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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "frontend/FoldConstants.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h" // mozilla::Maybe
#include "mozilla/Try.h" // MOZ_TRY*
#include "jslibmath.h"
#include "jsmath.h"
#include "frontend/FullParseHandler.h"
#include "frontend/ParseNode.h"
#include "frontend/ParseNodeVisitor.h"
#include "frontend/Parser-macros.h" // MOZ_TRY_VAR_OR_RETURN
#include "frontend/ParserAtom.h" // ParserAtomsTable, TaggedParserAtomIndex
#include "js/Conversions.h"
#include "js/Stack.h" // JS::NativeStackLimit
#include "util/StringBuilder.h" // StringBuilder
using namespace js;
using namespace js::frontend;
using JS::ToInt32;
using JS::ToUint32;
struct FoldInfo {
FrontendContext* fc;
ParserAtomsTable& parserAtoms;
FullParseHandler* handler;
// Don't use ReplaceNode directly, because we want the constant folder to keep
// the attributes isInParens and isDirectRHSAnonFunction of the old node being
// replaced.
[[nodiscard]] inline bool TryReplaceNode(ParseNode** pnp,
ParseNodeResult result) {
// convenience check: can call TryReplaceNode(pnp, alloc_parsenode())
// directly, without having to worry about alloc returning null.
if (result.isErr()) {
return false;
auto* pn = result.unwrap();
ReplaceNode(pnp, pn);
return true;
static bool ContainsHoistedDeclaration(FoldInfo& info, ParseNode* node,
bool* result);
static bool ListContainsHoistedDeclaration(FoldInfo& info, ListNode* list,
bool* result) {
for (ParseNode* node : list->contents()) {
if (!ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, node, result)) {
return false;
if (*result) {
return true;
*result = false;
return true;
// Determines whether the given ParseNode contains any declarations whose
// visibility will extend outside the node itself -- that is, whether the
// ParseNode contains any var statements.
// THIS IS NOT A GENERAL-PURPOSE FUNCTION. It is only written to work in the
// specific context of deciding that |node|, as one arm of a ParseNodeKind::If
// controlled by a constant condition, contains a declaration that forbids
// |node| being completely eliminated as dead.
static bool ContainsHoistedDeclaration(FoldInfo& info, ParseNode* node,
bool* result) {
AutoCheckRecursionLimit recursion(info.fc);
if (!recursion.check(info.fc)) {
return false;
// With a better-typed AST, we would have distinct parse node classes for
// expressions and for statements and would characterize expressions with
// ExpressionKind and statements with StatementKind. Perhaps someday. In
// the meantime we must characterize every ParseNodeKind, even the
// expression/sub-expression ones that, if we handle all statement kinds
// correctly, we'll never see.
switch (node->getKind()) {
// Base case.
case ParseNodeKind::VarStmt:
*result = true;
return true;
// Non-global lexical declarations are block-scoped (ergo not hoistable).
case ParseNodeKind::LetDecl:
case ParseNodeKind::ConstDecl:
case ParseNodeKind::UsingDecl:
case ParseNodeKind::AwaitUsingDecl:
*result = false;
return true;
// Similarly to the lexical declarations above, classes cannot add hoisted
// declarations
case ParseNodeKind::ClassDecl:
*result = false;
return true;
// Function declarations *can* be hoisted declarations. But in the
// magical world of the rewritten frontend, the declaration necessitated
// by a nested function statement, not at body level, doesn't require
// that we preserve an unreachable function declaration node against
// dead-code removal.
case ParseNodeKind::Function:
*result = false;
return true;
case ParseNodeKind::Module:
*result = false;
return true;
// Statements with no sub-components at all.
case ParseNodeKind::EmptyStmt:
*result = false;
return true;
case ParseNodeKind::DebuggerStmt:
*result = false;
return true;
// Statements containing only an expression have no declarations.
