
Test for Bug 1554070 |
247 |
file_bug1639328.html |
195 |
file_bug1691214.html |
279 |
file_bug1700871.html |
590 |
file_bug1703472.html |
216 |
file_change_policy_redirect.html |
155 |
file_current_inner_window.html |
629 |
file_delazification_strategy.html |
Add a tag script to check delazification strategy |
233 |
file_delazification_strategy.js |
13116 |
file_domwindowutils_animation.html |
DOMWindowUtils test with animation |
7849 |
file_domwindowutils_dynamic_toolbar.html |
591 |
file_empty.html |
42 |
file_explicit_user_agent.sjs |
191 |
file_external_script.html |
180 |
file_external_script.xhtml |
220 |
file_focus_design_mode_inner.html |
activeElement design-mode inner document |
614 |
file_focus_display_none_xorigin_iframe_inner.html |
371 |
file_focus_shadow_dom.html |
Test for Bug 1453693 |
40514 |
file_general_document.html |
General document for testing |
152 |
file_history_document_open.html |
164 |
file_htmlserializer_1.html |
Test for html serializer |
1999 |
file_htmlserializer_1_bodyonly.html |
1849 |
file_htmlserializer_1_format.html |
Test for html serializer |
2160 |
file_htmlserializer_1_linebreak.html |
Test for html serializer |
2002 |
file_htmlserializer_1_links.html |
Test for html serializer |
2046 |
file_htmlserializer_1_nested_body.html |
Test for html serializer |
2051 |
file_htmlserializer_1_no_body.html |
Test for html serializer |
153 |
file_htmlserializer_1_noflag.html |
Test for html serializer |
2002 |
file_htmlserializer_1_noformatpre.html |
Test for html serializer |
1990 |
file_htmlserializer_1_raw.html |
Test for html serializer |
2000 |
file_htmlserializer_1_sibling_body.html |
Test for html serializer |
2051 |
file_htmlserializer_1_sibling_body_only_body.html |
1898 |
file_htmlserializer_1_wrap.html |
Test for html serializer |
2006 |
file_htmlserializer_2.html |
Test for html serializer with entities |
2181 |
file_htmlserializer_2_basic.html |
Test for html serializer with entities |
1184 |
file_htmlserializer_ipv6.html |
Testcase for IPv6 addresses |
211 |
file_htmlserializer_ipv6_out.html |
Testcase for IPv6 addresses |
225 |
file_img_attachment.jpg |
2711 |
32 |
file_img_object_attachment.html |
155 |
file_inline_script.html |
183 |
file_inline_script.xhtml |
231 |
file_js_cache.html |
Add a tag script to save the bytecode |
197 |
file_js_cache.js |
69 |
file_js_cache_module.html |
Load the script as a module |
360 |
file_js_cache_save_after_load.html |
Save the bytecode when all scripts are executed |
223 |
file_js_cache_save_after_load.js |
441 |
file_js_cache_syntax_error.html |
Do not save bytecode on compilation errors |
215 |
file_js_cache_syntax_error.js |
43 |
file_js_cache_with_sri.html |
Add a tag script to save the bytecode |
294 |
file_location_href_unknown_protocol.html |
414 |
file_lock_orientation_with_pending_fullscreen.html |
706 |
file_messagemanager_unload.html |
100 |
file_module_js_cache.html |
Add a tag module script to save the bytecode |
226 |
file_module_js_cache.mjs |
71 |
file_module_js_cache_no_module.html |
Load the module script as a regular script |
210 |
file_module_js_cache_with_sri.html |
Add a tag module script to save the bytecode |
323 |
file_mozfiledataurl_img.jpg |
2711 |
file_navigator_resolve_identity_xrays.xhtml |
813 |
file_pdf_attachment.pdf |
1568 |
71 |
file_pdf_object_attachment.html |
160 |
file_receiveMessage.html |
193 |
file_restrictedEventSource.sjs |
2699 |
file_sandbox_and_document_uri.html |
1118 |
file_script.js |
25 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_element.html |
Test module script bytecode |
228 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_element.mjs |
550 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_element_imported_1.mjs |
189 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_element_imported_2.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_element_imported_3.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_static.html |
Test module script bytecode |
226 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_static.mjs |
310 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_static_imported_1.mjs |
106 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_static_imported_2.mjs |
106 |
file_script_module_dynamic_and_static_imported_3.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_dynamic_import.html |
Test module script bytecode |
222 |
file_script_module_dynamic_import.mjs |
137 |
file_script_module_dynamic_import_imported.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_element_and_dynamic.html |
Test module script bytecode |
239 |
file_script_module_element_and_dynamic.mjs |
313 |
file_script_module_element_and_dynamic_imported_1.mjs |
409 |
file_script_module_element_and_dynamic_imported_2.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_element_and_dynamic_imported_3.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_element_and_import.html |
Test module script bytecode |
238 |
file_script_module_element_and_import.mjs |
296 |
file_script_module_element_and_import_imported_1.mjs |
406 |
file_script_module_element_and_import_imported_2.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_element_and_import_imported_3.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_frames_dynamic.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
658 |
file_script_module_frames_dynamic_load.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
527 |
file_script_module_frames_dynamic_load.mjs |
135 |
file_script_module_frames_dynamic_save.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
613 |
file_script_module_frames_dynamic_save.mjs |
135 |
file_script_module_frames_dynamic_shared.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_frames_element.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
658 |
file_script_module_frames_element_load.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
529 |
file_script_module_frames_element_save.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
615 |
file_script_module_frames_element_shared.mjs |
51 |
file_script_module_frames_import.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
656 |
file_script_module_frames_import_load.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
526 |
file_script_module_frames_import_load.mjs |
125 |
file_script_module_frames_import_save.html |
Test module script bytecode across iframe |
612 |
file_script_module_frames_import_save.mjs |
125 |
file_script_module_frames_import_shared.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_frames_relay.js |
836 |
file_script_module_import.html |
Test module script bytecode |
214 |
file_script_module_import.mjs |
120 |
file_script_module_import_and_element.html |
Test module script bytecode |
227 |
file_script_module_import_and_element.mjs |
532 |
file_script_module_import_and_element_imported_1.mjs |
187 |
file_script_module_import_and_element_imported_2.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_import_and_element_imported_3.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_import_imported.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_import_multi.html |
Test module script bytecode |
220 |
file_script_module_import_multi.mjs |
210 |
file_script_module_import_multi_elems.html |
Test module script bytecode |
229 |
file_script_module_import_multi_elems_1.mjs |
550 |
file_script_module_import_multi_elems_2.mjs |
224 |
file_script_module_import_multi_elems_imported_once_1.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_import_multi_elems_imported_once_2.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_import_multi_elems_imported_once_3.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_import_multi_elems_imported_twice.mjs |
110 |
file_script_module_import_multi_imported_once.mjs |
104 |
file_script_module_import_multi_imported_twice.mjs |
23 |
file_script_module_single.html |
Test module script bytecode |
214 |
file_script_module_single.mjs |
123 |
file_script_module_sri_basic.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
320 |
file_script_module_sri_basic.mjs |
51 |
file_script_module_sri_basic_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
320 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
431 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem.mjs |
143 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem_imported.mjs |
75 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem_nopreload.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
