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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
/* JS parser. */
#ifndef frontend_Parser_h
#define frontend_Parser_h
* [SMDOC] JS Parser
* JS parsers capable of generating ASTs from source text.
* A parser embeds token stream information, then gets and matches tokens to
* generate a syntax tree that, if desired, BytecodeEmitter will use to compile
* bytecode.
* Like token streams (see the comment near the top of TokenStream.h), parser
* classes are heavily templatized -- along the token stream's character-type
* axis, and also along a full-parse/syntax-parse axis. Certain limitations of
* C++ (primarily the inability to partially specialize function templates),
* plus the desire to minimize compiled code size in duplicate function
* template instantiations wherever possible, mean that Parser exhibits much of
* the same unholy template/inheritance complexity as token streams.
* == ParserSharedBase ==
* ParserSharedBase is the base class for both regular JS and BinAST parsing.
* This class contains common fields and methods between both parsers. There is
* currently no BinAST parser here so this can potentially be merged into the
* ParserBase type below.
* == ParserBase → ParserSharedBase, ErrorReportMixin ==
* ParserBase is the base class for regular JS parser, shared by all regular JS
* parsers of all character types and parse-handling behavior. It stores
* everything character- and handler-agnostic.
* ParserBase's most important field is the parser's token stream's
* |TokenStreamAnyChars| component, for all tokenizing aspects that are
* character-type-agnostic. The character-type-sensitive components residing
* in |TokenStreamSpecific| (see the comment near the top of TokenStream.h)
* live elsewhere in this hierarchy. These separate locations are the reason
* for the |AnyCharsAccess| template parameter to |TokenStreamChars| and
* |TokenStreamSpecific|.
* == PerHandlerParser<ParseHandler> → ParserBase ==
* Certain parsing behavior varies between full parsing and syntax-only parsing
* but does not vary across source-text character types. For example, the work
* to "create an arguments object for a function" obviously varies between
* syntax and full parsing but (because no source characters are examined) does
* not vary by source text character type. Such functionality is implemented
* through functions in PerHandlerParser.
* Functionality only used by syntax parsing or full parsing doesn't live here:
* it should be implemented in the appropriate Parser<ParseHandler> (described
* further below).
* == GeneralParser<ParseHandler, Unit> → PerHandlerParser<ParseHandler> ==
* Most parsing behavior varies across the character-type axis (and possibly
* along the full/syntax axis). For example:
* * Parsing ECMAScript's Expression production, implemented by
* GeneralParser::expr, varies in this manner: different types are used to
* represent nodes in full and syntax parsing (ParseNode* versus an enum),
* and reading the tokens comprising the expression requires inspecting
* individual characters (necessarily dependent upon character type).
* * Reporting an error or warning does not depend on the full/syntax parsing
* distinction. But error reports and warnings include a line of context
* (or a slice of one), for pointing out where a mistake was made.
* Computing such line of context requires inspecting the source text to
* make that line/slice of context, which requires knowing the source text
* character type.
* Such functionality, implemented using identical function code across these
* axes, should live in GeneralParser.
* GeneralParser's most important field is the parser's token stream's
* |TokenStreamSpecific| component, for all aspects of tokenizing that (contra
* |TokenStreamAnyChars| in ParserBase above) are character-type-sensitive. As
* noted above, this field's existence separate from that in ParserBase
* motivates the |AnyCharsAccess| template parameters on various token stream
* classes.
* Everything in PerHandlerParser *could* be folded into GeneralParser (below)
* if desired. We don't fold in this manner because all such functions would
* be instantiated once per Unit -- but if exactly equivalent code would be
* generated (because PerHandlerParser functions have no awareness of Unit),
* it's risky to *depend* upon the compiler coalescing the instantiations into
* one in the final binary. PerHandlerParser guarantees no duplication.
* == Parser<ParseHandler, Unit> final → GeneralParser<ParseHandler, Unit> ==
* The final (pun intended) axis of complexity lies in Parser.
* Some functionality depends on character type, yet also is defined in
* significantly different form in full and syntax parsing. For example,
* attempting to parse the source text of a module will do so in full parsing
* but immediately fail in syntax parsing -- so the former is a mess'o'code
* while the latter is effectively |return null();|. Such functionality is
* defined in Parser<SyntaxParseHandler or FullParseHandler, Unit> as
* appropriate.
* There's a crucial distinction between GeneralParser and Parser, that
* explains why both must exist (despite taking exactly the same template
* parameters, and despite GeneralParser and Parser existing in a one-to-one
* relationship). GeneralParser is one unspecialized template class:
* template<class ParseHandler, typename Unit>
* class GeneralParser : ...
* {
* ...parsing functions...
* };
* but Parser is one undefined template class with two separate
* specializations:
* // Declare, but do not define.
* template<class ParseHandler, typename Unit> class Parser;
* // Define a syntax-parsing specialization.
* template<typename Unit>
* class Parser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit> final
* : public GeneralParser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit>
* {
* ...parsing functions...
* };
* // Define a full-parsing specialization.
* template<typename Unit>
* class Parser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit> final
* : public GeneralParser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit>
* {
* ...parsing functions...
* };
* This odd distinction is necessary because C++ unfortunately doesn't allow
* partial function specialization:
* // BAD: You can only specialize a template function if you specify *every*
* // template parameter, i.e. ParseHandler *and* Unit.
* template<typename Unit>
* void
* GeneralParser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit>::foo() {}
* But if you specialize Parser *as a class*, then this is allowed:
* template<typename Unit>
* void
* Parser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit>::foo() {}
* template<typename Unit>
* void
* Parser<FullParseHandler, Unit>::foo() {}
* because the only template parameter on the function is Unit -- and so all
* template parameters *are* varying, not a strict subset of them.
* So -- any parsing functionality that is differently defined for different
* ParseHandlers, *but* is defined textually identically for different Unit
* (even if different code ends up generated for them by the compiler), should
* reside in Parser.
