Revision control

Copy as Markdown

extension ARKController: ARSessionDelegate {
// Tony: Per SO, a bug that's been around for 3+ years necessitates these @objc calls
// to the same functions. It's annoying the workaround doesn't resolve the warnings,
// but it works for now.
func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame) {
updateARKData(with: frame)
if shouldUpdateWindowSize {
self.shouldUpdateWindowSize = false
func session(_ session: ARSession, didAdd anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
DDLogDebug("Add Anchors - \(anchors.debugDescription)")
if webXRAuthorizationStatus == .notDetermined {
for anchor in anchors {
session.remove(anchor: anchor)
for addedAnchor: ARAnchor in anchors {
if addedAnchor is ARFaceAnchor && !(configuration is ARFaceTrackingConfiguration) {
print("Trying to add a face anchor to a session configuration that's not ARFaceTrackingConfiguration")
if shouldSend(addedAnchor)
|| webXRAuthorizationStatus == .worldSensing
|| webXRAuthorizationStatus == .videoCameraAccess
// Tony: Initially I implemented a line below to allow face-based and image-based AR
// experiences to work when operating in .singlePlane/AR Lite Mode. However
// if the user is choosing to operate in AR Lite Mode (i.e. a mode focused on
// restricting the amount of data shared), they likely wouldn't want the website to
// utilize any recognized ARFaceAnchors nor, potentially, ARImageAnchors.
// Tony: Spoke with Blair briefly about this 2/4/19, allowing ARFaceAnchors
// but not ARImageAnchors
|| (webXRAuthorizationStatus == .lite && addedAnchor is ARFaceAnchor)
let addedAnchorDictionary = createDictionary(for: addedAnchor)
objects[anchorID(for: addedAnchor)] = addedAnchorDictionary
if let addedAnchor = addedAnchor as? ARImageAnchor {
if webXRAuthorizationStatus == .worldSensing || webXRAuthorizationStatus == .videoCameraAccess {
guard let name = else { return }
let addedAnchorDictionary = createDictionary(for: addedAnchor)
if detectionImageActivationPromises[name] != nil {
let promise = detectionImageActivationPromises[name] as? ActivateDetectionImageCompletionBlock
// Call the detection image block
promise?(true, nil, addedAnchorDictionary as? [AnyHashable: Any])
detectionImageActivationPromises[name] = nil
} else if webXRAuthorizationStatus == .minimal || webXRAuthorizationStatus == .lite {
session.remove(anchor: addedAnchor)
func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
//DDLogDebug(@"Update Anchors - %@", [anchors debugDescription]);
//DDLogDebug(@"Update Anchors - %lu", anchors.count);
for updatedAnchor: ARAnchor in anchors {
if updatedAnchor is ARFaceAnchor && !(configuration is ARFaceTrackingConfiguration) {
print("Trying to update a face anchor in a session configuration that's not ARFaceTrackingConfiguration")
updateDictionary(for: updatedAnchor)
func session(_ session: ARSession, didRemove anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
DDLogDebug("Remove Anchors - \(anchors.debugDescription)")
for removedAnchor: ARAnchor in anchors {
// logic makes no sense: if the anchor is in objects[] list, remove it and send removed flag. otherwise, ignore
// BOOL mustSendAnchor = [self shouldSendAnchor: removedAnchor];
// if (mustSendAnchor ||
// self.sendingWorldSensingDataAuthorizationStatus == SendWorldSensingDataAuthorizationStateAuthorized) {
let anchorID = self.anchorID(for: removedAnchor)
if objects[anchorID] != nil {
objects[anchorID] = nil
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap[removedAnchor.identifier.uuidString] = nil
if let imageAnchor = removedAnchor as? ARImageAnchor,
let completion = detectionImageActivationAfterRemovalPromises[ ?? ""] as? ActivateDetectionImageCompletionBlock
activateDetectionImage(, completion: completion)
detectionImageActivationAfterRemovalPromises[ ?? ""] = nil
} else {
if arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap[removedAnchor.identifier.uuidString] != nil {
DDLogDebug("Remove Anchor not in objects, but in UserAnchorIDMap - \(anchorID)")