Revision control

Copy as Markdown

@objc extension ARKController {
// MARK: - Anchor Dictionaries
func updateDictionary(for updatedAnchor: ARAnchor) {
let anchorID = self.anchorID(for: updatedAnchor)
guard let anchorDictionary = objects[anchorID] as? NSMutableDictionary else { return }
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_TRANSFORM_OPTION] = updatedAnchor.transform.array()
if updatedAnchor is ARPlaneAnchor {
// ARKit system plane anchor
guard let updatedPlaneAnchor = updatedAnchor as? ARPlaneAnchor else { return }
updatePlaneAnchorData(updatedPlaneAnchor, toDictionary: anchorDictionary)
} else if updatedAnchor is ARImageAnchor {
// User generated ARImageAnchor, do nothing more than updating the transform
} else if updatedAnchor is ARFaceAnchor {
// System generated ARFaceAnchor
guard let faceAnchor = updatedAnchor as? ARFaceAnchor else { return }
updateFaceAnchorData(faceAnchor, to: anchorDictionary)
} else {
// Simple, user generated ARAnchor, do nothing more than updating the transform
func createDictionary(for addedAnchor: ARAnchor) -> NSDictionary {
let anchorDictionary = NSMutableDictionary.init()
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_TRANSFORM_OPTION] = addedAnchor.transform.array()
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_MUST_SEND_OPTION] = shouldSend(addedAnchor) ? NSNumber(value: true) : NSNumber(value: false)
if addedAnchor is ARPlaneAnchor {
// ARKit system plane anchor
guard let addedPlaneAnchor = addedAnchor as? ARPlaneAnchor else { return anchorDictionary }
addPlaneAnchorData(addedPlaneAnchor, toDictionary: anchorDictionary)
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_UUID_OPTION] = addedAnchor.identifier.uuidString
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_TYPE] = "plane"
DDLogDebug("Add Plane Anchor - \(addedAnchor.identifier.uuidString)")
} else if addedAnchor is ARImageAnchor {
// User generated ARImageAnchor
let addedImageAnchor = addedAnchor as? ARImageAnchor
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap[addedAnchor.identifier.uuidString] = addedImageAnchor?
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_UUID_OPTION] = addedImageAnchor?
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_TYPE] = "image"
} else if addedAnchor is ARFaceAnchor {
// System generated ARFaceAnchor
guard let faceAnchor = addedAnchor as? ARFaceAnchor else { return anchorDictionary }
addFaceAnchorData(faceAnchor, toDictionary: anchorDictionary)
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_UUID_OPTION] = faceAnchor.identifier.uuidString
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_TYPE] = "face"
} else {
// Simple, user generated ARAnchor
let userAnchorID = arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap?[addedAnchor.identifier.uuidString] as? String
let name = userAnchorID != nil ? userAnchorID : addedAnchor.identifier.uuidString
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_UUID_OPTION] = name ?? ""
anchorDictionary[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_TYPE] = "anchor"
DDLogDebug("Add User Anchor - \(String(describing: name))")
return anchorDictionary
// MARK: - Face Anchors
// Tony: Commenting this out, conversion to Swift is causing issues again.
// Tried several resolutions, none worked so far. Leaving original in place for the moment.
// func updateFaceAnchorData(_ faceAnchor: ARFaceAnchor, toDictionary faceAnchorDictionary: NSMutableDictionary) {
// var geometryDictionary: [AnyHashable: Any]? = faceAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_GEOMETRY_OPTION] as? Dictionary
// if geometryDictionary == nil {
// geometryDictionary = [AnyHashable: Any]()
// faceAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_GEOMETRY_OPTION] = geometryDictionary
// }
// let vertices = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: faceAnchor.geometry.vertices.count)
// for i in 0..<faceAnchor.geometry.vertices.count {
// vertices.add(faceAnchor.geometry.vertices[i].dictionary())
// }
// geometryDictionary?["vertices"] = vertices
// guard let blendShapesDictionary = faceAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_BLEND_SHAPES_OPTION] as? NSMutableArray else { return }
// setBlendShapes(faceAnchor.blendShapes as NSDictionary, toArray: blendShapesDictionary)
// // Remove the rest of the geometry data, since it doesn't change
// geometryDictionary?["vertexCount"] = nil
// geometryDictionary?["textureCoordinateCount"] = nil
// geometryDictionary?["textureCoordinates"] = nil
// geometryDictionary?["triangleCount"] = nil
// geometryDictionary?["triangleIndices"] = nil
// }
func addFaceAnchorData(_ faceAnchor: ARFaceAnchor, toDictionary faceAnchorDictionary: NSMutableDictionary) {
let blendShapesArray = NSMutableArray.init()
setBlendShapes(faceAnchor.blendShapes as NSDictionary, toArray: blendShapesArray)
faceAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_BLEND_SHAPES_OPTION] = blendShapesArray
let geometryDictionary = NSMutableDictionary.init()
addFaceGeometryData(faceAnchor.geometry, toDictionary: geometryDictionary)
faceAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_GEOMETRY_OPTION] = geometryDictionary
func addFaceGeometryData(_ faceGeometry: ARFaceGeometry, toDictionary geometryDictionary: NSMutableDictionary) {
geometryDictionary["vertexCount"] = faceGeometry.vertices.count
let vertices = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: faceGeometry.vertices.count)
for i in 0..<faceGeometry.vertices.count {
if geometryArrays {
} else {
geometryDictionary["vertices"] = vertices
let textureCoordinates = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: faceGeometry.textureCoordinates.count)
geometryDictionary["textureCoordinateCount"] = faceGeometry.textureCoordinates.count
for i in 0..<faceGeometry.textureCoordinates.count {
if geometryArrays {
} else {
geometryDictionary["textureCoordinates"] = textureCoordinates
geometryDictionary["triangleCount"] = faceGeometry.triangleCount
let triangleIndices = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: faceGeometry.triangleCount * 3)
for i in 0..<faceGeometry.triangleCount * 3 {
geometryDictionary["triangleIndices"] = triangleIndices
func setBlendShapes(_ blendShapes: NSDictionary, toArray blendShapesArray: NSMutableArray) {
let blendShapesArray = blendShapesArray
blendShapesArray[0] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.browDownLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[1] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.browDownRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[2] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.browInnerUp] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[3] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.browOuterUpLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[4] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.browOuterUpRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[5] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.cheekPuff] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[6] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.cheekSquintLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[7] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.cheekSquintRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[8] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeBlinkLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[9] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeBlinkRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[10] