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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef mozilla_RangeBoundary_h
#define mozilla_RangeBoundary_h
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
class nsRange;
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class CrossShadowBoundaryRange;
template <typename T, typename U>
class EditorDOMPointBase;
// This class will maintain a reference to the child immediately
// before the boundary's offset. We try to avoid computing the
// offset as much as possible and just ensure mRef points to the
// correct child.
// mParent
// |
// [child0] [child1] [child2]
// / |
// mRef mOffset=2
// If mOffset == 0, mRef is null.
// For text nodes, mRef will always be null and the offset will
// be kept up-to-date.
template <typename ParentType, typename RefType>
class RangeBoundaryBase;
using RangeBoundary =
RangeBoundaryBase<nsCOMPtr<nsINode>, nsCOMPtr<nsIContent>>;
using RawRangeBoundary = RangeBoundaryBase<nsINode*, nsIContent*>;
using ConstRawRangeBoundary =
RangeBoundaryBase<const nsINode*, const nsIContent*>;
* There are two ways of ensuring that `mRef` points to the correct node.
* In most cases, the `RangeBoundary` is used by an object that is a
* `MutationObserver` (i.e. `nsRange`) and replaces its `RangeBoundary`
* objects when its parent chain changes.
* However, there are Ranges which are not `MutationObserver`s (i.e.
* `StaticRange`). `mRef` may become invalid when a DOM mutation happens.
* Therefore, it needs to be recomputed using `mOffset` before it is being
* accessed.
* Because recomputing / validating of `mRef` could be an expensive operation,
* it should be ensured that `Ref()` is called as few times as possible, i.e.
* only once per method of `RangeBoundaryBase`.
* Furthermore, there are special implications when the `RangeBoundary` is not
* used by an `MutationObserver`:
* After a DOM mutation, the Boundary may point to something that is not valid
* anymore, i.e. the `mOffset` is larger than `Container()->Length()`. In this
* case, `Ref()` and `Get*ChildAtOffset()` return `nullptr` as an indication
* that this RangeBoundary is not valid anymore. Also, `IsSetAndValid()`
* returns false. However, `IsSet()` will still return true.
enum class RangeBoundaryIsMutationObserved { No = 0, Yes = 1 };
// This class has two types of specializations, one using reference counting
// pointers and one using raw pointers (both non-const and const versions). The
// latter help us avoid unnecessary AddRef/Release calls.
template <typename ParentType, typename RefType>
class RangeBoundaryBase {
template <typename T, typename U>
friend class RangeBoundaryBase;
template <typename T, typename U>
friend class EditorDOMPointBase;
friend nsRange;
friend class mozilla::dom::CrossShadowBoundaryRange;
friend void ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback&,
RangeBoundary&, const char*,
friend void ImplCycleCollectionUnlink(RangeBoundary&);
static const uint32_t kFallbackOffset = 0;
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct GetNodeType;
template <typename T>
struct GetNodeType<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer_v<T>>> {
using type = std::remove_pointer_t<T>;
template <typename T>
struct GetNodeType<T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_pointer_v<T>>> {
using type = typename T::element_type;
using RawParentType = typename GetNodeType<ParentType>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<RawParentType, nsINode> ||
std::is_same_v<RawParentType, const nsINode>);
using RawRefType = typename GetNodeType<RefType>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<RawRefType, nsIContent> ||
std::is_same_v<RawRefType, const nsIContent>);
RangeBoundaryBase(RawParentType* aContainer, RawRefType* aRef)
: mParent(aContainer), mRef(aRef), mIsMutationObserved(true) {
if (mRef) {
NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(mRef->GetParentNode() == mParent,
"Initializing RangeBoundary with invalid value");
} else {
RangeBoundaryBase(RawParentType* aContainer, uint32_t aOffset,
RangeBoundaryIsMutationObserved aRangeIsMutationObserver =
: mParent(aContainer),
mIsMutationObserved(bool(aRangeIsMutationObserver)) {
if (mIsMutationObserved && mParent && mParent->IsContainerNode()) {
// Find a reference node
if (aOffset == mParent->GetChildCount()) {
mRef = mParent->GetLastChild();
} else if (aOffset > 0) {
mRef = mParent->GetChildAt_Deprecated(aOffset - 1);
NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(mRef || aOffset == 0,
"Constructing RangeBoundary with invalid value");
NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(!mRef || mRef->GetParentNode() == mParent,
"Constructing RangeBoundary with invalid value");
* Special constructor to create RangeBoundaryBase which stores both mRef and
* mOffset. This can make the instance provide both mRef and mOffset without
* computation, but the creator needs to guarantee that this is valid at least
* at construction.
