bookmark_sync |
BookmarkHTMLUtils.sys.mjs |
This file works on the old-style "bookmarks.html" file. It includes
functions to import and export existing bookmarks to this file format.
Primary heading := h1
Old version used this to set attributes on the bookmarks RDF root, such
as the last modified date. We only use H1 to check for the attribute
PLACES_ROOT, which tells us that this hierarchy root is the places root.
For backwards compatibility, if we don't find this, we assume that the
hierarchy is rooted at the bookmarks menu.
Heading := any heading other than h1
Old version used this to set attributes on the current container. We only
care about the content of the heading container, which contains the title
of the bookmark container.
Bookmark := a
HREF is the destination of the bookmark
FEEDURL is the URI of the RSS feed. This is deprecated and no more
supported, but some old files may still contain it.
LAST_CHARSET is stored as an annotation so that the next time we go to
that page we remember the user's preference.
ICON will be stored in the favicon service
ICON_URI is new for places bookmarks.html, it refers to the original
URI of the favicon so we don't have to make up favicon URLs.
Text of the <a> container is the name of the bookmark
Ignored: LAST_VISIT, ID (writing out non-RDF IDs can confuse Firefox 2)
Bookmark comment := dd
This affects the previosly added bookmark
Separator := hr
Insert a separator into the current container
The folder hierarchy is defined by <dl>/<ul>/<menu> (the old importing code
handles all these cases, when we write, use <dl>).
Overall design
We need to emulate a recursive parser. A "Bookmark import frame" is created
corresponding to each folder we encounter. These are arranged in a stack,
and contain all the state we need to keep track of.
A frame is created when we find a heading, which defines a new container.
The frame also keeps track of the nesting of <DL>s, (in well-formed
bookmarks files, these will have a 1-1 correspondence with frames, but we
try to be a little more flexible here). When the nesting count decreases
to 0, then we know a frame is complete and to pop back to the previous
Note that a lot of things happen when tags are CLOSED because we need to
get the text from the content of the tag. For example, link and heading tags
both require the content (= title) before actually creating it.
35911 |
BookmarkJSONUtils.sys.mjs |
Import bookmarks from a url.
@param {string} aSpec
url of the bookmark data.
@param {boolean} [options.replace]
Whether we should erase existing bookmarks before importing.
@param {PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES} [options.source]
The bookmark change source, used to determine the sync status for
imported bookmarks. Defaults to `RESTORE` if `replace = true`, or
`IMPORT` otherwise.
@returns {Promise<number>} The number of imported bookmarks, not including
folders and separators.
@resolves When the new bookmarks have been created.
@rejects JavaScript exception.
17737 |
BookmarkList.sys.mjs |
A collection of bookmarks that internally stays up-to-date in order to
efficiently query whether certain URLs are bookmarked.
7497 |
Bookmarks.sys.mjs |
This module provides an asynchronous API for managing bookmarks.
Bookmarks are organized in a tree structure, and include URLs, folders and
separators. Multiple bookmarks for the same URL are allowed.
Note that if you are handling bookmarks operations in the UI, you should
not use this API directly, but rather use PlacesTransactions, so that
any operation is undo/redo-able.
Each bookmark-item is represented by an object having the following
- guid (string)
The globally unique identifier of the item.
- parentGuid (string)
The globally unique identifier of the folder containing the item.
This will be an empty string for the Places root folder.
- index (number)
The 0-based position of the item in the parent folder.
- dateAdded (Date)
The time at which the item was added.
- lastModified (Date)
The time at which the item was last modified.
- type (number)
The following properties are only valid for URLs or folders.
- title (string)
The item's title, if any. Empty titles and null titles are considered
the same. Titles longer than DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX will be truncated.
The following properties are only valid for URLs:
- url (URL, href or nsIURI)
The item's URL. Note that while input objects can contains either
an URL object, an href string, or an nsIURI, output objects will always
contain an URL object.
An URL cannot be longer than DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX, methods will throw if a
longer value is provided.
Each successful operation notifies through the PlacesObservers
interface. To listen to such notifications you must register using
PlacesUtils.observers.addListener and PlacesUtils.observers.removeListener
Note that bookmark addition or order changes won't notify bookmark-moved for
items that have their indexes changed.
Similarly, lastModified changes not done explicitly (like changing another
property) won't fire a bookmark-time-changed notification.
@see PlacesObservers
117124 |
components.conf |
5061 |
ConcurrentConnection.cpp |
15941 |
ConcurrentConnection.h |
Tracks all the necessary information to asynchronously run a query, and
call back once done.
6086 |
Database.cpp |
Get the filename for a corrupt database.
86573 |
Database.h |
Initializes the database connection and the schema.