case ParseNodeKind::ExpressionStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::ThrowStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::ReturnStmt:
*result = false;
return true;
// These two aren't statements in the spec, but we sometimes insert them
// in statement lists anyway.
case ParseNodeKind::InitialYield:
case ParseNodeKind::YieldStarExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::YieldExpr:
*result = false;
return true;
// Other statements with no sub-statement components.
case ParseNodeKind::BreakStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::ContinueStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportDecl:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportSpecList:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportSpec:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportNamespaceSpec:
case ParseNodeKind::ExportFromStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::ExportDefaultStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::ExportSpecList:
case ParseNodeKind::ExportSpec:
case ParseNodeKind::ExportNamespaceSpec:
case ParseNodeKind::ExportStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::ExportBatchSpecStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::CallImportExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::CallImportSpec:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportAttributeList:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportAttribute:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportModuleRequest:
*result = false;
return true;
// Statements possibly containing hoistable declarations only in the left
// half, in ParseNode terms -- the loop body in AST terms.
case ParseNodeKind::DoWhileStmt:
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, node->as<BinaryNode>().left(),
// Statements possibly containing hoistable declarations only in the
// right half, in ParseNode terms -- the loop body or nested statement
// (usually a block statement), in AST terms.
case ParseNodeKind::WhileStmt:
case ParseNodeKind::WithStmt:
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, node->as<BinaryNode>().right(),
case ParseNodeKind::LabelStmt:
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(
info, node->as<LabeledStatement>().statement(), result);
// Statements with more complicated structures.
// if-statement nodes may have hoisted declarations in their consequent
// and alternative components.
case ParseNodeKind::IfStmt: {
TernaryNode* ifNode = &node->as<TernaryNode>();
ParseNode* consequent = ifNode->kid2();
if (!ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, consequent, result)) {
return false;
if (*result) {
return true;
if ((node = ifNode->kid3())) {
goto restart;
*result = false;
return true;
// try-statements have statements to execute, and one or both of a
// catch-list and a finally-block.
case ParseNodeKind::TryStmt: {
TernaryNode* tryNode = &node->as<TernaryNode>();
MOZ_ASSERT(tryNode->kid2() || tryNode->kid3(),
"must have either catch or finally");
ParseNode* tryBlock = tryNode->kid1();
if (!ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, tryBlock, result)) {
return false;
if (*result) {
return true;
if (ParseNode* catchScope = tryNode->kid2()) {
BinaryNode* catchNode =
ParseNode* catchStatements = catchNode->right();
if (!ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, catchStatements, result)) {
return false;
if (*result) {
return true;
if (ParseNode* finallyBlock = tryNode->kid3()) {
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, finallyBlock, result);
*result = false;
return true;
// A switch node's left half is an expression; only its right half (a
// list of cases/defaults, or a block node) could contain hoisted
// declarations.
case ParseNodeKind::SwitchStmt: {
SwitchStatement* switchNode = &node->as<SwitchStatement>();
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, &switchNode->lexicalForCaseList(),
case ParseNodeKind::Case: {
CaseClause* caseClause = &node->as<CaseClause>();
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, caseClause->statementList(),
case ParseNodeKind::ForStmt: {
ForNode* forNode = &node->as<ForNode>();
TernaryNode* loopHead = forNode->head();
MOZ_ASSERT(loopHead->isKind(ParseNodeKind::ForHead) ||
loopHead->isKind(ParseNodeKind::ForIn) ||
if (loopHead->isKind(ParseNodeKind::ForHead)) {
// for (init?; cond?; update?), with only init possibly containing
// a hoisted declaration. (Note: a lexical-declaration |init| is
// (at present) hoisted in SpiderMonkey parlance -- but such
// hoisting doesn't extend outside of this statement, so it is not
// hoisting in the sense meant by ContainsHoistedDeclaration.)
