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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// JS lexical scanner.
#include "frontend/TokenStream.h"
#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryChecking.h"
#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "mozilla/TemplateLib.h"
#include "mozilla/TextUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Utf8.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "jsnum.h"
#include "frontend/FrontendContext.h"
#include "frontend/Parser.h"
#include "frontend/ParserAtom.h"
#include "frontend/ReservedWords.h"
#include "js/CharacterEncoding.h" // JS::ConstUTF8CharsZ
#include "js/ColumnNumber.h" // JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin, JS::ColumnNumberOneOrigin, JS::TaggedColumnNumberOneOrigin
#include "js/ErrorReport.h" // JSErrorBase
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_*
#include "js/Printf.h" // JS_smprintf
#include "js/RegExpFlags.h" // JS::RegExpFlags
#include "js/UniquePtr.h"
#include "util/Text.h"
#include "util/Unicode.h"
#include "vm/FrameIter.h" // js::{,NonBuiltin}FrameIter
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
#include "vm/Realm.h"
using mozilla::AsciiAlphanumericToNumber;
using mozilla::AssertedCast;
using mozilla::DecodeOneUtf8CodePoint;
using mozilla::IsAscii;
using mozilla::IsAsciiAlpha;
using mozilla::IsAsciiDigit;
using mozilla::IsAsciiHexDigit;
using mozilla::IsTrailingUnit;
using mozilla::MakeScopeExit;
using mozilla::Maybe;
using mozilla::PointerRangeSize;
using mozilla::Span;
using mozilla::Utf8Unit;
using JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions;
using JS::RegExpFlag;
using JS::RegExpFlags;
struct ReservedWordInfo {
const char* chars; // C string with reserved word text
js::frontend::TokenKind tokentype;
static const ReservedWordInfo reservedWords[] = {
#define RESERVED_WORD_INFO(word, name, type) {#word, js::frontend::type},
enum class ReservedWordsIndex : size_t {
#define ENTRY_(_1, NAME, _3) NAME,
#undef ENTRY_
// Returns a ReservedWordInfo for the specified characters, or nullptr if the
// string is not a reserved word.
template <typename CharT>
static const ReservedWordInfo* FindReservedWord(const CharT* s, size_t length) {
MOZ_ASSERT(length != 0);
size_t i;
const ReservedWordInfo* rw;
const char* chars;
#define JSRW_LENGTH() length
#define JSRW_AT(column) s[column]
#define JSRW_GOT_MATCH(index) \
i = (index); \
goto got_match;
#define JSRW_TEST_GUESS(index) \
i = (index); \
goto test_guess;
#define JSRW_NO_MATCH() goto no_match;
#include "frontend/ReservedWordsGenerated.h"
#undef JSRW_AT
return &reservedWords[i];
rw = &reservedWords[i];
chars = rw->chars;
do {
if (*s++ != static_cast<unsigned char>(*chars++)) {
goto no_match;
} while (--length != 0);
return rw;
return nullptr;
template <>
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const ReservedWordInfo* FindReservedWord<Utf8Unit>(
const Utf8Unit* units, size_t length) {
return FindReservedWord(Utf8AsUnsignedChars(units), length);
static const ReservedWordInfo* FindReservedWord(
const js::frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex atom) {
switch (atom.rawData()) {
#define CASE_(_1, NAME, _3) \
case js::frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnownRawData::NAME(): \
return &reservedWords[size_t(ReservedWordsIndex::NAME)];
#undef CASE_
return nullptr;
template <typename CharT>
static constexpr bool IsAsciiBinary(CharT c) {
using UnsignedCharT = std::make_unsigned_t<CharT>;
auto uc = static_cast<UnsignedCharT>(c);
return uc == '0' || uc == '1';
template <typename CharT>
static constexpr bool IsAsciiOctal(CharT c) {
using UnsignedCharT = std::make_unsigned_t<CharT>;
auto uc = static_cast<UnsignedCharT>(c);
return '0' <= uc && uc <= '7';
template <typename CharT>
static constexpr uint8_t AsciiOctalToNumber(CharT c) {
using UnsignedCharT = std::make_unsigned_t<CharT>;
auto uc = static_cast<UnsignedCharT>(c);
return uc - '0';
namespace js {
namespace frontend {
bool IsKeyword(TaggedParserAtomIndex atom) {
if (const ReservedWordInfo* rw = FindReservedWord(atom)) {
return TokenKindIsKeyword(rw->tokentype);
return false;
TokenKind ReservedWordTokenKind(TaggedParserAtomIndex name) {
if (const ReservedWordInfo* rw = FindReservedWord(name)) {
return rw->tokentype;
return TokenKind::Limit;
const char* ReservedWordToCharZ(TaggedParserAtomIndex name) {
if (const ReservedWordInfo* rw = FindReservedWord(name)) {