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookDownLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[11] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookDownRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[12] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookInLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[13] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookInRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[14] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookOutLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[15] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookOutRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[16] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookUpLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[17] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeLookUpRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[18] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeSquintLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[19] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeSquintRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[20] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeWideLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[21] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.eyeWideRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[22] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.jawForward] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[23] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.jawLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[24] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.jawOpen] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[25] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.jawRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[26] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthClose] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[27] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthDimpleLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[28] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthDimpleRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[29] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthFrownLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[30] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthFrownRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[31] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthFunnel] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[32] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[33] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthLowerDownLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[34] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthLowerDownRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[35] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthPressLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[36] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthPressRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[37] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthPucker] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[38] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[39] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthRollLower] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[40] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthRollUpper] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[41] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthShrugLower] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[42] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthShrugUpper] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[43] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthSmileLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[44] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthSmileRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[45] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthStretchLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[46] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthStretchRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[47] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthUpperUpLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[48] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.mouthUpperUpRight] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[49] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.noseSneerLeft] ?? 0
blendShapesArray[50] = blendShapes[ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation.noseSneerRight] ?? 0
// MARK: - Plane Anchors
func updatePlaneGeometryData(_ planeGeometry: ARPlaneGeometry, toDictionary planeGeometryDictionary: NSMutableDictionary) {
planeGeometryDictionary["vertexCount"] = NSNumber(value: planeGeometry.vertices.count)
let vertices = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: planeGeometry.vertices.count)
for i in 0..<planeGeometry.vertices.count {
if geometryArrays {
} else {
planeGeometryDictionary["vertices"] = vertices
let textureCoordinates = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: planeGeometry.textureCoordinates.count)
planeGeometryDictionary["textureCoordinateCount"] = NSNumber(value: planeGeometry.textureCoordinates.count)
for i in 0..<planeGeometry.textureCoordinates.count {
if geometryArrays {
} else {
planeGeometryDictionary["textureCoordinates"] = textureCoordinates
planeGeometryDictionary["triangleCount"] = NSNumber(value: planeGeometry.triangleCount)
let triangleIndices = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: planeGeometry.triangleCount * 3)
for i in 0..<planeGeometry.triangleCount * 3 {
triangleIndices.add(NSNumber(value: planeGeometry.triangleIndices[i]))
planeGeometryDictionary["triangleIndices"] = triangleIndices
planeGeometryDictionary["boundaryVertexCount"] = NSNumber(value: planeGeometry.boundaryVertices.count)
let boundaryVertices = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: planeGeometry.boundaryVertices.count)
for i in 0..<planeGeometry.boundaryVertices.count {
if geometryArrays {
} else {
planeGeometryDictionary["boundaryVertices"] = boundaryVertices
func addGeometryData(_ planeGeometry: ARPlaneGeometry, toDictionary dictionary: NSMutableDictionary) {
let geometryDictionary = NSMutableDictionary.init()
updatePlaneGeometryData(planeGeometry, toDictionary: geometryDictionary)
dictionary[WEB_AR_GEOMETRY_OPTION] = geometryDictionary
func addPlaneAnchorData(_ planeAnchor: ARPlaneAnchor, toDictionary dictionary: NSMutableDictionary) {
dictionary[WEB_AR_PLANE_EXTENT_OPTION] = planeAnchor.extent.dictionary()
dictionary[WEB_AR_PLANE_ALIGNMENT_OPTION] = planeAnchor.alignment.rawValue
addGeometryData(planeAnchor.geometry, toDictionary: dictionary)
func updatePlaneAnchorData(_ planeAnchor: ARPlaneAnchor, toDictionary planeAnchorDictionary: NSMutableDictionary) {
planeAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_PLANE_CENTER_OPTION] =
planeAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_PLANE_EXTENT_OPTION] = planeAnchor.extent.dictionary()
planeAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_PLANE_ALIGNMENT_OPTION] = planeAnchor.alignment.rawValue
guard let geometry = planeAnchorDictionary[WEB_AR_GEOMETRY_OPTION] as? NSMutableDictionary else { return }
updatePlaneGeometryData(planeAnchor.geometry, toDictionary: geometry)
// MARK: - Anchor Removal
/// Removes the anchors with the ids passed as parameter from the scene.
