BaseHistory.cpp |
visited = |
8313 |
BaseHistory.h |
A base class for history implementations that implement link coloring. |
2963 |
BrowsingContext.cpp |
140893 |
BrowsingContext.h |
Top()-only. If true, new-playing media will be suspended when in an \
inactive browsing context. |
65018 |
BrowsingContextGroup.cpp |
23831 |
BrowsingContextGroup.h |
13788 |
BrowsingContextWebProgress.cpp |
16705 |
BrowsingContextWebProgress.h |
3915 |
CanonicalBrowsingContext.cpp |
119669 |
CanonicalBrowsingContext.h |
24805 |
ChildProcessChannelListener.cpp |
2086 |
ChildProcessChannelListener.h |
1918 |
crashtests |
IHistory.h |
Registers the Link for notifications about the visited-ness of aURI.
Consumers should assume that the URI is unvisited after calling this, and
they will be notified if that state (unvisited) changes by having
VisitedQueryFinished called on themselves. Note that it may call
synchronously if the answer is already known.
@note VisitedQueryFinished must not call RegisterVisitedCallback or
@pre aURI must not be null.
@pre aLink may be null only in the parent (chrome) process.
@param aURI
The URI to check.
@param aLink
The link to update whenever the history status changes. The
implementation will only hold onto a raw pointer, so if this
object should be destroyed, be sure to call
UnregisterVistedCallback first.
5573 |
LoadContext.cpp |
6318 |
LoadContext.h |
Class that provides nsILoadContext info in Parent process. Typically copied
from Child via SerializedLoadContext.
Note: this is not the "normal" or "original" nsILoadContext. That is
typically provided by BrowsingContext. This is only used when the original
docshell is in a different process and we need to copy certain values from
2001 |
metrics.yaml |
3009 | |
3236 |
nsAboutRedirector.cpp |
Entries which do not have URI_SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CONTENT will run with chrome
privileges. This is potentially dangerous. Please use
URI_SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CONTENT in the third argument to each map item below
unless your about: page really needs chrome privileges. Security review is
required before adding new map entries without
URI_SAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CONTENT is not enough to let web pages load that page,
for that you need MAKE_LINKABLE.
NOTE: changes to this redir map need to be accompanied with changes to
13161 |
nsAboutRedirector.h |
690 |
nsCTooltipTextProvider.h |
603 |
nsDocShell.cpp |
487954 |
nsDocShell.h |
internally used ViewMode types |
55938 |
nsDocShellEditorData.cpp |
3956 |
nsDocShellEditorData.h |
2121 |
nsDocShellEnumerator.cpp |
2453 |
nsDocShellEnumerator.h |
1219 |
nsDocShellLoadState.cpp |
51589 |
nsDocShellLoadState.h |
nsDocShellLoadState contains setup information used in a nsIDocShell::loadURI
22665 |
nsDocShellLoadTypes.h |
Load flag for error pages. This uses one of the reserved flag
values from nsIWebNavigation.
8187 |
nsDocShellTelemetryUtils.cpp |
4395 |
nsDocShellTelemetryUtils.h |
Convert page load errors to telemetry labels
Only select nsresults are converted, otherwise this function
will return "errorOther", view the list of errors at
812 |
nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp |
40628 |
nsDocShellTreeOwner.h |
nsDocShellTreeOwner_h__ |
3457 |
nsDSURIContentListener.cpp |
10205 |
nsDSURIContentListener.h |
Closes the provided window async (if mShouldCloseWindow is true) and
returns a valid browsingContext to be used instead as parent for dialogs or
similar things.
In case mShouldCloseWindow is true, the returned BrowsingContext will be
the window's opener (or original cross-group opener in the case of a
`noopener` popup).
3107 |
nsIDocShell.idl |
The nsIDocShell interface.
24264 |
nsIDocShellTreeItem.idl |
The nsIDocShellTreeItem supplies the methods that are required of any item
that wishes to be able to live within the docshell tree either as a middle
node or a leaf.
5807 |
nsIDocShellTreeOwner.idl |
The nsIDocShellTreeOwner
3410 |
nsIDocumentLoaderFactory.idl |
To get a component that implements nsIDocumentLoaderFactory
for a given mimetype, use nsContentUtils::FindInternalDocumentViewer.
This will look up the MIME type within the "Gecko-Content-Viewers" category,
with additional handlers for other content types.