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "frontend/CompilationStencil.h" // CompilationState
#include "frontend/ErrorReporter.h"
#include "frontend/FullParseHandler.h"
#include "frontend/FunctionSyntaxKind.h" // FunctionSyntaxKind
#include "frontend/IteratorKind.h"
#include "frontend/NameAnalysisTypes.h"
#include "frontend/ParseContext.h"
#include "frontend/ParserAtom.h" // ParserAtomsTable, TaggedParserAtomIndex
#include "frontend/SharedContext.h"
#include "frontend/SyntaxParseHandler.h"
#include "frontend/TokenStream.h"
#include "js/CharacterEncoding.h" // JS::ConstUTF8CharsZ
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // JSErrNum, JSMSG_*
#include "vm/GeneratorAndAsyncKind.h" // js::GeneratorKind, js::FunctionAsyncKind
namespace js {
class FrontendContext;
struct ErrorMetadata;
namespace frontend {
template <class ParseHandler, typename Unit>
class GeneralParser;
class SourceParseContext : public ParseContext {
template <typename ParseHandler, typename Unit>
SourceParseContext(GeneralParser<ParseHandler, Unit>* prs, SharedContext* sc,
Directives* newDirectives)
: ParseContext(prs->fc_, prs->pc_, sc, prs->tokenStream,
prs->compilationState_, newDirectives,
std::is_same_v<ParseHandler, FullParseHandler>) {}
enum VarContext { HoistVars, DontHoistVars };
enum PropListType { ObjectLiteral, ClassBody, DerivedClassBody };
enum class PropertyType {
enum AwaitHandling : uint8_t {
template <class ParseHandler, typename Unit>
class AutoAwaitIsKeyword;
template <class ParseHandler, typename Unit>
class AutoInParametersOfAsyncFunction;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS ParserSharedBase {
enum class Kind { Parser };
ParserSharedBase(FrontendContext* fc, CompilationState& compilationState,
Kind kind);
FrontendContext* fc_;
LifoAlloc& alloc_;
CompilationState& compilationState_;
// innermost parse context (stack-allocated)
ParseContext* pc_;
// For tracking used names in this parsing session.
UsedNameTracker& usedNames_;
CompilationState& getCompilationState() { return compilationState_; }
ParserAtomsTable& parserAtoms() { return compilationState_.parserAtoms; }
const ParserAtomsTable& parserAtoms() const {
return compilationState_.parserAtoms;
LifoAlloc& stencilAlloc() { return compilationState_.alloc; }
const UsedNameTracker& usedNames() { return usedNames_; }
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW)
void dumpAtom(TaggedParserAtomIndex index) const;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS ParserBase : public ParserSharedBase,
public ErrorReportMixin {
using Base = ErrorReportMixin;
TokenStreamAnyChars anyChars;
ScriptSource* ss;
// Perform constant-folding; must be true when interfacing with the emitter.
const bool foldConstants_ : 1;
/* Our fallible 'checkOptions' member function has been called. */
bool checkOptionsCalled_ : 1;
/* Unexpected end of input, i.e. Eof not at top-level. */
bool isUnexpectedEOF_ : 1;
/* AwaitHandling */ uint8_t awaitHandling_ : 2;
bool inParametersOfAsyncFunction_ : 1;
JSAtom* liftParserAtomToJSAtom(TaggedParserAtomIndex index);
bool awaitIsKeyword() const {
return awaitHandling_ == AwaitIsKeyword ||
awaitHandling_ == AwaitIsModuleKeyword;
bool awaitIsDisallowed() const { return awaitHandling_ == AwaitIsDisallowed; }
bool inParametersOfAsyncFunction() const {
return inParametersOfAsyncFunction_;
ParseGoal parseGoal() const {
return pc_->sc()->hasModuleGoal() ? ParseGoal::Module : ParseGoal::Script;
template <class, typename>
friend class AutoAwaitIsKeyword;
template <class, typename>
friend class AutoInParametersOfAsyncFunction;
ParserBase(FrontendContext* fc, const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
bool foldConstants, CompilationState& compilationState);
bool checkOptions();
JS::ConstUTF8CharsZ getFilename() const { return anyChars.getFilename(); }
TokenPos pos() const { return anyChars.currentToken().pos; }
// Determine whether |yield| is a valid name in the current context.
bool yieldExpressionsSupported() const { return pc_->isGenerator(); }
bool setLocalStrictMode(bool strict) {
return pc_->sc()->setLocalStrictMode(strict);
// Implement ErrorReportMixin.
FrontendContext* getContext() const override { return fc_; }
bool strictMode() const override { return pc_->sc()->strict(); }
const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options() const override {
return anyChars.options();
using Base::error;
using Base::errorAt;
using Base::errorNoOffset;
using Base::errorWithNotes;
using Base::errorWithNotesAt;
using Base::errorWithNotesNoOffset;
using Base::strictModeError;
using Base::strictModeErrorAt;
using Base::strictModeErrorNoOffset;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotes;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotesAt;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotesNoOffset;
using Base::warning;
using Base::warningAt;
using Base::warningNoOffset;
bool isUnexpectedEOF() const { return isUnexpectedEOF_; }
bool isValidStrictBinding(TaggedParserAtomIndex name);
bool hasValidSimpleStrictParameterNames();
// A Parser::Mark is the extension of the LifoAlloc::Mark to the entire
// Parser's state. Note: clients must still take care that any ParseContext
// that points into released ParseNodes is destroyed.
class Mark {
friend class ParserBase;
LifoAlloc::Mark mark;
CompilationState::CompilationStatePosition pos;
Mark mark() const {
Mark m;
m.mark = alloc_.mark();
m.pos = compilationState_.getPosition();
return m;
void release(Mark m) {
mozilla::Maybe<GlobalScope::ParserData*> newGlobalScopeData(
ParseContext::Scope& scope);
mozilla::Maybe<ModuleScope::ParserData*> newModuleScopeData(
ParseContext::Scope& scope);
mozilla::Maybe<EvalScope::ParserData*> newEvalScopeData(
ParseContext::Scope& scope);
mozilla::Maybe<FunctionScope::ParserData*> newFunctionScopeData(
ParseContext::Scope& scope, bool hasParameterExprs);
mozilla::Maybe<VarScope::ParserData*> newVarScopeData(
ParseContext::Scope& scope);
mozilla::Maybe<LexicalScope::ParserData*> newLexicalScopeData(
ParseContext::Scope& scope);
mozilla::Maybe<ClassBodyScope::ParserData*> newClassBodyScopeData(
ParseContext::Scope& scope);
enum InvokedPrediction { PredictUninvoked = false, PredictInvoked = true };
enum ForInitLocation { InForInit, NotInForInit };
// While on a |let| Name token, examine |next| (which must already be
// gotten). Indicate whether |next|, the next token already gotten with
// modifier TokenStream::SlashIsDiv, continues a LexicalDeclaration.