return ReservedWordToCharZ(rw->tokentype);
return nullptr;
const char* ReservedWordToCharZ(TokenKind tt) {
MOZ_ASSERT(tt != TokenKind::Name);
switch (tt) {
#define EMIT_CASE(word, name, type) \
case type: \
return #word;
#undef EMIT_CASE
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Not a reserved word PropertyName.");
return nullptr;
TaggedParserAtomIndex TokenStreamAnyChars::reservedWordToPropertyName(
TokenKind tt) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(tt != TokenKind::Name);
switch (tt) {
#define EMIT_CASE(word, name, type) \
case type: \
return TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnown::name();
#undef EMIT_CASE
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Not a reserved word TokenKind.");
return TaggedParserAtomIndex::null();
SourceCoords::SourceCoords(FrontendContext* fc, uint32_t initialLineNumber,
uint32_t initialOffset)
: lineStartOffsets_(fc), initialLineNum_(initialLineNumber), lastIndex_(0) {
// This is actually necessary! Removing it causes compile errors on
// GCC and clang. You could try declaring this:
// const uint32_t SourceCoords::MAX_PTR;
// which fixes the GCC/clang error, but causes bustage on Windows. Sigh.
uint32_t maxPtr = MAX_PTR;
// The first line begins at buffer offset |initialOffset|. MAX_PTR is the
// sentinel. The appends cannot fail because |lineStartOffsets_| has
// statically-allocated elements.
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStartOffsets_.capacity() >= 2);
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool SourceCoords::add(uint32_t lineNum,
uint32_t lineStartOffset) {
uint32_t index = indexFromLineNumber(lineNum);
uint32_t sentinelIndex = lineStartOffsets_.length() - 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStartOffsets_[0] <= lineStartOffset);
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStartOffsets_[sentinelIndex] == MAX_PTR);
if (index == sentinelIndex) {
// We haven't seen this newline before. Update lineStartOffsets_
// only if lineStartOffsets_.append succeeds, to keep sentinel.
// Otherwise return false to tell TokenStream about OOM.
uint32_t maxPtr = MAX_PTR;
if (!lineStartOffsets_.append(maxPtr)) {
"this function's caller depends on it reporting an "
"error on failure, as TempAllocPolicy ensures");
return false;
lineStartOffsets_[index] = lineStartOffset;
} else {
// We have seen this newline before (and ungot it). Do nothing (other
// than checking it hasn't mysteriously changed).
// This path can be executed after hitting OOM, so check index.
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(index < sentinelIndex,
lineStartOffsets_[index] == lineStartOffset);
return true;
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool SourceCoords::fill(const SourceCoords& other) {
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStartOffsets_[0] == other.lineStartOffsets_[0]);
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStartOffsets_.back() == MAX_PTR);
MOZ_ASSERT(other.lineStartOffsets_.back() == MAX_PTR);
if (lineStartOffsets_.length() >= other.lineStartOffsets_.length()) {
return true;
uint32_t sentinelIndex = lineStartOffsets_.length() - 1;
lineStartOffsets_[sentinelIndex] = other.lineStartOffsets_[sentinelIndex];
for (size_t i = sentinelIndex + 1; i < other.lineStartOffsets_.length();
i++) {
if (!lineStartOffsets_.append(other.lineStartOffsets_[i])) {
return false;
return true;
SourceCoords::indexFromOffset(uint32_t offset) const {
uint32_t iMin, iMax, iMid;
if (lineStartOffsets_[lastIndex_] <= offset) {
// If we reach here, offset is on a line the same as or higher than
// last time. Check first for the +0, +1, +2 cases, because they
// typically cover 85--98% of cases.
if (offset < lineStartOffsets_[lastIndex_ + 1]) {
return lastIndex_; // index is same as last time
// If we reach here, there must be at least one more entry (plus the
// sentinel). Try it.
if (offset < lineStartOffsets_[lastIndex_ + 1]) {
return lastIndex_; // index is one higher than last time
// The same logic applies here.
if (offset < lineStartOffsets_[lastIndex_ + 1]) {
return lastIndex_; // index is two higher than last time
// No luck. Oh well, we have a better-than-default starting point for
// the binary search.
iMin = lastIndex_ + 1;
lineStartOffsets_.length() - 1); // -1 due to the sentinel
} else {
iMin = 0;
// This is a binary search with deferred detection of equality, which was
// marginally faster in this case than a standard binary search.
