adoption.window.js |
2052 |
append-on-Document.html |
DocumentType.append |
2021 |
attributes-namednodemap.html |
Tests of some tricky semantics around NamedNodeMap and the element.attributes collection |
3912 |
attributes.html |
Attributes tests |
37248 |
attributes.js |
597 |
case.html |
Tests for case-sensitivity in APIs |
1101 |
case.js |
8071 |
CharacterData-appendChild.html |
Node.appendChild applied to CharacterData |
1158 |
CharacterData-appendData.html |
CharacterData.appendData |
1995 |
CharacterData-data.html | |
2136 |
CharacterData-deleteData.html |
CharacterData.deleteData |
2940 |
CharacterData-insertData.html |
CharacterData.insertData |
2859 |
CharacterData-remove.html |
CharacterData.remove |
838 |
CharacterData-replaceData.html |
CharacterData.replaceData |
4824 |
CharacterData-substringData.html |
CharacterData.substringData |
4623 |
CharacterData-surrogates.html |
Splitting and joining surrogate pairs in CharacterData methods |
2463 |
characterset-helper.js |
if (lower[i] != upper[i]) {
if (lower[i] != mixed[i] && upper[i] != mixed[i]) {
2116 |
ChildNode-after.html |
ChildNode.after |
6353 |
ChildNode-before.html |
ChildNode.before |
6394 |
ChildNode-remove.js |
1665 |
ChildNode-replaceWith.html |
ChildNode.replaceWith |
4254 |
Comment-constructor.html |
Comment constructor |
363 |
Comment-in-doctype.xhtml |
XML: Comment in doctype internal subset |
509 |
Comment-Text-constructor.js |
2638 |
creators.js |
107 |
Document-adoptNode.html |
Document.adoptNode |
1956 |
Document-characterSet-normalization-1.html |
document.characterSet (inputEncoding and charset as aliases) normalization tests |
2908 |
Document-characterSet-normalization-2.html |
document.characterSet (inputEncoding and charset as aliases) normalization tests |
3138 |
Document-constructor-svg.svg |
1885 |
Document-constructor-xml.xml |
Document constructor |
1864 |
Document-constructor.html |
Document constructor |
2205 |
Document-contentType |
Document-createAttribute.html |
Document.createAttribute |
1914 |
Document-createCDATASection-xhtml.xhtml |
document.createCDATASection |
764 |
Document-createCDATASection.html |
document.createCDATASection must throw in HTML documents |
460 |
Document-createComment-createTextNode.js |
935 |
Document-createComment.html |
Document.createComment |
1150 |
Document-createElement-namespace-tests |
Document-createElement-namespace.html |
document.createElement() namespace tests |
4466 |
Document-createElement.html |
Document.createElement |
4690 |
Document-createElementNS.html |
Document.createElementNS |
10218 |
Document-createElementNS.js |
Arrays with three elements:
the namespace argument
the qualifiedName argument
the expected exception, or null if none
9193 |
Document-createEvent-touchevent.window.js |
485 |
Document-createEvent.https.html |
Document.createEvent |
5530 |
Document-createEvent.js |
665 |
Document-createProcessingInstruction-xhtml.xhtml |
Document.createProcessingInstruction in XML documents |
669 |
Document-createProcessingInstruction.html |
Document.createProcessingInstruction in HTML documents |
624 |
Document-createProcessingInstruction.js |
1242 |
Document-createTextNode.html |
Document.createTextNode |
1147 |
Document-createTreeWalker.html |
Document.createTreeWalker |
1682 |
Document-doctype.html |
Document.doctype |
688 |
Document-Element-getElementsByTagName.js |
9195 |
Document-Element-getElementsByTagNameNS.js |
6321 |
Document-getElementById.html |
Document.getElementById |
12148 |
Document-getElementsByClassName.html |
Document.getElementsByClassName |
820 |
Document-getElementsByTagName-xhtml.xhtml |
Document.getElementsByTagName |
5012 |
Document-getElementsByTagName.html |
Document.getElementsByTagName |
431 |
Document-getElementsByTagNameNS.html |
Document.getElementsByTagNameNS |
439 |
Document-implementation.html |
Document.implementation |
802 |
Document-importNode.html |
Document.importNode |
3015 |
Document-URL.html |
Document.URL with redirect |
635 |
DocumentFragment-constructor.html |
DocumentFragment constructor |
726 |
DocumentFragment-getElementById.html |
DocumentFragment.prototype.getElementById |
2023 |
DocumentFragment-querySelectorAll-after-modification.html |
querySelectorAll should still work on DocumentFragments after they are modified |
