AbortController.webidl |
539 |
AbortSignal.webidl |
823 |
AbstractRange.webidl |
826 |
AbstractWorker.webidl |
385 |
AccessibleNode.webidl |
2331 |
AddonEvent.webidl |
475 |
AddonManager.webidl |
We need a JSImplementation but cannot get one without a contract ID.
Since Addon and AddonInstall are only ever created from JS they don't need
real contract IDs. |
4207 |
AnalyserNode.webidl |
1622 |
Animatable.webidl |
924 |
Animation.webidl |
2194 |
AnimationEffect.webidl |
2101 |
AnimationEvent.webidl |
982 |
AnimationFrameProvider.webidl |
674 |
AnimationPlaybackEvent.webidl |
887 |
AnimationTimeline.webidl |
644 |
AnonymousContent.webidl |
This file declares the AnonymousContent interface which is used to
manipulate content that has been inserted into the document's canvasFrame
anonymous container. See Document.insertAnonymousContent.
Users of this API must never remove the host of the shadow root.
670 |
AppInfo.webidl |
This dictionnary holds the parameters supporting the app:// protocol.
367 |
APZTestData.webidl |
This file declares data structures used to communicate data logged by
various components for the purpose of APZ testing (see bug 961289 and
gfx/layers/apz/test/APZTestData.h) to JS test code.
2952 |
ARIAMixin.webidl |
5182 |
Attr.webidl |
1001 |
AudioBuffer.webidl |
1339 |
AudioBufferSourceNode.webidl |
1452 |
AudioContext.webidl |
1567 |
AudioData.webidl |
2141 |
AudioDecoder.webidl |
1592 |
AudioDestinationNode.webidl |
649 |
AudioEncoder.webidl |
2489 |
AudioListener.webidl |
772 |
AudioNode.webidl |
2345 |
AudioParam.webidl |
2220 |
AudioParamDescriptor.webidl |
849 |
AudioParamMap.webidl |
618 |
AudioProcessingEvent.webidl |
749 |
AudioScheduledSourceNode.webidl |
774 |
AudioTrack.webidl |
650 |
AudioTrackList.webidl |
751 |
AudioWorklet.webidl |
568 |
AudioWorkletGlobalScope.webidl |
863 |
AudioWorkletNode.webidl |
1304 |
AudioWorkletProcessor.webidl |
648 |
AutocompleteInfo.webidl |
This dictionary is used for the input, textarea and select element's
getAutocompleteInfo method.
621 |
BarProp.webidl |
393 |
BaseAudioContext.webidl |
3511 |
BaseKeyframeTypes.webidl |
2479 |
BasicCardPayment.webidl |
1136 |
BatteryManager.webidl |
1039 |
BeforeUnloadEvent.webidl |
509 |
BiquadFilterNode.webidl |
1639 |
Blob.webidl |
1499 |
BlobEvent.webidl |
596 |
BroadcastChannel.webidl |
989 |
BrowserElementDictionaries.webidl |
721 |
Cache.webidl |
1425 |
CacheStorage.webidl |
1119 |
CancelContentJSOptions.webidl |
315 |
CanvasCaptureMediaStream.webidl |
673 |
CanvasRenderingContext2D.webidl |
16997 |
CaretPosition.webidl |
The offsetNode could potentially be null due to anonymous content.
554 |
CaretStateChangedEvent.webidl |
The bounding client rect is relative to the visual viewport. |
1671 |
CDATASection.webidl |
339 |
ChannelMergerNode.webidl |
804 |
ChannelSplitterNode.webidl |
811 |
CharacterData.webidl |
1142 |
CheckerboardReportService.webidl |
This file declares data structures used to communicate checkerboard reports
from C++ code to about:checkerboard (see bug 1238042). These dictionaries
are NOT exposed to standard web content.
2057 |
ChildNode.webidl |
887 |
Client.webidl |
1475 |
Clients.webidl |
1030 |
Clipboard.webidl |
2226 |
ClipboardEvent.webidl |
838 |
CloseEvent.webidl |
928 |
CloseWatcher.webidl |
747 |
Comment.webidl |
604 |
components.conf |
555 |
CompositionEvent.webidl |
ranges is trying to expose TextRangeArray in Gecko so a
js-plugin couble be able to know the clauses information
1464 |
CompressionStream.webidl |
639 |
Console.webidl |
2306 |
ConstantSourceNode.webidl |
824 |
ContentVisibilityAutoStateChangeEvent.webidl |
701 |
ConvolverNode.webidl |
1009 |
CookieChangeEvent.webidl |
1040 |
CookieStore.webidl |
Bug 1475599 - We decide to do not implement the entire cookie-store spec.
Instead, we implement only the subset that is compatible with document.cookie |
2874 |
CreateOfferRequest.webidl |
628 |
CredentialManagement.webidl |
2013 |
Crypto.webidl |
743 |
CSPDictionaries.webidl |
Dictionary used to display CSP info.
1352 |
CSPReport.webidl |
This dictionary holds the parameters used to send
CSP reports in JSON format.
Based on https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/#deprecated-serialize-violation
997 |
CSS.webidl |
1584 |
CSSAnimation.webidl |
674 |
CSSConditionRule.webidl |
590 |
CSSContainerRule.webidl |
752 |
CSSCounterStyleRule.webidl |
903 |
CSSFontFaceRule.webidl |
652 |
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule.webidl |
1138 |
CSSFontPaletteValuesRule.webidl |
666 |
CSSGroupingRule.webidl |
686 |
CSSImportRule.webidl |
1008 |
CSSKeyframeRule.webidl |
636 |
CSSKeyframesRule.webidl |
843 |
CSSLayerBlockRule.webidl |
504 |
CSSLayerStatementRule.webidl |
602 |
CSSMarginRule.webidl |
666 |
CSSMediaRule.webidl |
870 |
CSSMozDocumentRule.webidl |
455 |
CSSNamespaceRule.webidl |
571 |
CSSNestedDeclarations.webidl |
610 |
CSSPageRule.webidl |
626 |
CSSPositionTryRule.webidl |
624 |
CSSPropertyRule.webidl |
785 |
CSSPseudoElement.webidl |
676 |
CSSRule.webidl |
2198 |
CSSRuleList.webidl |
419 |
CSSScopeRule.webidl |
571 |
CSSStartingStyleRule.webidl |
528 |
CSSStyleDeclaration.webidl |
1297 |
CSSStyleRule.webidl |
1593 |
CSSStyleSheet.webidl |
1706 |
CSSSupportsRule.webidl |
541 |
CSSTransition.webidl |
683 |
CustomElementRegistry.webidl |
3071 |
CustomEvent.webidl |
1028 |
DataTransfer.webidl |
Set the drag source. Usually you would not change this, but it will
affect which node the drag and dragend events are fired at. The
default target is the node that was dragged.