ParseNode* init = loopHead->kid1();
if (init && init->isKind(ParseNodeKind::VarStmt)) {
*result = true;
return true;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(loopHead->isKind(ParseNodeKind::ForIn) ||
// for each? (target in ...), where only target may introduce
// hoisted declarations.
// -- or --
// for (target of ...), where only target may introduce hoisted
// declarations.
// Either way, if |target| contains a declaration, it's |loopHead|'s
// first kid.
ParseNode* decl = loopHead->kid1();
if (decl && decl->isKind(ParseNodeKind::VarStmt)) {
*result = true;
return true;
ParseNode* loopBody = forNode->body();
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, loopBody, result);
case ParseNodeKind::LexicalScope: {
LexicalScopeNode* scope = &node->as<LexicalScopeNode>();
ParseNode* expr = scope->scopeBody();
if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::ForStmt) || expr->is<FunctionNode>()) {
return ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, expr, result);
return ListContainsHoistedDeclaration(
info, &scope->scopeBody()->as<ListNode>(), result);
// List nodes with all non-null children.
case ParseNodeKind::StatementList:
return ListContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, &node->as<ListNode>(),
// Grammar sub-components that should never be reached directly by this
// method, because some parent component should have asserted itself.
case ParseNodeKind::ObjectPropertyName:
case ParseNodeKind::ComputedName:
case ParseNodeKind::Spread:
case ParseNodeKind::MutateProto:
case ParseNodeKind::PropertyDefinition:
case ParseNodeKind::Shorthand:
case ParseNodeKind::ConditionalExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::TypeOfNameExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::TypeOfExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::AwaitExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::VoidExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::NotExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BitNotExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DeleteNameExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DeletePropExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DeleteElemExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DeleteOptionalChainExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DeleteExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PosExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::NegExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PreIncrementExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PostIncrementExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PreDecrementExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PostDecrementExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::CoalesceExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::OrExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::AndExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BitOrExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BitXorExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BitAndExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::StrictEqExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::EqExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::StrictNeExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::NeExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::LtExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::LeExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::GtExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::GeExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::InstanceOfExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::InExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PrivateInExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::LshExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::RshExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::UrshExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::AddExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::SubExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::MulExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DivExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::ModExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PowExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::InitExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::AssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::AddAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::SubAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::CoalesceAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::OrAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::AndAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BitOrAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BitXorAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BitAndAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::LshAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::RshAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::UrshAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::MulAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DivAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::ModAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PowAssignExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::CommaExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::ArrayExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::ObjectExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PropertyNameExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::DotExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::ArgumentsLength:
case ParseNodeKind::ElemExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::Arguments:
case ParseNodeKind::CallExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PrivateMemberExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::OptionalChain:
case ParseNodeKind::OptionalDotExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::OptionalElemExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::OptionalCallExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::OptionalPrivateMemberExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::Name:
case ParseNodeKind::PrivateName:
case ParseNodeKind::TemplateStringExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::TemplateStringListExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::TaggedTemplateExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::CallSiteObj:
case ParseNodeKind::StringExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::RegExpExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::FalseExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::NullExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::RawUndefinedExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::ThisExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::Elision:
case ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::BigIntExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::NewExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::Generator:
case ParseNodeKind::ParamsBody:
case ParseNodeKind::Catch:
case ParseNodeKind::ForIn:
case ParseNodeKind::ForOf:
case ParseNodeKind::ForHead:
case ParseNodeKind::DefaultConstructor:
case ParseNodeKind::ClassBodyScope:
case ParseNodeKind::ClassMethod:
case ParseNodeKind::ClassField:
case ParseNodeKind::StaticClassBlock:
case ParseNodeKind::ClassMemberList:
case ParseNodeKind::ClassNames:
case ParseNodeKind::NewTargetExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::ImportMetaExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::PosHolder:
case ParseNodeKind::SuperCallExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::SuperBase:
case ParseNodeKind::SetThis:
case ParseNodeKind::DecoratorList:
"ContainsHoistedDeclaration should have indicated false on "
"some parent node without recurring to test this node");
case ParseNodeKind::LastUnused:
case ParseNodeKind::Limit:
MOZ_CRASH("unexpected sentinel ParseNodeKind in node");
case ParseNodeKind::RecordExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::TupleExpr:
MOZ_CRASH("Record and Tuple are not supported yet");
MOZ_CRASH("invalid node kind");
* Fold from one constant type to another.
