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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef frontend_UsingEmitter_h
#define frontend_UsingEmitter_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "frontend/TryEmitter.h"
#include "vm/CompletionKind.h"
#include "vm/UsingHint.h"
namespace js::frontend {
struct BytecodeEmitter;
class EmitterScope;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS UsingEmitter {
BytecodeEmitter* bce_;
mozilla::Maybe<TryEmitter> tryEmitter_;
// TODO: add state transition graph and state
// management for this emitter. (Bug 1904346)
bool hasAwaitUsing_ = false;
[[nodiscard]] bool emitThrowIfException();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitGetDisposeMethod(UsingHint hint);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCreateDisposableResource(UsingHint hint);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTakeDisposeCapability();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDisposeLoop(
EmitterScope& es,
CompletionKind initialCompletion = CompletionKind::Normal);
explicit UsingEmitter(BytecodeEmitter* bce);
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForDisposableScopeBody();
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForAssignment(UsingHint hint);
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForForOfLoopIteration();
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForForOfIteratorCloseOnThrow();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitNonLocalJump(EmitterScope* present);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitEnd();
} // namespace js::frontend
#endif // frontend_UsingEmitter_h