@param element drag source to use
@throws NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the item cannot be modified
6871 |
DataTransferItem.webidl |
1032 |
DataTransferItemList.webidl |
855 |
DecoderDoctorNotification.webidl |
1434 |
DecompressionStream.webidl |
576 |
DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.webidl |
1502 |
DelayNode.webidl |
906 |
DeviceLightEvent.webidl |
659 |
DeviceMotionEvent.webidl |
2350 |
DeviceOrientationEvent.webidl |
1426 |
Directory.webidl |
All functions on Directory that accept DOMString arguments for file or
directory names only allow relative path to current directory itself. The
path should be a descendent path like "path/to/file.txt" and not contain a
segment of ".." or ".". So the paths aren't allowed to walk up the directory
tree. For example, paths like "../foo", "..", "/foo/bar" or "foo/../bar" are
not allowed.
1909 |
Document.webidl |
https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dictdef-elementcreationoptions |
28061 |
DocumentFragment.webidl |
673 |
DocumentOrShadowRoot.webidl |
1950 |
DocumentTimeline.webidl |
735 |
DocumentType.webidl |
702 |
DOMException.webidl |
4277 |
DOMImplementation.webidl |
1016 |
DOMLocalization.webidl |
DOMLocalization is an extension of the Fluent Localization API.
DOMLocalization adds a state for storing `roots` - DOM elements
which translation status is controlled by the DOMLocalization
instance and monitored for mutations.
DOMLocalization also adds methods dedicated to DOM manipulation.
- connectRoot - add a root
- disconnectRoot - remove a root
- pauseObserving - pause observing of roots
- resumeObserving - resume observing of roots
- setAttributes - set l10n attributes of an element
- getAttributes - retrieve l10n attributes of an element
- translateFragment - translate a DOM fragment
- translateElements - translate a list of DOM elements
- translateRoots - translate all attached roots
6230 |
DOMMatrix.webidl |
8721 |
DOMParser.webidl |
1543 |
DOMPoint.webidl |
1869 |
DOMQuad.webidl |
1306 |
DOMRect.webidl |
2044 |
DOMRectList.webidl |
419 |
DOMStringList.webidl |
682 |
DOMStringMap.webidl |
859 |
DOMTokenList.webidl |
1146 |
DragEvent.webidl |
1585 |
DynamicsCompressorNode.webidl |
1390 |
Element.webidl |
The ratio of font-size-inflated text font size to computed font
size for this element. This will query the element for its primary frame,
and then use this to get font size inflation information about the frame.
This will be 1.0 if font size inflation is not enabled, and -1.0 if an
error occurred during the retrieval of the font size inflation.
@note The font size inflation ratio that is returned is actually the
font size inflation data for the element's _primary frame_, not the
element itself, but for most purposes, this should be sufficient.
14996 |
ElementInternals.webidl |
2140 |
EncodedAudioChunk.webidl |
1461 |
EncodedVideoChunk.webidl |
1429 |
ErrorEvent.webidl |
893 |
Event.webidl |
The original target of the event, before any retargetings. |
3765 |
EventHandler.webidl |
8257 |
EventListener.webidl |
592 |
EventSource.webidl |
1244 |
EventTarget.webidl |
Setting to true make the listener be added to the system group. |
2706 |
ExtendableEvent.webidl |
794 |
ExtendableMessageEvent.webidl |
Custom data associated with this event.
1395 |
ExtensionAlarms.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- alarms
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
A short summary of the special setup used by these WebIDL files (meant to aid
webidl peers reviews and sign-offs) is available in the following section:
2062 |
ExtensionBrowser.webidl |
3438 |
ExtensionBrowserSettings.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- browserSettings
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
A short summary of the special setup used by these WebIDL files (meant to aid
webidl peers reviews and sign-offs) is available in the following section:
2980 |
ExtensionBrowserSettingsColorManagement.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- browserSettings.colorManagement
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
A short summary of the special setup used by these WebIDL files (meant to aid
webidl peers reviews and sign-offs) is available in the following section:
1579 |
ExtensionDns.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- dns
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
A short summary of the special setup used by these WebIDL files (meant to aid
webidl peers reviews and sign-offs) is available in the following section:
1358 |
ExtensionEventManager.webidl |
1288 |
ExtensionMockAPI.webidl |
1914 |
ExtensionPort.webidl |
1878 |
ExtensionProxy.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- proxy
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
1215 |
ExtensionRuntime.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- runtime
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
A short summary of the special setup used by these WebIDL files (meant to aid
webidl peers reviews and sign-offs) is available in the following section:
3277 |
ExtensionScripting.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- scripting
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
A short summary of the special setup used by these WebIDL files (meant to aid
webidl peers reviews and sign-offs) is available in the following section:
2016 |
ExtensionSetting.webidl |
1641 |
ExtensionTest.webidl |
The content of this file has been generated based on the WebExtensions API
JSONSchema using the following command:
export SCRIPT_DIR="toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api"
mach python $SCRIPT_DIR/GenerateWebIDLBindings.py -- test
More info about generating webidl API bindings for WebExtensions API at:
A short summary of the special setup used by these WebIDL files (meant to aid
webidl peers reviews and sign-offs) is available in the following section:
2853 |
External.webidl |
471 |
FailedCertSecurityInfo.webidl |
This dictionary is used for exposing failed channel certificate information
to about:certerror to display information.
1027 |
FakePluginTagInit.webidl |
A fake plugin is fundamentally identified by its handlerURI.
In addition to that, a fake plugin registration needs to provide at least one
FakePluginMimeEntry so we'll know what types(s) the plugin is registered for.
Other information is optional, though having usable niceName is highly
1708 |
FeaturePolicy.webidl |
1023 |
Fetch.webidl |
no support for request body streams yet |
1246 |
FetchEvent.webidl |
1098 |
FetchObserver.webidl |
805 |
File.webidl |
1862 |
FileList.webidl |
630 |
FileMode.webidl |
249 |
FileReader.webidl |
1378 |
FileReaderSync.webidl |
852 |
FileSystem.webidl |
700 |
FileSystemDirectoryEntry.webidl |
966 |
FileSystemDirectoryHandle.webidl |
1155 |
FileSystemDirectoryIterator.webidl |
551 |
FileSystemDirectoryReader.webidl |
711 |
FileSystemEntry.webidl |
777 |
FileSystemFileEntry.webidl |
593 |
FileSystemFileHandle.webidl |
775 |
FileSystemHandle.webidl |
https://whatpr.org/fs/10.html#api-filesystemhandle |
892 |
FileSystemSyncAccessHandle.webidl |
1030 |
FileSystemWritableFileStream.webidl |
975 |
FinalizationRegistry.webidl |
458 |
FocusEvent.webidl |
865 |
FontFace.webidl |
2306 |
FontFaceSet.webidl |
2454 |
FontFaceSetLoadEvent.webidl |
868 |
FontFaceSource.webidl |
611 |
FormData.webidl |
1070 |
FormDataEvent.webidl |
780 |
FragmentDirective.webidl |
790 |
FrameCrashedEvent.webidl |
The browsingContextId of the frame that crashed.
