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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* Storage of the attributes of a DOM node.
#ifndef AttrArray_h___
#define AttrArray_h___
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BorrowedAttrInfo.h"
#include "nscore.h"
#include "nsAttrName.h"
#include "nsAttrValue.h"
#include "nsCaseTreatment.h"
namespace mozilla {
class AttributeStyles;
struct StyleLockedDeclarationBlock;
} // namespace mozilla
class AttrArray {
using BorrowedAttrInfo = mozilla::dom::BorrowedAttrInfo;
AttrArray() = default;
~AttrArray() = default;
bool HasAttrs() const { return !!AttrCount(); }
uint32_t AttrCount() const { return mImpl ? mImpl->mAttrCount : 0; }
const nsAttrValue* GetAttr(const nsAtom* aLocalName) const;
const nsAttrValue* GetAttr(const nsAtom* aLocalName,
int32_t aNamespaceID) const;
// As above but using a string attr name and always using
// kNameSpaceID_None. This is always case-sensitive.
const nsAttrValue* GetAttr(const nsAString& aName) const;
// Get an nsAttrValue by qualified name. Can optionally do
// ASCII-case-insensitive name matching.
const nsAttrValue* GetAttr(const nsAString& aName,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
const nsAttrValue* AttrAt(uint32_t aPos) const;
// SetAndSwapAttr swaps the current attribute value with aValue.
// If the attribute was unset, an empty value will be swapped into aValue
// and aHadValue will be set to false. Otherwise, aHadValue will be set to
// true.
nsresult SetAndSwapAttr(nsAtom* aLocalName, nsAttrValue& aValue,
bool* aHadValue);
nsresult SetAndSwapAttr(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aName, nsAttrValue& aValue,
bool* aHadValue);
// This stores the argument and clears the pending mapped attribute evaluation
// bit, so after calling this IsPendingMappedAttributeEvaluation() is
// guaranteed to return false.
void SetMappedDeclarationBlock(
bool IsPendingMappedAttributeEvaluation() const {
return mImpl && mImpl->mMappedAttributeBits & 1;
mozilla::StyleLockedDeclarationBlock* GetMappedDeclarationBlock() const {
return mImpl ? mImpl->GetMappedDeclarationBlock() : nullptr;
// Remove the attr at position aPos. The value of the attr is placed in
// aValue; any value that was already in aValue is destroyed.
nsresult RemoveAttrAt(uint32_t aPos, nsAttrValue& aValue);
// Returns attribute name at given position, *not* out-of-bounds safe
const nsAttrName* AttrNameAt(uint32_t aPos) const;
// Returns the attribute info at a given position, *not* out-of-bounds safe
BorrowedAttrInfo AttrInfoAt(uint32_t aPos) const;
// Returns attribute name at given position or null if aPos is out-of-bounds
const nsAttrName* GetSafeAttrNameAt(uint32_t aPos) const;
const nsAttrName* GetExistingAttrNameFromQName(const nsAString& aName) const;
int32_t IndexOfAttr(const nsAtom* aLocalName) const;
int32_t IndexOfAttr(const nsAtom* aLocalName, int32_t aNamespaceID) const;
void Compact();
size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
// Mark the element as pending mapped attribute evaluation. This should be
// called when a mapped attribute is changed (regardless of connectedness).
bool MarkAsPendingPresAttributeEvaluation() {
// It'd be great to be able to assert that mImpl is non-null or we're the
// <body> or <svg> elements.