243 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem_nopreload.mjs |
583 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem_nopreload_imported.mjs |
75 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem_nopreload_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
252 |
file_script_module_sri_dynamic_elem_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
242 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_dynamic.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
431 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_dynamic.mjs |
143 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_dynamic_imported.mjs |
75 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_dynamic_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
242 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_elem_1.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
420 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_elem_1.mjs |
51 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_elem_1_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
232 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_elem_2.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
420 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_elem_2.mjs |
51 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_elem_2_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
232 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_import.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
429 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_import.mjs |
129 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_import_imported.mjs |
75 |
file_script_module_sri_elem_import_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
241 |
file_script_module_sri_fallback.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
323 |
file_script_module_sri_fallback.mjs |
51 |
file_script_module_sri_fallback_failure.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
437 |
file_script_module_sri_fallback_failure.mjs |
51 |
file_script_module_sri_fallback_failure_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
237 |
file_script_module_sri_fallback_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
229 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
429 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem.mjs |
129 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem_imported.mjs |
75 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem_nopreload.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
260 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem_nopreload.mjs |
568 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem_nopreload_imported.mjs |
75 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem_nopreload_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
251 |
file_script_module_sri_import_elem_prep.html |
Test module script bytecode fallback |
241 |
file_script_module_static_and_dynamic.html |
Test module script bytecode |
226 |
file_script_module_static_and_dynamic.mjs |
296 |
file_script_module_static_and_dynamic_imported_1.mjs |
106 |
file_script_module_static_and_dynamic_imported_2.mjs |
119 |
file_script_module_static_and_dynamic_imported_3.mjs |
23 |
file_serializer_noscript.html |
57 |
file_set_focus_after_reuse_bcg_1.html |
473 |
file_set_focus_after_reuse_bcg_2.html |
475 |
file_setname.html |
127 |
file_settimeout_inner.html |
179 |
file_suppressed_events_and_scrolling.html |
821 |
file_suppressed_events_inner.html |
Test event suppression |
232 |
file_suppressed_events_middle.html |
Test event suppression |
218 |
file_suppressed_events_top.html |
Test event suppression |
2431 |
file_suppressed_events_top_modalstate.html |
Test event suppression |
2410 |
file_suppressed_events_top_xhr.html |
Test event suppression |
2442 |
file_timer_flood.html |
342 |
file_title.xhtml |
93 |
file_toScreenRect.html |
1472 |
file_use_counter_bfcache.html |
792 |
file_use_counter_bfcache_helper.html |
986 |
file_use_counter_outer.html |
Test for Bug 968923 |
339 |
file_use_counter_outer_display_none.html |
Test for Bug 968923 |
340 |
file_use_counter_style.html |
430 |
file_use_counter_svg_currentScale.svg |
671 |
file_use_counter_svg_fill_pattern.svg |
800 |
file_use_counter_svg_fill_pattern_data.svg |
1386 |
file_use_counter_svg_fill_pattern_definition.svg |
489 |
file_use_counter_svg_fill_pattern_internal.svg |
980 |
file_use_counter_svg_getElementById.svg |
872 |
file_viewport_metrics_on_landscape_content.html |
2243 |
file_viewport_scroll_quirks.html |
50 |
file_viewport_scroll_xml.xml |
117 |
file_webaudio_startstop.html |
630 |
file_window_close.html |
1972 |
file_window_close_2.html |
74 |
file_window_focus_by_close_and_open.html |
186 |
file_x-frame-options_main.html |
X-Frame-Options tests |
2950 |
file_x-frame-options_page.sjs |
added for bug 836132 |
2212 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2733 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_bodyonly.xhtml |
2409 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_format.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2948 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_linebreak.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2741 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_links.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2785 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_nested_body.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2790 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_no_body.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
332 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_noflag.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2741 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_noformatpre.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2721 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_raw.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2736 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_sibling_body.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2790 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_sibling_body_only_body.xhtml |
2458 |
file_xhtmlserializer_1_wrap.xhtml |
Test for html serializer |
2746 |
file_xhtmlserializer_2.xhtml |
Test for html serializer with entities |
2376 |
file_xhtmlserializer_2_basic.xhtml |
Test for html serializer with entities |
1353 |
file_xhtmlserializer_2_enthtml.xhtml |
Test for html serializer with entities |
2441 |
file_xhtmlserializer_2_entw3c.xhtml |
Test for html serializer with entities |
2441 |
file_xhtmlserializer_2_latin1.xhtml |
Test for html serializer with entities |
1844 |
file_youtube_flash_embed.html |
Test for Bug 1240471 |
2810 |
file1_setting_opener.html |
68 |
file2_setting_opener.html |
72 |
file3_setting_opener.html |
73 |
file4_setting_opener.html |
7 |
fmm |
formReset.html |
Form Elements |
535 |
forRemoval.resource |
265 |
74 |
fullscreen |
green.png |
255 |
gtest |
head.js |
445 |
iframe_bug962251.html |
668 |
iframe_bug976673.html |
Test for Bug 976673 |
682 |
iframe_main_bug1022229.html |
766 |
iframe_meta_refresh.sjs |
Test server for iframe refresh from meta http-equiv
2305 |
iframe_postMessage_solidus.html |
240 |
iframe_postMessages.html |
206 |
iframe_sandbox_bug1022229.html |
350 |
iframe_shared_compartment2a.html |
101 |
iframe_shared_compartment2b.html |
72 |
iframe1_bug426646.html |
44 |
iframe1_bug431701.html |
14 |
iframe1_bug1640766.html |
Iframe 1 for Bug 1640766 |
450 |
iframe2_bug426646.html |
44 |
iframe2_bug431701.html |
36 |
iframe2_bug1640766.html |
Iframe 2 for Bug 1640766 |
212 |
iframe3_bug431701.html |
41 |
iframe4_bug431701.xml |
14 |
iframe5_bug431701.xml |
35 |
iframe6_bug431701.xml |
52 |
iframe7_bug431701.xml |
57 |
intersectionobserver_cross_domain_iframe.html |
563 |
intersectionobserver_iframe.html |
242 |
intersectionobserver_window.html |
1653 |
invalid_accesscontrol.resource |
119 |
138 |
jsmodules |
meta_viewport |
mochitest.toml |
36343 |
moz.build |
1098 |
object_bug353334.html |
18 |
object_bug455472.html |
36 |
PASS.html |
5 |
red.png |
87 |
referrer_change_server.sjs |
4986 |
referrer_header.sjs |
239 |
referrer_helper.js |
global PARAMS, SJS, testCases |
3443 |
referrer_testserver.sjs |
Test server for iframe, anchor, and area referrer attributes.
Also server for further referrer tests such as redirecting tests
bug 1174913, bug 1175736, bug 1184781
18318 |
referrerHelper.js |
Listen for notifications from the child.