1057 |
Function.webidl |
660 |
FuzzingFunctions.webidl |
Various functions useful for automated fuzzing that are enabled
only in --enable-fuzzing builds, because they may be dangerous to
enable on untrusted pages.
6365 |
GainNode.webidl |
855 |
Gamepad.webidl |
3153 |
GamepadAxisMoveEvent.webidl |
687 |
GamepadButtonEvent.webidl |
630 |
GamepadEvent.webidl |
653 |
GamepadHapticActuator.webidl |
733 |
GamepadLightIndicator.webidl |
786 |
GamepadPose.webidl |
position, linearVelocity, and linearAcceleration are 3-component vectors.
position is relative to a sitting space. Transforming this point with
VRStageParameters.sittingToStandingTransform converts this to standing space.
1415 |
GamepadServiceTest.webidl |
2371 |
GamepadTouch.webidl |
696 |
GenericTransformStream.webidl |
520 |
Geolocation.webidl |
1359 |
GeolocationCoordinates.webidl |
868 |
GeolocationPosition.webidl |
689 |
GeolocationPositionError.webidl |
763 |
GeometryUtils.webidl |
getBoxQuadsFromWindowOrigin is similar to getBoxQuads, but the
returned quads are further translated relative to the window
origin -- which is not the layout origin. Further translation
must be done to bring the quads into layout space. Typically,
this will be done by performing another call from the top level
browser process, requesting the quad of the top level content
document itself. The position of this quad can then be used as
the offset into layout space, and subtracted from the original
returned quads. If options.relativeTo is supplied, this method
will throw.
2624 |
GetUserMediaRequest.webidl |
1618 |
Glean.webidl |
Get a metric by name.
Returns an object of the corresponding metric type,
with only the allowed functions available.
1426 |
GleanMetrics.webidl |
Base interface for all metric types to make typing more expressive.
23659 |
GleanPings.webidl |
Get a ping by name.
485 |
GPUUncapturedErrorEvent.webidl |
891 |
HashChangeEvent.webidl |
729 |
Headers.webidl |
1223 |
Highlight.webidl |
Enum defining the available highlight types.
See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-highlight-api-1/#enumdef-highlighttype
2091 |
History.webidl |
1248 |
HTMLAllCollection.webidl |
Emulates undefined through Codegen.py. |
632 |
HTMLAnchorElement.webidl |
2106 |
HTMLAreaElement.webidl |
1803 |
HTMLAudioElement.webidl |
744 |
HTMLBaseElement.webidl |
921 |
HTMLBodyElement.webidl |
1243 |
HTMLBRElement.webidl |
1558 |
HTMLButtonElement.webidl |
1891 |
HTMLCanvasElement.webidl |
2138 |
HTMLCollection.webidl |
715 |
HTMLDataElement.webidl |
605 |
HTMLDataListElement.webidl |
716 |
HTMLDetailsElement.webidl |
838 |
HTMLDialogElement.webidl |
950 |
HTMLDirectoryElement.webidl |
881 |
HTMLDivElement.webidl |
800 |
HTMLDListElement.webidl |
1050 |
HTMLDocument.webidl |
1509 |
HTMLElement.webidl |
4219 |
HTMLEmbedElement.webidl |
1614 |
HTMLFieldSetElement.webidl |
1212 |
HTMLFontElement.webidl |
912 |
HTMLFormControlsCollection.webidl |
legacycaller |
820 |
HTMLFormElement.webidl |
2187 |
HTMLFrameElement.webidl |
1620 |
HTMLFrameSetElement.webidl |
838 |
HTMLHeadElement.webidl |
754 |
HTMLHeadingElement.webidl |
1101 |
HTMLHRElement.webidl |
1348 |
HTMLHtmlElement.webidl |
1059 |
HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.webidl |
1262 |
HTMLIFrameElement.webidl |
2836 |
HTMLImageElement.webidl |
Same as addNativeObserver but intended for scripted observers or observers
from another or without a document.
4995 |
HTMLInputElement.webidl |
9395 |
HTMLLabelElement.webidl |
811 |
HTMLLegendElement.webidl |
1104 |
HTMLLIElement.webidl |
1127 |
HTMLLinkElement.webidl |
2740 |
HTMLMapElement.webidl |
948 |
HTMLMarqueeElement.webidl |
1472 |
HTMLMediaElement.webidl |
9775 |
HTMLMenuElement.webidl |
1051 |
HTMLMetaElement.webidl |
1327 |
HTMLMeterElement.webidl |
1244 |
HTMLModElement.webidl |
951 |
HTMLObjectElement.webidl |
The actual mime type (the one we got back from the network
request) for the element.
3934 |
HTMLOListElement.webidl |
1276 |
HTMLOptGroupElement.webidl |
847 |
HTMLOptionElement.webidl |
1263 |
HTMLOptionsCollection.webidl |
949 |
HTMLOutputElement.webidl |
1451 |
HTMLParagraphElement.webidl |
1053 |
HTMLParamElement.webidl |
1313 |
HTMLPictureElement.webidl |
388 |
HTMLPreElement.webidl |
1040 |
HTMLProgressElement.webidl |
914 |
HTMLQuoteElement.webidl |
850 |
HTMLScriptElement.webidl |
2294 |
HTMLSelectElement.webidl |
2614 |
HTMLSlotElement.webidl |
1012 |
HTMLSourceElement.webidl |
1354 |
HTMLSpanElement.webidl |
782 |
HTMLStyleElement.webidl |
Mark this style element with a devtools-specific principal that
skips Content Security Policy unsafe-inline checks. This triggering
principal will be overwritten by any callers that set textContent
or innerHTML on this element.