In case of corruption the database is copied to a backup file and replaced.
11428 |
ExtensionSearchHandler.sys.mjs |
Registers a keyword.
@param {string} keyword The keyword to register.
@param {Extension} extension The extension registering the keyword.
11130 |
FaviconHelpers.cpp |
Fetches information about a page from the database.
@param aDB
Database connection to history tables.
@param _page
Page that should be fetched.
38525 |
FaviconHelpers.h |
Represents one of the payloads (frames) of an icon entry.
7318 |
Helpers.cpp |
13254 |
Helpers.h |
This file contains helper classes used by various bits of Places code.
10824 |
History.cpp |
Sets the transition type of the visit, as well as if it was typed.
@param aTransitionType
The transition type constant to set. Must be one of the
TRANSITION_ constants on nsINavHistoryService.
81517 |
History.h |
Adds an entry in moz_places with the data in aVisitData.
@param aPlace
The visit data to use to populate a new row in moz_places.
6669 |
History.sys.mjs |
Asynchronous API for managing history.
The API makes use of `PageInfo` and `VisitInfo` objects, defined as follows.
A `PageInfo` object is any object that contains A SUBSET of the
following properties:
- guid: (string)
The globally unique id of the page.
- url: (URL)
or (nsIURI)
or (string)
The full URI of the page. Note that `PageInfo` values passed as
argument may hold `nsIURI` or `string` values for property `url`,
but `PageInfo` objects returned by this module always hold `URL`
- title: (string)
The title associated with the page, if any.
- description: (string)
The description of the page, if any.
- previewImageURL: (URL)
or (nsIURI)
or (string)
The preview image URL of the page, if any.
- frecency: (number)
The frecency of the page, if any.
Note that this property may not be used to change the actualy frecency
score of a page, only to retrieve it. In other words, any `frecency` field
passed as argument to a function of this API will be ignored.
- visits: (Array<VisitInfo>)
All the visits for this page, if any.
- annotations: (Map)
A map containing key/value pairs of the annotations for this page, if any.
See the documentation of individual methods to find out which properties
are required for `PageInfo` arguments or returned for `PageInfo` results.
A `VisitInfo` object is any object that contains A SUBSET of the following
- date: (Date)
The time the visit occurred.
- transition: (number)
How the user reached the page. See constants `TRANSITIONS.*`
for the possible transition types.
- referrer: (URL)
or (nsIURI)
or (string)
The referring URI of this visit. Note that `VisitInfo` passed
as argument may hold `nsIURI` or `string` values for property `referrer`,
but `VisitInfo` objects returned by this module always hold `URL`
See the documentation of individual methods to find out which properties
are required for `VisitInfo` arguments or returned for `VisitInfo` results.
Each successful operation notifies through the PlacesObservers. To listen to such
notifications you must register using
PlacesObservers `addListener` and `removeListener` methods.
@see PlacesObservers
57853 |
INativePlacesEventCallback.h |
989 |
metrics.yaml |
3611 | |
2417 |
mozIAsyncHistory.idl |
The machine-local (internal) id of the visit.
5261 |
mozIPlacesAutoComplete.idl |
This interface provides some constants used by the Places AutoComplete
search provider as well as methods to track opened pages for AutoComplete
2859 |
mozIPlacesPendingOperation.idl |
Cancels a pending operation, if possible. This will only fail if you try
to cancel more than once.
487 |
mozISyncedBookmarksMirror.idl |
4097 |
NotifyRankingChanged.h |
1331 |
nsCachedFaviconProtocolHandler.cpp |
Implementation of cached-favicon: URLs for accessing favicons. The urls are
sent to the favicon service. If the favicon service doesn't have the data,
a stream containing the default favicon will be returned.
11179 |
nsCachedFaviconProtocolHandler.h |
Obtains a new channel to be used to get a favicon from the database. This
method is asynchronous.
@param aURI
The URI the channel will be created for. This is the URI that is
set as the original URI on the channel.
@param aCachedFaviconURI
The URI that holds the data needed to get the favicon from the
@param aLoadInfo
The loadinfo that requested the resource load.
@returns (via _channel) the channel that will obtain the favicon data.
1997 |
nsFaviconService.cpp |
This is the favicon service, which stores favicons for web pages with your
history as you browse. It is also used to save the favicons for bookmarks.
DANGER: The history query system makes assumptions about the favicon storage
so that icons can be quickly generated for history/bookmark result sets. If
you change the database layout at all, you will have to update both services.
25558 |
nsFaviconService.h |
Obtains the service's object.
3686 |
nsIFaviconService.idl |
The limit in bytes of the size of favicons in memory and passed via the
favicon protocol.