RangeBoundaryBase(RawParentType* aContainer, RawRefType* aRef,
uint32_t aOffset,
RangeBoundaryIsMutationObserved aRangeIsMutationObserver =
: mParent(const_cast<nsINode*>(aContainer)),
mIsMutationObserved(bool(aRangeIsMutationObserver)) {
: mParent(nullptr), mRef(nullptr), mIsMutationObserved(true) {}
// Convert from RawRangeBoundary or RangeBoundary.
template <typename PT, typename RT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const_v<RawParentType> ||
RangeBoundaryBase(const RangeBoundaryBase<PT, RT>& aOther,
RangeBoundaryIsMutationObserved aIsMutationObserved)
: mParent(aOther.mParent),
mIsMutationObserved(bool(aIsMutationObserved)) {}
* This method may return `nullptr` in two cases:
* 1. `mIsMutationObserved` is true and the boundary points to the first
* child of `mParent`.
* 2. `mIsMutationObserved` is false and `mOffset` is out of bounds for
* `mParent`s child list.
* If `mIsMutationObserved` is false, this method may do some significant
* computation. Therefore it is advised to call it as seldom as possible.
* Code inside of this class should call this method exactly one time and
* afterwards refer to `mRef` directly.
RawRefType* Ref() const {
if (mIsMutationObserved) {
return mRef;
// `mRef` may have become invalid due to some DOM mutation,
// which is not monitored here. Therefore, we need to validate `mRef`
// manually.
if (*mOffset > GetContainer()->Length()) {
// offset > child count means that the range boundary has become invalid
// due to a DOM mutation.
mRef = nullptr;
} else if (*mOffset == GetContainer()->Length()) {
mRef = mParent->GetLastChild();
} else if (*mOffset) {
// validate and update `mRef`.
// If `ComputeIndexOf()` returns `Nothing`, then `mRef` is not a child of
// `mParent` anymore.
// If the returned index for `mRef` does not match to `mOffset`, `mRef`
// needs to be updated.
auto indexOfRefObject = mParent->ComputeIndexOf(mRef);
if (indexOfRefObject.isNothing() || *mOffset != *indexOfRefObject + 1) {
mRef = mParent->GetChildAt_Deprecated(*mOffset - 1);
} else {
mRef = nullptr;
return mRef;
RawParentType* GetContainer() const { return mParent; }
dom::Document* GetComposedDoc() const {
return mParent ? mParent->GetComposedDoc() : nullptr;
* This method may return `nullptr` if `mIsMutationObserved` is false and
* `mOffset` is out of bounds.
RawRefType* GetChildAtOffset() const {
if (!mParent || !mParent->IsContainerNode()) {
return nullptr;
RawRefType* const ref = Ref();
if (!ref) {
if (!mIsMutationObserved && *mOffset != 0) {
// This means that this boundary is invalid.
// `mOffset` is out of bounds.
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(*Offset(OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets) == 0,
"invalid RangeBoundary");
return mParent->GetFirstChild();
*Offset(OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets)) ==
return ref->GetNextSibling();
* GetNextSiblingOfChildOffset() returns next sibling of a child at offset.
* If this refers after the last child or the container cannot have children,
* this returns nullptr with warning.
RawRefType* GetNextSiblingOfChildAtOffset() const {
if (NS_WARN_IF(!mParent) || NS_WARN_IF(!mParent->IsContainerNode())) {
return nullptr;
RawRefType* const ref = Ref();
if (!ref) {
if (!mIsMutationObserved && *mOffset != 0) {
// This means that this boundary is invalid.
// `mOffset` is out of bounds.
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(*Offset(OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets) == 0,
"invalid RangeBoundary");
nsIContent* firstChild = mParent->GetFirstChild();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!firstChild)) {
// Already referring the end of the container.
return nullptr;
return firstChild->GetNextSibling();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!ref->GetNextSibling())) {
// Already referring the end of the container.
return nullptr;
return ref->GetNextSibling()->GetNextSibling();
* GetPreviousSiblingOfChildAtOffset() returns previous sibling of a child
* at offset. If this refers the first child or the container cannot have
* children, this returns nullptr with warning.