734 |
DocumentType-literal-xhtml.xhtml |
DocumentType literals |
779 |
DocumentType-literal.html |
DocumentType literals |
699 |
DocumentType-remove.html |
DocumentType.remove |
559 |
DOMImplementation-createDocument-with-null-browsing-context-crash.html |
DOMImplementation.createDocument() |
610 |
DOMImplementation-createDocument.html |
DOMImplementation.createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName, doctype) |
7720 |
DOMImplementation-createDocumentType.html |
DOMImplementation.createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) |
5238 |
DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument-with-null-browsing-context-crash.html |
DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument() |
620 |
DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument-with-saved-implementation.html |
DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument |
718 |
DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument.html |
DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument |
4002 |
DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument.js |
911 |
DOMImplementation-hasFeature.html |
DOMImplementation.hasFeature(feature, version) |
4055 |
Element-childElement-null-svg.svg |
787 |
Element-childElement-null-xhtml.xhtml |
Null Test |
601 |
Element-childElement-null.html |
Null test |
505 |
Element-childElementCount-dynamic-add-svg.svg |
913 |
Element-childElementCount-dynamic-add-xhtml.xhtml |
Dynamic Adding of Elements |
696 |
Element-childElementCount-dynamic-add.html |
Dynamic Adding of Elements |
600 |
Element-childElementCount-dynamic-remove-svg.svg |
907 |
Element-childElementCount-dynamic-remove-xhtml.xhtml |
Dynamic Removal of Elements |
720 |
Element-childElementCount-dynamic-remove.html |
Dynamic Removal of Elements |
620 |
Element-childElementCount-nochild-svg.svg |
735 |
Element-childElementCount-nochild-xhtml.xhtml |
childElementCount without Child Element Nodes |
577 |
Element-childElementCount-nochild.html |
childElementCount without Child Element Nodes |
481 |
Element-childElementCount-svg.svg |
967 |
Element-childElementCount-xhtml.xhtml |
childElementCount |
770 |
Element-childElementCount.html |
childElementCount |
678 |
Element-children.html |
HTMLCollection edge cases |
2055 |
Element-classlist.html |
Test for the classList element attribute |
17163 |
Element-closest.html |
Test for Element.closest |
3119 |
Element-firstElementChild-entity-xhtml.xhtml |
Entity References |
869 |
Element-firstElementChild-entity.svg |
1015 |
Element-firstElementChild-namespace-svg.svg |
888 |
Element-firstElementChild-namespace-xhtml.xhtml |
firstElementChild with namespaces |
895 |
Element-firstElementChild-namespace.html |
firstElementChild with namespaces |
768 |
Element-firstElementChild-svg.svg |
889 |
Element-firstElementChild-xhtml.xhtml |
firstElementChild |
705 |
Element-firstElementChild.html |
firstElementChild |
609 |
Element-getElementsByClassName.html |
Element.getElementsByClassName |
1415 |
Element-getElementsByTagName-change-document-HTMLNess-iframe.xml |
8 |
Element-getElementsByTagName-change-document-HTMLNess.html |
1969 |
Element-getElementsByTagName.html |
Element.getElementsByTagName |
1143 |
Element-getElementsByTagNameNS.html |
Element.getElementsByTagNameNS |
1408 |
Element-hasAttribute.html |
Element.prototype.hasAttribute |
860 |
Element-hasAttributes.html |
1703 |
Element-insertAdjacentElement.html |
3552 |
Element-insertAdjacentText.html |
2697 |
Element-lastElementChild-svg.svg |
926 |
Element-lastElementChild-xhtml.xhtml |
firstElementChild |
740 |
Element-lastElementChild.html |
lastElementChild |
642 |
Element-matches-init.js |
This test suite tests Selectors API methods in 4 different contexts:
1. Document node
2. In-document Element node
3. Detached Element node (an element with no parent, not in the document)
4. Document Fragment node
For each context, the following tests are run:
The interface check tests ensure that each type of node exposes the Selectors API methods.
The matches() tests are run
All the selectors tested for both the valid and invalid selector tests are found in selectors.js.
See comments in that file for documentation of the format used.