* XXX handles only strings and numbers for now
static bool FoldType(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** pnp, ParseNodeKind kind) {
const ParseNode* pn = *pnp;
if (!pn->isKind(kind)) {
switch (kind) {
case ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr:
if (pn->isKind(ParseNodeKind::StringExpr)) {
auto atom = pn->as<NameNode>().atom();
double d = info.parserAtoms.toNumber(atom);
if (!TryReplaceNode(
pnp, info.handler->newNumber(d, NoDecimal, pn->pn_pos))) {
return false;
case ParseNodeKind::StringExpr:
if (pn->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
TaggedParserAtomIndex atom =
pn->as<NumericLiteral>().toAtom(info.fc, info.parserAtoms);
if (!atom) {
return false;
if (!TryReplaceNode(
pnp, info.handler->newStringLiteral(atom, pn->pn_pos))) {
return false;
MOZ_CRASH("Invalid type in constant folding FoldType");
return true;
static bool IsEffectless(ParseNode* node) {
return node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::FalseExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::StringExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TemplateStringExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::BigIntExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NullExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::RawUndefinedExpr) ||
enum Truthiness { Truthy, Falsy, Unknown };
static Truthiness Boolish(ParseNode* pn) {
switch (pn->getKind()) {
case ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr:
return (pn->as<NumericLiteral>().value() != 0 &&
? Truthy
: Falsy;
case ParseNodeKind::BigIntExpr:
return (pn->as<BigIntLiteral>().isZero()) ? Falsy : Truthy;
case ParseNodeKind::StringExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::TemplateStringExpr:
return (pn->as<NameNode>().atom() ==
? Falsy
: Truthy;
case ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::Function:
return Truthy;
case ParseNodeKind::FalseExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::NullExpr:
case ParseNodeKind::RawUndefinedExpr:
return Falsy;
case ParseNodeKind::VoidExpr: {
// |void <foo>| evaluates to |undefined| which isn't truthy. But the
// sense of this method requires that the expression be literally
// replaceable with true/false: not the case if the nested expression
// is effectful, might throw, &c. Walk past the |void| (and nested
// |void| expressions, for good measure) and check that the nested
// expression doesn't break this requirement before indicating falsity.
do {
pn = pn->as<UnaryNode>().kid();
} while (pn->isKind(ParseNodeKind::VoidExpr));
return IsEffectless(pn) ? Falsy : Unknown;
return Unknown;
static bool SimplifyCondition(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
// Conditions fold like any other expression, but then they sometimes can be
// further folded to constants. *nodePtr should already have been
// constant-folded.
ParseNode* node = *nodePtr;
if (Truthiness t = Boolish(node); t != Unknown) {
// We can turn function nodes into constant nodes here, but mutating
// function nodes is tricky --- in particular, mutating a function node
// that appears on a method list corrupts the method list. However,
// methods are M's in statements of the form ' = M;', which we
// never fold, so we're okay.
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr, info.handler->newBooleanLiteral(
t == Truthy, node->pn_pos))) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FoldTypeOfExpr(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
UnaryNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<UnaryNode>();
ParseNode* expr = node->kid();
// Constant-fold the entire |typeof| if given a constant with known type.