// The -2 is because |lineStartOffsets_.length() - 1| is the sentinel, and we
// want one before that.
iMax = lineStartOffsets_.length() - 2;
while (iMax > iMin) {
iMid = iMin + (iMax - iMin) / 2;
if (offset >= lineStartOffsets_[iMid + 1]) {
iMin = iMid + 1; // offset is above lineStartOffsets_[iMid]
} else {
iMax = iMid; // offset is below or within lineStartOffsets_[iMid]
MOZ_ASSERT(iMax == iMin);
MOZ_ASSERT(lineStartOffsets_[iMin] <= offset);
MOZ_ASSERT(offset < lineStartOffsets_[iMin + 1]);
lastIndex_ = iMin;
return iMin;
SourceCoords::LineToken SourceCoords::lineToken(uint32_t offset) const {
return LineToken(indexFromOffset(offset), offset);
TokenStreamAnyChars::TokenStreamAnyChars(FrontendContext* fc,
const ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
StrictModeGetter* smg)
: fc(fc),
srcCoords(fc, options.lineno, options.scriptSourceOffset),
mutedErrors(options.mutedErrors()) {
// |isExprEnding| was initially zeroed: overwrite the true entries here.
isExprEnding[size_t(TokenKind::Comma)] = true;
isExprEnding[size_t(TokenKind::Semi)] = true;
isExprEnding[size_t(TokenKind::Colon)] = true;
isExprEnding[size_t(TokenKind::RightParen)] = true;
isExprEnding[size_t(TokenKind::RightBracket)] = true;
isExprEnding[size_t(TokenKind::RightCurly)] = true;
template <typename Unit>
TokenStreamCharsBase<Unit>::TokenStreamCharsBase(FrontendContext* fc,
ParserAtomsTable* parserAtoms,
const Unit* units,
size_t length,
size_t startOffset)
: TokenStreamCharsShared(fc, parserAtoms),
sourceUnits(units, length, startOffset) {}
bool FillCharBufferFromSourceNormalizingAsciiLineBreaks(CharBuffer& charBuffer,
const char16_t* cur,
const char16_t* end) {
MOZ_ASSERT(charBuffer.length() == 0);
while (cur < end) {
char16_t ch = *cur++;
if (ch == '\r') {
ch = '\n';
if (cur < end && *cur == '\n') {
if (!charBuffer.append(ch)) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(cur == end);
return true;
bool FillCharBufferFromSourceNormalizingAsciiLineBreaks(CharBuffer& charBuffer,
const Utf8Unit* cur,
const Utf8Unit* end) {
MOZ_ASSERT(charBuffer.length() == 0);
while (cur < end) {
Utf8Unit unit = *cur++;
if (MOZ_LIKELY(IsAscii(unit))) {
char16_t ch = unit.toUint8();
if (ch == '\r') {
ch = '\n';
if (cur < end && *cur == Utf8Unit('\n')) {
if (!charBuffer.append(ch)) {
return false;
Maybe<char32_t> ch = DecodeOneUtf8CodePoint(unit, &cur, end);
"provided source text should already have been validated");
if (!AppendCodePointToCharBuffer(charBuffer, ch.value())) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(cur == end);
return true;
template <typename Unit, class AnyCharsAccess>
TokenStreamSpecific<Unit, AnyCharsAccess>::TokenStreamSpecific(
FrontendContext* fc, ParserAtomsTable* parserAtoms,
const ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options, const Unit* units, size_t length)
: TokenStreamChars<Unit, AnyCharsAccess>(fc, parserAtoms, units, length,
options.scriptSourceOffset) {}
bool TokenStreamAnyChars::checkOptions() {
// Constrain starting columns to where they will saturate.
if (options().column.oneOriginValue() >
JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin::Limit) {
return false;
return true;
void TokenStreamAnyChars::reportErrorNoOffset(unsigned errorNumber, ...) const {
va_list args;
va_start(args, errorNumber);
reportErrorNoOffsetVA(errorNumber, &args);
void TokenStreamAnyChars::reportErrorNoOffsetVA(unsigned errorNumber,
va_list* args) const {
ErrorMetadata metadata;
ReportCompileErrorLatin1VA(fc, std::move(metadata), nullptr, errorNumber,
[[nodiscard]] MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool
TokenStreamAnyChars::internalUpdateLineInfoForEOL(uint32_t lineStartOffset) {
prevLinebase = linebase;
linebase = lineStartOffset;
// On overflow, report error.
