Revision control

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import Compression
@objc extension ARKController {
// MARK: - Saving
Save the current tracker World Map in local storage
- Fails if tracking isn't initialized, or if the acquisition of a World Map fails for some other reason
func saveWorldMap() {
if !trackingStateNormal() {
DDLogError("Can't save WorldMap to local storage until tracking is initialized")
if !worldMappingAvailable() {
DDLogError("Can't save WorldMap to local storage until World Mapping has started")
session?.getCurrentWorldMap(completionHandler: { worldMap, error in
if let worldMap = worldMap {
DDLogError("saving WorldMap to local storage")
} else {
// try to get rid of an old one if it exists. Don't care if this fails.
if let worldSaveURL = self.worldSaveURL {
try? FileManager.default.trashItem(at: worldSaveURL, resultingItemURL: nil)
DDLogError("moving saved WorldMap to trash")
func _save(_ worldMap: ARWorldMap) {
if let worldSaveURL = worldSaveURL {
var data: Data? = nil
data = try? NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: worldMap, requiringSecureCoding: true)
do {
try data?.write(to: worldSaveURL, options: .atomic)
DDLogError("saved WorldMap to load storage at \(worldSaveURL)")
} catch {
DDLogError("Failed saving WorldMap to persistent storage")
Save the current ARKit ARWorldMap if tracking.
func saveWorldMapInBackground() {
if !trackingStateNormal() {
DDLogError("can't save WorldMap as we transition to background, tracking isn't initialized")
session.getCurrentWorldMap(completionHandler: { worldMap, error in
if worldMap != nil {
DDLogError("saving WorldMap as we transition to background")
self.backgroundWorldMap = worldMap
// MARK: - Loading
Load a previously saved World Map from local storage.
func loadSavedMap() {
if let worldSaveURL = worldSaveURL {
var data: Data? = nil
do {
data = try Data(contentsOf: worldSaveURL)
} catch {
DDLogError("Error loading WorldMap")
if let data = data {
do {
guard let obj = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: ARWorldMap.self, from: data) else {
DDLogError("Failed to unarchive the WorldMap")
} catch {
DDLogError("Failed to create ARWorldMap from saved WorldMap loaded from persistent storage")
} else {
DDLogError("Failed to load saved WorldMap from persistent storage")
// MARK: - Getting
Get the current tracker World Map and return it in an base64 encoded string in a dictionary, for sending to Javascript
- Fails if tracking isn't initialized, or if the acquisition of a World Map fails for some other reason
@param completion The completion block that will be called with the outcome of the acquisition of the world map
func getWorldMap(_ completion: @escaping GetWorldMapCompletionBlock) {
if getWorldMapPromise != nil {
getWorldMapPromise(false, "World Map request cancelled by subsequent call to get World Map.", nil)
getWorldMapPromise = nil
switch webXRAuthorizationStatus {
case .worldSensing, .videoCameraAccess:
getWorldMapPromise = completion
case .lite:
completion(false, "The user only granted access to a single plane, so cannot get map", nil)
case .minimal, .denied:
completion(false, "The user denied access to world sensing data", nil)
case .notDetermined:
print("Attempt to get World Map but world sensing data authorization is not determined, enqueue the request")
getWorldMapPromise = completion
completion(false, "getWorldMap not supported", nil)
// Actually perform the saving and sending of world map back to the app
func _getWorldMap() {
let completion: GetWorldMapCompletionBlock? = getWorldMapPromise
getWorldMapPromise = nil
if configuration is ARFaceTrackingConfiguration {
if completion != nil {
completion?(false, "Cannot get World Map when using the front facing camera", nil)
if !trackingStateNormal() {
if completion != nil {
completion?(false, "Cannot get World Map until tracking is fully initialized", nil)
if !worldMappingAvailable() {
if completion != nil {
completion?(false, "Cannot get World Map until World Mapping has started", nil)
session?.getCurrentWorldMap(completionHandler: { worldMap, error in
if let worldMap = worldMap {
if let completion = completion {
var mapData = [AnyHashable: Any]()
var data: Data? = nil
do {
data = try NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: worldMap, requiringSecureCoding: true)
} catch {
print("Error accessing archived worldMap data")
let compressedData = self.getCompressedData(data)
if compressedData == nil {
completion(false, "request to get World Map failed: couldn't compress data", nil)
print("world map uncompressed size \(data?.count ?? 0) -> compressed \(compressedData?.count ?? 0)")
let string = compressedData?.base64EncodedString(options: [])
mapData["worldMap"] = string ?? ""
let anchors = worldMap.anchors
let anchorList = NSMutableArray.init(capacity: anchors.count)
for anchor in anchors {
// include any anchor with a name in the list, since they've likely been
// created by the web app
if let anchorName = {
var anchorDict = [AnyHashable : Any]()
anchorDict["name"] = anchorName
anchorDict["transform"] = anchor.transform.array()
mapData["anchors"] = anchorList
mapData["center"] = dictFromVector3(
mapData["extent"] = dictFromVector3(worldMap.extent)
mapData["featureCount"] = NSNumber(value: worldMap.rawFeaturePoints.points.count)
completion(true, nil, mapData)
DDLogError("saving WorldMap due to web request")
} else {
if let error = error {
completion?(false, "request to get World Map failed: \(error)", nil)
// MARK: - Setting
Set the current tracker World Map from a base64 encoded text string, passed in from Javascript.
