Name Description Size
AbstractScopePtr.cpp 1750
AbstractScopePtr.h 2587 Usage: FILE This script aligns the stack transition comment in BytecodeEmitter and its helper classes. The stack transition comment looks like the following: // [stack] VAL1 VAL2 VAL3 3117
AsyncEmitter.cpp 5272
AsyncEmitter.h 5709
BytecodeCompiler.cpp 63341
BytecodeCompiler.h Structure of all of the support classes. Parser: described in Parser.h. BytecodeCompiler.cpp: BytecodeCompiler.h This is the "driver", the high-level operations like "compile this source to bytecode". It calls the parser, bytecode emitter, etc. ParseContext.h and SharedContext.h: Both have similar purposes. They're split because ParseContext contains information used only by the parser, and SharedContext contains information used by both the parser and BytecodeEmitter. SharedContext.h: class Directives: this contains boolean flags for tracking if we're in asm.js or "use strict" code. The "use strict" bit is stored in SharedContext, and additionally, the full Directives class is stored in ParseContext - if a direcive is encountered while parsing, this is updated, and checked in GeneralParser::functionDefinition, and if it changed, the whole function is re-parsed with the new flags. SharedContext.h: abstract class SharedContext: This class contains two different groups of flags: Parse context information. This is information conceptually "passed down" into parsing sub-nodes. This is like "are we parsing strict code?", and so the parser can make decisions of how to parse based off that. Gathered-while-parsing information. This is information conceptually "returned up" from parsing sub-nodes. This is like "did we see a use strict directive"? Additionally, subclasses (GlobalSharedContext, ModuleSharedContext, EvalSharedContext, and FunctionBox) contain binding information, scope information, and other such bits of data. ParseContext.h: class UsedNameTracker: Track which bindings are used in which scopes. This helps determine which bindings are closed-over, which affects how they're stored; and whether special bindings like `this` and `arguments` can be optimized away. ParseContext.h: class ParseContext: Extremely complex class that serves a lot of purposes, but it's a single class - essentially no derived classes - so it's a little easier to comprehend all at once. (SourceParseContext does derive from ParseContext, but they does nothing except adjust the constructor's arguments). Note it uses a thing called Nestable, which implements a stack of objects: you can push (and pop) instances to a stack (linked list) as you parse further into the parse tree. You may push to this stack via calling the constructor with a GeneralParser as an argument (usually `this`), which pushes itself onto `this->pc` (so it does get assigned/pushed, even though no assignment ever appears directly in the parser) ParseContext contains a pointer to a SharedContext. There's a decent chunk of flags/data collection in here too, some "pass-down" data and some "return-up" data. ParseContext also contains a significant number of *sub*-Nestables as fields of itself (nestables inside nestables). Note you also push/pop to these via passing `Parser->pc`, which the constructor of the sub-nestable knows which ParseContext field to push to. The sub-nestables are: ParseContext::Statement: stack of statements. `if (x) { while (true) { try { ..stack of [if, while, try].. } ... } }` ParseContext::LabelStatement: interspersed in Statement stack, for labeled statements, for e.g. `label: while (true) { break label; }` ParseContext::ClassStatement: interspersed in Statement stack, for classes the parser is currently inside of. ParseContext::Scope: Set of variables in each scope (stack of sets): `{ let a; let b; { let c; } }` (this gets complicated with `var`, etc., check the class for docs) 12001
BytecodeControlStructures.cpp 12747
BytecodeControlStructures.h 6135
BytecodeEmitter.cpp JS bytecode generation. 391032
BytecodeEmitter.h JS bytecode generation. 46952
BytecodeOffset.h namespace frontend 4160
BytecodeSection.cpp 6489
BytecodeSection.h 12628
CallOrNewEmitter.cpp 9758
CallOrNewEmitter.h 12806
CForEmitter.cpp 5054
CForEmitter.h 5410
CompilationStencil.h 83097
DecoratorEmitter.cpp 45884
