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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/fragmentdirectives_ffi_generated.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
class nsINode;
class nsIURI;
class nsRange;
namespace mozilla::dom {
class Document;
class Text;
* @brief The `FragmentDirective` class is the C++ representation of the
* `Document.fragmentDirective` webidl property.
* This class also serves as the main interface to interact with the fragment
* directive from the C++ side. It allows to find text fragment ranges from a
* given list of `TextDirective`s using
* `FragmentDirective::FindTextFragmentsInDocument()`.
* To avoid Text Directives being applied multiple times, this class implements
* the `uninvoked directive` mechanism, which in the spec is defined to be part
* of the `Document` [0].
* [0]
class FragmentDirective final : public nsISupports, public nsWrapperCache {
explicit FragmentDirective(Document* aDocument);
FragmentDirective(Document* aDocument,
nsTArray<TextDirective>&& aTextDirectives)
: mDocument(aDocument),
mUninvokedTextDirectives(std::move(aTextDirectives)) {}
~FragmentDirective() = default;
Document* GetParentObject() const { return mDocument; };
JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
* @brief Sets Text Directives as "uninvoked directive".
void SetTextDirectives(nsTArray<TextDirective>&& aTextDirectives) {
mUninvokedTextDirectives = std::move(aTextDirectives);
/** Returns true if there are Text Directives that have not been applied to
* the `Document`.
bool HasUninvokedDirectives() const {
return !mUninvokedTextDirectives.IsEmpty();
/** Clears all uninvoked directives. */
void ClearUninvokedDirectives() { mUninvokedTextDirectives.Clear(); }
/** Inserts all text directive ranges into a `eTargetText` `Selection`. */
void HighlightTextDirectives(
const nsTArray<RefPtr<nsRange>>& aTextDirectiveRanges);
/** Searches for the current uninvoked text directives and creates a range for
* each one that is found.
* When this method returns, the uninvoked directives for this document are
* cleared.
* This method tries to follow the specification as close as possible in how
* to find a matching range for a text directive. However, instead of using
* collator-based search, a standard case-insensitive search is used
* (`nsString::find()`).
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsRange>> FindTextFragmentsInDocument();
/** Utility function which parses the fragment directive and removes it from
* the hash of the given URI. This operation happens in-place.
* If aTextDirectives is nullptr, the parsed fragment directive is discarded.
static void ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragment(
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI>& aURI,
nsTArray<TextDirective>* aTextDirectives = nullptr);
/** Parses the fragment directive and removes it from the hash, given as
* string. This operation happens in-place.
* This function is called internally by
* `ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragment()`.
* This function returns true if it modified `aFragment`.
* Note: the parameter `aURI` is only used for logging purposes.
static bool ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragmentString(
nsCString& aFragment, nsTArray<TextDirective>* aTextDirectives = nullptr,
nsIURI* aURI = nullptr);
/** Performs various checks to determine if a text directive is allowed to be
* scrolled to.
* This follows the algorithm "check if a text directive can be scrolled" in
* section 3.5.4 of the text fragment spec
bool IsTextDirectiveAllowedToBeScrolledTo();
RefPtr<nsRange> FindRangeForTextDirective(
const TextDirective& aTextDirective);
RefPtr<nsRange> FindStringInRange(nsRange* aSearchRange,
const nsAString& aQuery,
bool aWordStartBounded,
bool aWordEndBounded);
RefPtr<Document> mDocument;
nsTArray<TextDirective> mUninvokedTextDirectives;
} // namespace mozilla::dom