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!lineno)) {
return false;
return srcCoords.add(lineno, linebase);
#ifdef DEBUG
template <>
inline void SourceUnits<char16_t>::assertNextCodePoint(
const PeekedCodePoint<char16_t>& peeked) {
char32_t c = peeked.codePoint();
if (c < unicode::NonBMPMin) {
MOZ_ASSERT(peeked.lengthInUnits() == 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(ptr[0] == c);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(peeked.lengthInUnits() == 2);
char16_t lead, trail;
unicode::UTF16Encode(c, &lead, &trail);
MOZ_ASSERT(ptr[0] == lead);
MOZ_ASSERT(ptr[1] == trail);
template <>
inline void SourceUnits<Utf8Unit>::assertNextCodePoint(
const PeekedCodePoint<Utf8Unit>& peeked) {
char32_t c = peeked.codePoint();
// This is all roughly indulgence of paranoia only for assertions, so the
// reimplementation of UTF-8 encoding a code point is (we think) a virtue.
uint8_t expectedUnits[4] = {};
if (c < 0x80) {
expectedUnits[0] = AssertedCast<uint8_t>(c);
} else if (c < 0x800) {
expectedUnits[0] = 0b1100'0000 | (c >> 6);
expectedUnits[1] = 0b1000'0000 | (c & 0b11'1111);
} else if (c < 0x10000) {
expectedUnits[0] = 0b1110'0000 | (c >> 12);
expectedUnits[1] = 0b1000'0000 | ((c >> 6) & 0b11'1111);
expectedUnits[2] = 0b1000'0000 | (c & 0b11'1111);
} else {
expectedUnits[0] = 0b1111'0000 | (c >> 18);
expectedUnits[1] = 0b1000'0000 | ((c >> 12) & 0b11'1111);
expectedUnits[2] = 0b1000'0000 | ((c >> 6) & 0b11'1111);
expectedUnits[3] = 0b1000'0000 | (c & 0b11'1111);
MOZ_ASSERT(peeked.lengthInUnits() <= 4);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < peeked.lengthInUnits(); i++) {
MOZ_ASSERT(expectedUnits[i] == ptr[i].toUint8());
#endif // DEBUG
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void RetractPointerToCodePointBoundary(
const Utf8Unit** ptr, const Utf8Unit* limit) {
MOZ_ASSERT(*ptr <= limit);
// |limit| is a code point boundary.
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(*ptr == limit)) {
// Otherwise rewind past trailing units to the start of the code point.
#ifdef DEBUG
size_t retracted = 0;
while (MOZ_UNLIKELY(IsTrailingUnit((*ptr)[0]))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
MOZ_ASSERT(retracted < 4,
"the longest UTF-8 code point is four units, so this should never "
"retract more than three units");
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void RetractPointerToCodePointBoundary(
const char16_t** ptr, const char16_t* limit) {
MOZ_ASSERT(*ptr <= limit);
// |limit| is a code point boundary.
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(*ptr == limit)) {
// Otherwise the pointer must be retracted by one iff it splits a two-unit
// code point.
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(unicode::IsTrailSurrogate((*ptr)[0]))) {
// Outside test suites testing garbage WTF-16, it's basically guaranteed
// here that |(*ptr)[-1] (*ptr)[0]| is a surrogate pair.
if (MOZ_LIKELY(unicode::IsLeadSurrogate((*ptr)[-1]))) {
template <typename Unit>
JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset TokenStreamAnyChars::computeColumnOffset(
const LineToken lineToken, const uint32_t offset,
const SourceUnits<Unit>& sourceUnits) const {
const uint32_t start = srcCoords.lineStart(lineToken);
const uint32_t offsetInLine = offset - start;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Unit, char16_t>) {
// Column offset is in UTF-16 code units.
return JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset(offsetInLine);
return computeColumnOffsetForUTF8(lineToken, offset, start, offsetInLine,
template <typename Unit>
JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset TokenStreamAnyChars::computeColumnOffsetForUTF8(
const LineToken lineToken, const uint32_t offset, const uint32_t start,
const uint32_t offsetInLine, const SourceUnits<Unit>& sourceUnits) const {
const uint32_t line = lineNumber(lineToken);
// Reset the previous offset/column number offset cache for this line, if the
// previous lookup wasn't on this line.
if (line != lineOfLastColumnComputation_) {
lineOfLastColumnComputation_ = line;
lastChunkVectorForLine_ = nullptr;
lastOffsetOfComputedColumn_ = start;
lastComputedColumnOffset_ = JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset::zero();
// Compute and return the final column number offset from a partially
// calculated offset/column number offset, using the last-cached
// offset/column number offset if they're more optimal.
auto OffsetFromPartial =
[this, offset, &sourceUnits](
uint32_t partialOffset,
JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset partialColumnOffset,
UnitsType unitsType) {
MOZ_ASSERT(partialOffset <= offset);
// If the last lookup on this line was closer to |offset|, use it.
if (partialOffset < this->lastOffsetOfComputedColumn_ &&
this->lastOffsetOfComputedColumn_ <= offset) {
partialOffset = this->lastOffsetOfComputedColumn_;
partialColumnOffset = this->lastComputedColumnOffset_;
const Unit* begin = sourceUnits.codeUnitPtrAt(partialOffset);
const Unit* end = sourceUnits.codeUnitPtrAt(offset);
size_t offsetDelta =
AssertedCast<uint32_t>(PointerRangeSize(begin, end));
partialOffset += offsetDelta;
if (unitsType == UnitsType::GuaranteedSingleUnit) {
MOZ_ASSERT(unicode::CountUTF16CodeUnits(begin, end) == offsetDelta,
"guaranteed-single-units also guarantee pointer distance "
"equals UTF-16 code unit count");
partialColumnOffset += JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset(offsetDelta);
} else {
partialColumnOffset += JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset(
AssertedCast<uint32_t>(unicode::CountUTF16CodeUnits(begin, end)));
this->lastOffsetOfComputedColumn_ = partialOffset;
this->lastComputedColumnOffset_ = partialColumnOffset;
return partialColumnOffset;
// We won't add an entry to |longLineColumnInfo_| for lines where the maximum
// column has offset less than this value. The most common (non-minified)
// long line length is likely 80ch, maybe 100ch, so we use that, rounded up to
// the next power of two for efficient division/multiplication below.
constexpr uint32_t ColumnChunkLength = mozilla::tl::RoundUpPow2<100>::value;
// The index within any associated |Vector<ChunkInfo>| of |offset|'s chunk.
const uint32_t chunkIndex = offsetInLine / ColumnChunkLength;
if (chunkIndex == 0) {
// We don't know from an |offset| in the zeroth chunk that this line is even
// long. First-chunk info is mostly useless, anyway -- we have |start|
// already. So if we have *easy* access to that zeroth chunk, use it --
// otherwise just count pessimally. (This will still benefit from caching
// the last column/offset for computations for successive offsets, so it's
// not *always* worst-case.)
UnitsType unitsType;
if (lastChunkVectorForLine_ && lastChunkVectorForLine_->length() > 0) {
MOZ_ASSERT((*lastChunkVectorForLine_)[0].columnOffset() ==
unitsType = (*lastChunkVectorForLine_)[0].unitsType();
} else {
unitsType = UnitsType::PossiblyMultiUnit;
return OffsetFromPartial(start, JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset::zero(),
// If this line has no chunk vector yet, insert one in the hash map. (The
// required index is allocated and filled further down.)
if (!lastChunkVectorForLine_) {
auto ptr = longLineColumnInfo_.lookupForAdd(line);
if (!ptr) {
// This could rehash and invalidate a cached vector pointer, but the outer
// condition means we don't have a cached pointer.
if (!longLineColumnInfo_.add(ptr, line, Vector<ChunkInfo>(fc))) {
// In case of OOM, just count columns from the start of the line.
return OffsetFromPartial(start, JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset::zero(),
// Note that adding elements to this vector won't invalidate this pointer.