These are sent in case of error, or when the loads we await have completed.
15316 |
reftest |
script-1_bug597345.sjs |
633 |
script-2_bug597345.js |
33 |
script_bug602838.sjs |
986 |
script_bug1238440.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
979 |
script_postmessages_fileList.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
793 |
send_gzip_content.sjs |
1673 |
slow.sjs |
Here the content. But slowly. |
310 |
somedatas.resource |
358 |
74 |
test_anchor_area_referrer.html |
Test anchor and area policy attribute for Bug 1174913 |
4707 |
test_anchor_area_referrer_changing.html |
Test anchor and area policy attribute for Bug 1174913 |
2750 |
test_anchor_area_referrer_invalid.html |
Test anchor and area policy attribute for Bug 1174913 |
2901 |
test_anchor_area_referrer_rel.html |
Test anchor and area policy attribute for Bug 1174913 |
1783 |
test_anchor_target_blank_referrer.html |
Test anchor target=_blank rel=noopener referrer header for Bug 1502678 |
5320 |
test_anonymousContent_api.html |
Test for Bug 1020244 - Test the chrome-only AnonymousContent API |
1332 |
test_anonymousContent_append_after_reflow.html |
Test for Bug 1020244 - Make sure anonymous content still works after a reflow (after the canvasframe has been reconstructed) |
1628 |
test_anonymousContent_canvas.html |
Test for Bug 1212477 - Needs a way to access to <canvas>'s context (2d, webgl) from Anonymous Content API |
1788 |
test_anonymousContent_insert.html |
Test for Bug 1020244 - Insert content using the AnonymousContent API, several times, and don't remove it |
1540 |
test_anonymousContent_manipulate_content.html |
Test for Bug 1020244 - Manipulate content created with the AnonymousContent API |
1576 |
test_anonymousContent_style_csp.html |
Test for Bug 1185351 - Make sure that we don't enforce CSP on styles for AnonymousContent |
926 |
79 |
test_anonymousContent_xul_window.xhtml |
913 |
test_async_setTimeout_stack.html |
Test for Bug 1142577 - Async stacks for setTimeout |
1710 |
test_async_setTimeout_stack_across_globals.html |
Test for Bug 1142577 - Async stacks for setTimeout |
1663 |
test_base.xhtml |
Test for base URIs |
1320 |
test_blocking_image.html |
Test for Bug 1267075 |
2867 |
test_blockParsing.html |
Test for document.blockParsing |
5437 |
test_bug5141.html |
Test for Bug 5141 |
706 |
test_bug28293.html |
Test for Bug 28293 |
1808 |
test_bug28293.xhtml |
Test for Bug 28293 |
1867 |
test_bug51034.html |
Test for Bug 51034 |
906 |
test_bug116083.html |
Test for Bug 116083 |
6416 |
test_bug166235.html |
Test for Bug 166235 |
5981 |
test_bug199959.html |
Test for Bug 199959 |
1006 |
test_bug218236.html |
Test for Bug 218236 |
3772 |
test_bug218277.html |
Test for Bug 218277 |
754 |
test_bug238409.html |
Test for Bug 238409 |
1443 |
test_bug254337.html |
Test for Bug 254337 |
1279 |
test_bug270145.xhtml |
Test the html copy encoder with XHTML |
1332 |
test_bug276037-1.html |
Test for Bug 276037 |
3338 |
test_bug276037-2.xhtml |
Test for Bug 276037 |
3357 |
test_bug282547.html |
Test for Bug 282547 |
2309 |
test_bug298064.html |
Test for Bug 298064 |
748 |
test_bug300992.html |
Test for Bug 300992 |
1319 |
test_bug311681.xml |
Test for Bug 311681 |
3065 |
test_bug313646.html |
Test for Bug 313646 |
1563 |
test_bug320799.html |
Test for Bug 320799 |
2022 |
test_bug322317.html |
Test for Bug 322317 |
802 |
test_bug326337.html |
Test for Bug 326337 |
814 |
test_bug331959.html |
Test for Bug 331959 |
4848 |
test_bug333064.html |
Test for Bug 333064 |
1913 |
test_bug333198.html |
Test for Bug 333198 |
2351 |
test_bug333673.html |
Test for Bug 333673 |
696 |
test_bug337631.html |
Test for Bug 337631 |
2101 |
test_bug338541.xhtml |
Test for Bug 338541 |
1304 |
test_bug338583.html |
Test for Bug 338583 |
22763 |
test_bug339494.html |
Test for Bug 339494 |
1825 |
test_bug339494.xhtml |
Test for Bug 339494 |
1838 |
test_bug343596.html |
Test for Bug 343596 |
1205 |
test_bug345339.html |
Test for Bug 345339 |
3124 |
test_bug346485.html |
Test for Bug 346485 |
2260 |
test_bug352728.html |
Test for Bug 352728 |
3986 |
test_bug352728.xhtml |
Test for Bug 352728 |
5770 |
test_bug353334.html |
Test for Bug 353334 |
1870 |
test_bug355026.html |
734 |
test_bug357450.html |
Test for Bug 357450 |
1003 |
test_bug357450.xhtml |
Test for Bug 357450 |
966 |
test_bug357450_svg.xhtml |
Test for Bug 357450 |
1270 |
test_bug357509.html |
802 |
test_bug358660.html |
Test for Bug 358660 |
936 |
test_bug362391.xhtml |
Test for Bug 362391 |
2162 |
test_bug364092.xhtml |
Test for Bug 364092 |
1239 |
test_bug364413.xhtml |
Test for Bug 364413 |
1366 |
test_bug366944.html |
Test for Bug 366944 |
1683 |
test_bug366946.html |
Test for Bug 366946 |
2465 |
test_bug367164.html |
Test for Bug 367164 |
1472 |
test_bug368972.html |
Test for Bug 368972 |
3946 |
test_bug371576-2.html |
Test for Bug 371576 |
899 |
test_bug371576-3.html |
Test for Bug 371576 |