RawRefType* GetPreviousSiblingOfChildAtOffset() const {
if (NS_WARN_IF(!mParent) || NS_WARN_IF(!mParent->IsContainerNode())) {
return nullptr;
RawRefType* const ref = Ref();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!ref)) {
// Already referring the start of the container.
return nullptr;
return ref;
* Return true if this has already computed/set offset.
[[nodiscard]] bool HasOffset() const { return mOffset.isSome(); }
enum class OffsetFilter { kValidOffsets, kValidOrInvalidOffsets };
* @return maybe an offset, depending on aOffsetFilter. If it is:
* kValidOffsets: if the offset is valid, it, Nothing{} otherwise.
* kValidOrInvalidOffsets: the internally stored offset, even if
* invalid, or if not available, a defined
* default value. That is, always some value.
Maybe<uint32_t> Offset(const OffsetFilter aOffsetFilter) const {
switch (aOffsetFilter) {
case OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets: {
if (IsSetAndValid()) {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!mIsMutationObserved, mOffset);
if (!mOffset && mIsMutationObserved) {
return !mIsMutationObserved && *mOffset > GetContainer()->Length()
? Nothing{}
: mOffset;
case OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets: {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!mIsMutationObserved, mOffset.isSome());
if (mOffset.isSome()) {
return mOffset;
if (mParent && mIsMutationObserved) {
if (mOffset.isSome()) {
return mOffset;
return Some(kFallbackOffset);
// Needed to calm the compiler. There was deliberately no default case added
// to the above switch-statement, because it would prevent build-errors when
// not all enumerators are handled.
return Some(kFallbackOffset);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& aStream,
const RangeBoundaryBase<ParentType, RefType>& aRangeBoundary) {
aStream << "{ mParent=" << aRangeBoundary.GetContainer();
if (aRangeBoundary.GetContainer()) {
aStream << " (" << *aRangeBoundary.GetContainer()
<< ", Length()=" << aRangeBoundary.GetContainer()->Length()
<< ")";
if (aRangeBoundary.mIsMutationObserved) {
aStream << ", mRef=" << aRangeBoundary.mRef;
if (aRangeBoundary.mRef) {
aStream << " (" << *aRangeBoundary.mRef << ")";
aStream << ", mOffset=" << aRangeBoundary.mOffset;
aStream << ", mIsMutationObserved="
<< (aRangeBoundary.mIsMutationObserved ? "true" : "false") << " }";
return aStream;
void DetermineOffsetFromReference() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(mRef->GetParentNode() == mParent);
if (mRef->IsBeingRemoved()) {
// ComputeIndexOf would return nothing because mRef has already been
// removed from the child node chain of mParent.
const Maybe<uint32_t> index = mParent->ComputeIndexOf(mRef);
MOZ_ASSERT(*index != UINT32_MAX);
mOffset.emplace(MOZ_LIKELY(index.isSome()) ? *index + 1u : 0u);
void InvalidateOffset() {
"Range is positioned on a text node!");
if (!mIsMutationObserved) {
// RangeBoundaries that are not used in the context of a
// `MutationObserver` use the offset as main source of truth to compute
// `mRef`. Therefore, it must not be updated or invalidated.
if (!mRef) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mOffset.isSome() && mOffset.value() == 0,
"Invalidating offset of invalid RangeBoundary?");
void NotifyParentBecomesShadowHost() {
"Range is positioned on a text node!");
if (!StaticPrefs::dom_shadowdom_selection_across_boundary_enabled()) {
if (!mIsMutationObserved) {
// RangeBoundaries that are not used in the context of a
// `MutationObserver` use the offset as main source of truth to compute
// `mRef`. Therefore, it must not be updated or invalidated.
if (!mRef) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mOffset.isSome() && mOffset.value() == 0,
"Invalidating offset of invalid RangeBoundary?");
if (dom::ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = mParent->GetShadowRootForSelection()) {
mParent = shadowRoot;
mOffset = Some(0);
bool IsSet() const { return mParent && (mRef || mOffset.isSome()); }
[[nodiscard]] bool IsSetAndInComposedDoc() const {
return IsSet() && mParent->IsInComposedDoc();
bool IsSetAndValid() const {
if (!IsSet()) {
return false;
if (mIsMutationObserved && Ref()) {
// XXX mRef refers previous sibling of pointing child. Therefore, it
// seems odd that this becomes invalid due to its removal. Should we
// change RangeBoundaryBase to refer child at offset directly?