1391 |
HTMLTableCaptionElement.webidl |
799 |
HTMLTableCellElement.webidl |
1971 |
HTMLTableColElement.webidl |
1178 |
HTMLTableElement.webidl |
2276 |
HTMLTableRowElement.webidl |
1363 |
HTMLTableSectionElement.webidl |
1192 |
HTMLTemplateElement.webidl |
1098 |
HTMLTextAreaElement.webidl |
3247 |
HTMLTimeElement.webidl |
608 |
HTMLTitleElement.webidl |
565 |
HTMLTrackElement.webidl |
1086 |
HTMLUListElement.webidl |
1126 |
HTMLVideoElement.webidl |
4203 |
IDBCursor.webidl |
1266 |
IDBDatabase.webidl |
1692 |
IDBFactory.webidl |
Interface that defines the indexedDB property on a window. See
for more information.
1867 |
IDBIndex.webidl |
2503 |
IDBKeyRange.webidl |
The origin of this IDL file is
Copyright © 2012 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C
liability, trademark and document use rules apply.
1119 |
IDBObjectStore.webidl |
2457 |
IDBOpenDBRequest.webidl |
555 |
IDBRequest.webidl |
1009 |
IDBTransaction.webidl |
1478 |
IDBVersionChangeEvent.webidl |
956 |
IdentityCredential.webidl |
3687 |
IdleDeadline.webidl |
496 |
IIRFilterNode.webidl |
974 |
ImageBitmap.webidl |
An image or a video frame is conceptually a two-dimensional array of data and
each element in the array is called a pixel. The pixels are usually stored in
a one-dimensional array and could be arranged in a variety of image formats.
Developers need to know how the pixels are formatted so that they are able to
process them.
The image format describes how pixels in an image are arranged. A single
pixel has at least one, but usually multiple pixel values. The range of a
pixel value varies, which means different image formats use different data
types to store a single pixel value.
The most frequently used data type is 8-bit unsigned integer whose range is
from 0 to 255, others could be 16-bit integer or 32-bit floating points and
so forth. The number of pixel values of a single pixel is called the number
of channels of the image format. Multiple pixel values of a pixel are used
together to describe the captured property which could be color or depth
information. For example, if the data is a color image in RGB color space,
then it is a three-channel image format and a pixel is described by R, G and
B three pixel values with range from 0 to 255. As another example, if the
data is a gray image, then it is a single-channel image format with 8-bit
unsigned integer data type and the pixel value describes the gray scale. For
depth data, it is a single channel image format too, but the data type is
16-bit unsigned integer and the pixel value is the depth level.
For those image formats whose pixels contain multiple pixel values, the pixel
values might be arranged in one of the following ways:
1) Planar pixel layout:
each channel has its pixel values stored consecutively in separated
buffers (a.k.a. planes) and then all channel buffers are stored
consecutively in memory.
(Ex: RRRRRR......GGGGGG......BBBBBB......)
2) Interleaving pixel layout:
each pixel has its pixel values from all channels stored together and
interleaves all channels.
15471 |
ImageBitmapRenderingContext.webidl |
2054 |
ImageCapture.webidl |
1167 |
ImageCaptureErrorEvent.webidl |
1255 |
ImageData.webidl |
1018 |
ImageDecoder.webidl |
2285 |
ImageDocument.webidl |
Whether the image is overflowing visible area. |
739 |
InputEvent.webidl |
1736 |
InstallTrigger.webidl |
A callback function that webpages can implement to be notified when triggered
installs complete.
2856 |
IntersectionObserver.webidl |
1912 |
IntlUtils.webidl |
The IntlUtils interface provides helper functions for localization.
2112 |
InvokeEvent.webidl |
723 |
InvokerElement.webidl |
584 |
IterableIterator.webidl |
510 |
KeyAlgorithm.webidl |
1089 |
KeyboardEvent.webidl |
2730 |
KeyEvent.webidl |
12020 |
KeyframeAnimationOptions.webidl |
687 |
KeyframeEffect.webidl |
2195 |
KeyIdsInitData.webidl |
522 |
LinkStyle.webidl |
485 |
Localization.webidl |
L10nIdArgs is an object used to carry localization tuple for message
id - identifier of a message.
args - an optional record of arguments used to format the message.
The argument will be converted to/from JSON, and the API
will only handle strings and numbers.
5251 |
Location.webidl |
1785 |
Lock.webidl |
494 |
LockManager.webidl |
1157 |
MathMLElement.webidl |
791 |
MediaCapabilities.webidl |
2957 |
MediaDebugInfo.webidl |
This module defines dictonaries that are filled with debug information
through GetDebugInfo() calls in the media component. To get the information
filled and returned, we have two methods that return promises, one in
HTMLMediaElement and one in MediaSource.
If you need to add some extra info, there's one dictionary per class,
following the pattern <ClassName>DebugInfo, where you can add some fields
and fill them in the corresponding GetDebugInfo() call.
Below is the structures returned.
Used by HTMLMediaElement.GetMozRequestDebugInfo(), see HTMLMediaElement.webidl:
Used by MediaSource.GetMozDebugReaderData(), see MediaSource.webidl:
6987 |
MediaDeviceInfo.webidl |
755 |
MediaDevices.webidl |
1679 |
MediaElementAudioSourceNode.webidl |
915 |
MediaEncryptedEvent.webidl |
939 |
MediaError.webidl |
967 |
MediaKeyError.webidl |
800 |
MediaKeyMessageEvent.webidl |
1058 |
MediaKeys.webidl |
1651 |
MediaKeySession.webidl |
1325 |
MediaKeysRequestStatus.webidl |
Note: This dictionary and enum is only used by Gecko to convey messages
to chrome JS code. It is not exposed to the web.
709 |
MediaKeyStatusMap.webidl |
939 |
MediaKeySystemAccess.webidl |
1555 |
MediaList.webidl |
691 |
MediaQueryList.webidl |
825 |
MediaQueryListEvent.webidl |
691 |
MediaRecorder.webidl |
1798 |
MediaRecorderErrorEvent.webidl |
768 |
MediaSession.webidl |
2050 |
MediaSource.webidl |
1609 |
MediaStream.webidl |
2288 |
MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode.webidl |
769 |
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode.webidl |
931 |
MediaStreamError.webidl |
890 |
MediaStreamEvent.webidl |
694 |
MediaStreamTrack.webidl |
3695 |
MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode.webidl |
882 |
MediaStreamTrackEvent.webidl |
693 |
MediaTrackCapabilities.webidl |
1216 |
MediaTrackSettings.webidl |
1199 |
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.webidl |
1571 |
MerchantValidationEvent.webidl |
1137 |
MessageChannel.webidl |
581 |
MessageEvent.webidl |
Custom data associated with this event.