DecoratorEmitter.h namespace js::frontend 2775
DefaultEmitter.cpp 1720
DefaultEmitter.h namespace frontend 1678
DestructuringFlavor.h namespace frontend 690
DoWhileEmitter.cpp 1602
DoWhileEmitter.h namespace frontend 1966
EitherParser.h A variant-like class abstracting operations on a Parser with a given ParseHandler but unspecified character type. 1811
ElemOpEmitter.cpp 6520
ElemOpEmitter.h 7056
EmitterScope.cpp static 40121
EmitterScope.h 9740
ErrorReporter.h 11408
ExpressionStatementEmitter.cpp 1488
ExpressionStatementEmitter.h frontend_ExpressionStatementEmitter_h 2030
FoldConstants.cpp 52703
FoldConstants.h namespace frontend 1916
ForInEmitter.cpp 4362
ForInEmitter.h namespace frontend 3637
ForOfEmitter.cpp 8627
ForOfEmitter.h namespace frontend 3879
ForOfLoopControl.cpp 8692
ForOfLoopControl.h namespace frontend 4013
FrontendContext.cpp OOMs are non-deterministic, especially across different execution modes (e.g. interpreter vs JIT). When doing differential testing, print to stderr so that the fuzzers can detect this. 10436
FrontendContext.h 9122
FullParseHandler.h new_ methods for creating parse nodes. These report OOM on context. 44769
FunctionEmitter.cpp 25544
FunctionEmitter.h 15549
FunctionSyntaxKind.h namespace frontend 1055 6832
IfEmitter.cpp = ConditionKind::Positive 7300
IfEmitter.h 9701
IteratorKind.h namespace js::frontend 523
JumpList.cpp 1454
JumpList.h namespace frontend 2756
LabelEmitter.cpp 997
LabelEmitter.h namespace frontend 1615
LexicalScopeEmitter.cpp 1653
LexicalScopeEmitter.h namespace frontend 2930
ModuleSharedContext.h frontend_ModuleSharedContext_h 1353 2605
NameAnalysisTypes.h 12568
NameCollections.h 13431
NameFunctions.cpp Test whether a ParseNode represents a function invocation 18487
NameFunctions.h namespace frontend 741
NameOpEmitter.cpp 16533
NameOpEmitter.h 5164
ObjectEmitter.cpp isStatic_ = 26174
ObjectEmitter.h 30622
ObjLiteral.cpp 16774
ObjLiteral.h 25566
OptionalEmitter.cpp = Kind::Other 3885
OptionalEmitter.h 7438
ParseContext-inl.h 6077
ParseContext.cpp 27836
ParseContext.h The struct ParseContext stores information about the current parsing context, which is part of the parser state (see the field Parser::pc). The current parsing context is either the global context, or the function currently being parsed. When the parser encounters a function definition, it creates a new ParseContext, makes it the new current context. 25343
ParseNode.cpp Allocate a ParseNode from parser's node freelist or, failing that, from cx's temporary arena. 14587
ParseNode.h 89733
ParseNodeVerify.cpp 1495
ParseNodeVerify.h namespace frontend 1520
ParseNodeVisitor.h Utility class for walking a JS AST. Simple usage: class HowTrueVisitor : public ParseNodeVisitor<HowTrueVisitor> { public: bool visitTrueExpr(BooleanLiteral* pn) { std::cout << "How true.\n"; return true; } bool visitClassDecl(ClassNode* pn) { // The base-class implementation of each visit method // simply visits the node's children. So the subclass // gets to decide whether to descend into a subtree // and can do things either before or after: std::cout << "How classy.\n"; return ParseNodeVisitor::visitClassDecl(pn); } }; HowTrueVisitor v; v.visit(programRootNode); // walks the entire tree A ParseNodeVisitor can modify nodes, but it can't replace the current node with a different one; for that, use a RewritingParseNodeVisitor. Note that the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern is used for performance, as it eliminates the need for virtual method calls. Some rough testing shows about a 12% speedup in the FoldConstants.cpp pass. 4447
Parser-macros.h frontend_Parser_macros_h 900
Parser.cpp JS parser. This is a recursive-descent parser for the JavaScript language specified by "The ECMAScript Language Specification" (Standard ECMA-262). It uses lexical and semantic feedback to disambiguate non-LL(1) structures. It generates trees of nodes induced by the recursive parsing (not precise syntax trees, see Parser.h). After tree construction, it rewrites trees to fold constants and evaluate compile-time expressions. This parser attempts no error recovery. 421045
Parser.h JS parser. 76835
ParserAtom.cpp static 42781
ParserAtom.h 30946
PrivateOpEmitter.cpp 8802
