Name Description Size
chrome-338071841-crash.html 179
continue-css-animation-left.html Node.moveBefore should preserve CSS animation state (left) 1230
continue-css-animation-transform.html Node.moveBefore should preserve CSS animation state (transform) 1229
continue-css-transition-left-pseudo.html Node.moveBefore should preserve CSS transition state on pseudo-elements (left) 1333
continue-css-transition-left.html Node.moveBefore should preserve CSS transition state (left) 1076
continue-css-transition-transform-pseudo.html Node.moveBefore should preserve CSS transition state on pseudo-elements (transform) 1374
continue-css-transition-transform.html Node.moveBefore should preserve CSS transition state (transform) 1085
css-animation-commit-styles.html Calling commitStyles after Node.moveBefore should commit mid-transition value 1142
css-transition-cross-document.html Node.moveBefore should not preserve CSS transition state when crossing document boundaries 1624
css-transition-cross-shadow.html Node.moveBefore should not preserve CSS transition state when crossing shadow boundaries 1712
css-transition-to-disconnected-document.html Node.moveBefore should act like insertBefore when moving to a disconnected document 1464
css-transition-trigger.html Node.moveBefore should trigger CSS transition state (left) if needed 1043
custom-element-move-reactions.html Node.moveBefore custom element reactions 5993
fire-focusin-focusout.html moveBefore should not fire focus events 4447
focus-preserve.html moveBefore should not automatically clear focus 3483
focus-within.html moveBefore should handle focus bubbling correctly 3469
fullscreen-preserve.html Document#fullscreenElement 1378
iframe-document-preserve.window.js 5768
input-moveBefore-crash.html 158
listed-form-element-reset.html Form owner is reset when new form is moved before a listed form element 1128
live-range-updates.html 3195
modal-dialog.html moveBefore should not close a modal dialog 620
moveBefore-shadow-inside.html 1210
moveBefore-shadow-root.html 792
mutation-events.html Mutation events are suppressed during moveBefore() 741
mutation-observer.html slotchanged event 2014
Node-moveBefore.html Node.moveBefore 14348
nonce.html Nonce attribute is not cleared 694
nonce.html.headers 40
pointer-events.html Pointer capture should not be released when moving 1465
popover-preserve.html moveBefore should not close a popover 776
preserve-render-blocking-script.html Script with "blocking=render" should remain render-blocking when moved 947
preserve-render-blocking-style.html Stylesheet with "blocking=render" should remain render-blocking when moved 991
relevant-mutations.html Moving triggers relevant mutations 2114
select-option-optgroup.html Selectedness is updated during moveBefore() 1824
selection-preserve.html 6016
slotchange-events.html slotchanged event 4031
throws-exception.html moveBefore exception conditions 689