2411 |
MessagePort.webidl |
925 |
MIDIAccess.webidl |
655 |
MIDIConnectionEvent.webidl |
687 |
MIDIInput.webidl |
505 |
MIDIInputMap.webidl |
499 |
MIDIMessageEvent.webidl |
683 |
MIDIOptions.webidl |
449 |
MIDIOutput.webidl |
578 |
MIDIOutputMap.webidl |
501 |
MIDIPort.webidl |
1087 |
MimeType.webidl |
493 |
MimeTypeArray.webidl |
504 |
MLS.webidl |
3828 |
MouseEvent.webidl |
5828 |
MouseScrollEvent.webidl |
1462 |
moz.build |
36445 |
MozFrameLoaderOwner.webidl |
A mixin included by elements that are 'browsing context containers'
in HTML5 terms (that is, elements such as iframe that creates a new
browsing context):
Objects including this mixin must implement nsFrameLoaderOwner in
native C++ code.
1544 |
MutationEvent.webidl |
1460 |
MutationObserver.webidl |
2386 |
NamedNodeMap.webidl |
872 |
NavigateEvent.webidl |
1846 |
Navigation.webidl |
2105 |
NavigationActivation.webidl |
649 |
NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent.webidl |
879 |
NavigationDestination.webidl |
713 |
NavigationHistoryEntry.webidl |
781 |
NavigationPreloadManager.webidl |
830 |
NavigationTransition.webidl |
647 |
Navigator.webidl |
13725 |
NetErrorInfo.webidl |
This dictionary is used for exposing failed channel info
to about:neterror to built UI.
561 |
NetworkInformation.webidl |
744 |
NetworkOptions.webidl |
This dictionary holds the parameters sent to the network worker.
5458 |
Node.webidl |
If this element is a flex item (or has one or more anonymous box ancestors
that chain up to an anonymous flex item), then this method returns the
flex container that the flex item participates in. Otherwise, this method
returns null.
4824 |
NodeFilter.webidl |
1333 |
NodeIterator.webidl |
910 |
NodeList.webidl |
673 |
NonElementParentNode.webidl |
475 |
Notification.webidl |
2469 |
NotificationEvent.webidl |
877 |
NotifyPaintEvent.webidl |
The NotifyPaintEvent interface is used for the MozDOMAfterPaint
event, which fires at a window when painting has happened in
that window.
1214 |
Nyx.webidl |
Interface for interacting with the Nyx snapshot fuzzing engine.
Various functions useful for snapshot fuzzing that are enabled
only in --enable-snapshot-fuzzing builds, because they may be dangerous to
enable on untrusted pages.
1169 |
OfflineAudioCompletionEvent.webidl |
826 |
OfflineAudioContext.webidl |
1191 |
OffscreenCanvas.webidl |
1666 |
OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D.webidl |
1485 |
OscillatorNode.webidl |
1321 |
PageTransitionEvent.webidl |
The PageTransitionEvent interface is used for the pageshow and
pagehide events, which are generic events that apply to both page
load/unload and saving/restoring a document from session history.
1151 |
PaintRequest.webidl |
These objects are exposed by the MozDOMAfterPaint event. Each one represents
a request to repaint a rectangle that was generated by the browser.
1051 |
PaintRequestList.webidl |
429 |
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.webidl |
581 |
PannerNode.webidl |
2670 |
ParentNode.webidl |
1398 |
PaymentAddress.webidl |
1419 |
PaymentMethodChangeEvent.webidl |
1033 |
PaymentRequest.webidl |
3859 |
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent.webidl |
914 |
PaymentResponse.webidl |
1452 |
PeerConnectionImpl.webidl |
Must be created first. Observer events will be dispatched on the thread provided |
4659 |
PeerConnectionObserver.webidl |
JSEP callbacks |
1859 |
PeerConnectionObserverEnums.webidl |
747 |
Performance.webidl |
3502 |
PerformanceEntry.webidl |
791 |
PerformanceEntryEvent.webidl |
943 |
PerformanceEventTiming.webidl |
1001 |
PerformanceLargestContentfulPaint.webidl |
921 |
PerformanceMark.webidl |
582 |
PerformanceMeasure.webidl |
492 |
PerformanceNavigation.webidl |
883 |
PerformanceNavigationTiming.webidl |
1443 |
PerformanceObserver.webidl |
1140 |
PerformanceObserverEntryList.webidl |
964 |
PerformancePaintTiming.webidl |
595 |
PerformanceResourceTiming.webidl |
2664 |
PerformanceServerTiming.webidl |
792 |
PerformanceTiming.webidl |
2570 |
PeriodicWave.webidl |
896 |
Permissions.webidl |
1537 |
PermissionStatus.webidl |
695 |
Plugin.webidl |
620 |
PluginArray.webidl |
521 |
PointerEvent.webidl |
1549 |
PopoverInvokerElement.webidl |
558 |
PopStateEvent.webidl |
519 |
PopupBlockedEvent.webidl |
836 |
PositionStateEvent.webidl |
623 |
PrivateAttribution.webidl |
1066 |
ProcessingInstruction.webidl |
969 |
ProgressEvent.webidl |
719 |
Promise.webidl |
681 |
PromiseRejectionEvent.webidl |
770 |
PushEvent.webidl |
721 |
PushManager.webidl |
1953 |
PushMessageData.webidl |
620 |
PushSubscription.webidl |
1586 |
PushSubscriptionChangeEvent.webidl |
839 |
PushSubscriptionOptions.webidl |
527 |
QueuingStrategy.webidl |
1013 |
RadioNodeList.webidl |
740 |
Range.webidl |
3601 |
ReadableByteStreamController.webidl |
729 |
ReadableStream.webidl |
1666 |
ReadableStreamBYOBReader.webidl |
828 |
ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.webidl |
637 |
ReadableStreamDefaultController.webidl |
646 |
ReadableStreamDefaultReader.webidl |
1088 |
ReferrerPolicy.webidl |
594 |
Reporting.webidl |
3409 |
Request.webidl |
Note that Requests created from system principal (ie "privileged"/chrome)
code will default to omitting credentials. You can override this behaviour
using the ``credentials`` member on the ``init`` dictionary.
3268 |
ResizeObserver.webidl |
1707 |
Response.webidl |
1961 |
RTCCertificate.webidl |
603 |
RTCConfiguration.webidl |
1316 |
RTCDataChannel.webidl |
1339 |
RTCDataChannelEvent.webidl |
712 |
RTCDtlsTransport.webidl |
738 |
RTCDTMFSender.webidl |
751 |
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent.webidl |
669 |
RTCEncodedAudioFrame.webidl |
850 |
RTCEncodedVideoFrame.webidl |
1423 |
RTCIceCandidate.webidl |
1870 |
RTCIceTransport.webidl |
1303 |
RTCIdentityAssertion.webidl |
460 |
RTCIdentityProvider.webidl |
Whether an IdP was passed to register() to chrome code. |
2298 |
RTCPeerConnection.webidl |
7869 |
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent.webidl |
764 |
RTCPeerConnectionStatic.webidl |
Right now, it is not possible to add static functions to a JS implemented
interface (see bug 863952), so we need to create a simple interface with a
trivial constructor and no data to hold these functions that really ought to
be static in RTCPeerConnection.