/// @param anchorIDsToDelete An array of anchor IDs. These can be both ARKit-generated anchorIDs or user-generated anchorIDs
func removeAnchors(_ anchorIDsToDelete: [Any]) {
for anchorIDToDelete in anchorIDsToDelete as? [String] ?? [] {
var anchorToDelete: ARAnchor? = getAnchorFromUserAnchorID(anchorIDToDelete)
if let anchorToDelete = anchorToDelete {
session.remove(anchor: anchorToDelete)
} else {
anchorToDelete = getAnchorFromARKitAnchorID(anchorIDToDelete)
if let anchorToDelete = anchorToDelete {
session.remove(anchor: anchorToDelete)
Remove all the plane anchors further than the value hosted in NSUserdDefaults with the
key "distantAnchorsDistanceKey"
func removeDistantAnchors() {
guard let currentFrame = session.currentFrame else { return }
let cameraTransform =
let distanceThreshold: Float = UserDefaults.standard.float(forKey: Constant.distantAnchorsDistanceKey())
for anchor in currentFrame.anchors {
if anchor is ARPlaneAnchor {
guard let planeAnchor = anchor as? ARPlaneAnchor else { return }
let cameraMatrixInAnchorCoordinates: matrix_float4x4 = matrix_multiply(anchor.transform.inverse, cameraTransform)
let cameraPositionInAnchorCoordinates: simd_float4 = cameraMatrixInAnchorCoordinates.columns.3
let cameraPositionRelativeToPlaneCenter: simd_float4 = cameraPositionInAnchorCoordinates - simd_make_float4(, 1.0)
print("cam plane coords:\t \(cameraPositionRelativeToPlaneCenter[0]), \(cameraPositionRelativeToPlaneCenter[1]), \(cameraPositionRelativeToPlaneCenter[2])")
print("extents:\t\t\t \(planeAnchor.extent[0]), \(planeAnchor.extent[1]), \(planeAnchor.extent[2])")
print("center:\t\t\t\t \([0]), \([1]), \([2])")
let center = cameraPositionRelativeToPlaneCenter[0]
let extent = planeAnchor.extent[0]
let center1 = cameraPositionRelativeToPlaneCenter[1]
let extent1 = planeAnchor.extent[1]
let center2 = cameraPositionRelativeToPlaneCenter[2]
let extent2 = planeAnchor.extent[2]
if (center - extent) > distanceThreshold ||
(center + extent) < -distanceThreshold ||
(center1 - extent1) > distanceThreshold ||
(center1 + extent1) < -distanceThreshold ||
(center2 - extent2) > distanceThreshold ||
(center2 + extent2) < -distanceThreshold {
print("\n\n*********\n\nRemoving distant plane \(anchor.identifier.uuidString)\n\n*********")
session.remove(anchor: anchor)
} else {
let distance = simd_distance(anchor.transform.columns.3, cameraTransform.columns.3)
if distance >= distanceThreshold {
print("\n\n*********\n\nRemoving distant anchor \(anchor.identifier.uuidString)\n\n*********")
session.remove(anchor: anchor)
func removeAllAnchors() {
guard let currentFrame = session?.currentFrame else { return }
for anchor in currentFrame.anchors {
session?.remove(anchor: anchor)
func removeAllAnchorsExceptPlanes() {
guard let currentFrame = session?.currentFrame else { return }
for anchor in currentFrame.anchors {
if !(anchor is ARPlaneAnchor) {
session?.remove(anchor: anchor)
// MARK: - Helpers
func getAnchorFromARKitAnchorID(_ arkitAnchorID: String) -> ARAnchor? {
var anchor: ARAnchor? = nil
guard let currentFrame: ARFrame = session?.currentFrame else { return nil }
for currentAnchor in currentFrame.anchors {
if currentAnchor.identifier.uuidString == arkitAnchorID {
anchor = currentAnchor
return anchor
func getAnchorFromUserAnchorID(_ userAnchorID: String) -> ARAnchor? {
var anchor: ARAnchor? = nil
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap.enumerateKeysAndObjects { arkitID, userID, stop in
guard let userID = userID as? String else { return }
guard let arkitID = arkitID as? String else { return }
if userID == userAnchorID {
guard let currentFrame = self.session?.currentFrame else { return }
let anchors = currentFrame.anchors
for currentAnchor in anchors {
if currentAnchor.identifier.uuidString == arkitID {