lastChunkVectorForLine_ = &ptr->value();
const Unit* const limit = sourceUnits.codeUnitPtrAt(offset);
auto RetractedOffsetOfChunk = [
#ifdef DEBUG
start, limit,
&sourceUnits](uint32_t index) {
MOZ_ASSERT(index < this->lastChunkVectorForLine_->length());
uint32_t naiveOffset = start + index * ColumnChunkLength;
const Unit* naivePtr = sourceUnits.codeUnitPtrAt(naiveOffset);
const Unit* actualPtr = naivePtr;
RetractPointerToCodePointBoundary(&actualPtr, limit);
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((*this->lastChunkVectorForLine_)[index].unitsType() ==
UnitsType::GuaranteedSingleUnit) {
MOZ_ASSERT(naivePtr == actualPtr, "miscomputed unitsType value");
return naiveOffset - PointerRangeSize(actualPtr, naivePtr);
uint32_t partialOffset;
JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset partialColumnOffset;
UnitsType unitsType;
auto entriesLen = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(lastChunkVectorForLine_->length());
if (chunkIndex < entriesLen) {
// We've computed the chunk |offset| resides in. Compute the column number
// from the chunk.
partialOffset = RetractedOffsetOfChunk(chunkIndex);
partialColumnOffset = (*lastChunkVectorForLine_)[chunkIndex].columnOffset();
// This is exact if |chunkIndex| isn't the last chunk.
unitsType = (*lastChunkVectorForLine_)[chunkIndex].unitsType();
// Otherwise the last chunk is pessimistically assumed to contain multi-unit
// code points because we haven't fully examined its contents yet -- they
// may not have been tokenized yet, they could contain encoding errors, or
// they might not even exist.
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(chunkIndex == entriesLen - 1,
(*lastChunkVectorForLine_)[chunkIndex].unitsType() ==
} else {
// Extend the vector from its last entry or the start of the line. (This is
// also a suitable partial start point if we must recover from OOM.)
if (entriesLen > 0) {
partialOffset = RetractedOffsetOfChunk(entriesLen - 1);
partialColumnOffset =
(*lastChunkVectorForLine_)[entriesLen - 1].columnOffset();
} else {
partialOffset = start;
partialColumnOffset = JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset::zero();
if (!lastChunkVectorForLine_->reserve(chunkIndex + 1)) {
// As earlier, just start from the greatest offset/column in case of OOM.
return OffsetFromPartial(partialOffset, partialColumnOffset,
// OOM is no longer possible now. \o/
// The vector always begins with the column of the line start, i.e. zero,
// with chunk units pessimally assumed not single-unit.
if (entriesLen == 0) {
do {
const Unit* const begin = sourceUnits.codeUnitPtrAt(partialOffset);
const Unit* chunkLimit = sourceUnits.codeUnitPtrAt(
start + std::min(entriesLen++ * ColumnChunkLength, offsetInLine));
MOZ_ASSERT(begin < chunkLimit);
MOZ_ASSERT(chunkLimit <= limit);
ColumnChunkLength > SourceUnitTraits<Unit>::maxUnitsLength - 1,
"any retraction below is assumed to never underflow to the "
"preceding chunk, even for the longest code point");
// Prior tokenizing ensured that [begin, limit) is validly encoded, and
// |begin < chunkLimit|, so any retraction here can't underflow.
RetractPointerToCodePointBoundary(&chunkLimit, limit);
MOZ_ASSERT(begin < chunkLimit);
MOZ_ASSERT(chunkLimit <= limit);
size_t numUnits = PointerRangeSize(begin, chunkLimit);
size_t numUTF16CodeUnits =
unicode::CountUTF16CodeUnits(begin, chunkLimit);
// If this chunk (which will become non-final at the end of the loop) is
// all single-unit code points, annotate the chunk accordingly.
if (numUnits == numUTF16CodeUnits) {
partialOffset += numUnits;
partialColumnOffset += JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset(numUTF16CodeUnits);
partialColumnOffset, UnitsType::PossiblyMultiUnit);
} while (entriesLen < chunkIndex + 1);
// We're at a spot in the current final chunk, and final chunks never have
// complete units information, so be pessimistic.