PrivateOpEmitter.h 6972
PropOpEmitter.cpp 6339
PropOpEmitter.h 6972
ReservedWords.h A higher-order macro for enumerating reserved word tokens. 5455
ScopeBindingCache.h 11910
ScopeIndex.h namespace js 915
ScriptIndex.h namespace frontend 1126
SelfHostedIter.h namespace js::frontend 1078
SharedContext-inl.h 725
SharedContext.cpp 14388
SharedContext.h The struct SharedContext is part of the current parser context (see ParseContext). It stores information that is reused between the parser and the bytecode emitter. 26370
SourceNotes.cpp 548
SourceNotes.h [SMDOC] Source Notes Source notes are generated along with bytecode for associating line/column to opcode, and annotating opcode as breakpoint for debugging. A source note is a uint8_t with 4 bits of type and 4 bits of offset from the pc of the previous note. If 4 bits of offset aren't enough, extended delta notes (XDelta) consisting of 1 set high order bit followed by 7 offset bits are emitted before the next note. Source Note Extended Delta +7-6-5-4+3-2-1-0+ +7+6-5-4-3-2-1-0+ | type | delta | |1| ext-delta | +-------+-------+ +-+-------------+ Extended Delta with `ext-delta == 0` is used as terminator, which is padded between the end of source notes and the next notes in the ImmutableScriptData. Terminator +7+6-5-4-3-2-1-0+ |1|0 0 0 0 0 0 0| +-+-------------+ Some notes have operand offsets encoded immediately after them. Each operand is encoded either in single-byte or 4-bytes, depending on the range. Single-byte Operand (0 <= operand <= 127) +7+6-5-4-3-2-1-0+ |0| operand | +-+-------------+ 4-bytes Operand (128 <= operand) (operand_3 << 24) | (operand_2 << 16) | (operand_1 << 8) | operand_0 +7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0+ +7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0+ +7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0+ +7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0+ |1| operand_3 | | operand_2 | | operand_1 | | operand_0 | +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ NB: the js::SrcNote::specs_ array is indexed by this enum, so its initializers need to match the order here. 16407
Stencil.cpp 192976
Stencil.h 46199
StencilXdr.cpp 51780
StencilXdr.h 7993
SwitchEmitter.cpp 11107
SwitchEmitter.h 14106
SyntaxParseHandler.h 29062
TaggedParserAtomIndexHasher.h 1293
TDZCheckCache.cpp 2000
TDZCheckCache.h namespace frontend 2282
Token.h Token-affiliated data structures except for TokenKind (defined in its own header). 7184
TokenKind.h List of token kinds and their ranges. The format for each line is: MACRO(<TOKEN_KIND_NAME>, <DESCRIPTION>) or RANGE(<TOKEN_RANGE_NAME>, <TOKEN_KIND_NAME>) where ; <TOKEN_KIND_NAME> is a legal C identifier of the token, that will be used in the JS engine source. <DESCRIPTION> is a string that describe about the token, and will be used in error message. <TOKEN_RANGE_NAME> is a legal C identifier of the range that will be used to JS engine source. It should end with `First` or `Last`. This is used to check TokenKind by range-testing: BinOpFirst <= tt && tt <= BinOpLast Second argument of `RANGE` is the actual value of the <TOKEN_RANGE_NAME>, should be same as one of <TOKEN_KIND_NAME> in other `MACRO`s. To use this macro, define two macros for `MACRO` and `RANGE`, and pass them as arguments. #define EMIT_TOKEN(name, desc) ... #define EMIT_RANGE(name, value) ... FOR_EACH_TOKEN_KIND_WITH_RANGE(EMIT_TOKEN, EMIT_RANGE) #undef EMIT_TOKEN #undef EMIT_RANGE If you don't need range data, use FOR_EACH_TOKEN_KIND instead. #define EMIT_TOKEN(name, desc) ... FOR_EACH_TOKEN_KIND(EMIT_TOKEN) #undef EMIT_TOKEN Note that this list does not contain Limit. 18490
TokenStream.cpp 123140
TokenStream.h Streaming access to the raw tokens of JavaScript source. Because JS tokenization is context-sensitive -- a '/' could be either a regular expression *or* a division operator depending on context -- the various token stream classes are mostly not useful outside of the Parser where they reside. We should probably eventually merge the two concepts. 109642
TryEmitter.cpp = Nothing() 8991
TryEmitter.h 8064
TypedIndex.h 1258
UsedNameTracker.h 9840
UsingEmitter.cpp 35700
UsingEmitter.h 7912
ValueUsage.h namespace frontend 1094
WhileEmitter.cpp 2674
WhileEmitter.h namespace frontend 2855