bool nextTokenContinuesLetDeclaration(TokenKind next);
bool noteUsedNameInternal(TaggedParserAtomIndex name,
NameVisibility visibility,
mozilla::Maybe<TokenPos> tokenPosition);
bool checkAndMarkSuperScope();
bool leaveInnerFunction(ParseContext* outerpc);
TaggedParserAtomIndex prefixAccessorName(PropertyType propType,
TaggedParserAtomIndex propAtom);
[[nodiscard]] bool setSourceMapInfo();
void setFunctionEndFromCurrentToken(FunctionBox* funbox) const;
template <class ParseHandler>
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS PerHandlerParser : public ParserBase {
using Base = ParserBase;
using Node = typename ParseHandler::Node;
using NodeResult = typename ParseHandler::NodeResult;
#define DECLARE_TYPE(typeName) \
using typeName##Type = typename ParseHandler::typeName##Type; \
using typeName##Result = typename ParseHandler::typeName##Result;
/* State specific to the kind of parse being performed. */
ParseHandler handler_;
// When ParseHandler is FullParseHandler:
// If non-null, this field holds the syntax parser used to attempt lazy
// parsing of inner functions. If null, then lazy parsing is disabled.
// When ParseHandler is SyntaxParseHandler:
// If non-null, this field must be a sentinel value signaling that the
// syntax parse was aborted. If null, then lazy parsing was aborted due
// to encountering unsupported language constructs.
// |internalSyntaxParser_| is really a |Parser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit>*|
// where |Unit| varies per |Parser<ParseHandler, Unit>|. But this
// template class doesn't know |Unit|, so we store a |void*| here and make
// |GeneralParser<ParseHandler, Unit>::getSyntaxParser| impose the real type.
void* internalSyntaxParser_;
// NOTE: The argument ordering here is deliberately different from the
// public constructor so that typos calling the public constructor
// are less likely to select this overload.
PerHandlerParser(FrontendContext* fc,
const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
bool foldConstants, CompilationState& compilationState,
void* internalSyntaxParser);
template <typename Unit>
PerHandlerParser(FrontendContext* fc,
const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
bool foldConstants, CompilationState& compilationState,
GeneralParser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit>* syntaxParser)
: PerHandlerParser(fc, options, foldConstants, compilationState,
static_cast<void*>(syntaxParser)) {}
static typename ParseHandler::NullNode null() { return ParseHandler::null(); }
// The return value for the error case in the functions that returns
// Result type.
static constexpr typename ParseHandler::NodeErrorResult errorResult() {
return ParseHandler::errorResult();
NameNodeResult stringLiteral();
const char* nameIsArgumentsOrEval(Node node);
bool noteDestructuredPositionalFormalParameter(FunctionNodeType funNode,
Node destruct);
bool noteUsedName(
TaggedParserAtomIndex name,
NameVisibility visibility = NameVisibility::Public,
mozilla::Maybe<TokenPos> tokenPosition = mozilla::Nothing()) {
// If the we are delazifying, the BaseScript already has all the closed-over
// info for bindings and there's no need to track used names.
if (handler_.reuseClosedOverBindings()) {
return true;
return ParserBase::noteUsedNameInternal(name, visibility, tokenPosition);
// Required on Scope exit.
bool propagateFreeNamesAndMarkClosedOverBindings(ParseContext::Scope& scope);
bool checkForUndefinedPrivateFields(EvalSharedContext* evalSc = nullptr);
bool finishFunctionScopes(bool isStandaloneFunction);
LexicalScopeNodeResult finishLexicalScope(
ParseContext::Scope& scope, Node body,
ScopeKind kind = ScopeKind::Lexical);
ClassBodyScopeNodeResult finishClassBodyScope(ParseContext::Scope& scope,
ListNodeType body);
bool finishFunction(bool isStandaloneFunction = false);
inline NameNodeResult newName(TaggedParserAtomIndex name);
inline NameNodeResult newName(TaggedParserAtomIndex name, TokenPos pos);
inline NameNodeResult newPrivateName(TaggedParserAtomIndex name);
NameNodeResult newInternalDotName(TaggedParserAtomIndex name);
NameNodeResult newThisName();
NameNodeResult newNewTargetName();
NameNodeResult newDotGeneratorName();
NameNodeResult identifierReference(TaggedParserAtomIndex name);
NameNodeResult privateNameReference(TaggedParserAtomIndex name);
NodeResult noSubstitutionTaggedTemplate();
inline bool processExport(Node node);
inline bool processExportFrom(BinaryNodeType node);
inline bool processImport(BinaryNodeType node);
// If ParseHandler is SyntaxParseHandler:
// Do nothing.
// If ParseHandler is FullParseHandler:
// Disable syntax parsing of all future inner functions during this
// full-parse.
inline void disableSyntaxParser();
// If ParseHandler is SyntaxParseHandler:
// Flag the current syntax parse as aborted due to unsupported language
// constructs and return false. Aborting the current syntax parse does
// not disable attempts to syntax-parse future inner functions.
// If ParseHandler is FullParseHandler:
// Disable syntax parsing of all future inner functions and return true.
inline bool abortIfSyntaxParser();
// If ParseHandler is SyntaxParseHandler:
// Return whether the last syntax parse was aborted due to unsupported
// language constructs.
// If ParseHandler is FullParseHandler:
// Return false.
inline bool hadAbortedSyntaxParse();
// If ParseHandler is SyntaxParseHandler:
// Clear whether the last syntax parse was aborted.