unitsType = UnitsType::PossiblyMultiUnit;
return OffsetFromPartial(partialOffset, partialColumnOffset, unitsType);
template <typename Unit, class AnyCharsAccess>
GeneralTokenStreamChars<Unit, AnyCharsAccess>::computeColumn(
LineToken lineToken, uint32_t offset) const {
const TokenStreamAnyChars& anyChars = anyCharsAccess();
JS::ColumnNumberUnsignedOffset columnOffset =
anyChars.computeColumnOffset(lineToken, offset, this->sourceUnits);
if (!lineToken.isFirstLine()) {
return JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin::fromUnlimited(
JS::ColumnNumberOneOrigin() + columnOffset);
if (1 + columnOffset.value() > JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin::Limit) {
return JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin::limit();
return JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin::fromUnlimited(
(anyChars.options_.column + columnOffset).oneOriginValue());
template <typename Unit, class AnyCharsAccess>
void GeneralTokenStreamChars<Unit, AnyCharsAccess>::computeLineAndColumn(
uint32_t offset, uint32_t* line,
JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin* column) const {
const TokenStreamAnyChars& anyChars = anyCharsAccess();
auto lineToken = anyChars.lineToken(offset);
*line = anyChars.lineNumber(lineToken);
*column = computeColumn(lineToken, offset);
template <class AnyCharsAccess>
MOZ_COLD void TokenStreamChars<Utf8Unit, AnyCharsAccess>::internalEncodingError(
uint8_t relevantUnits, unsigned errorNumber, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, errorNumber);
do {
size_t offset = this->sourceUnits.offset();
ErrorMetadata err;
TokenStreamAnyChars& anyChars = anyCharsAccess();
bool canAddLineOfContext = fillExceptingContext(&err, offset);
if (canAddLineOfContext) {
if (!internalComputeLineOfContext(&err, offset)) {
// As this is an encoding error, the computed window-end must be
// identical to the location of the error -- any further on and the
// window would contain invalid Unicode.
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(err.lineOfContext != nullptr,
err.lineLength == err.tokenOffset);
auto notes = MakeUnique<JSErrorNotes>();
if (!notes) {
// The largest encoding of a UTF-8 code point is 4 units. (Encoding an
// obsolete 5- or 6-byte code point will complain only about a bad lead
// code unit.)
constexpr size_t MaxWidth = sizeof("0xHH 0xHH 0xHH 0xHH");
MOZ_ASSERT(relevantUnits > 0);
char badUnitsStr[MaxWidth];
char* ptr = badUnitsStr;
while (relevantUnits > 0) {
byteToString(this->sourceUnits.getCodeUnit().toUint8(), ptr);
ptr[4] = ' ';
ptr += 5;
ptr[-1] = '\0';
uint32_t line;
JS::LimitedColumnNumberOneOrigin column;
computeLineAndColumn(offset, &line, &column);
if (!notes->addNoteASCII(anyChars.fc, anyChars.getFilename().c_str(), 0,
line, JS::ColumnNumberOneOrigin(column),
GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_BAD_CODE_UNITS,
badUnitsStr)) {
ReportCompileErrorLatin1VA(anyChars.fc, std::move(err), std::move(notes),
errorNumber, &args);
} while (false);
template <class AnyCharsAccess>
MOZ_COLD void TokenStreamChars<Utf8Unit, AnyCharsAccess>::badLeadUnit(
Utf8Unit lead) {
uint8_t leadValue = lead.toUint8();
char leadByteStr[5];
byteToTerminatedString(leadValue, leadByteStr);
internalEncodingError(1, JSMSG_BAD_LEADING_UTF8_UNIT, leadByteStr);
template <class AnyCharsAccess>
MOZ_COLD void TokenStreamChars<Utf8Unit, AnyCharsAccess>::notEnoughUnits(
Utf8Unit lead, uint8_t remaining, uint8_t required) {
uint8_t leadValue = lead.toUint8();
MOZ_ASSERT(required == 2 || required == 3 || required == 4);
MOZ_ASSERT(remaining < 4);
MOZ_ASSERT(remaining < required);
char leadByteStr[5];
byteToTerminatedString(leadValue, leadByteStr);
// |toHexChar| produces the desired decimal numbers for values < 4.
const char expectedStr[] = {toHexChar(required - 1), '\0'};
const char actualStr[] = {toHexChar(remaining - 1), '\0'};
internalEncodingError(remaining, JSMSG_NOT_ENOUGH_CODE_UNITS, leadByteStr,
expectedStr, required == 2 ? "" : "s", actualStr,
remaining == 2 ? " was" : "s were");