- Fails if the map will not load for some other reason
@param worldMapDictionary The dictionary representing the worldMap
@param completion The completion block that will be called with the outcome of the loading of the world map
func setWorldMap(_ worldMapDictionary: [AnyHashable : Any], completion: @escaping SetWorldMapCompletionBlock) {
if setWorldMapPromise != nil {
setWorldMapPromise(false, "World Map set request cancelled by subsequent call to set World Map.")
switch webXRAuthorizationStatus {
case .worldSensing, .videoCameraAccess:
setWorldMapPromise = completion
// we do it here (rather than above) because if a nil is passed in, we don't want to replace the previously saved
// value (since a user could still reload it with the browser menu)
let map: ARWorldMap? = dict(toWorldMap: worldMapDictionary)
if let map = map {
//[self _saveWorldMap:map];
} else {
if setWorldMapPromise != nil {
setWorldMapPromise(false, "The World Map may be invalid, it couldn't be decoded.")
setWorldMapPromise = nil
case .lite:
completion(false, "The user only provided access to a single plane, so cannot set map")
case .minimal, .denied:
completion(false, "The user denied access to world sensing data, so cannot set map")
case .notDetermined:
print("Attempt to get World Map but world sensing data authorization is not determined, enqueue the request")
setWorldMapPromise = completion
func _setWorldMap(_ map: ARWorldMap) {
let completion: SetWorldMapCompletionBlock? = setWorldMapPromise
setWorldMapPromise = nil
if configuration is ARWorldTrackingConfiguration {
// First, let's restart with current configuration, but remove existing anchors
// [[self session] runWithConfiguration:[self configuration] options: ARSessionRunOptionRemoveExistingAnchors];
print("Restarted, removing existing anchors")
// now, let's load the world map
let worldTrackingConfiguration = configuration as? ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
worldTrackingConfiguration?.initialWorldMap = map
if let configuration = configuration {
session?.run(configuration, options: [.resetTracking, .removeExistingAnchors])
// if we are removing anchors, clear the user map
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap = NSMutableDictionary.init()
print("Restarted, loading map.")
for anchor in map.anchors {
session?.add(anchor: anchor)
arkitGeneratedAnchorIDUserAnchorIDMap[anchor.identifier.uuidString] = ?? ""
print("WorldMap loaded anchor: \( ?? "nameless anchor")")
// now remove the map from the config
worldTrackingConfiguration?.initialWorldMap = nil
self.arSessionState = .ARKSessionRunning
// [self setupDeviceCamera];
completion?(true, nil)
DDLogError("using Saved WorldMap to restart session")
} else {
DDLogError("Cannot load World Map when using user-facing camera")
completion?(false, "Cannot load World Map when using user-facing camera")
// MARK: - Helpers
func getDecompressedData(_ compressed: Data) -> Data? {
var dst_buffer_size: size_t = compressed.count * 8
var src_buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: compressed.count)
compressed.copyBytes(to: &src_buffer, count: compressed.count)
while true {
var dst_buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: dst_buffer_size)
let decompressedSize: size_t = compression_decode_buffer(dst_buffer, dst_buffer_size, &src_buffer, compressed.count, nil, COMPRESSION_ZLIB)
// error!
if decompressedSize == 0 {
return nil
// overflow, try again
if decompressedSize == dst_buffer_size {
dst_buffer_size *= 2
let decompressed = Data(bytes: dst_buffer, count: decompressedSize)
return decompressed
func getCompressedData(_ input: Data?) -> Data? {
var dst_buffer_size: size_t = max((input?.count ?? 0) / 8, 10)
var src_buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: input?.count ?? 0)
input?.copyBytes(to: &src_buffer, count: input?.count ?? 0)
while true {
var dst_buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: dst_buffer_size)
let compressedSize = compression_encode_buffer(dst_buffer, dst_buffer_size, &src_buffer, (input?.count ?? 0), nil, COMPRESSION_ZLIB)
// overflow, try again
if compressedSize == 0 {
dst_buffer_size *= 2
let compressed = Data(bytes: dst_buffer, count: compressedSize)
return compressed
func printWorldMapInfo(_ worldMap: ARWorldMap) {
let anchors = worldMap.anchors
for anchor in anchors {
var anchorID: String
if anchor is ARPlaneAnchor {
// ARKit system plane anchor; probably shouldn't happen!
anchorID = anchor.identifier.uuidString
DDLogWarn("saved WorldMap: contained PlaneAnchor")
} else if anchor is ARImageAnchor {
// User generated ARImageAnchor; probably shouldn't happen!
let imageAnchor = anchor as? ARImageAnchor
anchorID = imageAnchor? ?? "No name stored for this imageAnchor's referenceImage"
DDLogWarn("saved WorldMap: contained trackable ImageAnchor")
} else if anchor is ARFaceAnchor {
// System generated ARFaceAnchor; probably shouldn't happen!
anchorID = anchor.identifier.uuidString
DDLogWarn("saved WorldMap: contained trackable FaceAnchor")
} else {
anchorID = ?? "No name stored for this anchor"
print("WorldMap contains anchor: \(anchorID)")
let center: simd_float3 =
let extent: simd_float3 = worldMap.extent
print("Map center: \(center.x), \(center.y), \(center.z)")
print("Map extent: \(extent.x), \(extent.y), \(extent.z)")
func dict(toWorldMap worldMapDictionary: [AnyHashable : Any]) -> ARWorldMap? {
guard let b64String = worldMapDictionary["worldMap"] as? String else { return nil }
guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: b64String, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters) else { return nil }
guard let uncompressed = getDecompressedData(data) else { return nil }
print("World map compressed size \(data.count) -> uncompressed \(uncompressed.count)")
var obj: ARWorldMap? = nil
do {
obj = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: ARWorldMap.self, from: uncompressed)
} catch {
print("Error unarchiving WorldMap")
return obj
func worldMappingAvailable() -> Bool {
guard let ws = session?.currentFrame?.worldMappingStatus else { return false }
return ws != .notAvailable
Is there a saved world map?
func hasBackgroundWorldMap() -> Bool {
return backgroundWorldMap != nil