The level2-lib.js file contains all the common test functions for running each of the aforementioned tests
2987 |
Element-matches-namespaced-elements.html |
matches/webkitMatchesSelector must work when an element has a namespace |
834 |
Element-matches.html |
Selectors-API Level 2 Test Suite: HTML with Selectors Level 3 |
875 |
Element-matches.js |
Check that the matches() method exists on the given Node
4836 |
Element-nextElementSibling-svg.svg |
985 |
Element-nextElementSibling-xhtml.xhtml |
nextElementSibling |
794 |
Element-nextElementSibling.html |
nextElementSibling |
698 |
Element-previousElementSibling-svg.svg |
1064 |
Element-previousElementSibling-xhtml.xhtml |
previousElementSibling |
878 |
Element-previousElementSibling.html |
previousElementSibling |
782 |
Element-remove.html |
Element.remove |
500 |
Element-removeAttribute.html |
Element.prototype.removeAttribute |
2138 |
Element-removeAttributeNS.html |
Element.removeAttributeNS |
638 |
Element-setAttribute-crbug-1138487.html |
958 |
Element-setAttribute.html |
Element.prototype.setAttribute |
1166 |
Element-siblingElement-null-svg.svg |
869 |
Element-siblingElement-null-xhtml.xhtml |
Null Test |
680 |
Element-siblingElement-null.html |
Null test |
585 |
Element-tagName.html |
Element.tagName |
2597 |
Element-webkitMatchesSelector.html |
Selectors-API Level 2 Test Suite: HTML with Selectors Level 3 |
889 | |
<!doctype html><meta charset="%s"> |
228 |
getElementsByClassName-01.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): simple |
470 |
getElementsByClassName-02.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): also simple |
428 |
getElementsByClassName-03.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): changing classes |
516 |
getElementsByClassName-04.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): changing classes |
537 |
getElementsByClassName-05.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): changing classes |
528 |
getElementsByClassName-06.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): adding element with class |
606 |
getElementsByClassName-07.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): multiple classes |
444 |
getElementsByClassName-08.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): multiple classes |
412 |
getElementsByClassName-09.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): case sensitive |
452 |
getElementsByClassName-10.xml |
document.getElementsByClassName(): compound |
594 |
getElementsByClassName-11.xml |
document.getElementsByClassName(): "tricky" compound |
876 |
getElementsByClassName-12.htm |
element.getElementsByClassName(): simple |
418 |
getElementsByClassName-13.htm |
element.getElementsByClassName(): adding an element |
626 |
getElementsByClassName-14.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(): case-insensitive (quirks mode) |
865 |
getElementsByClassName-15.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(array): "a\n" |
496 |
getElementsByClassName-16.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(array): "b","a" |
445 |
getElementsByClassName-17.htm |
document.getElementsByClassName(array): "b a" |
422 |
getElementsByClassName-18.htm |
element.getElementsByClassName(array): "a", "b" |
582 |
getElementsByClassName-19.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1853 |
getElementsByClassName-20.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
2362 |
getElementsByClassName-21.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1747 |
getElementsByClassName-22.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
2145 |
getElementsByClassName-23.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1757 |
getElementsByClassName-24.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1124 |
getElementsByClassName-25.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
2116 |
getElementsByClassName-26.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1115 |
getElementsByClassName-27.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1231 |
getElementsByClassName-28.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1267 |
getElementsByClassName-29.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
1728 |
getElementsByClassName-30.htm |
5767 |
getElementsByClassName-31.htm |
getElementsByClassName across documents |
844 |
getElementsByClassName-32.html |
Node.prototype.getElementsByClassName tests imported from jsdom |
1713 |
getElementsByClassName-empty-set.html |
Node.prototype.getElementsByClassName with no real class names |
981 |
getElementsByClassName-whitespace-class-names.html |
Node.prototype.getElementsByClassName with no real class names |
2019 |
getElementsByClassNameFrame.htm |
getElementsByClassName |
126 |
insert-adjacent.html |
2488 |
insertion-removing-steps |
moveBefore |
MutationObserver-attributes.html |
MutationObservers: attributes mutations |
18415 |
MutationObserver-callback-arguments.html |
MutationObserver: callback arguments |
988 |
MutationObserver-characterData.html |
MutationObservers: characterData mutations |
9013 |
MutationObserver-childList.html |