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!mImpl) && !GrowBy(1)) {
return false;
return true;
// See above.
void InfallibleMarkAsPendingPresAttributeEvaluation() {
mImpl->mMappedAttributeBits |= 1;
// Clear the servo declaration block on the mapped attributes, if any
// Will assert off main thread
void ClearMappedServoStyle();
// Increases capacity (if necessary) to have enough space to accomodate the
// unmapped attributes of |aOther|.
nsresult EnsureCapacityToClone(const AttrArray& aOther);
enum AttrValuesState { ATTR_MISSING = -1, ATTR_VALUE_NO_MATCH = -2 };
using AttrValuesArray = nsStaticAtom* const;
int32_t FindAttrValueIn(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
AttrValuesArray* aValues,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
inline bool GetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
nsAString& aResult) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aResult.IsEmpty(), "Should have empty string coming in");
const nsAttrValue* val = GetAttr(aName, aNameSpaceID);
if (!val) {
return false;
return true;
inline bool GetAttr(const nsAtom* aName, nsAString& aResult) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aResult.IsEmpty(), "Should have empty string coming in");
const nsAttrValue* val = GetAttr(aName);
if (!val) {
return false;
return true;
inline bool HasAttr(const nsAtom* aName) const { return !!GetAttr(aName); }
inline bool HasAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName) const {
return !!GetAttr(aName, aNameSpaceID);
inline bool AttrValueIs(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const {
NS_ASSERTION(aName, "Must have attr name");
NS_ASSERTION(aNameSpaceID != kNameSpaceID_Unknown, "Must have namespace");
const nsAttrValue* val = GetAttr(aName, aNameSpaceID);
return val && val->Equals(aValue, aCaseSensitive);
inline bool AttrValueIs(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
const nsAtom* aValue,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const {
NS_ASSERTION(aName, "Must have attr name");
NS_ASSERTION(aNameSpaceID != kNameSpaceID_Unknown, "Must have namespace");
NS_ASSERTION(aValue, "Null value atom");
const nsAttrValue* val = GetAttr(aName, aNameSpaceID);
return val && val->Equals(aValue, aCaseSensitive);
struct InternalAttr {
nsAttrName mName;
nsAttrValue mValue;
AttrArray(const AttrArray& aOther) = delete;
AttrArray& operator=(const AttrArray& aOther) = delete;
bool GrowBy(uint32_t aGrowSize);
bool GrowTo(uint32_t aCapacity);
// Tries to create an attribute, growing the buffer if needed, with the given
// name and value.
// The value is moved from the argument.
// `Name` can be anything you construct a `nsAttrName` with (either an atom or
// a NodeInfo pointer).
template <typename Name>
nsresult AddNewAttribute(Name*, nsAttrValue&);
class Impl {
constexpr static size_t AllocationSizeForAttributes(uint32_t aAttrCount) {
return sizeof(Impl) + aAttrCount * sizeof(InternalAttr);
mozilla::StyleLockedDeclarationBlock* GetMappedDeclarationBlock() const {
return reinterpret_cast<mozilla::StyleLockedDeclarationBlock*>(
mMappedAttributeBits & ~uintptr_t(1));
auto Attrs() const {
return mozilla::Span<const InternalAttr>{mBuffer, mAttrCount};
auto Attrs() { return mozilla::Span<InternalAttr>{mBuffer, mAttrCount}; }
Impl(const Impl&) = delete;
Impl(Impl&&) = delete;
uint32_t mAttrCount;
uint32_t mCapacity; // In number of InternalAttrs
// mMappedAttributeBits is a tagged pointer of a
// StyleLockedDeclarationBlock, which holds the style information that our
// attributes map to.
// If the lower bit is set, then our mapped attributes are dirty. This just
// means that we might have mapped attributes (or used to and no longer
// have), and are pending an update to recompute our declaration.
uintptr_t mMappedAttributeBits = 0;
// Allocated in the same buffer as `Impl`.
InternalAttr mBuffer[0];
mozilla::Span<InternalAttr> Attrs() {
return mImpl ? mImpl->Attrs() : mozilla::Span<InternalAttr>();
mozilla::Span<const InternalAttr> Attrs() const {
return mImpl ? mImpl->Attrs() : mozilla::Span<const InternalAttr>();
mozilla::UniquePtr<Impl> mImpl;