// If ParseHandler is FullParseHandler:
// Do nothing.
inline void clearAbortedSyntaxParse();
FunctionBox* newFunctionBox(FunctionNodeType funNode,
TaggedParserAtomIndex explicitName,
FunctionFlags flags, uint32_t toStringStart,
Directives directives,
GeneratorKind generatorKind,
FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind);
FunctionBox* newFunctionBox(FunctionNodeType funNode,
const ScriptStencil& cachedScriptData,
const ScriptStencilExtra& cachedScriptExtra);
// ErrorReportMixin.
using Base::error;
using Base::errorAt;
using Base::errorNoOffset;
using Base::errorWithNotes;
using Base::errorWithNotesAt;
using Base::errorWithNotesNoOffset;
using Base::strictModeError;
using Base::strictModeErrorAt;
using Base::strictModeErrorNoOffset;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotes;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotesAt;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotesNoOffset;
using Base::warning;
using Base::warningAt;
using Base::warningNoOffset;
#define ABORTED_SYNTAX_PARSE_SENTINEL reinterpret_cast<void*>(0x1)
template <>
inline void PerHandlerParser<SyntaxParseHandler>::disableSyntaxParser() {}
template <>
inline bool PerHandlerParser<SyntaxParseHandler>::abortIfSyntaxParser() {
return false;
template <>
inline bool PerHandlerParser<SyntaxParseHandler>::hadAbortedSyntaxParse() {
return internalSyntaxParser_ == ABORTED_SYNTAX_PARSE_SENTINEL;
template <>
inline void PerHandlerParser<SyntaxParseHandler>::clearAbortedSyntaxParse() {
internalSyntaxParser_ = nullptr;
// Disable syntax parsing of all future inner functions during this
// full-parse.
template <>
inline void PerHandlerParser<FullParseHandler>::disableSyntaxParser() {
internalSyntaxParser_ = nullptr;
template <>
inline bool PerHandlerParser<FullParseHandler>::abortIfSyntaxParser() {
return true;
template <>
inline bool PerHandlerParser<FullParseHandler>::hadAbortedSyntaxParse() {
return false;
template <>
inline void PerHandlerParser<FullParseHandler>::clearAbortedSyntaxParse() {}
template <class Parser>
class ParserAnyCharsAccess {
using TokenStreamSpecific = typename Parser::TokenStream;
using GeneralTokenStreamChars =
typename TokenStreamSpecific::GeneralCharsBase;
static inline TokenStreamAnyChars& anyChars(GeneralTokenStreamChars* ts);
static inline const TokenStreamAnyChars& anyChars(
const GeneralTokenStreamChars* ts);
// Specify a value for an ES6 grammar parametrization. We have no enum for
// [Return] because its behavior is almost exactly equivalent to checking
// whether we're in a function box -- easier and simpler than passing an extra
// parameter everywhere.
enum YieldHandling { YieldIsName, YieldIsKeyword };
enum InHandling { InAllowed, InProhibited };
enum DefaultHandling { NameRequired, AllowDefaultName };
enum TripledotHandling { TripledotAllowed, TripledotProhibited };
// For Ergonomic brand checks.
enum PrivateNameHandling { PrivateNameProhibited, PrivateNameAllowed };
template <class ParseHandler, typename Unit>
class Parser;
template <class ParseHandler, typename Unit>
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS GeneralParser : public PerHandlerParser<ParseHandler> {
using TokenStream =
TokenStreamSpecific<Unit, ParserAnyCharsAccess<GeneralParser>>;
using Base = PerHandlerParser<ParseHandler>;
using FinalParser = Parser<ParseHandler, Unit>;
using Node = typename ParseHandler::Node;
using NodeResult = typename ParseHandler::NodeResult;
#define DECLARE_TYPE(typeName) \
using typeName##Type = typename ParseHandler::typeName##Type; \
using typeName##Result = typename ParseHandler::typeName##Result;
using typename Base::InvokedPrediction;
using SyntaxParser = Parser<SyntaxParseHandler, Unit>;
using Modifier = TokenStreamShared::Modifier;
using Position = typename TokenStream::Position;
using Base::PredictInvoked;
using Base::PredictUninvoked;
using Base::alloc_;
using Base::awaitIsDisallowed;
using Base::awaitIsKeyword;
using Base::inParametersOfAsyncFunction;
using Base::parseGoal;
using Base::checkOptionsCalled_;
using Base::checkForUndefinedPrivateFields;
using Base::errorResult;
using Base::finishClassBodyScope;
using Base::finishFunctionScopes;
using Base::finishLexicalScope;
using Base::foldConstants_;
using Base::getFilename;
using Base::hasValidSimpleStrictParameterNames;
using Base::isUnexpectedEOF_;
using Base::nameIsArgumentsOrEval;
using Base::newDotGeneratorName;
using Base::newFunctionBox;
using Base::newName;
using Base::null;
using Base::options;
using Base::pos;
using Base::propagateFreeNamesAndMarkClosedOverBindings;
using Base::setLocalStrictMode;
using Base::stringLiteral;
using Base::yieldExpressionsSupported;
using Base::abortIfSyntaxParser;
using Base::clearAbortedSyntaxParse;
using Base::disableSyntaxParser;
using Base::hadAbortedSyntaxParse;
// Implement ErrorReportMixin.
[[nodiscard]] bool computeErrorMetadata(
ErrorMetadata* err,
const ErrorReportMixin::ErrorOffset& offset) const override;
using Base::error;
using Base::errorAt;
using Base::errorNoOffset;
using Base::errorWithNotes;
using Base::errorWithNotesAt;
using Base::errorWithNotesNoOffset;
using Base::strictModeError;
using Base::strictModeErrorAt;
using Base::strictModeErrorNoOffset;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotes;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotesAt;
using Base::strictModeErrorWithNotesNoOffset;
using Base::warning;
using Base::warningAt;
using Base::warningNoOffset;
using Base::anyChars;
using Base::fc_;
using Base::handler_;
using Base::noteUsedName;
using Base::pc_;
using Base::usedNames_;
using Base::checkAndMarkSuperScope;
using Base::finishFunction;
using Base::identifierReference;
using Base::leaveInnerFunction;
using Base::newInternalDotName;
using Base::newNewTargetName;
using Base::newThisName;
using Base::nextTokenContinuesLetDeclaration;
using Base::noSubstitutionTaggedTemplate;
using Base::noteDestructuredPositionalFormalParameter;
using Base::prefixAccessorName;
using Base::privateNameReference;
using Base::processExport;
using Base::processExportFrom;
using Base::processImport;
using Base::setFunctionEndFromCurrentToken;
inline FinalParser* asFinalParser();
inline const FinalParser* asFinalParser() const;
* A class for temporarily stashing errors while parsing continues.