892 |
test_bug371576-4.html |
Test2 for Bug 371576 |
558 |
test_bug371576-5.html |
Test for Bug 371576 |
1092 |
test_bug372086.html |
Test for Bug 372086 |
3151 |
test_bug372964-2.html |
Test for Bug 372964 |
1731 |
test_bug372964.html |
Test for Bug 372964 |
4044 |
test_bug373181.xhtml |
Testcase for bug 373181 |
544 |
test_bug375314-2.html |
Test for Bug 375314 |
4192 |
test_bug375314.html |
Test for Bug 375314 |
4299 |
test_bug378969.html |
Test for Bug 378969 |
1202 |
test_bug380418.html |
Test for Bug 380418 |
1462 |
75 |
test_bug382113.html |
Test for Bug 382113 |
992 |
test_bug382871.html |
Test for Bug 382871 |
1021 |
test_bug384003.xhtml |
Test for Bug 384003 |
2740 |
test_bug390219.html |
Test for Bug 390219 |
875 |
test_bug390735.html |
Test for Bug 390735 |
797 |
test_bug392318.html |
Test for Bug 392318 |
1272 |
test_bug392511.html |
Test for Bug 392511 |
1457 |
test_bug393968.html |
Test for Bug 393968 |
978 |
test_bug395915.html |
Test for Bug 395915 |
1335 |
test_bug397234.html |
Test for Bug 397234 |
983 |
test_bug398243.html |
Test for Bug 398243 |
1827 |
test_bug401662.html |
Test for Bug 401662 |
1610 |
test_bug402150.html |
Test for Bug 402150 |
621 |
46 |
test_bug403841.html |
Test for Bug 403841 |
915 |
test_bug403852.html |
Test for Bug 403852 |
2087 |
test_bug403868.xml |
Test for Bug 403868 |
2683 |
test_bug405182.html |
Test for Bug 405182 |
1168 |
test_bug409380.html |
Test for Bug 409380 |
10344 |
test_bug410229.html |
Test for Bug 410229 |
4553 |
test_bug413974.html |
Test for Bug 413974 |
963 |
test_bug414190.html |
Test for Bug 414190 |
2619 |
test_bug415860.html |
Test for Bug 415860 |
8121 |
test_bug416317-1.html |
Test for Bug 416317 |
767 |
test_bug416317-2.html |
Test for Bug 416317 |
785 |
test_bug416383.html |
Test for Bug 416383 |
1152 |
test_bug417255.html |
Test for Bug 417255 |
2002 |
test_bug417384.html |
Test for Bug 417384 |
1481 |
test_bug418214.html |
Test for Bug 418214 |
3592 |
test_bug418986-1.html |
Test 1/3 for Bug 418986 - Resist fingerprinting by preventing exposure of screen and system info |
746 |
test_bug419132.html |
Test for Bug 419132 |
1186 |
test_bug419527.xhtml |
Test for Bug 419527 |
2232 |
test_bug420609.xhtml |
Test for Bug 420609 |
1227 |
test_bug420700.html |
Test for Bug 420700 |
867 |
test_bug421602.html |
Test for Bug 421602 |
1234 |
test_bug422403-1.html |
Test for XHTML serializer |
8040 |
test_bug422403-2.xhtml |
Test XHTML serializer with entities and selection |
14567 |
test_bug422537.html |
Test for bug 422537 |
1547 |
test_bug424212.html |
Test for Bug 424212 |
871 |
test_bug424359-1.html |
Test for HTML serializer |
8212 |
test_bug424359-2.html |
Test HTML serializer with entities |
13554 |
test_bug426308.html |
Test for Bug 426308 |
1179 |
test_bug426646.html |
Test for Bug 426646 |
870 |
test_bug428847.html |
Test for Bug 428847 |
884 |
test_bug431082.html |
Test for Bug 431082 |
2025 |
test_bug431701.html |
Test for Bug 431701 |
3175 |
test_bug431833.html |
Test for Bug 431833 |
1207 |
test_bug433533.html |
Test for Bug 433533 |
14256 |
test_bug433662.html |
Test for Bug 433662 |
1240 |
test_bug435425.html |
Test for Bug 435425 |
20606 |
test_bug444322.html |
Firefox 3 Bug #444322 example |
808617 |
test_bug444546.html |
Test for Bug 444546 |
4666 |
test_bug444722.html |
Test for Bug 444722 |
1405 |
test_bug448993.html |
Test for Bug 448993 |
1102 |
test_bug450160.html |
Test for Bug 450160 |
3879 |
test_bug451376.html |
Test for Bug 451376 |
2871 |
test_bug453521.html |
Test for Bug 453521 |
910 |
test_bug453736.html |
Test for Bug 453736 |
1937 |
test_bug454325.html |
Test for Bug 454325 |
4679 |
test_bug454326.html |
Test for Bug 454326 |
4521 |
test_bug455472.html |
Test for Bug 455472 |
1419 |
test_bug455629.html |
Test for Bug 455629 |
1561 |
test_bug456262.html |
Test for Bug 456262 |
1078 |
test_bug457746.html |
Test for Bug 457746 |
911 |
test_bug459424.html |
Test for Bug 459424 |
828 |
test_bug461555.html |
Test for Bug 461555 |
967 |
test_bug461735.html |
Test for Bug 461735 |
1564 |
test_bug465767.html |
Test for Bug 465767 |
993 |
test_bug466080.html |
Test bug 466080 |
5436 |
test_bug466409.html |
806 |
test_bug466751.xhtml |
Test for Bug 466751 |
967 |
test_bug469020.html |
Test for Bug 469020 |
4187 |
test_bug469304.html |
Test for Bug 469304 |
7046 |
test_bug473162-1.html |
Test for Bug 473162 |
866 |
test_bug473162-2.html |
Test for Bug 473162 |
1050 |
test_bug475156.html |
Test for Bug 475156 |
6626 |
test_bug482935.html |
Test bug 482935 |
2061 |
test_bug484396.html |
Test for Bug 484396 |
1088 |
test_bug493881.html |
Test for Bug 493881 |
722 |
test_bug493881.js |
Test for Bug 493881: Changes to legacy HTML color properties before the BODY is loaded
should be ignored. Additionally, after BODY loads, setting any of these properties to undefined
should cause them to be returned as the string "undefined".