10500 |
nsINavBookmarksService.idl |
The BookmarksService interface provides methods for managing bookmarked
history items. Bookmarks consist of a set of user-customizable
folders. A URI in history can be contained in one or more such folders.
8935 |
nsINavHistoryService.idl |
Using Places services after quit-application is not reliable, so make
sure to do any shutdown work on quit-application, or history
synchronization could fail, losing latest changes.
40022 |
nsIPlacesPreviewsHelperService.idl |
A service which returns information about file paths where the
previews for URLs are stored. These previews are used by the
moz-page-thumb protocol
649 |
nsITaggingService.idl |
Tags a URL with the given set of tags. Current tags set for the URL
persist. Tags in aTags which are already set for the given URL are
@param aURI
the URL to tag.
@param aTags
Array of tags to set for the given URL. Each element within the
array can be either a tag name (non-empty string) or a concrete
itemId of a tag container.
@param [optional] aSource
A change source constant from nsINavBookmarksService::SOURCE_*.
Defaults to SOURCE_DEFAULT if omitted.
2054 |
nsNavBookmarks.cpp |
63067 |
nsNavBookmarks.h |
Obtains the service's object.
10469 |
nsNavHistory.cpp |
102651 |
nsNavHistory.h |
Obtains the nsNavHistory object.
16550 |
nsNavHistoryQuery.cpp |
This file contains the definitions of nsNavHistoryQuery,
nsNavHistoryQueryOptions, and those functions in nsINavHistory that directly
support queries (specifically QueryStringToQuery and QueryToQueryString).
37591 |
nsNavHistoryQuery.h |
The definitions of nsNavHistoryQuery and nsNavHistoryQueryOptions. This
header file should only be included from nsNavHistory.h, include that if
you want these classes.
4861 |
nsNavHistoryResult.cpp |
Returns conditions for query update.
This query is only limited by an inclusive time range on the first
query object. The caller can quickly evaluate the time itself if it
chooses. This is even simpler than "simple" below.
This query is evaluatable using evaluateQueryForNode to do live
This query is not evaluatable using evaluateQueryForNode. When something
happens that this query updates, you will need to re-run the query.
A complex query that additionally has dependence on bookmarks. All
bookmark-dependent queries fall under this category.
A complex query but only updates when the mobile preference changes.
A query that never updates, e.g. the left-pane root query.
aHasSearchTerms will be set to true if the query has any dependence on
keywords. When there is no dependence on keywords, we can handle title
change operations as simple instead of complex.
156174 |
nsNavHistoryResult.h |
The definitions of objects that make up a history query result set. This file
should only be included by nsNavHistory.h, include that if you want these
36035 |
nsPlacesIndexes.h |
3983 |
nsPlacesMacros.h |
Only create on main-thread. |
2162 |
nsPlacesTables.h |
16908 |
nsPlacesTriggers.h |
These visit types are excluded from visit_count:
0 - invalid
25704 |
PageIconProtocolHandler.cpp |
14403 |
PageIconProtocolHandler.h |
To be called in the parent process to obtain an input stream for the
given icon.
@param aChildURI a page-icon URI sent from the child.
@param aLoadInfo the nsILoadInfo for the load attempt from the child.
@param aTerminateSender out param set to true when the params are invalid
and indicate the child should be terminated. If |aChildURI| is
not a page-icon URI, the child is in an invalid state and
should be terminated. This outparam will be set synchronously.
@return RemoteStreamPromise
The RemoteStreamPromise will resolve with an RemoteStreamInfo on
success, and reject with an nsresult on failure.
3523 |
PlaceInfo.cpp |
3464 |
PlaceInfo.h |
1271 |
PlacesBackups.sys.mjs |
Appends meta-data information to a given filename.
16640 |
PlacesDBUtils.sys.mjs |
Executes integrity check and common maintenance tasks.
@return a Map[taskName(String) -> Object]. The Object has the following properties:
- succeeded: boolean
- logs: an array of strings containing the messages logged by the task.
50374 |
PlacesExpiration.sys.mjs |
This component handles history and orphans expiration.
Expiration runs:
- At idle, but just once, we stop any other kind of expiration during idle
to preserve batteries in portable devices.
- At shutdown, only if the database is dirty, we should still avoid to
expire too heavily on shutdown.
- On a repeating timer we expire in small chunks.
Expiration algorithm will adapt itself based on:
- Memory size of the device.
- Status of the database (clean or dirty).
33035 |
PlacesFrecencyRecalculator.sys.mjs |
This component handles frecency recalculations and decay on idle.
26196 |
PlacesPreviews.sys.mjs |
This extends Set to only keep the latest 100 entries.
