Name Description Size
ARKController+Anchors.swift 26786
ARKController+AppState.swift 11760
ARKController+ARSessionDelegate.swift 5695
ARKController+ARSessionObserver.swift 981
ARKController+Camera.swift 3025
ARKController+Frame.swift 10687
ARKController+Images.swift 28100
ARKController+WorldMap.swift 16696
ARKController.h An enum representing the ARKit session state - ARKSessionUnknown: We don't know about the session state, probably it's been initiated but not ran yet - ARKSessionPaused: The session is paused - ARKSessionRunning: The session is running 7713
ARKController.m A configuration for running world tracking. @discussion World tracking provides 6 degrees of freedom tracking of the device. By finding feature points in the scene, world tracking enables performing hit-tests against the frame. Tracking can no longer be resumed once the session is paused. 9955
ARKControllerProtocol.swift 725
ARKHelper.h Enum representing the WebXR authorization status - WebXRAuthorizationStateNotDetermined: The user didn't say anything about the world sensing - WebXRAuthorizationStateDenied: The user denied sending world sensing data - WebXRAuthorizationStateMinimal: The user allowed minimal sending world sensing data, which displays video from the camera without giving the page access to the video - WebXRAuthorizationStateLite: The user allowed Lite Mode world sensing data, which only shares one plane from the real world with the site and enables face-based experiences - WebXRAuthorizationStateWorldSensing: The user allowed sending world sensing data - WebXRAuthorizationStateVideoCameraAccess: The user allowed access to the video camera and sending world sensing data 2223
HitTestResult.swift 173