3098 |
test_bug498240.html |
Test for Bug 498240 |
7743 |
test_bug498433.html |
Test for HTML serializer |
3559 |
test_bug498897.html |
Test for Bug 498897 |
2799 |
test_bug499656.html |
Test for Bug 499656 |
1843 |
test_bug499656.xhtml |
Test for Bug 499655 |
1765 |
test_bug500937.html |
Test for Bug 500937 |
1971 |
test_bug503473.html |
Test for Bug 503473 |
894 |
test_bug503481.html |
Test for Bug 503481 |
2057 |
test_bug503481b.html |
Test for Bug 503481 |
562 |
test_bug513194.html |
Test for Bug 513194 |
829 |
test_bug514487.html |
Test for Bug 514487 |
1417 |
test_bug515401.html |
Test for Bug 515401 |
4763 |
test_bug518104.html |
Test for Bug 518104 |
1331 |
test_bug527896.html |
Test for Bug 527896 |
1967 |
test_bug540854.html |
Test for Bug 540854 |
978 |
test_bug541937.html |
Test for XHTML serializer, bug 541937 |
5469 |
test_bug544642.html |
Test for bug 544642 |
1080 |
test_bug545644.html |
Test for HTML serializer + innerHtml, bug 545644 |
898 |
test_bug545644.xhtml |
Test for XHTML serializer + innerHtml, bug 545644 |
1183 |
test_bug548463.html |
Test for Bug 548463 |
1701 |
test_bug553896.xhtml |
Test for Bug 553896 |
1921 |
test_bug557892.html |
Test for Bug 557892 |
760 |
test_bug558726.html |
Test for Bug 558726 |
1243 |
test_bug559526.html |
Test for Bug 559526 |
2040 |
test_bug560780.html |
Test for Bug 560780 |
3385 |
test_bug562137.html |
Test for Bug 562137 |
729 |
test_bug562169-1.html |
Test for Bug 562169 |
1206 |
test_bug562169-2.html |
Test for Bug 562169 |
753 |
test_bug562652.html |
Test for Bug 562652 |
1216 |
test_bug564047.html |
Test for Bug 564047 |
852 |
test_bug564863-2.xhtml |
Test for Bug 564863 |
4358 |
test_bug564863.xhtml |
Test for Bug 564863 |
9250 |
test_bug567350.html |
Test for Bug 567350 |
678 |
test_bug574596.html |
Test for Bug 574596 |
3070 |
test_bug578096.html |
Test for Bug 578096 |
1347 |
test_bug585978.html |
Test for Bug 585978 |
890 |
test_bug587931.html |
Test for Bug 587931 |
3649 |
test_bug588990.html |
Test for Bug 588990 |
11231 |
test_bug590812.html |
Test for XML pretty printing, bug 590812 |
1593 |
test_bug590870.html |
Test for creating XUL elements, bug 590870 |
1318 |
test_bug592366.html |
Test for Bug 592366 |
1364 |
test_bug592829.html |
Test for Bug 592829 |
1210 |
test_bug597345.html |
Test for Bug 597345 |
878 |
test_bug599295.html |
Test for Bug 599295 |
1480 |
test_bug599588.html |
Test for Bug 599588 |
1094 |
test_bug601803.html |
Test for Bug 601803 |
889 |
test_bug602838.html |
Test for Bug 602838 |
2524 |
test_bug604592.html |
Test for Bug 604592 |
939 |
test_bug604660.html |
Test for Bug 604660 |
2097 |
test_bug605982.html |
Test for Bug 605982 |
832 |
test_bug606729.html |
Test for Bug 606729 |
1283 |
test_bug614058.html |
Test for Bug 614058 |
752 |
test_bug622088.html |
Bug 622088 - Test that XHR gives the referrer corresponding to the dynamic script context. |
3478 |
test_bug622117.html |
Test for Bug 622117 |
1404 |
test_bug622246.html |
Test for Bug 622246 |
1443 |
test_bug625722.html |
Test for Bug 625722 |
1033 |
test_bug626262.html |
Test for Bug 626262 |
1303 |
test_bug628938.html |
Test for Bug 628938 |
6595 |
test_bug631615.html |
Test for Bug 631615 |
972 |
test_bug638112.html |
Test for Bug 638112 |
1180 |
test_bug647518.html |
Test for Bug 647518 |
1064 |
test_bug650001.html |
Test for Bug 650001 |
822 |
test_bug650776.html |
Test for Bug 650776 |
10545 |
test_bug650784.html |
Test for Bug 650776 |
1967 |
test_bug656283.html |
Test for Bug 656283 |
1441 |
test_bug664916.html |
Test for Bug 664916 |
1072 |
test_bug666604.html |
Test for Bug 666604 |
3452 |
test_bug675121.html |
Test for Bug 675121 |
1086 |
test_bug675166.html |
Test for Bug 675166 |
1773 |
test_bug682463.html |
Test for Bug 682463 |
4299 |
test_bug682554.html |
Test for Bug 682554 |
885 |
test_bug682592.html |
Test for bug 682592 |
5885 |
test_bug684671.html |
Test for Bug 684671 |
1202 |
test_bug685798.html |
Test for Bug 685798 |
1354 |
test_bug686449.xhtml |
Test for Bug 686449 |
2796 |
test_bug687859.html |
Test for Bug 687859 |
1258 |
test_bug690056.html |
Test for Bug 690056 |
1698 |
test_bug692434.html |
Test for Bug 692434 |
1181 |
test_bug693615.html |
Test for Bug 693615 |
1181 |
test_bug693875.html |
Test for Bug 693875 |
1089 |
test_bug694754.xhtml |
Test for Bug 694754 |
2488 |
test_bug696301-1.html |
Test for Bug 696301 |
2567 |
test_bug696301-2.html |
Test for Bug 696301 |
2604 |
test_bug698381.html |
Test for Bug 698381 |
1845 |
test_bug698384.html |
Test for Bug 698384 |
2170 |
test_bug704063.html |
Test for Bug |
1624 |
test_bug704320-1.html |
Test for Bug 704320-Part1 |
2965 |
test_bug704320-2.html |
Test for Bug 704320-Part2 |
3257 |
test_bug704320_policyset.html |
Test policies for Bug 704320 |
3736 |
test_bug704320_policyset2.html |
Test policies for Bug 704320 |
1324 |
test_bug704320_preload.html |
Test preloads for Bug 704320 |
4273 |
test_bug707142.html |
Test for Bug 707142 |
1265 |
test_bug708620.html |
Test for Bug 708620 |
1250 |
test_bug711047.html |
Test for Bug 711047 |
493 |
test_bug711180.html |
Test for Bug 711180 |
642 |
test_bug719533.html |
Test for Bug 719544 |
848 |
test_bug726364.html |
Test for Bug 726364 |
1268 |
test_bug737087.html |
Test for Bug 737087 |
1259 |
test_bug737565.html |
Test for Bug 737565 |
2363 |
test_bug737612.html |
Test for Bug 737612 |
905 |
test_bug738108.html |
Test for Bug 738108 |
1295 |
test_bug744830.html |
6127 |
test_bug749367.html |
Test for Bug 749367 |
629 |
test_bug750096.html |
Test for Bug 750096 |
1375 |
test_bug753278.html |
Test for Bug 753278 |
1207 |
test_bug761120.html |
Test for Bug 761120 |
1056 |
test_bug769117.html |
Test for Bug 769117 |
2010 |
test_bug782342.html |
Test for bug 782342 - blob: protocol no Content-Length header |
2481 |
test_bug787778.html |
Test for Bug 787778 |
684 |
test_bug789315.html |
Test for Bug 789315 |
1325 |
test_bug789856.html |
Test for Bug 789856 |
1042 |
test_bug809003.html |
Test for Bug 809003 |
1303 |
test_bug810494.html |
Test for Bug 810494 |
1415 |
test_bug811701.html |
Test for Bug 811701 |
1727 |
test_bug811701.xhtml |
Test for Bug 811701 |
1998 |
test_bug813919.html |