anchor = currentAnchor
stop.pointee = true
return anchor
func currentAnchorsArray() -> NSArray {
let array = NSMutableArray.init()
objects.enumerateKeysAndObjects { key, obj, stop in
guard let key = key as? String else { return }
guard let dict = self.objects.value(forKey: key) as? [AnyHashable: Any] else { return }
if self.webXRAuthorizationStatus == .videoCameraAccess ||
self.webXRAuthorizationStatus == .worldSensing ||
self.webXRAuthorizationStatus == .lite ||
(dict[WEB_AR_MUST_SEND_OPTION] as? NSNumber)?.boolValue ?? false
if let type = dict[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_TYPE] as? String, type == "face" {
if self.numberOfFramesWithoutSendingFaceGeometry < 1 {
self.numberOfFramesWithoutSendingFaceGeometry += 1
if let mutableDict: NSMutableDictionary = dict as? NSMutableDictionary {
mutableDict.removeObject(forKey: WEB_AR_GEOMETRY_OPTION)
self.objects[key] = mutableDict
} else {
self.numberOfFramesWithoutSendingFaceGeometry = 0
if let obj = self.objects.value(forKey: key) as? [AnyHashable: Any] {
return array
func anchorID(for anchor: ARAnchor) -> String {
var anchorID: String
if anchor is ARPlaneAnchor {
// ARKit system plane anchor
anchorID = anchor.identifier.uuidString
} else if anchor is ARImageAnchor {
// User generated ARImageAnchor
let imageAnchor = anchor as? ARImageAnchor
anchorID = imageAnchor? ?? ""
} else if anchor is ARFaceAnchor {
// System generated ARFaceAnchor
anchorID = anchor.identifier.uuidString
} else {
// Simple, user generated ARAnchor
let userAnchorID = arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap?[anchor.identifier.uuidString] as? String
// NSString *anchorName =;
// NSString *name;
// if (userAnchorID) {
// name = userAnchorID;
// } else {
// name = [anchor.identifier UUIDString];
// }
let name = userAnchorID != nil ? userAnchorID! : anchor.identifier.uuidString
anchorID = name
return anchorID
Adds a "regular" anchor to the session
@param userGeneratedAnchorID the ID the user wants this new anchor to have
@param transform the transform of the anchor
@return YES if the anchorID didn't exist already
func addAnchor(_ userGeneratedAnchorID: String?, transformHash: [AnyHashable: Any]?) -> Bool {
if userGeneratedAnchorID == nil || (arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap.allValues as NSArray).contains(userGeneratedAnchorID ?? "") {
DDLogError("Duplicate or nil anchor name: \(userGeneratedAnchorID ?? "nil")")
return false
var transform: [Double] = Array.init(repeating: 0, count: 16)
for n in 0...15 {
transform[n] = transformHash?[String(describing: n)] as? Double ?? 0
var matrix = matrix_float4x4()
matrix = transform.matrix()
let anchor = ARAnchor(name: userGeneratedAnchorID ?? "", transform: matrix)
session.add(anchor: anchor)
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap?[anchor.identifier.uuidString] = userGeneratedAnchorID ?? ""
return true
By default, set NO to all the ARAnchor types considered "World sensing data", so they
won't be sent to JS unless the user allows for that.
@param anchor The anchor to be analyzed
@return A boolean indicating whether the anchor should be sent to JS or not
func shouldSend(_ anchor: ARAnchor) -> Bool {
var shouldSend: Bool
if anchor is ARPlaneAnchor {
// ARKit system plane anchor
shouldSend = true
shouldSend = false
} else if anchor is ARImageAnchor {
// User generated ARImageAnchor
shouldSend = false
} else if anchor is ARFaceAnchor {
shouldSend = false
// System generated ARFaceAnchor
} else {
// Simple, user generated ARAnchor
shouldSend = true
return shouldSend
func anyPlaneAnchor(_ anchorArray: [ARAnchor]) -> Bool {
var anyPlaneAnchor = false
for anchor: ARAnchor in anchorArray {
if anchor is ARPlaneAnchor {
anyPlaneAnchor = true
return anyPlaneAnchor