TaggedParserAtomIndex result;
if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::StringExpr) ||
expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TemplateStringExpr)) {
result = TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnown::string();
} else if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
result = TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnown::number();
} else if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::BigIntExpr)) {
result = TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnown::bigint();
} else if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NullExpr)) {
result = TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnown::object();
} else if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr) ||
expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::FalseExpr)) {
result = TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnown::boolean();
} else if (expr->is<FunctionNode>()) {
result = TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnown::function();
if (result) {
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr,
info.handler->newStringLiteral(result, node->pn_pos))) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FoldDeleteExpr(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
UnaryNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<UnaryNode>();
ParseNode* expr = node->kid();
// Expression deletion evaluates the expression, then evaluates to true.
// For effectless expressions, eliminate the expression evaluation.
if (IsEffectless(expr)) {
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr,
info.handler->newBooleanLiteral(true, node->pn_pos))) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FoldDeleteElement(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
UnaryNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<UnaryNode>();
ParseNode* expr = node->kid();
// If we're deleting an element, but constant-folding converted our
// element reference into a dotted property access, we must *also*
// morph the node's kind.
// In principle this also applies to |super["foo"] ->|,
// but we don't constant-fold |super["foo"]| yet.
MOZ_ASSERT(expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::ElemExpr) ||
if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::DotExpr)) {
// newDelete will detect and use DeletePropExpr
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr,
info.handler->newDelete(node->pn_pos.begin, expr))) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT((*nodePtr)->getKind() == ParseNodeKind::DeletePropExpr);
return true;
static bool FoldNot(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
UnaryNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<UnaryNode>();
if (!SimplifyCondition(info, node->unsafeKidReference())) {
return false;
ParseNode* expr = node->kid();
if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr) ||
expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::FalseExpr)) {
bool newval = !expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr);
if (!TryReplaceNode(
nodePtr, info.handler->newBooleanLiteral(newval, node->pn_pos))) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FoldUnaryArithmetic(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
UnaryNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<UnaryNode>();
MOZ_ASSERT(node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::BitNotExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::PosExpr) ||
"need a different method for this node kind");
ParseNode* expr = node->kid();
if (expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr) ||
expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr) ||
expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::FalseExpr)) {
double d = expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)
? expr->as<NumericLiteral>().value()
: double(expr->isKind(ParseNodeKind::TrueExpr));
if (node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::BitNotExpr)) {
d = ~ToInt32(d);
} else if (node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NegExpr)) {
d = -d;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::PosExpr)); // nothing to do
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr,
info.handler->newNumber(d, NoDecimal, node->pn_pos))) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FoldAndOrCoalesce(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
ListNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<ListNode>();
MOZ_ASSERT(node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::AndExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::CoalesceExpr) ||
bool isOrNode = node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::OrExpr);
bool isAndNode = node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::AndExpr);
bool isCoalesceNode = node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::CoalesceExpr);
ParseNode** elem = node->unsafeHeadReference();
do {
Truthiness t = Boolish(*elem);
// If we don't know the constant-folded node's truthiness, we can't
// reduce this node with its surroundings. Continue folding any
// remaining nodes.
if (t == Unknown) {
elem = &(*elem)->pn_next;
bool isTruthyCoalesceNode =
isCoalesceNode && !((*elem)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NullExpr) ||
(*elem)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::VoidExpr) ||
bool canShortCircuit = (isOrNode && t == Truthy) ||
(isAndNode && t == Falsy) || isTruthyCoalesceNode;
// If the constant-folded node's truthiness will terminate the
// condition -- `a || true || expr` or `b && false && expr` or
// `false ?? c ?? expr` -- then trailing nodes will never be
// evaluated. Truncate the list after the known-truthiness node,
// as it's the overall result.
if (canShortCircuit) {
for (ParseNode* next = (*elem)->pn_next; next; next = next->pn_next) {
// Terminate the original and/or list at the known-truthiness
// node.