Test for Bug 813919 |
1300 |
test_bug814576.html |
Test for Bug 814576 |
1150 |
test_bug819051.html |
Test for Bug 819051 |
1572 |
test_bug820909.html |
Test for Bug 820909 |
3039 |
test_bug864595.html |
Test for Bug 864595 |
1178 |
test_bug868999.html |
Test for Bug 868999 |
913 |
test_bug869000.html |
Test for Bug 869000 |
889 |
test_bug869002.html |
Test for Bug 868999 |
756 |
test_bug869006.html |
Test for Bug 869006 |
884 |
test_bug876282.html |
Test for Bug 647518 |
1064 |
test_bug891952.html |
Test for Bug 891952 |
2316 |
test_bug894874.html |
Test for Bug 894874 |
1522 |
test_bug895974.html |
Test for Bug 895974 |
2547 |
test_bug907892.html |
Test for Bug 907892 |
1428 |
test_bug913761.html |
Test for Bug 913761 - basic support |
1133 |
test_bug922681.html |
Test for Bug 922681 |
3467 |
test_bug927196.html |
Test for Bug 426308 |
1797 |
test_bug945152.html |
Test for Bug 945152 |
1821 |
test_bug962251.html |
Test for Bug 962251 |
9090 |
test_bug976673.html |
Test for Bug 976673 |
3181 |
test_bug982153.html |
Test for Bug 982153 |
773 |
test_bug999456.html |
Test for Bug 999456 |
779 |
test_bug1008126.html |
Test for Bug 1008126 |
1944 |
test_bug1016960.html |
Test for Bug 1016960 |
927 |
test_bug1022229.html |
Test for Bug 1022229 |
875 |
test_bug1025933.html |
Test for Bug 1025933 |
1134 |
test_bug1037687.html |
Test for Bug 1037687 |
943 |
test_bug1037687_subframe.html |
1120 |
test_bug1043106.html |
Test for Bug 1043106 |
1127 |
test_bug1057176.html |
Test for Bug 1057176 |
948 |
test_bug1060938.html |
Test for Bug 1060938 |
1311 |
test_bug1064481.html |
Test for Bug 1064481 |
617 |
test_bug1070015.html |
Test for Bug 1070015 |
1627 |
test_bug1075702.html |
Test for Bug 1075702 |
2877 |
test_bug1091883.html |
Test for Bug 1091883 |
2977 |
test_bug1100912.html |
Test for Bug 1100912 |
831 |
test_bug1101364.html |
Test for Bug 1101364 |
3001 |
test_bug1118689.html |
Test for Bug 1118689 |
1127 |
test_bug1120222.html |
Test document-title-changed observer |
1051 |
test_bug1126851.html |
Test for Bug 1126851 |
1043 |
test_bug1163743.html |
Test policies for Bug 1163743 |
1165 |
test_bug1165501.html |
Test policies for Bug 1165501 |
1537 |
test_bug1187157.html |
Test for Bug 1187157 |
838 |
test_bug1198095.html |
Test for Bug 1198095 |
1979 |
test_bug1222633.html |
Test for Bug 1222633 |
4774 |
test_bug1222633_link_update.html |
Test for Bug 1222633 |
4253 |
test_bug1238440.html |
Test - bug 1238440 |
1834 |
test_bug1250148.html |
Test for Bug 1250148 - FormData and HTML submission compatibility |
2089 |
test_bug1259588.html |
Test for Bug 1259588 |
406 |
test_bug1268962.html |
Test for Bug 1268962 |
4810 |
test_bug1274806.html |
Test for Bug 1274806 |
766 |
test_bug1295852.html |
Bug 1295852 |
498 |
test_bug1307730.html |
Test for Bug 1307730 |
1150 |
test_bug1308069.html |
Bug 1308069 |
2874 |
test_bug1314032.html |
Test for Bug 1314032 |
920 |
test_bug1318303.html |
Test for Bug 1318303 |
1744 |
test_bug1375050.html |
Test for Bug 1375050 |
1396 |
test_bug1381710.html |
Test for Mozilla Bug 1381710 |
1129 |
test_bug1399605.html |
Test for Bug 1399605 |
867 |
test_bug1404385.html |
Test for Bug 1404385 |
919 |
test_bug1406102.html |
Test for Bug 1406102 |
978 |
test_bug1421568.html |
Test for Bug 1421568 |
1466 |
test_bug1433073.html |
Test bug 1433073 |
2382 |
test_bug1472427.html |
Test for Bug 1472427 |
2663 |
test_bug1499169.html |
Test for Bug 1499169 |
1179 |
test_bug1576154.html |
Test for Bug 1576154 |
910 |
test_bug1632975.html |
Test for Bug 1632975 |
1411 |
test_bug1639328.html |
Test for bug 1639328 |
3800 |
test_bug1640766.html |
Test for Bug 1640766 |
1526 |
test_bug1648887.html |
Test for Bug 1648887 |
929 |
test_bug1667316.html |
Test for Bug 1667316 |
4327 |
test_bug1730284.html |
Test for bug 1730284 (throttling of same-origin iframes) |
2198 |
test_bug1739957.html |
Importing a node should respect sandbox |
1316 |
test_bug1784187.html |
Test for Bug 1784187 |
1053 |
test_bug1799354.html |
Test bug 1799354 |
3100 |
test_caretPositionFromPoint.html |
Test for Bug 654352 |
6504 |
test_change_policy.html |
Test policies for Bug 1101288 |
4590 |
test_clearTimeoutIntervalNoArg.html |
Test for clearTimeout/clearInterval with no arguments not throwing |
441 |
test_clipboard_nbsp.html |
Test for copying non-breaking spaces to the clipboard |
4734 |
test_constructor-assignment.html |
1563 |
test_constructor.html |
1582 |
test_content_iterator_post_order.html |
Test for post-order content iterator |
48719 |
test_content_iterator_pre_order.html |
Test for pre-order content iterator |
48288 |
test_content_iterator_subtree.html |
Test for content subtree iterator |
37125 |
test_content_iterator_subtree_shadow_tree.html |
Test for content subtree iterator with ShadowDOM involved |
14229 |
test_copyimage.html |
Test for copy image |
3205 |
test_copypaste.html |
Test for copy/paste |
3484 |
test_copypaste.xhtml |
Test for copy/paste with XHTML |
3064 |
test_copypaste_disabled.html |
3593 |
test_copypaste_shadow_dom.html |
Test for copy/paste |
3057 |
test_createHTMLDocument.html |
createHTMLDocument |
2290 |
test_current_inner_window.html |
Test that current inner window checks are correct after navigations/discards |
2063 |
test_custom_element.html |
1028 |
test_custom_element_invalid_name.html |
Test for copy/paste with XHTML |
918 |
test_custom_element_reflector.html |
Custom Elements don't lose their reflectors |
1054 |
test_data_uri.html |
Tests for Data URI |
9502 |
test_delazification_strategy.html |
Test for triggering eager delazification. |
7480 |
test_document.all_iteration.html |
Test for document.all iteration behavior |
374 |
test_document.all_unqualified.html |
Test for Bug 823283 |
997 |
test_document_constructor.html |
Test for Bug 1017932 |
909 |
test_document_importNode_document.html |
Test for Bug 1177914 |
834 |
test_document_wireframe.html |
Tests for document.getWireframe() |
10302 |
test_domparser_null_char.html |
Test for Bug 817469 |
752 |
test_domparsing.html |
Test for the DOM Parsing and Serialization Standard |
2819 |
test_domwindowutils.html |
Test for DOMWindowUtils |
3785 |
test_drag_drop_shadow_crossing_selection.html |