* The ability to stash an error is useful for handling situations where we
* aren't able to verify that an error has occurred until later in the parse.
* For instance | ({x=1}) | is always parsed as an object literal with
* a SyntaxError, however, in the case where it is followed by '=>' we rewind
* and reparse it as a valid arrow function. Here a PossibleError would be
* set to 'pending' when the initial SyntaxError was encountered then
* 'resolved' just before rewinding the parser.
* There are currently two kinds of PossibleErrors: Expression and
* Destructuring errors. Expression errors are used to mark a possible
* syntax error when a grammar production is used in an expression context.
* For example in |{x = 1}|, we mark the CoverInitializedName |x = 1| as a
* possible expression error, because CoverInitializedName productions
* are disallowed when an actual ObjectLiteral is expected.
* Destructuring errors are used to record possible syntax errors in
* destructuring contexts. For example in |[, ] = []|, we initially
* mark the trailing comma after the spread expression as a possible
* destructuring error, because the ArrayAssignmentPattern grammar
* production doesn't allow a trailing comma after the rest element.
* When using PossibleError one should set a pending error at the location
* where an error occurs. From that point, the error may be resolved
* (invalidated) or left until the PossibleError is checked.
* Ex:
* PossibleError possibleError(*this);
* possibleError.setPendingExpressionErrorAt(pos, JSMSG_BAD_PROP_ID);
* // A JSMSG_BAD_PROP_ID ParseError is reported, returns false.
* if (!possibleError.checkForExpressionError()) {
* return false; // we reach this point with a pending exception
* }
* PossibleError possibleError(*this);
* possibleError.setPendingExpressionErrorAt(pos, JSMSG_BAD_PROP_ID);
* // Returns true, no error is reported.
* if (!possibleError.checkForDestructuringError()) {
* return false; // not reached, no pending exception
* }
* PossibleError possibleError(*this);
* // Returns true, no error is reported.
* if (!possibleError.checkForExpressionError()) {
* return false; // not reached, no pending exception
* }
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS PossibleError {
enum class ErrorKind { Expression, Destructuring, DestructuringWarning };
enum class ErrorState { None, Pending };
struct Error {
ErrorState state_ = ErrorState::None;
// Error reporting fields.
uint32_t offset_;
unsigned errorNumber_;
GeneralParser<ParseHandler, Unit>& parser_;
Error exprError_;
Error destructuringError_;
Error destructuringWarning_;
// Returns the error report.
Error& error(ErrorKind kind);
// Return true if an error is pending without reporting.
bool hasError(ErrorKind kind);
// Resolve any pending error.
void setResolved(ErrorKind kind);
// Set a pending error. Only a single error may be set per instance and
// error kind.
void setPending(ErrorKind kind, const TokenPos& pos, unsigned errorNumber);
// If there is a pending error, report it and return false, otherwise
// return true.
[[nodiscard]] bool checkForError(ErrorKind kind);
// Transfer an existing error to another instance.
void transferErrorTo(ErrorKind kind, PossibleError* other);
explicit PossibleError(GeneralParser<ParseHandler, Unit>& parser);
// Return true if a pending destructuring error is present.
bool hasPendingDestructuringError();
// Set a pending destructuring error. Only a single error may be set
// per instance, i.e. subsequent calls to this method are ignored and
// won't overwrite the existing pending error.
void setPendingDestructuringErrorAt(const TokenPos& pos,
unsigned errorNumber);
// Set a pending destructuring warning. Only a single warning may be
// set per instance, i.e. subsequent calls to this method are ignored
// and won't overwrite the existing pending warning.
void setPendingDestructuringWarningAt(const TokenPos& pos,
unsigned errorNumber);
// Set a pending expression error. Only a single error may be set per
// instance, i.e. subsequent calls to this method are ignored and won't
// overwrite the existing pending error.
void setPendingExpressionErrorAt(const TokenPos& pos, unsigned errorNumber);
// If there is a pending destructuring error or warning, report it and
// return false, otherwise return true. Clears any pending expression
// error.
[[nodiscard]] bool checkForDestructuringErrorOrWarning();
// If there is a pending expression error, report it and return false,
// otherwise return true. Clears any pending destructuring error or
// warning.
[[nodiscard]] bool checkForExpressionError();
// Pass pending errors between possible error instances. This is useful
// for extending the lifetime of a pending error beyond the scope of
// the PossibleError where it was initially set (keeping in mind that
// PossibleError is a MOZ_STACK_CLASS).
void transferErrorsTo(PossibleError* other);
SyntaxParser* getSyntaxParser() const {
return reinterpret_cast<SyntaxParser*>(Base::internalSyntaxParser_);
TokenStream tokenStream;
GeneralParser(FrontendContext* fc, const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
const Unit* units, size_t length, bool foldConstants,
CompilationState& compilationState, SyntaxParser* syntaxParser);
inline void setAwaitHandling(AwaitHandling awaitHandling);
inline void setInParametersOfAsyncFunction(bool inParameters);
* Parse a top-level JS script.
ListNodeResult parse();
* Gets the next token and checks if it matches to the given `condition`.
* If it matches, returns true.
* If it doesn't match, calls `errorReport` to report the error, and
* returns false.
* If other error happens, it returns false but `errorReport` may not be
* called and other error will be thrown in that case.
* In any case, the already gotten token is not ungotten.
* The signature of `condition` is [...](TokenKind actual) -> bool, and
* the signature of `errorReport` is [...](TokenKind actual).
template <typename ConditionT, typename ErrorReportT>
[[nodiscard]] bool mustMatchTokenInternal(ConditionT condition,
ErrorReportT errorReport);
* The following mustMatchToken variants follow the behavior and parameter
* types of mustMatchTokenInternal above.
* If modifier is omitted, `SlashIsDiv` is used.
* If TokenKind is passed instead of `condition`, it checks if the next
* token is the passed token.
* If error number is passed instead of `errorReport`, it reports an
* error with the passed errorNumber.
