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// ServiceWorkersEnabled internalizes the SecureContext check because we have a
// devtools affordance that allows this to pass on http as well as a test pref.
interface ServiceWorkerContainer : EventTarget {
readonly attribute ServiceWorker? controller;
readonly attribute Promise<ServiceWorkerRegistration> ready;
[NewObject, NeedsCallerType, Throws]
Promise<ServiceWorkerRegistration> register((TrustedScriptURL or USVString) scriptURL,
optional RegistrationOptions options = {});
Promise<(ServiceWorkerRegistration or undefined)> getRegistration(optional USVString documentURL = "");
Promise<sequence<ServiceWorkerRegistration>> getRegistrations();
undefined startMessages();
attribute EventHandler oncontrollerchange;
attribute EventHandler onmessage;
attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;
dictionary RegistrationOptions {
USVString scope;
ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache updateViaCache = "imports";