Test dnd for shadow-crossing selection |
4351 |
test_element.matches.html |
Test for Bug 886308 |
753 |
test_element_closest.html |
Test for Bug 1055533 |
3241 |
test_elementTraversal.html |
Test for the ElementTraversal spec |
3272 |
test_embed_xorigin_document.html |
test for embedding a cross-origin document |
3318 |
test_encodeToStringWithMaxLength.html |
Test for Bug 995321 - encodeToStringWithMaxLength |
2713 |
test_encodeToStringWithRequiresReinitAfterOutput.html |
Test for Bug 1352882 - RequiresReinitAfterOutput |
3706 |
test_eventsource_event_listener_leaks.html |
Bug 1450358 - Test EventSource event listener leak conditions |
1179 |
test_EventSource_redirects.html |
Test for Bug 338583 |
1334 |
test_eventsourceservice_basic.html |
EventSource event service basic test |
2562 |
test_eventsourceservice_reconnect_error.html |
EventSource event service reconnect error test |
2328 |
test_eventsourceservice_status_error.html |
EventSource event service status error test |
1906 |
test_eventsourceservice_worker.html |
EventSource event service worker test |
2147 |
test_explicit_user_agent.html |
Test for XMLHttpRequest.GetResponseHeader(foo) byte-inflates the output |
1922 |
test_find.html |
6497 |
test_find_bug1601118.html |
2087 |
test_find_bug1654683.html |
1115 |
test_find_nac.html |
385 |
test_focus_design_mode.html |
Test for Bug 1690747 |
1699 |
test_focus_display_none_xorigin_iframe.html |
Test for Bug 1716762 |
4289 |
test_focus_keyboard_event.html |
Test for bug 552255 |
1410 |
test_focus_radio.html |
Test for input radio focus |
6627 |
test_focus_scroll_padding_tab.html |
Test for bug 1617342 |
2061 |
test_focus_scrollable_fieldset.html |
Test for bug 1351248 |
1629 |
test_focus_scrollable_input.html |
Test for bug 1617342 |
1663 |
test_focus_shadow_dom.html |
Test for Bug 1453693 |
973 |
test_focus_shadow_dom_root.html |
Test for bug 1544826 |
1591 |
test_fragment_sanitization.xhtml |
2966 |
test_getAttribute_after_createAttribute.html |
Test for ... |
507 |
test_getElementById.html |
Test for Bug 933193 |
1958 |
test_getLastOverWindowPointerLocationInCSSPixels.html |
Test for Bug 1778486 |
2574 |
test_getTranslationNodes.html |
Test for nsIDOMWindowUtils.getTranslationNodes |
5782 |
test_getTranslationNodes_limit.html |
Test for nsIDOMWindowUtils.getTranslationNodes |
889 |
test_gsp-qualified.html |
Test for Bug 799875 |
1150 |
test_gsp-quirks.html |
Test for Bug 622491 |
697 |
test_gsp-standards.html |
Test for Bug 622491 |
676 |
test_history_document_open.html |
Test for Bug 943418 |
918 |
test_history_state_null.html |
Test for Bug 949471 |
668 |
test_html_colors_quirks.html |
Test for Bug 121738 |
13983 |
test_html_colors_standards.html |
Test for Bug 121738 |
13999 |
test_htmlcopyencoder.html |
Test on the html copy encoder |
9784 |
test_htmlcopyencoder.xhtml |
Test the html copy encoder with XHTML |
8879 |
test_iframe_event_listener_leaks.html |
Bug 1451426 - Test iframe event listener leak conditions |
1182 |
test_iframe_referrer.html |
Test iframe referrer policy attribute for Bug 1175736 |
4002 |
test_iframe_referrer_changing.html |
Test iframe referrer policy attribute for Bug 1175736 |
1882 |
test_iframe_referrer_invalid.html |
Test iframe referrer policy attribute for Bug 1175736 |
3098 |
test_Image_constructor.html |
Test for Bug 862702 |
796 |
test_innersize_scrollport.html |
Test for Bug 919437 |
1066 |
test_input_vsync_alignment_inner_event_loop.html |
1478 |
test_input_vsync_alignment_input_while_vsync.html |
1122 |
test_input_vsync_alignment_lower_than_normal.html |
1425 |
test_integer_attr_with_leading_zero.html |
Test for parsing of integer attributes with leading zero |
1525 |
test_intersectionobservers.html |
Test for Bug 1243846 |
39276 |
test_link_prefetch.html |
Test link policy attribute for Bug 1264165 |
8414 |
test_link_preload.html |
Test preload referrer policy for Bug 1399780 |
11491 |
test_link_stylesheet.html |
Test link policy attribute for Bug 1264165 |
8561 |
test_location_href_unknown_protocol.html |
Test for window.location setter to an unknown protocol (bug 1528305). |
679 |
test_lock_orientation_after_fullscreen.html |
Test for Bug 1757431 |
2298 |
test_lock_orientation_with_pending_fullscreen.html |
Test for Bug 1744288 |
3508 |
test_messagemanager_send_principal.html |
Test for Principal in MessageManager |
3720 |
test_messagePort.html |
Test for Bug 912456 - port cloning |
3005 |
test_meta_refresh_referrer.html |
Test for referrer of meta refresh request when network.http.referer.sendFromRefresh is disabled. |
2374 |
test_mozMatchesSelector.html |
Test for legacy mozMatchesSelector |
444 |
test_mutationobservers.html |
Test for Bug 641821 |
31001 |
test_named_frames.html |
Test for Bug 823227 |
1227 |
test_navigator_cookieEnabled.html |
Test for Navigator.cookieEnabled |
3234 |
test_navigator_hardwareConcurrency.html |
Test for Navigator.hardwareConcurrency |
1211 |
test_navigator_language.html |
Test for NavigatorLanguage |
7103 |
test_navigator_resolve_identity_xrays.xhtml |
1183 |
test_navigatorPrefOverride.html |
Test for navigator property override |
1727 |
test_nested_event_loop_spin_and_idle_tasks.html |
Nested event loop spinning and idle task handling |
1007 |
test_NodeIterator_basics_filters.xhtml |
DOM Traversal: NodeIterator: Basics and Filters |
6261 |
test_NodeIterator_mutations_1.xhtml |
DOM Traversal: NodeIterator: Mutations (1/x) |
6673 |
test_NodeIterator_mutations_2.html |
DOM Traversal: NodeIterator: Mutations (2/x) |
3184 |
test_NodeIterator_mutations_3.html |
DOM Traversal: NodeIterator: Mutations (3/x) |
4017 |
test_nodelist_holes.html |
Test for Bug 699826 |
1294 |
test_open_null_features.html |
Test for Bug 1009529 |
1303 |
test_openDialogChromeOnly.html |
Test for Bug 931768 |
877 |
test_pasting_svg_image.html |
Test pasting <svg><image href> |
2996 |
test_pdf_print.html |
<!-- TODO: insert title here --> |
2282 |
test_plugin_freezing.html |
Test for plugin freezing and thawing |
1438 |
test_postMessage_originAttributes.html |
Test window.postMessages from system principal to window with non-default originAttributes |
1767 |
test_postMessage_solidus.html |
Test for Bug 949488 - basic support |