[[nodiscard]] bool mustMatchToken(TokenKind expected, JSErrNum errorNumber) {
return mustMatchTokenInternal(
[expected](TokenKind actual) { return actual == expected; },
[this, errorNumber](TokenKind) { this->error(errorNumber); });
template <typename ConditionT>
[[nodiscard]] bool mustMatchToken(ConditionT condition,
JSErrNum errorNumber) {
return mustMatchTokenInternal(condition, [this, errorNumber](TokenKind) {
template <typename ErrorReportT>
[[nodiscard]] bool mustMatchToken(TokenKind expected,
ErrorReportT errorReport) {
return mustMatchTokenInternal(
[expected](TokenKind actual) { return actual == expected; },
NameNodeResult noSubstitutionUntaggedTemplate();
ListNodeResult templateLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
bool taggedTemplate(YieldHandling yieldHandling, ListNodeType tagArgsList,
TokenKind tt);
bool appendToCallSiteObj(CallSiteNodeType callSiteObj);
bool addExprAndGetNextTemplStrToken(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
ListNodeType nodeList, TokenKind* ttp);
inline bool trySyntaxParseInnerFunction(
FunctionNodeType* funNode, TaggedParserAtomIndex explicitName,
FunctionFlags flags, uint32_t toStringStart, InHandling inHandling,
YieldHandling yieldHandling, FunctionSyntaxKind kind,
GeneratorKind generatorKind, FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind, bool tryAnnexB,
Directives inheritedDirectives, Directives* newDirectives);
inline bool skipLazyInnerFunction(FunctionNodeType funNode,
uint32_t toStringStart, bool tryAnnexB);
void setFunctionStartAtPosition(FunctionBox* funbox, TokenPos pos) const;
void setFunctionStartAtCurrentToken(FunctionBox* funbox) const;
/* Public entry points for parsing. */
NodeResult statementListItem(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
bool canHaveDirectives = false);
// Parse an inner function given an enclosing ParseContext and a
// FunctionBox for the inner function.
[[nodiscard]] FunctionNodeResult innerFunctionForFunctionBox(
FunctionNodeType funNode, ParseContext* outerpc, FunctionBox* funbox,
InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
FunctionSyntaxKind kind, Directives* newDirectives);
// Parse a function's formal parameters and its body assuming its function
// ParseContext is already on the stack.
bool functionFormalParametersAndBody(
InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
FunctionNodeType* funNode, FunctionSyntaxKind kind,
const mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>& parameterListEnd = mozilla::Nothing(),
bool isStandaloneFunction = false);
* JS parsers, from lowest to highest precedence.
* Each parser must be called during the dynamic scope of a ParseContext
* object, pointed to by this->pc_.
* Each returns a parse node tree or null on error.
FunctionNodeResult functionStmt(
uint32_t toStringStart, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
DefaultHandling defaultHandling,
FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind = FunctionAsyncKind::SyncFunction);
FunctionNodeResult functionExpr(uint32_t toStringStart,
InvokedPrediction invoked,
FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind);
NodeResult statement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
bool maybeParseDirective(ListNodeType list, Node pn, bool* cont);
LexicalScopeNodeResult blockStatement(
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
unsigned errorNumber = JSMSG_CURLY_IN_COMPOUND);
BinaryNodeResult doWhileStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
BinaryNodeResult whileStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
NodeResult forStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
bool forHeadStart(YieldHandling yieldHandling, IteratorKind iterKind,
ParseNodeKind* forHeadKind, Node* forInitialPart,
mozilla::Maybe<ParseContext::Scope>& forLetImpliedScope,
Node* forInOrOfExpression);
NodeResult expressionAfterForInOrOf(ParseNodeKind forHeadKind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling);
SwitchStatementResult switchStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
ContinueStatementResult continueStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
BreakStatementResult breakStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
UnaryNodeResult returnStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
BinaryNodeResult withStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
UnaryNodeResult throwStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
TernaryNodeResult tryStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
LexicalScopeNodeResult catchBlockStatement(
YieldHandling yieldHandling, ParseContext::Scope& catchParamScope);
DebuggerStatementResult debuggerStatement();
DeclarationListNodeResult variableStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
LabeledStatementResult labeledStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
NodeResult labeledItem(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
TernaryNodeResult ifStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
NodeResult consequentOrAlternative(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
DeclarationListNodeResult lexicalDeclaration(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
DeclarationKind kind);
NameNodeResult moduleExportName();
bool withClause(ListNodeType attributesSet);
BinaryNodeResult importDeclaration();
NodeResult importDeclarationOrImportExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
bool namedImports(ListNodeType importSpecSet);
bool namespaceImport(ListNodeType importSpecSet);
TaggedParserAtomIndex importedBinding() {
return bindingIdentifier(YieldIsName);
BinaryNodeResult exportFrom(uint32_t begin, Node specList);
BinaryNodeResult exportBatch(uint32_t begin);
inline bool checkLocalExportNames(ListNodeType node);
NodeResult exportClause(uint32_t begin);
UnaryNodeResult exportFunctionDeclaration(
uint32_t begin, uint32_t toStringStart,
FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind = FunctionAsyncKind::SyncFunction);
UnaryNodeResult exportVariableStatement(uint32_t begin);
UnaryNodeResult exportClassDeclaration(uint32_t begin);
UnaryNodeResult exportLexicalDeclaration(uint32_t begin,
DeclarationKind kind);
BinaryNodeResult exportDefaultFunctionDeclaration(
uint32_t begin, uint32_t toStringStart,
FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind = FunctionAsyncKind::SyncFunction);
BinaryNodeResult exportDefaultClassDeclaration(uint32_t begin);
BinaryNodeResult exportDefaultAssignExpr(uint32_t begin);
BinaryNodeResult exportDefault(uint32_t begin);
NodeResult exportDeclaration();
UnaryNodeResult expressionStatement(
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
InvokedPrediction invoked = PredictUninvoked);
// Declaration parsing. The main entrypoint is Parser::declarationList,
// with sub-functionality split out into the remaining methods.
// |blockScope| may be non-null only when |kind| corresponds to a lexical
// declaration (that is, ParseNodeKind::LetDecl or ParseNodeKind::ConstDecl).
// The for* parameters, for normal declarations, should be null/ignored.
// They should be non-null only when Parser::forHeadStart parses a
// declaration at the start of a for-loop head.