(*elem)->pn_next = nullptr;
elem = &(*elem)->pn_next;
// We've encountered a vacuous node that'll never short-circuit
// evaluation.
if ((*elem)->pn_next) {
// This node is never the overall result when there are
// subsequent nodes. Remove it.
ParseNode* elt = *elem;
*elem = elt->pn_next;
} else {
// Otherwise this node is the result of the overall expression,
// so leave it alone. And we're done.
elem = &(*elem)->pn_next;
} while (*elem);
// If we removed nodes, we may have to replace a one-element list with
// its element.
if (node->count() == 1) {
ParseNode* first = node->head();
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr, first)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool Fold(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** pnp);
static bool FoldConditional(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
ParseNode** nextNode = nodePtr;
do {
// |nextNode| on entry points to the C?T:F expression to be folded.
// Reset it to exit the loop in the common case where F isn't another
// ?: expression.
nodePtr = nextNode;
nextNode = nullptr;
TernaryNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<TernaryNode>();
ParseNode** expr = node->unsafeKid1Reference();
if (!Fold(info, expr)) {
return false;
if (!SimplifyCondition(info, expr)) {
return false;
ParseNode** ifTruthy = node->unsafeKid2Reference();
if (!Fold(info, ifTruthy)) {
return false;
ParseNode** ifFalsy = node->unsafeKid3Reference();
// If our C?T:F node has F as another ?: node, *iteratively* constant-
// fold F *after* folding C and T (and possibly eliminating C and one
// of T/F entirely); otherwise fold F normally. Making |nextNode| non-
// null causes this loop to run again to fold F.
// Conceivably we could instead/also iteratively constant-fold T, if T
// were more complex than F. Such an optimization is unimplemented.
if ((*ifFalsy)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::ConditionalExpr)) {
nextNode = ifFalsy;
} else {
if (!Fold(info, ifFalsy)) {
return false;
// Try to constant-fold based on the condition expression.
Truthiness t = Boolish(*expr);
if (t == Unknown) {
// Otherwise reduce 'C ? T : F' to T or F as directed by C.
ParseNode* replacement = t == Truthy ? *ifTruthy : *ifFalsy;
// Otherwise perform a replacement. This invalidates |nextNode|, so
// reset it (if the replacement requires folding) or clear it (if
// |ifFalsy| is dead code) as needed.
if (nextNode) {
nextNode = (*nextNode == replacement) ? nodePtr : nullptr;
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr, replacement)) {
return false;
} while (nextNode);
return true;
static bool FoldIf(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
ParseNode** nextNode = nodePtr;
do {
// |nextNode| on entry points to the initial |if| to be folded. Reset
// it to exit the loop when the |else| arm isn't another |if|.
nodePtr = nextNode;
nextNode = nullptr;
TernaryNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<TernaryNode>();
ParseNode** expr = node->unsafeKid1Reference();
if (!Fold(info, expr)) {
return false;
if (!SimplifyCondition(info, expr)) {
return false;
ParseNode** consequent = node->unsafeKid2Reference();
if (!Fold(info, consequent)) {
return false;
ParseNode** alternative = node->unsafeKid3Reference();
if (*alternative) {
// If in |if (C) T; else F;| we have |F| as another |if|,
// *iteratively* constant-fold |F| *after* folding |C| and |T| (and
// possibly completely replacing the whole thing with |T| or |F|);
// otherwise fold F normally. Making |nextNode| non-null causes
// this loop to run again to fold F.
if ((*alternative)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::IfStmt)) {
nextNode = alternative;
} else {
if (!Fold(info, alternative)) {
return false;
// Eliminate the consequent or alternative if the condition has
// constant truthiness.
Truthiness t = Boolish(*expr);
if (t == Unknown) {
// Careful! Either of these can be null: |replacement| in |if (0) T;|,
// and |discarded| in |if (true) T;|.