return Ref()->GetParentNode() == GetContainer() &&
return *mOffset <= GetContainer()->Length();
bool IsStartOfContainer() const {
// We're at the first point in the container if we don't have a reference,
// and our offset is 0. If we don't have a Ref, we should already have an
// offset, so we can just directly fetch it.
return mIsMutationObserved ? !Ref() && mOffset.value() == 0
: mOffset.value() == 0;
bool IsEndOfContainer() const {
// We're at the last point in the container if Ref is a pointer to the last
// child in GetContainer(), or our Offset() is the same as the length of our
// container. If we don't have a Ref, then we should already have an offset,
// so we can just directly fetch it.
return mIsMutationObserved && Ref()
? !Ref()->GetNextSibling()
: mOffset.value() == GetContainer()->Length();
// Convenience methods for switching between the two types
// of RangeBoundary.
template <typename PT = RawParentType,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const_v<PT>>>
RawRangeBoundary AsRaw() const {
return RawRangeBoundary(
*this, RangeBoundaryIsMutationObserved(mIsMutationObserved));
ConstRawRangeBoundary AsConstRaw() const {
return ConstRawRangeBoundary(
*this, RangeBoundaryIsMutationObserved(mIsMutationObserved));
template <typename A, typename B>
RangeBoundaryBase& operator=(const RangeBoundaryBase<A, B>& aOther) = delete;
template <
typename PT, typename RT, typename RPT = RawParentType,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const_v<PT> || std::is_const_v<RPT>>>
RangeBoundaryBase& CopyFrom(
const RangeBoundaryBase<PT, RT>& aOther,
RangeBoundaryIsMutationObserved aIsMutationObserved) {
// mParent and mRef can be strong pointers, so better to try to avoid any
// extra AddRef/Release calls.
if (mParent != aOther.mParent) {
mParent = aOther.mParent;
if (mRef != aOther.mRef) {
mRef = aOther.mRef;
mIsMutationObserved = bool(aIsMutationObserved);
if (!mIsMutationObserved && aOther.mOffset.isNothing()) {
// "Fix" the offset from mRef if and only if we won't be updated for
// further mutations and aOther has not computed the offset of its mRef.
// XXX What should we do if aOther is not updated for mutations and
// mOffset has already been invalid?
mOffset = aOther.Offset(
RangeBoundaryBase<PT, RT>::OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets);
} else {
mOffset = aOther.mOffset;
// If the mutation will be observed but the other does not have proper
// mRef for its mOffset, we need to compute mRef like the constructor
// which takes aOffset.
if (mIsMutationObserved && !mRef && mParent && mOffset.isSome() &&
*mOffset) {
if (*mOffset == mParent->GetChildCount()) {
mRef = mParent->GetLastChild();
} else {
mRef = mParent->GetChildAt_Deprecated(*mOffset - 1);
return *this;
bool Equals(const RawParentType* aNode, uint32_t aOffset) const {
if (mParent != aNode) {
return false;
const Maybe<uint32_t> offset = Offset(OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets);
return offset && (*offset == aOffset);
template <typename A, typename B>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const RangeBoundaryBase<A, B>& aOther) const {
if (!mParent && !aOther.mParent) {
return true;
if (mParent != aOther.mParent) {
return false;
if (RefIsFixed() && aOther.RefIsFixed()) {
return mRef == aOther.mRef;
return Offset(OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets) ==
RangeBoundaryBase<A, B>::OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets);
template <typename A, typename B>
bool operator!=(const RangeBoundaryBase<A, B>& aOther) const {
return !(*this == aOther);
[[nodiscard]] bool RefIsFixed() const {
return mParent &&
// If mutation is observed, mRef is the base of mOffset unless
// it's not a container node like `Text` node.
(mIsMutationObserved && (mRef || mParent->IsContainerNode())) ||
// If offset is not set, we would compute mOffset from mRef.
// So, mRef is "fixed" for now.
ParentType mParent;
mutable RefType mRef;
mutable mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> mOffset;
bool mIsMutationObserved;
template <typename ParentType, typename RefType>
const uint32_t RangeBoundaryBase<ParentType, RefType>::kFallbackOffset;
inline void ImplCycleCollectionUnlink(RangeBoundary& aField) {
inline void ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(
nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCallback, RangeBoundary& aField,
const char* aName, uint32_t aFlags) {
ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(aCallback, aField.mParent, "mParent", 0);
ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(aCallback, aField.mRef, "mRef", 0);
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // defined(mozilla_RangeBoundary_h)