2317 |
test_postMessages_broadcastChannel.html |
Test for postMessages cloning/transferring objects |
3719 |
test_postMessages_messagePort.html |
Test for postMessages cloning/transferring objects |
2453 |
test_postMessages_window.html |
Test for postMessages cloning/transferring objects |
2786 |
test_postMessages_workers.html |
Test for postMessages cloning/transferring objects |
2459 |
test_processing_instruction_update_stylesheet.xhtml |
Test for Bug 888864 |
1598 |
test_progress_events_for_gzip_data.html |
Test progess events in case of gzipped data. |
1130 |
test_pushState_structuredclone.html |
history.pushState with serializable objects in state |
1950 |
test_range_bounds.html |
Test for Bug 396392 |
15107 |
test_reentrant_flush.html |
Test for Bug 709256 |
1650 |
test_reportPatternFailure.html |
Test console error for invalid pattern attributes |
1079 |
test_root_iframe.html |
Test for Bug 511084 |
821 |
test_sandbox_and_document_uri.html |
Test sandbox inheritance and document uri handling |
912 |
test_sandbox_structuredclone.html |
Test for structured clone deserialization in a sandbox |
712 |
test_sandboxed_blob_uri.html |
Test for Principal in MessageManager |
655 |
test_sanitize_xhr.html |
Test for sanitizing with XHR-loaded owner doc |
1139 |
test_screen_orientation.html |
Test for Screen Orientation API |
3591 |
test_script_loader_crossorigin_data_url.html |
Test for handling of 'crossorigin' attribute on script with data: URL |
1314 |
test_script_loader_js_cache.html |
Test for saving and loading bytecode in/from the necko cache |
11857 |
test_script_loader_js_cache_frames.html |
Test for saving and loading module bytecode in/from the necko cache |
6806 |
test_script_loader_js_cache_module.html |
Test for saving and loading module bytecode in/from the necko cache |
18375 |
test_script_loader_js_cache_module_sri.html |
Test for request fallback for SRI mismatch on module bytecode |
13871 |
test_sendQueryContentAndSelectionSetEvent.html |
Test for nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendQueryContentEvent() and .sendSelectionSetEvent() |
12972 |
test_sendSelectionSetEvent_with_same_range.html |
Testing nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendSelectionSetEvent not update selection if result range is same in serialized text within the ContentEventHandler rules |
3852 |
test_serializer_noscript.html |
Test for document.blockParsing |
1215 |
test_setInterval_from_start.html |
Test for Bug 1378394 |
1458 |
test_setInterval_uncatchable_exception.html |
Test for Bug 1252268 |
1391 |
test_settimeout_extra_arguments.html |
Test for setTimeout with a string argument and more than 2 arguments |
665 |
test_settimeout_inner.html |
Test for Bug 936129 |
1870 |
test_setTimeoutWith0.html |
Test for setTimeout and strings containing 0 |
478 |
test_setting_opener.html |
Test for Bug 868996 |
4479 |
test_shared_compartment1.html |
Test for Bug 1530608 |
2428 |
test_shared_compartment2.html |
Test for Bug 1530608 |
1374 |
test_structuredclone_backref.html |
876 |
test_structuredclone_error.html |
715 |
test_style_cssText.html |
Test for Bug 1391169 |
1888 |
test_suppressed_events_and_scrolling.html |
Test event suppression and scrolling |
1399 |
test_suppressed_events_nested_iframe.html |
Test event suppression on nested iframe |
1797 |
test_suppressed_microtasks.html |
Test microtask suppression |
2029 |
test_text-fragments-create-text-directive.html |
Text Fragment Chrome-only API Test |
15862 |
test_text-fragments-get-text-directive-ranges.html |
Text Fragment Chrome-only API Test |
2675 |
test_text_change_notifications_when_inserting_text_containing_line_breaks.html |
Test text change notification when inserting text containing line breaks |
5175 |
test_text_wholeText.html |
Text.wholeText tests |
7429 |
test_textnode_normalize_in_selection.html |
Test for Bug 804784 |
6079 |
test_textnode_split_in_selection.html |
Test for Bug 803924 |
7266 |
test_timeout_clamp.html |
Test for Bug 1378586 |
4995 |
test_timer_flood.html |
Test Behavior During Timer Flood |
3517 |
test_title.html |
Test for titles |
2322 |
test_toScreenRect.html |
257 |
test_treewalker_nextsibling.xml |
2865 |
test_urgent_start.html |
Test for urgent-start on Fetch and XHR |
8789 |
test_user_select.html |
user-select selection tests |
10550 |
test_viewport_metrics_on_landscape_content.html |
619 |
test_viewport_scroll.html |
Test for mapping of scrollTop/scrollLeft to viewport |
3846 |
test_viewsource_forbidden_in_object.html |
Tests for Bug 973837 |
1463 |
test_w3element_traversal.html |
W3 Tests for Element Traversal - HTML |
4851 |
test_w3element_traversal.xhtml |
W3 Tests for Element Traversal - XHTML |
5002 |
test_w3element_traversal_svg.html |
Test for ElementTraversal via SVG |
4032 |
test_warning_for_blocked_cross_site_request.html |
Test for Bug 713980 |
3903 |
test_window_close.html |
test window.close() |
3090 |
test_window_constructor.html |
Test for Bug 824217 |
1048 |
test_window_content.html |
Test for Bug 1400139 |
750 |
test_window_cross_origin_props.html |
Test for Bug 946067 |
3423 |
test_window_define_nonconfigurable.html |
Test for Bug 1107443 |
5193 |
test_window_define_symbol.html |
Test for Bug 1082672 part 2 |
781 |
test_window_element_enumeration.html |
Test for Bug 959992 |
2428 |
test_window_enumeration.html |
Test for Bug 807222 |
942 |
test_window_extensible.html |
Test for Bug 856384 |
1146 |
test_window_focus_by_close_and_open.html |
test for window focus by window.close() and window.open() |
954 |
test_window_indexing.html |
Test for Bug 823228 |
4933 |
test_window_keys.html |
Test for Bug 1372371 |
796 |
test_window_named_frame_enumeration.html |
Test for Bug 1019417 |
4288 |
test_window_own_props.html |
Test for Bug 1372371 |
875 |
test_window_proto.html |
Test for ... |
615 |
test_writable-replaceable.html |
Test for Bug 823283 |
1542 |
test_x-frame-options.html |
Test for X-Frame-Options response header |
8189 |
test_youtube_flash_embed.html |
Test for Bug 1240471 |
1061 |
unit |
unit_ipc |
useractivation |
variable_style_sheet.sjs |
524 |
w3element_traversal.svg |
1691 |
wholeTexty-helper.xml |
143 |
worker_postMessages.js |
1554 |