ParseNode* replacement;
ParseNode* discarded;
if (t == Truthy) {
replacement = *consequent;
discarded = *alternative;
} else {
replacement = *alternative;
discarded = *consequent;
bool performReplacement = true;
if (discarded) {
// A declaration that hoists outside the discarded arm prevents the
// |if| from being folded away.
bool containsHoistedDecls;
if (!ContainsHoistedDeclaration(info, discarded, &containsHoistedDecls)) {
return false;
performReplacement = !containsHoistedDecls;
if (!performReplacement) {
if (!replacement) {
// If there's no replacement node, we have a constantly-false |if|
// with no |else|. Replace the entire thing with an empty
// statement list.
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr,
info.handler->newStatementList(node->pn_pos))) {
return false;
} else {
// Replacement invalidates |nextNode|, so reset it (if the
// replacement requires folding) or clear it (if |alternative|
// is dead code) as needed.
if (nextNode) {
nextNode = (*nextNode == replacement) ? nodePtr : nullptr;
ReplaceNode(nodePtr, replacement);
} while (nextNode);
return true;
static double ComputeBinary(ParseNodeKind kind, double left, double right) {
if (kind == ParseNodeKind::AddExpr) {
return left + right;
if (kind == ParseNodeKind::SubExpr) {
return left - right;
if (kind == ParseNodeKind::MulExpr) {
return left * right;
if (kind == ParseNodeKind::ModExpr) {
return NumberMod(left, right);
if (kind == ParseNodeKind::UrshExpr) {
return ToUint32(left) >> (ToUint32(right) & 31);
if (kind == ParseNodeKind::DivExpr) {
return NumberDiv(left, right);
MOZ_ASSERT(kind == ParseNodeKind::LshExpr || kind == ParseNodeKind::RshExpr);
int32_t i = ToInt32(left);
uint32_t j = ToUint32(right) & 31;
return int32_t((kind == ParseNodeKind::LshExpr) ? uint32_t(i) << j : i >> j);
static bool FoldBinaryArithmetic(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
ListNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<ListNode>();
MOZ_ASSERT(node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::SubExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::MulExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::LshExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::RshExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::UrshExpr) ||
node->isKind(ParseNodeKind::DivExpr) ||
MOZ_ASSERT(node->count() >= 2);
// Fold each operand to a number if possible.
ParseNode** listp = node->unsafeHeadReference();
for (; *listp; listp = &(*listp)->pn_next) {
if (!FoldType(info, listp, ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
return false;
// Now fold all leading numeric terms together into a single number.
// (Trailing terms for the non-shift operations can't be folded together
// due to floating point imprecision. For example, if |x === -2**53|,
// |x - 1 - 1 === -2**53| but |x - 2 === -2**53 - 2|. Shifts could be
// folded, but it doesn't seem worth the effort.)
ParseNode** elem = node->unsafeHeadReference();
ParseNode** next = &(*elem)->pn_next;
if ((*elem)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
ParseNodeKind kind = node->getKind();
while (true) {
if (!*next || !(*next)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
double d = ComputeBinary(kind, (*elem)->as<NumericLiteral>().value(),
TokenPos pos((*elem)->pn_pos.begin, (*next)->pn_pos.end);
if (!TryReplaceNode(elem, info.handler->newNumber(d, NoDecimal, pos))) {
return false;
(*elem)->pn_next = (*next)->pn_next;
next = &(*elem)->pn_next;
if (node->count() == 1) {
MOZ_ASSERT(node->head() == *elem);
if (!TryReplaceNode(nodePtr, *elem)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FoldExponentiation(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
ListNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<ListNode>();
MOZ_ASSERT(node->count() >= 2);
// Fold each operand, ideally into a number.
