Revision control

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import ARKit
extension ARKController {
Updates the internal AR Request dictionary
Creates an ARKit configuration object
Runs the ARKit session
Updates the session state to running
Updates the show mode and the show options
@param state The current app state
func startSession(with state: AppState) {
updateARConfiguration(with: state), options: [.resetTracking, .removeExistingAnchors])
arSessionState = .ARKSessionRunning
// if we are removing anchors, clear the user map
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap = NSMutableDictionary()
// if we've already received authorization for CV or WorldState data, likely because of a preference setting or
// previous saved approval for the site, make sure we set up the state properly here
if state.askedComputerVisionData {
computerVisionDataEnabled = state.userGrantedSendingComputerVisionData
if state.askedWorldStateData {
webXRAuthorizationStatus = state.userGrantedSendingWorldStateData
UserDefaults.standard.set(Date(), forKey: Constant.lastResetSessionTrackingDateKey())
Updates the internal AR request dictionary.
Creates a AR configuration object based on the request.
Runs the session.
Sets the session status to running.
@param state the app state
func runSession(with state: AppState) {
updateARConfiguration(with: state), options: [])
arSessionState = .ARKSessionRunning
func runSessionRemovingAnchors(with state: AppState) {
updateARConfiguration(with: state), options: .removeExistingAnchors)
// If we are removing anchors, clear the user map
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap = NSMutableDictionary()
arSessionState = .ARKSessionRunning
func runSessionResettingTrackingAndRemovingAnchors(with state: AppState) {
updateARConfiguration(with: state), options: [.resetTracking, .removeExistingAnchors])
// If we are removing anchors, clear the user map
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap = NSMutableDictionary()
arSessionState = .ARKSessionRunning
UserDefaults.standard.set(Date(), forKey: Constant.lastResetSessionTrackingDateKey())
Updates the internal AR Request dictionary and the configuration
Runs the session
Updates the session state to running
Updates the show mode and the show options
@param state The current app state
// The session was paused, which implies it was off of the AR page, somewhere 2D, for a bit
func resumeSession(with state: AppState) {
request = state.aRRequest
if configuration is ARWorldTrackingConfiguration {
let worldTrackingConfiguration = configuration as? ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
if hasBackgroundWorldMap() {
worldTrackingConfiguration?.initialWorldMap = backgroundWorldMap
backgroundWorldMap = nil
DDLogError("using Saved WorldMap to resume session")
} else {
worldTrackingConfiguration?.initialWorldMap = nil
DDLogError("no Saved WorldMap, resuming without background worldmap")
} else {
DDLogError("resume session on a face-tracking camera")
}, options: [])
arSessionState = .ARKSessionRunning
Updates the internal AR Request dictionary and the configuration
Runs the session
Updates the session state to running
Updates the show mode and the show options
@param state The current app state
// The app was backgrounded, so try to reactivate the session map
func resumeSession(fromBackground state: AppState) {
request = state.aRRequest
if configuration is ARWorldTrackingConfiguration {
let worldTrackingConfiguration = configuration as? ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
if hasBackgroundWorldMap() {
worldTrackingConfiguration?.initialWorldMap = backgroundWorldMap
backgroundWorldMap = nil
DDLogError("using Saved WorldMap to resume session")
} else {
worldTrackingConfiguration?.initialWorldMap = nil
DDLogError("no Saved WorldMap, resuming without background worldmap")
} else {
DDLogError("resume session on a face-tracking camera")
}, options: [])
arSessionState = .ARKSessionRunning
Pauses the AR session and sets the arSessionState to paused
func pauseSession() {
arSessionState = .ARKSessionPaused
func updateARConfiguration(with state: AppState) {
request = state.aRRequest
// lets make sure we pick a low res video format
// NOTE: might want to make this a preference option in the future
// Make sure there is no initial worldmap set
if configuration is ARWorldTrackingConfiguration {
let supportedFormats = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportedVideoFormats
let worldTrackingConfiguration = configuration as? ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
if var videoFormat = worldTrackingConfiguration?.videoFormat {
for format: ARConfiguration.VideoFormat in supportedFormats {
if (format.imageResolution.width < videoFormat.imageResolution.width ||
format.imageResolution.height < videoFormat.imageResolution.height ) {
videoFormat = format
worldTrackingConfiguration?.videoFormat = videoFormat
worldTrackingConfiguration?.initialWorldMap = nil
if hasBackgroundWorldMap() {
backgroundWorldMap = nil
DDLogError("clearing Saved Background WorldMap from resume session")
worldTrackingConfiguration?.maximumNumberOfTrackedImages = state.numberOfTrackedImages
} else if configuration is ARFaceTrackingConfiguration {
let supportedFormats = ARFaceTrackingConfiguration.supportedVideoFormats
let faceTrackingConfiguration = configuration as? ARFaceTrackingConfiguration
if var videoFormat = faceTrackingConfiguration?.videoFormat {
for format: ARConfiguration.VideoFormat in supportedFormats {
if (format.imageResolution.width < videoFormat.imageResolution.width ||
format.imageResolution.height < videoFormat.imageResolution.height
//|| (format.framesPerSecond >= 30 && format.framesPerSecond < videoFormat.framesPerSecond)
) {
videoFormat = format
faceTrackingConfiguration?.videoFormat = videoFormat
if state.aRRequest[WEB_AR_WORLD_ALIGNMENT] as? Bool ?? false {
configuration?.worldAlignment = .gravityAndHeading
} else {
configuration?.worldAlignment = .gravity
// MARK: - Helpers
func currentFrameTimeInMilliseconds() -> TimeInterval {
return TimeInterval((session.currentFrame?.timestamp ?? 0.0) * 1000)
func trackingStateNormal() -> Bool {
guard let ts = session.currentFrame?.camera.trackingState.presentationString else {
print("Unable to check if camera trackingState presentationString is normal")
return false
return ts == ARCamera.TrackingState.normal.presentationString
func trackingStateRelocalizing() -> Bool {
guard let ts = session.currentFrame?.camera.trackingState.presentationString else {
print("Unable to check if camera trackingState presentationString is relocalizing")
return false
return ts ==
func setShowMode(_ showMode: ShowMode) {
func setShowOptions(_ showOptions: ShowOptions) {
self.showOptions = showOptions
ARKit data creates a copy of the current AR data and returns it
@return the dictionary that's going to be sent to JS
func getARKData() -> [AnyHashable : Any]? {
var data: [AnyHashable : Any]
var localLock = os_unfair_lock()
localLock = lock
data = arkData
lock = localLock
return data
computer vision data creates a copy of the current CV data and returns it
@return the dictionary of CV data that's going to be sent to JS
func getComputerVisionData() -> [AnyHashable : Any]? {
var data: [AnyHashable : Any]
var localLock = os_unfair_lock()
localLock = lock
data = computerVisionData
computerVisionData = [:]
lock = localLock
return data
Performs a hit test over the scene
@param point source point for the ray casting in normalized coordinates
@param type A bit mask representing the hit test types to be considered
@return an array of hit tests
func hitTestNormPoint(_ normPoint: CGPoint, types type: Int) -> [Any]? {
let renderSize: CGSize? = controller.getRenderView().bounds.size
let point = CGPoint(x: normPoint.x * (renderSize?.width ?? 0.0), y: normPoint.y * (renderSize?.height ?? 0.0))
let result = controller.hitTest(point, with: ARHitTestResult.ResultType(rawValue: UInt(type)))
return hitTestResultArrayFromResult(resultArray: result)
private func hitTestResultArrayFromResult(resultArray: [Any]?) -> [Any]? {
var results = [Any]()
for result: ARHitTestResult in resultArray as? [ARHitTestResult] ?? [] {
var dict = [AnyHashable : Any]()
dict[WEB_AR_TYPE_OPTION] = NSNumber(value: result.type.rawValue)
dict[WEB_AR_W_TRANSFORM_OPTION] = result.worldTransform.array()
dict[WEB_AR_L_TRANSFORM_OPTION] = result.localTransform.array()
dict[WEB_AR_DISTANCE_OPTION] = result.distance
dict[WEB_AR_UUID_OPTION] = result.anchor?.identifier.uuidString ?? ""
if let planeAnchor = result.anchor as? ARPlaneAnchor {
dict[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_CENTER_OPTION] = dictFromVector3(
dict[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_EXTENT_OPTION] = dictFromVector3(planeAnchor.extent)
dict[WEB_AR_ANCHOR_TRANSFORM_OPTION] = planeAnchor.transform.array()
return results