TODO(bcampen@mozilla.com) Merge this code into RTCPeerConnection once this
limitation is gone. (Bug 1017082)
1584 |
RTCRtpCapabilities.webidl |
780 |
RTCRtpParameters.webidl |
2031 |
RTCRtpReceiver.webidl |
1748 |
RTCRtpScriptTransform.webidl |
817 |
RTCRtpScriptTransformer.webidl |
792 |
RTCRtpSender.webidl |
1370 |
RTCRtpSources.webidl |
Internal enum of types used by RTCRtpSourceEntry |
1002 |
RTCRtpTransceiver.webidl |
1524 |
RTCSctpTransport.webidl |
803 |
RTCSessionDescription.webidl |
1034 |
RTCStatsReport.webidl |
11099 |
RTCTrackEvent.webidl |
1173 |
RTCTransformEvent.webidl |
760 |
Sanitizer.webidl |
dictionary SetHTMLUnsafeOptions {
(Sanitizer or SanitizerConfig or SanitizerPresets) sanitizer = {};
2605 |
Screen.webidl |
DEPRECATED, use ScreenOrientation API instead.
Returns the current screen orientation.
Can be: landscape-primary, landscape-secondary,
portrait-primary or portrait-secondary.
2217 |
ScreenOrientation.webidl |
1149 |
ScriptProcessorNode.webidl |
751 |
ScrollAreaEvent.webidl |
1006 |
ScrollViewChangeEvent.webidl |
629 |
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent.webidl |
1965 |
Selection.webidl |
Returns the number of ranges in the selection.
5756 |
ServiceWorker.webidl |
1046 |
ServiceWorkerContainer.webidl |
1471 |
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.webidl |
Bug 1475599 - We decide to do not implement the entire cookie-store spec.
Instead, we implement only the subset that is compatible with document.cookie
attribute EventHandler oncookiechange;
2230 |
ServiceWorkerRegistration.webidl |
Bug 1475599 - We decide to do not implement the entire cookie-store spec.
Instead, we implement only the subset that is compatible with document.cookie
partial interface ServiceWorkerRegistration {
[SameObject] readonly attribute CookieStoreManager cookies;
2168 |
ShadowRealmGlobalScope.webidl |
525 |
ShadowRoot.webidl |
2723 |
SharedWorker.webidl |
568 |
SharedWorkerGlobalScope.webidl |
858 |
SimpleGestureEvent.webidl |
The SimpleGestureEvent interface is the datatype for all
Mozilla-specific simple gesture events in the Document Object Model.
The following events are generated:
MozSwipeGestureMayStart - Generated when the user starts a horizontal
swipe across the input device, but before we know whether the user
is actually scrolling past a scroll edge.
This event asks two questions: Should a swipe really be started, and
in which directions should the user be able to swipe? The first
question is answered by event listeners by calling or not calling
preventDefault() on the event. Since a swipe swallows all scroll
events, the default action of the swipe start event is *not* to
start a swipe. Call preventDefault() if you want a swipe to be
started. Doing so won't necessarily result in a swipe being started,
it only communicates an intention. Once Gecko determines whether a
swipe should actually be started, it will send a MozSwipeGestureStart
The second question (swipe-able directions) is answered in the
allowedDirections field.
MozSwipeGestureStart - This event signals the start of a swipe.
It guarantees a future MozSwipeGestureEnd event that will signal
the end of a swipe animation.
MozSwipeGestureUpdate - Generated periodically while the user is
continuing a horizontal swipe gesture. The "delta" value represents
the current absolute gesture amount. This event may even be sent
after a MozSwipeGesture event fired in order to allow for fluid
completion of a swipe animation. The direction value is meaningless
on swipe update events.
MozSwipeGestureEnd - Generated when the swipe animation is completed.
MozSwipeGesture - Generated when the user releases a swipe across
across the input device. This event signals that the actual swipe
operation is complete, even though the animation might not be finished
yet. This event can be sent without accompanying start / update / end
events, and it can also be handled on its own if the consumer doesn't
want to handle swipe animation events.
Only the direction value has any significance, the delta value is
MozMagnifyGestureStart - Generated when the user begins the magnify
("pinch") gesture. The "delta" value represents the initial
MozMagnifyGestureUpdate - Generated periodically while the user is
continuing the magnify ("pinch") gesture. The "delta" value
represents the movement since the last MozMagnifyGestureStart or
MozMagnifyGestureUpdate event.
MozMagnifyGesture - Generated when the user has completed the
magnify ("pinch") gesture. If you only want to receive a single
event when the magnify gesture is complete, you only need to hook
this event and can safely ignore the MozMagnifyGestureStart and the
MozMagnifyGestureUpdate events. The "delta" value is the cumulative
amount represented by the user's gesture.
MozRotateGestureStart - Generated when the user begins the rotation
gesture. The "delta" value represents the initial rotation.
MozRotateGestureUpdate - Generated periodically while the user is
continuing the rotation gesture. The "delta" value represents the
rotation since the last MozRotateGestureStart or
MozRotateGestureUpdate event.
MozRotateGesture - Generated when the user has completed the
rotation gesture. If you only want to receive a single event when
the rotation gesture is complete, you only need to hook this event
and can safely ignore the MozRotateGestureStart and the
MozRotateGestureUpdate events. The "delta" value is the cumulative
amount of rotation represented by the user's gesture.
MozTapGesture - Generated when the user executes a two finger
tap gesture on the input device. Client coordinates contain the
center point of the tap.
(XXX On OS X, only Lion (10.7) and up)
MozPressTapGesture - Generated when the user executes a press
and tap two finger gesture (first finger down, second finger down,
second finger up, first finger up) on the input device.
Client coordinates contain the center pivot point of the action.
(XXX Not implemented on Mac)
MozEdgeUIGesture - Generated when the user swipes the display to
invoke edge ui.
(XXX Win8 only)
Default behavior:
Some operating systems support default behaviors for gesture events
when they are not handled by the application. Consumers should
use event.preventDefault() to prevent default behavior when
consuming events.
