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#ifndef ARKHelper_h
#define ARKHelper_h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#import <MetalKit/MetalKit.h>
#import <ARKit/ARKit.h>
Enum representing the WebXR authorization status
- WebXRAuthorizationStateNotDetermined: The user didn't say anything about the world sensing
- WebXRAuthorizationStateDenied: The user denied sending world sensing data
- WebXRAuthorizationStateMinimal: The user allowed minimal sending world sensing data, which
displays video from the camera without giving the page access to the video
- WebXRAuthorizationStateLite: The user allowed Lite Mode world sensing data, which only shares
one plane from the real world with the site and enables face-based experiences
- WebXRAuthorizationStateWorldSensing: The user allowed sending world sensing data
- WebXRAuthorizationStateVideoCameraAccess: The user allowed access to the video camera and sending world sensing data
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, WebXRAuthorizationState)
Show options. This option set is built from the AR Request dictionary received on initAR
- None: Shows nothing
- Browser: Shows in browser mode
- ARWarnings: Shows warnings reported by ARKit
- ARFocus: Shows a focus node
- ARObject: Shows AR objects
- Debug: Not used
- ARPlanes: Shows AR planes
- ARPoints: Shows AR feature points
- ARStatistics: Shows AR Statistics
- BuildNumber: Shows the app build number
- Full: Shows everything
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, ShowOptions)
None = 0,
Browser = (1 << 0),
ARWarnings = (1 << 1),
ARFocus = (1 << 2),
ARObject = (1 << 3),
Debug = (1 << 4),
ARPlanes = (1 << 5),
ARPoints = (1 << 6),
ARStatistics = (1 << 7),
BuildNumber = (1 << 8),
Full = NSUIntegerMax
static inline NSDictionary * dictFromVector3(vector_float3 vector)
return @{@"x" : @(vector.x), @"y" : @(vector.y), @"z" : @(vector.z)};
#endif /* ARKHelper_h */