1487 |
nsIDocumentViewer.idl |
aAction is passed to PermitUnload to indicate what action to take
if a beforeunload handler wants to prompt the user.
ePrompt: Prompt and return the user's choice (default).
eDontPromptAndDontUnload: Don't prompt and return false (unload not permitted)
if the document (or its children) asks us to prompt.
eDontPromptAndUnload: Don't prompt and return true (unload permitted) no matter what.
NOTE: Keep this in sync with PermitUnloadAction in WindowGlobalActors.webidl.
11076 |
nsIDocumentViewerEdit.idl |
1129 |
nsILoadContext.idl |
An nsILoadContext represents the context of a load. This interface
can be queried for various information about where the load is
4466 |
nsILoadURIDelegate.idl |
#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIURI;
interface nsIPrincipal;
The nsILoadURIDelegate interface.
Used for delegating URI loads to GeckoView's application, e.g., Custom Tabs
or Progressive Web Apps.
1100 |
nsIPrivacyTransitionObserver.idl |
406 |
nsIReflowObserver.idl |
Called when an uninterruptible reflow has occurred.
@param start timestamp when reflow ended, in milliseconds since
navigationStart (accurate to 1/1000 of a ms)
@param end timestamp when reflow ended, in milliseconds since
navigationStart (accurate to 1/1000 of a ms)
1210 |
nsIRefreshURI.idl |
Load a uri after waiting for aMillis milliseconds (as a result of a
meta refresh). If the docshell is busy loading a page currently, the
refresh request will be queued and executed when the current load
@param aUri The uri to refresh.
@param aPrincipal The triggeringPrincipal for the refresh load
May be null, in which case the principal of current document will be
@param aMillis The number of milliseconds to wait.
1898 |
nsIScrollObserver.h |
Called when the scroll position of some element has changed.
1501 |
nsITooltipListener.idl |
An optional interface for embedding clients wishing to receive
notifications for when a tooltip should be displayed or removed.
The embedder implements this interface on the web browser chrome
object associated with the window that notifications are required
@see nsITooltipTextProvider
1711 |
nsITooltipTextProvider.idl |
An interface implemented by a tooltip text provider service. This
service is called to discover what tooltip text is associated
with the node that the pointer is positioned over.
Embedders may implement and register their own tooltip text provider
service if they wish to provide different tooltip text.
The default service returns the text stored in the TITLE
attribute of the node or a containing parent.
The tooltip text provider service is registered with the contract
@see nsITooltipListener
@see nsIComponentManager
@see Node
1589 |
nsIURIFixup.idl |
Interface indicating what we found/corrected when fixing up a URI
7533 |
nsIWebNavigation.idl |
The nsIWebNavigation interface defines an interface for navigating the web.
It provides methods and attributes to direct an object to navigate to a new
location, stop or restart an in process load, or determine where the object
has previously gone.
Even though this is builtinclass, most of the interface is also implemented
in RemoteWebNavigation, so if this interface changes, the implementation
there may also need to change.
15726 |
nsIWebNavigationInfo.idl |
The nsIWebNavigationInfo interface exposes a way to get information
on the capabilities of Gecko webnavigation objects.
1801 |
nsIWebPageDescriptor.idl |
The nsIWebPageDescriptor interface allows content being displayed in one
window to be loaded into another window without refetching it from the
1031 |
nsPingListener.cpp |
11482 |
nsPingListener.h |
nsPingListener_h__ |
1222 |
nsRefreshTimer.cpp |
1438 |
nsRefreshTimer.h |
nsRefreshTimer_h__ |
1000 |
nsWebNavigationInfo.cpp |
2239 |
nsWebNavigationInfo.h |
988 |
SerializedLoadContext.cpp |
2737 |
SerializedLoadContext.h |
This file contains the IPC::SerializedLoadContext class, which is used to
copy data across IPDL from Child process contexts so it is available in the
3084 |
SyncedContext.h |
16938 |
SyncedContextInlines.h |
aFromIPC |
12121 |
URIFixup.sys.mjs |
This component handles fixing up URIs, by correcting obvious typos and adding
missing schemes.
URI references:
42069 |
WindowContext.cpp |
static |
26428 |
WindowContext.h |
Whether the SHEntry associated with the current top-level \
window has already seen user interaction. \
As such, this will be reset to false when a new SHEntry is \
created without changing the WC (e.g. when using pushState or \
sub-frame navigation) \
This flag is set for optimization purposes, to avoid \
having to get the top SHEntry and update it on every \
user interaction. \
This is only meaningful on the top-level WC. |
19592 |