9350 |
SocketCommon.webidl |
486 |
SourceBuffer.webidl |
2401 |
SourceBufferList.webidl |
814 |
SpeechGrammar.webidl |
795 |
SpeechGrammarList.webidl |
990 |
SpeechRecognition.webidl |
1646 |
SpeechRecognitionAlternative.webidl |
749 |
SpeechRecognitionError.webidl |
949 |
SpeechRecognitionEvent.webidl |
935 |
SpeechRecognitionResult.webidl |
810 |
SpeechRecognitionResultList.webidl |
769 |
SpeechSynthesis.webidl |
1061 |
SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent.webidl |
1139 |
SpeechSynthesisEvent.webidl |
1134 |
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.webidl |
1173 |
SpeechSynthesisVoice.webidl |
805 |
StaticRange.webidl |
816 |
StereoPannerNode.webidl |
890 |
Storage.webidl |
Testing methods that exist only for the benefit of automated glass-box
testing. Will never be exposed to content at large and unlikely to be useful
in a WebDriver context.
3485 |
StorageEvent.webidl |
1485 |
StorageManager.webidl |
Testing methods that exist only for the benefit of automated glass-box
testing. Will never be exposed to content at large and unlikely to be useful
in a WebDriver context.
1128 |
StreamFilter.webidl |
This is a Mozilla-specific WebExtension API, which is not available to web
content. It allows monitoring and filtering of HTTP response stream data.
This API should currently be considered experimental, and is not defined by
any standard.
4329 |
StreamFilterDataEvent.webidl |
This is a Mozilla-specific WebExtension API, which is not available to web
content. It allows monitoring and filtering of HTTP response stream data.
This API should currently be considered experimental, and is not defined by
any standard.
977 |
StructuredCloneTester.webidl |
566 |
StyleSheet.webidl |
2016 |
StyleSheetList.webidl |
397 |
SubmitEvent.webidl |
663 |
SubtleCrypto.webidl |
Algorithm dictionaries **** |
6495 |
SVGAElement.webidl |
1064 |
SVGAngle.webidl |
1220 |
SVGAnimatedAngle.webidl |
636 |
SVGAnimatedBoolean.webidl |
610 |
SVGAnimatedEnumeration.webidl |
699 |
SVGAnimatedInteger.webidl |
654 |
SVGAnimatedLength.webidl |
639 |
SVGAnimatedLengthList.webidl |
651 |
SVGAnimatedNumber.webidl |
654 |
SVGAnimatedNumberList.webidl |
651 |
SVGAnimatedPoints.webidl |
640 |
SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.webidl |
678 |
SVGAnimatedRect.webidl |
609 |
SVGAnimatedString.webidl |
641 |
SVGAnimatedTransformList.webidl |
660 |
SVGAnimateElement.webidl |
555 |
SVGAnimateMotionElement.webidl |
561 |
SVGAnimateTransformElement.webidl |
564 |
SVGAnimationElement.webidl |
1061 |
SVGCircleElement.webidl |
720 |
SVGClipPathElement.webidl |
689 |
SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.webidl |
1454 |
SVGDefsElement.webidl |
551 |
SVGDescElement.webidl |
543 |
SVGDiscardElement.webidl |
563 |
SVGElement.webidl |
985 |
SVGEllipseElement.webidl |
778 |
SVGFEBlendElement.webidl |
1736 |
SVGFEColorMatrixElement.webidl |
1140 |
SVGFEComponentTransferElement.webidl |
693 |
SVGFECompositeElement.webidl |
1524 |
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.webidl |
1615 |
SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.webidl |
966 |
SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.webidl |
1196 |
SVGFEDistantLightElement.webidl |
677 |
SVGFEDropShadowElement.webidl |
997 |
SVGFEFloodElement.webidl |
612 |
SVGFEFuncAElement.webidl |
604 |
SVGFEFuncBElement.webidl |
604 |
SVGFEFuncGElement.webidl |
604 |
SVGFEFuncRElement.webidl |
604 |
SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.webidl |
889 |
SVGFEImageElement.webidl |
795 |
SVGFEMergeElement.webidl |
612 |
SVGFEMergeNodeElement.webidl |
607 |
SVGFEMorphologyElement.webidl |
1073 |
SVGFEOffsetElement.webidl |
783 |
SVGFEPointLightElement.webidl |
716 |
SVGFESpecularLightingElement.webidl |
1039 |
SVGFESpotLightElement.webidl |
1045 |
SVGFETileElement.webidl |
667 |
SVGFETurbulenceElement.webidl |
1388 |
SVGFilterElement.webidl |
1002 |
SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.webidl |
830 |
SVGFitToViewBox.webidl |
665 |
SVGForeignObjectElement.webidl |
789 |
SVGGElement.webidl |
548 |
SVGGeometryElement.webidl |
878 |
SVGGradientElement.webidl |
1051 |
SVGGraphicsElement.webidl |
1234 |
SVGImageElement.webidl |
1119 |
SVGLength.webidl |
1472 |
SVGLengthList.webidl |
1232 |
SVGLinearGradientElement.webidl |
788 |
SVGLineElement.webidl |
775 |
SVGMarkerElement.webidl |
1562 |
SVGMaskElement.webidl |
1031 |
SVGMatrix.webidl |
1345 |
SVGMetadataElement.webidl |
547 |
SVGMPathElement.webidl |
587 |
SVGNumber.webidl |
567 |
SVGNumberList.webidl |
1094 |
SVGPathElement.webidl |
1166 |
SVGPatternElement.webidl |
1130 |
SVGPoint.webidl |
690 |
SVGPointList.webidl |
1083 |
SVGPolygonElement.webidl |
601 |
SVGPolylineElement.webidl |
603 |
SVGPreserveAspectRatio.webidl |
1513 |
SVGRadialGradientElement.webidl |
926 |
SVGRect.webidl |
684 |
SVGRectElement.webidl |
892 |
SVGScriptElement.webidl |
790 |
SVGSetElement.webidl |
551 |
SVGStopElement.webidl |
603 |
SVGStringList.webidl |
1125 |
SVGStyleElement.webidl |
756 |
SVGSVGElement.webidl |
2331 |
SVGSwitchElement.webidl |
553 |
SVGSymbolElement.webidl |
662 |
SVGTests.webidl |
620 |
SVGTextContentElement.webidl |
1437 |
SVGTextElement.webidl |
558 |
SVGTextPathElement.webidl |
1190 |
SVGTextPositioningElement.webidl |
867 |
SVGTitleElement.webidl |
544 |
SVGTransform.webidl |
1379 |
SVGTransformList.webidl |
1263 |
SVGTSpanElement.webidl |
559 |
SVGUnitTypes.webidl |
714 |
SVGURIReference.webidl |
578 |
SVGUseElement.webidl |
940 |
SVGViewElement.webidl |
624 |
SVGZoomAndPan.webidl |
752 |
TaskPriorityChangeEvent.webidl |
561 |
TCPServerSocket.webidl |
An interface to a server socket that can accept incoming connections for gaia apps.