13637 |
PlacesQuery.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
14194 |
PlacesSyncUtils.sys.mjs |
This module exports functions for Sync to use when applying remote
records. The calls are similar to those in `Bookmarks.sys.mjs` and
`nsINavBookmarksService`, with special handling for
tags, keywords, synced annotations, and missing parents.
70958 |
PlacesTransactions.sys.mjs |
55998 |
PlacesUtils.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
96851 |
Shutdown.cpp |
6887 |
Shutdown.h |
This is most of the code responsible for Places shutdown.
PHASE 1 (Legacy clients shutdown)
The shutdown procedure begins when the Database singleton receives
profile-change-teardown (note that tests will instead notify nsNavHistory,
that forwards the notification to the Database instance).
Database::Observe first of all checks if initialization was completed
properly, to avoid race conditions, then it notifies "places-shutdown" to
legacy clients. Legacy clients are supposed to start and complete any
shutdown critical work in the same tick, since we won't wait for them.
PHASE 2 (Modern clients shutdown)
Modern clients should instead register as a blocker by passing a promise to
nsINavHistoryService::shutdownClient (for example see Sanitizer.sys.mjs), so
they block Places shutdown until the promise is resolved.
When profile-change-teardown is observed by async shutdown, it calls
ClientsShutdownBlocker::BlockShutdown. This class is registered as a teardown
phase blocker in Database::Init (see Database::mClientsShutdown).
ClientsShutdownBlocker::BlockShudown waits for all the clients registered
through nsINavHistoryService::shutdownClient. When all the clients are done,
its `Done` method is invoked, and it stops blocking the shutdown phase, so
that it can continue.
PHASE 3 (Connection shutdown)
ConnectionBlocker is registered as a profile-before-change blocker in
Database::Init (see Database::mConnectionShutdown).
When profile-before-change is observer by async shutdown, it calls
Then the control is passed to Database::Shutdown, that executes some sanity
checks, clears cached statements and proceeds with asyncClose.
Once the connection is definitely closed, Database will call back
ConnectionBlocker::Complete. At this point a final
places-connection-closed notification is sent, for testing purposes.
5764 |
SQLFunctions.cpp |
Scan forward through UTF-8 text until the next potential character that
could match a given codepoint when lower-cased (false positives are okay).
This avoids having to actually parse the UTF-8 text, which is slow.
@param aStart
An iterator pointing to the first character position considered.
It will be updated by this function.
@param aEnd
An interator pointing to past-the-end of the string.
57450 |
SQLFunctions.h |
This file contains functions that Places adds to the database handle that can
be accessed by SQL queries.
Keep the GUID-related parts of this file in sync with
19755 |
SyncedBookmarksMirror.h |
865 |
SyncedBookmarksMirror.sys.mjs |
This file implements a mirror and two-way merger for synced bookmarks. The
mirror matches the complete tree stored on the Sync server, and stages new
bookmarks changed on the server since the last sync. The merger walks the
local tree in Places and the mirrored remote tree, produces a new merged
tree, then updates the local tree to reflect the merged tree.
Let's start with an overview of the different classes, and how they fit
- `SyncedBookmarksMirror` sets up the database, validates and upserts new
incoming records, attaches to Places, and applies the changed records.
During application, we fetch the local and remote bookmark trees, merge
them, and update Places to match. Merging and application happen in a
single transaction, so applying the merged tree won't collide with local
changes. A failure at this point aborts the merge and leaves Places
- A `BookmarkTree` is a fully rooted tree that also notes deletions. A
`BookmarkNode` represents a local item in Places, or a remote item in the
- A `MergedBookmarkNode` holds a local node, a remote node, and a
`MergeState` that indicates which node to prefer when updating Places and
the server to match the merged tree.
- `BookmarkObserverRecorder` records all changes made to Places during the
merge, then dispatches `PlacesObservers` notifications. Places uses
these notifications to update the UI and internal caches. We can't dispatch
during the merge because observers won't see the changes until the merge
transaction commits and the database is consistent again.
- After application, we flag all applied incoming items as merged, create
Sync records for the locally new and updated items in Places, and upload
the records to the server. At this point, all outgoing items are flagged as
changed in Places, so the next sync can resume cleanly if the upload is
interrupted or fails.
- Once upload succeeds, we update the mirror with the uploaded records, so
that the mirror matches the server again. An interruption or error here
will leave the uploaded items flagged as changed in Places, so we'll merge
them again on the next sync. This is redundant work, but shouldn't cause
90804 |
TaggingService.sys.mjs |
The Places Tagging Service
17412 |
tests |
VisitInfo.cpp |
1461 |
VisitInfo.h |
882 |