// In this case, on success |*forHeadKind| is ParseNodeKind::ForHead,
// ParseNodeKind::ForIn, or ParseNodeKind::ForOf, corresponding to the three
// for-loop kinds. The precise value indicates what was parsed.
// If parsing recognized a for(;;) loop, the next token is the ';' within
// the loop-head that separates the init/test parts.
// Otherwise, for for-in/of loops, the next token is the ')' ending the
// loop-head. Additionally, the expression that the loop iterates over was
// parsed into |*forInOrOfExpression|.
DeclarationListNodeResult declarationList(
YieldHandling yieldHandling, ParseNodeKind kind,
ParseNodeKind* forHeadKind = nullptr,
Node* forInOrOfExpression = nullptr);
// The items in a declaration list are either patterns or names, with or
// without initializers. These two methods parse a single pattern/name and
// any associated initializer -- and if parsing an |initialDeclaration|
// will, if parsing in a for-loop head (as specified by |forHeadKind| being
// non-null), consume additional tokens up to the closing ')' in a
// for-in/of loop head, returning the iterated expression in
// |*forInOrOfExpression|. (An "initial declaration" is the first
// declaration in a declaration list: |a| but not |b| in |var a, b|, |{c}|
// but not |d| in |let {c} = 3, d|.)
NodeResult declarationPattern(DeclarationKind declKind, TokenKind tt,
bool initialDeclaration,
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
ParseNodeKind* forHeadKind,
Node* forInOrOfExpression);
NodeResult declarationName(DeclarationKind declKind, TokenKind tt,
bool initialDeclaration,
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
ParseNodeKind* forHeadKind,
Node* forInOrOfExpression);
// Having parsed a name (not found in a destructuring pattern) declared by
// a declaration, with the current token being the '=' separating the name
// from its initializer, parse and bind that initializer -- and possibly
// consume trailing in/of and subsequent expression, if so directed by
// |forHeadKind|.
AssignmentNodeResult initializerInNameDeclaration(NameNodeType binding,
DeclarationKind declKind,
bool initialDeclaration,
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
ParseNodeKind* forHeadKind,
Node* forInOrOfExpression);
NodeResult expr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError = nullptr,
InvokedPrediction invoked = PredictUninvoked);
NodeResult assignExpr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError = nullptr,
InvokedPrediction invoked = PredictUninvoked);
NodeResult assignExprWithoutYieldOrAwait(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
UnaryNodeResult yieldExpression(InHandling inHandling);
NodeResult condExpr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError, InvokedPrediction invoked);
NodeResult orExpr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError, InvokedPrediction invoked);
NodeResult unaryExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError = nullptr,
InvokedPrediction invoked = PredictUninvoked,
PrivateNameHandling privateNameHandling =
NodeResult optionalExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling, TokenKind tt,
PossibleError* possibleError = nullptr,
InvokedPrediction invoked = PredictUninvoked);
NodeResult memberExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling, TokenKind tt,
bool allowCallSyntax, PossibleError* possibleError,
InvokedPrediction invoked);
NodeResult decoratorExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling, TokenKind tt);
NodeResult primaryExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling, TokenKind tt,
PossibleError* possibleError,
InvokedPrediction invoked);
NodeResult exprInParens(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TripledotHandling tripledotHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError = nullptr);
bool tryNewTarget(NewTargetNodeType* newTarget);
BinaryNodeResult importExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
bool allowCallSyntax);
FunctionNodeResult methodDefinition(uint32_t toStringStart,
PropertyType propType,
TaggedParserAtomIndex funName);
* Additional JS parsers.
bool functionArguments(YieldHandling yieldHandling, FunctionSyntaxKind kind,
FunctionNodeType funNode);
FunctionNodeResult functionDefinition(
FunctionNodeType funNode, uint32_t toStringStart, InHandling inHandling,
YieldHandling yieldHandling, TaggedParserAtomIndex name,
FunctionSyntaxKind kind, GeneratorKind generatorKind,
FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind, bool tryAnnexB = false);
// Parse a function body. Pass StatementListBody if the body is a list of
// statements; pass ExpressionBody if the body is a single expression.
// Don't include opening LeftCurly token when invoking.
enum FunctionBodyType { StatementListBody, ExpressionBody };
LexicalScopeNodeResult functionBody(InHandling inHandling,
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
FunctionSyntaxKind kind,
FunctionBodyType type);
UnaryNodeResult unaryOpExpr(YieldHandling yieldHandling, ParseNodeKind kind,
uint32_t begin);
NodeResult condition(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling);
ListNodeResult argumentList(YieldHandling yieldHandling, bool* isSpread,
PossibleError* possibleError = nullptr);
NodeResult destructuringDeclaration(DeclarationKind kind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TokenKind tt);
NodeResult destructuringDeclarationWithoutYieldOrAwait(
DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling, TokenKind tt);
inline bool checkExportedName(TaggedParserAtomIndex exportName);
inline bool checkExportedNamesForArrayBinding(ListNodeType array);
inline bool checkExportedNamesForObjectBinding(ListNodeType obj);
inline bool checkExportedNamesForDeclaration(Node node);
inline bool checkExportedNamesForDeclarationList(
DeclarationListNodeType node);
inline bool checkExportedNameForFunction(FunctionNodeType funNode);
inline bool checkExportedNameForClass(ClassNodeType classNode);
inline bool checkExportedNameForClause(NameNodeType nameNode);
enum ClassContext { ClassStatement, ClassExpression };
ClassNodeResult classDefinition(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
ClassContext classContext,
DefaultHandling defaultHandling);
struct ClassInitializedMembers {
// Whether a non-static field has decorators or not.
bool hasInstanceDecorators = false;
// The number of instance class fields.
size_t instanceFields = 0;
// The number of instance class fields with computed property names.
size_t instanceFieldKeys = 0;
// The number of static class fields.
size_t staticFields = 0;
// The number of static blocks
size_t staticBlocks = 0;
// The number of static class fields with computed property names.
size_t staticFieldKeys = 0;
// The number of instance class private methods.
size_t privateMethods = 0;
// The number of instance class private accessors.