1344 |
TCPServerSocketEvent.webidl |
623 |
TCPSocket.webidl |
TCPSocket exposes a TCP client socket (no server sockets yet)
to highly privileged apps. It provides a buffered, non-blocking
interface for sending. For receiving, it uses an asynchronous,
event handler based interface.
7654 |
TCPSocketErrorEvent.webidl |
Dispatched as part of the "error" event in the following situations:
- if there's an error detected when the TCPSocket closes
- if there's an internal error while sending data
- if there's an error connecting to the host
1027 |
TCPSocketEvent.webidl |
TCPSocketEvent is the event dispatched for all of the events described by TCPSocket,
except the "error" event. It contains the socket that was associated with the event,
the type of event, and the data associated with the event if the event is a "data" event.
1346 |
TestFunctions.webidl |
6145 |
TestInterfaceJS.webidl |
3223 |
TestInterfaceJSDictionaries.webidl |
1050 |
TestInterfaceJSMaplikeSetlikeIterable.webidl |
3550 |
TestInterfaceObservableArray.webidl |
2431 |
TestUtils.webidl |
523 |
Text.webidl |
984 |
TextClause.webidl |
660 |
TextDecoder.webidl |
1042 |
TextDecoderStream.webidl |
634 |
TextEncoder.webidl |
This is DOMString in the spec, but the value is always ASCII
and short. By declaring this as ByteString, we get the same
end result (storage as inline Latin1 string in SpiderMonkey)
with fewer conversions.
1592 |
TextEncoderStream.webidl |
558 |
TextEvent.webidl |
798 |
TextTrack.webidl |
1214 |
TextTrackCue.webidl |
654 |
TextTrackCueList.webidl |
562 |
TextTrackList.webidl |
846 |
TimeEvent.webidl |
832 |
TimeRanges.webidl |
762 |
ToggleEvent.webidl |
724 |
Touch.webidl |
1608 |
TouchEvent.webidl |
1638 |
TouchList.webidl |
701 |
TrackEvent.webidl |
686 |
Transformer.webidl |
876 |
TransformStream.webidl |
731 |
TransformStreamDefaultController.webidl |
647 |
TransitionEvent.webidl |
990 |
TreeWalker.webidl |
1000 |
TrustedTypes.webidl |
2458 |
UDPMessageEvent.webidl |
973 |
UDPSocket.webidl |
2072 |
UIEvent.webidl |
2091 |
UnderlyingSink.webidl |
934 |
UnderlyingSource.webidl |
1001 |
URL.webidl |
1922 |
URLSearchParams.webidl |
1408 |
UserActivation.webidl |
542 |
UserProximityEvent.webidl |
653 |
ValidityState.webidl |
1084 |
VideoColorSpace.webidl |
1697 |
VideoDecoder.webidl |
2043 |
VideoEncoder.webidl |
3581 |
VideoFrame.webidl |
5075 |
VideoPlaybackQuality.webidl |
843 |
VideoTrack.webidl |
651 |
VideoTrackList.webidl |
792 |
ViewTransition.webidl |
586 |
VisualViewport.webidl |
792 |
VRDisplay.webidl |
XXX - When WebVR in WebWorkers is implemented, HTMLCanvasElement below
should be replaced with VRSource.
11364 |
VRDisplayEvent.webidl |
738 |
VRServiceTest.webidl |
3443 |
VTTCue.webidl |
1698 |
VTTRegion.webidl |
969 |
WakeLock.webidl |
580 |
WakeLockSentinel.webidl |
666 |
WaveShaperNode.webidl |
1064 |
WebAuthentication.webidl |
Interfaces to Data **** |
14126 |
WebGL2RenderingContext.webidl |
49873 |
WebGLContextEvent.webidl |
735 |
WebGLRenderingContext.webidl |
'byte' should be a signed 8 bit type. |
52407 |
WebGPU.webidl |
38204 |
WebSocket.webidl |
2132 |
WebTaskScheduling.webidl |
1205 |
WebTransport.webidl |
https://w3c.github.io/webtransport |
3264 |
WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream.webidl |
https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#duplex-stream |
866 |
WebTransportError.webidl |
https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#web-transport-error-interface |
794 |
WebTransportSendReceiveStream.webidl |
https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#send-stream |
1569 |
WebXR.webidl |
7039 |
WheelEvent.webidl |
1453 |
Window.webidl |
32913 |
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.webidl |
3392 |
Worker.webidl |
1525 |
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.webidl |
1293 |
WorkerGlobalScope.webidl |
1750 |
WorkerLocation.webidl |
998 |
WorkerNavigator.webidl |
1518 |
WorkerTestUtils.webidl |
1809 |
Worklet.webidl |
645 |
WorkletGlobalScope.webidl |
537 |
WritableStream.webidl |
755 |
WritableStreamDefaultController.webidl |
545 |
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.webidl |
853 |
XMLDocument.webidl |
465 |
XMLHttpRequest.webidl |
Parameters for instantiating an XMLHttpRequest. They are passed as an
optional argument to the constructor:
new XMLHttpRequest({anon: true, system: true});
3988 |
XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.webidl |
880 |
XMLHttpRequestUpload.webidl |
616 |
XMLSerializer.webidl |
The subtree rooted by the specified element is serialized to
a string.
@param root The root of the subtree to be serialized. This could
be any node, including a Document.
@returns The serialized subtree in the form of a Unicode string
1425 |
XPathEvaluator.webidl |
XPathResult.ANY_TYPE |
952 |
XPathExpression.webidl |
XPathResult.ANY_TYPE |
1349 |
XPathNSResolver.webidl |
396 |
XPathResult.webidl |
1381 |
XRInputSourceEvent.webidl |
793 |
XRInputSourcesChangeEvent.webidl |
1208 |
XRReferenceSpaceEvent.webidl |
Changed from "XRRigidTransform transform;" in order to work with the
event code generation.
956 |
XRSessionEvent.webidl |
673 |
XSLTProcessor.webidl |
Import the stylesheet into this XSLTProcessor for transformations.
@param style The root-node of a XSLT stylesheet. This can be either
a document node or an element node. If a document node
then the document can contain either a XSLT stylesheet
or a LRE stylesheet.
If the argument is an element node it must be the
xsl:stylesheet (or xsl:transform) element of an XSLT
4230 |