ParseNode** listp = node->unsafeHeadReference();
for (; *listp; listp = &(*listp)->pn_next) {
if (!FoldType(info, listp, ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
return false;
// Unlike all other binary arithmetic operators, ** is right-associative:
// 2**3**5 is 2**(3**5), not (2**3)**5. As list nodes singly-link their
// children, full constant-folding requires either linear space or dodgy
// in-place linked list reversal. So we only fold one exponentiation: it's
// easy and addresses common cases like |2**32|.
if (node->count() > 2) {
return true;
ParseNode* base = node->head();
ParseNode* exponent = base->pn_next;
if (!base->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr) ||
!exponent->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
return true;
double d1 = base->as<NumericLiteral>().value();
double d2 = exponent->as<NumericLiteral>().value();
return TryReplaceNode(nodePtr, info.handler->newNumber(
ecmaPow(d1, d2), NoDecimal, node->pn_pos));
static bool FoldElement(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
PropertyByValue* elem = &(*nodePtr)->as<PropertyByValue>();
ParseNode* expr = &elem->expression();
ParseNode* key = &elem->key();
TaggedParserAtomIndex name;
if (key->isKind(ParseNodeKind::StringExpr)) {
auto keyIndex = key->as<NameNode>().atom();
uint32_t index;
if (info.parserAtoms.isIndex(keyIndex, &index)) {
// Optimization 1: We have something like expr["100"]. This is
// equivalent to expr[100] which is faster.
if (!TryReplaceNode(
info.handler->newNumber(index, NoDecimal, key->pn_pos))) {
return false;
key = &elem->key();
} else {
name = keyIndex;
} else if (key->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
auto* numeric = &key->as<NumericLiteral>();
double number = numeric->value();
if (number != ToUint32(number)) {
// Optimization 2: We have something like expr[3.14]. The number
// isn't an array index, so it converts to a string ("3.14"),
// enabling optimization 3 below.
name = numeric->toAtom(info.fc, info.parserAtoms);
if (!name) {
return false;
// If we don't have a name, we can't optimize to getprop.
if (!name) {
return true;
// Optimization 3: We have expr["foo"] where foo is not an index. Convert
// to a property access (like that optimizes better downstream.
NameNode* propertyNameExpr;
info.handler->newPropertyName(name, key->pn_pos),
if (!TryReplaceNode(
nodePtr, info.handler->newPropertyAccess(expr, propertyNameExpr))) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FoldAdd(FoldInfo info, ParseNode** nodePtr) {
ListNode* node = &(*nodePtr)->as<ListNode>();
MOZ_ASSERT(node->count() >= 2);
// Fold leading numeric operands together:
// (1 + 2 + x) becomes (3 + x)
// Don't go past the leading operands: additions after a string are
// string concatenations, not additions: ("1" + 2 + 3 === "123").
ParseNode** current = node->unsafeHeadReference();
ParseNode** next = &(*current)->pn_next;
if ((*current)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
do {
if (!(*next)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr)) {
double left = (*current)->as<NumericLiteral>().value();
double right = (*next)->as<NumericLiteral>().value();
TokenPos pos((*current)->pn_pos.begin, (*next)->pn_pos.end);
if (!TryReplaceNode(
current, info.handler->newNumber(left + right, NoDecimal, pos))) {
return false;
(*current)->pn_next = (*next)->pn_next;
next = &(*current)->pn_next;
} while (*next);
// If any operands remain, attempt string concatenation folding.
do {
// If no operands remain, we're done.
if (!*next) {
// (number + string) is string concatenation *only* at the start of
// the list: (x + 1 + "2" !== x + "12") when x is a number.
if ((*current)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::NumberExpr) &&
(*next)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::StringExpr)) {
if (!FoldType(info, current, ParseNodeKind::StringExpr)) {
return false;
next = &(*current)->pn_next;
// The first string forces all subsequent additions to be
// string concatenations.
do {
if ((*current)->isKind(ParseNodeKind::StringExpr)) {
current = next;
next = &(*current)->pn_next;
} while (*next);
// If there's nothing left to fold, we're done.
if (!*next) {
do {
// Concat all strings.
// To avoid unnecessarily copy when there's no strings after the
// first item, lazily construct StringBuilder and append the first item.