size_t privateAccessors = 0;
bool hasPrivateBrand() const {
return privateMethods > 0 || privateAccessors > 0;
ListNodeResult decoratorList(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
[[nodiscard]] bool classMember(
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
const ParseContext::ClassStatement& classStmt,
TaggedParserAtomIndex className, uint32_t classStartOffset,
HasHeritage hasHeritage, ClassInitializedMembers& classInitializedMembers,
ListNodeType& classMembers, bool* done);
[[nodiscard]] bool finishClassConstructor(
const ParseContext::ClassStatement& classStmt,
TaggedParserAtomIndex className, HasHeritage hasHeritage,
uint32_t classStartOffset, uint32_t classEndOffset,
const ClassInitializedMembers& classInitializedMembers,
ListNodeType& classMembers);
FunctionNodeResult privateMethodInitializer(
TokenPos propNamePos, TaggedParserAtomIndex propAtom,
TaggedParserAtomIndex storedMethodAtom);
FunctionNodeResult fieldInitializerOpt(
TokenPos propNamePos, Node name, TaggedParserAtomIndex atom,
ClassInitializedMembers& classInitializedMembers, bool isStatic,
HasHeritage hasHeritage);
FunctionNodeResult synthesizePrivateMethodInitializer(
TaggedParserAtomIndex propAtom, AccessorType accessorType,
TokenPos propNamePos);
FunctionNodeResult synthesizeAddInitializerFunction(
TaggedParserAtomIndex initializers, YieldHandling yieldHandling);
ClassMethodResult synthesizeAccessor(
Node propName, TokenPos propNamePos, TaggedParserAtomIndex propAtom,
TaggedParserAtomIndex privateStateNameAtom, bool isStatic,
FunctionSyntaxKind syntaxKind,
ClassInitializedMembers& classInitializedMembers);
FunctionNodeResult synthesizeAccessorBody(TaggedParserAtomIndex funNameAtom,
TokenPos propNamePos,
TaggedParserAtomIndex propNameAtom,
FunctionSyntaxKind syntaxKind);
FunctionNodeResult staticClassBlock(
ClassInitializedMembers& classInitializedMembers);
FunctionNodeResult synthesizeConstructor(TaggedParserAtomIndex className,
TokenPos synthesizedBodyPos,
HasHeritage hasHeritage);
bool synthesizeConstructorBody(TokenPos synthesizedBodyPos,
HasHeritage hasHeritage,
FunctionNodeType funNode, FunctionBox* funbox);
bool checkBindingIdentifier(TaggedParserAtomIndex ident, uint32_t offset,
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TokenKind hint = TokenKind::Limit);
TaggedParserAtomIndex labelOrIdentifierReference(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
TaggedParserAtomIndex labelIdentifier(YieldHandling yieldHandling) {
return labelOrIdentifierReference(yieldHandling);
TaggedParserAtomIndex identifierReference(YieldHandling yieldHandling) {
return labelOrIdentifierReference(yieldHandling);
bool matchLabel(YieldHandling yieldHandling, TaggedParserAtomIndex* labelOut);
// Indicate if the next token (tokenized with SlashIsRegExp) is |in| or |of|.
// If so, consume it.
bool matchInOrOf(bool* isForInp, bool* isForOfp);
bool checkIncDecOperand(Node operand, uint32_t operandOffset);
bool checkStrictAssignment(Node lhs);
void reportMissingClosing(unsigned errorNumber, unsigned noteNumber,
uint32_t openedPos);
void reportRedeclarationHelper(TaggedParserAtomIndex& name,
DeclarationKind& prevKind, TokenPos& pos,
uint32_t& prevPos, const unsigned& errorNumber,
const unsigned& noteErrorNumber);
void reportRedeclaration(TaggedParserAtomIndex name, DeclarationKind prevKind,
TokenPos pos, uint32_t prevPos);
void reportMismatchedPlacement(TaggedParserAtomIndex name,
DeclarationKind prevKind, TokenPos pos,
uint32_t prevPos);
bool notePositionalFormalParameter(FunctionNodeType funNode,
TaggedParserAtomIndex name,
uint32_t beginPos,
bool disallowDuplicateParams,
bool* duplicatedParam);
enum PropertyNameContext {
NodeResult propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
PropertyNameContext propertyNameContext,
const mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind>& maybeDecl,
ListNodeType propList,
TaggedParserAtomIndex* propAtomOut);
NodeResult propertyOrMethodName(
YieldHandling yieldHandling, PropertyNameContext propertyNameContext,
const mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind>& maybeDecl, ListNodeType propList,
PropertyType* propType, TaggedParserAtomIndex* propAtomOut);
UnaryNodeResult computedPropertyName(
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
const mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind>& maybeDecl,
PropertyNameContext propertyNameContext, ListNodeType literal);
ListNodeResult arrayInitializer(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError);
inline RegExpLiteralResult newRegExp();
ListNodeResult objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
PossibleError* possibleError);
ListNodeResult recordLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
ListNodeResult tupleLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling);
BinaryNodeResult bindingInitializer(Node lhs, DeclarationKind kind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling);
NameNodeResult bindingIdentifier(DeclarationKind kind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling);
NodeResult bindingIdentifierOrPattern(DeclarationKind kind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TokenKind tt);
ListNodeResult objectBindingPattern(DeclarationKind kind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling);
ListNodeResult arrayBindingPattern(DeclarationKind kind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling);
enum class TargetBehavior {
bool checkDestructuringAssignmentTarget(
Node expr, TokenPos exprPos, PossibleError* exprPossibleError,
PossibleError* possibleError,
TargetBehavior behavior = TargetBehavior::PermitAssignmentPattern);
void checkDestructuringAssignmentName(NameNodeType name, TokenPos namePos,
PossibleError* possibleError);
bool checkDestructuringAssignmentElement(Node expr, TokenPos exprPos,
PossibleError* exprPossibleError,
PossibleError* possibleError);
NumericLiteralResult newNumber(const Token& tok) {
return handler_.newNumber(tok.number(), tok.decimalPoint(), tok.pos);
inline BigIntLiteralResult newBigInt();
enum class OptionalKind {
NonOptional = 0,
NodeResult memberPropertyAccess(
Node lhs, OptionalKind optionalKind = OptionalKind::NonOptional);
NodeResult memberPrivateAccess(
Node lhs, OptionalKind optionalKind = OptionalKind::NonOptional);