MutationObservers: childList mutations |
17433 |
MutationObserver-cross-realm-callback-report-exception.html |
MutationObserver reports the exception from its callback in the callback's global object |
1041 |
MutationObserver-disconnect.html |
MutationObservers: disconnect |
1522 |
MutationObserver-document.html |
MutationObservers: takeRecords |
6115 |
MutationObserver-inner-outer.html |
MutationObservers: innerHTML, outerHTML mutations |
2168 |
MutationObserver-sanity.html |
3444 |
MutationObserver-takeRecords.html |
MutationObservers: takeRecords |
1697 |
MutationObserver-textContent.html |
3304 |
mutationobservers.js |
2232 |
Node-appendChild-cereactions-vs-script.window.js |
801 |
node-appendchild-crash.html |
501 |
Node-appendChild.html |
Node.appendChild |
1923 |
Node-baseURI.html |
Node.baseURI |
1691 |
Node-childNodes-cache.html |
Node.childNodes caching bug |
1077 |
Node-childNodes.html |
Node.childNodes |
3635 |
Node-cloneNode-document-with-doctype.html |
Cloning of a document with a doctype |
1992 |
Node-cloneNode-external-stylesheet-no-bc.sub.html |
cloneNode on a stylesheet link in a browsing-context-less document |
704 |
Node-cloneNode-on-inactive-document-crash.html |
102 |
Node-cloneNode-svg.html |
Cloning of SVG elements and attributes |
1933 |
Node-cloneNode-XMLDocument.html |
Cloning of an XMLDocument |
809 |
Node-cloneNode.html |
Node.cloneNode |
15632 |
Node-compareDocumentPosition.html |
Node.compareDocumentPosition() tests |
3358 |
Node-constants.html |
Node constants |
1158 |
Node-contains-xml.xml |
Node.nodeName |
3609 |
Node-contains.html |
Node.contains() tests |
1032 |
Node-insertBefore.html |
Node.insertBefore |
13046 |
Node-isConnected-shadow-dom.html |
Test of Node.isConnected in a shadow tree |
723 |
Node-isConnected.html |
Node.prototype.isConnected |
2926 |
Node-isEqualNode-iframe1.xml |
50 |
Node-isEqualNode-iframe2.xml |
46 |
Node-isEqualNode-xhtml.xhtml |
Node.isEqualNode |
3010 |
Node-isEqualNode.html |
Node.prototype.isEqualNode |
7033 |
Node-isSameNode.html |
Node.prototype.isSameNode |
4055 |
Node-lookupNamespaceURI.html |
LookupNamespaceURI and IsDefaultNamespace tests |
8737 |
Node-lookupPrefix.xhtml |
Node.lookupPrefix |
1012 |
Node-mutation-adoptNode.html |
Node-manipulation-adopted |
1372 |
Node-nodeName-xhtml.xhtml |
Node.nodeName |
1739 |
Node-nodeName.html |
Node.nodeName |
1470 |
Node-nodeValue.html |
Node.nodeValue |
2402 |
Node-normalize.html |
Node.normalize() |
3312 |
Node-parentElement.html |
Node.parentElement |
3362 |
Node-parentNode-iframe.html |
17 |
Node-parentNode.html |
Node.parentNode |
1009 |
Node-properties.html |
Node assorted property tests |
21882 |
Node-removeChild.html |
Node.removeChild |
2094 |
Node-replaceChild.html |
Node.replaceChild |
13812 |
Node-textContent.html |
Node.textContent |
9526 |
NodeList-Iterable.html |
NodeList Iterable Test |
2003 |
NodeList-live-mutations.window.js |
1929 |
NodeList-static-length-getter-tampered-1.html |
NodeList (static collection) "length" getter tampered |
620 |
NodeList-static-length-getter-tampered-2.html |
NodeList (static collection) "length" getter tampered |
617 |
NodeList-static-length-getter-tampered-3.html |
NodeList (static collection) "length" getter tampered |
630 |
NodeList-static-length-getter-tampered-indexOf-1.html |
NodeList (static collection) "length" getter tampered (Array.prototype.indexOf) |
651 |
NodeList-static-length-getter-tampered-indexOf-2.html |
NodeList (static collection) "length" getter tampered (Array.prototype.indexOf) |
648 |
NodeList-static-length-getter-tampered-indexOf-3.html |
NodeList (static collection) "length" getter tampered (Array.prototype.indexOf) |
661 |
ParentNode-append.html |
ParentNode.append |
3097 |
ParentNode-children.html |
ParentNode.children |
852 |
ParentNode-prepend.html |
ParentNode.prepend |
2718 |
ParentNode-querySelector-All-content.html |
15583 |
ParentNode-querySelector-All-content.xht |
15448 |
ParentNode-querySelector-All-xht.xht |
Selectors-API Test Suite: XHTML |
5635 |
ParentNode-querySelector-All.html |
Selectors-API Test Suite: HTML |
5528 |
ParentNode-querySelector-All.js |
Create and append special elements that cannot be created correctly with HTML markup alone.
9081 |
ParentNode-querySelector-case-insensitive.html |
querySelector(All) must work with the i and *= selectors |
645 |
ParentNode-querySelector-escapes.html |
querySelector() with CSS escapes |
4849 |
ParentNode-querySelector-scope.html |
querySelector(All) scoped to a root element |
1057 |
ParentNode-querySelectorAll-removed-elements.html |
querySelectorAll must not return removed elements |
965 |
ParentNode-querySelectors-exclusive.html |
querySelector/querySelectorAll should not include their thisArg |
1737 |
ParentNode-querySelectors-namespaces.html |
querySelectorAll must work with namespace attribute selectors on SVG |
586 |
ParentNode-querySelectors-space-and-dash-attribute-value.html |
querySelector(All) must work for attribute values that contain spaces and dashes |
702 |
ParentNode-replaceChildren.html |
ParentNode.replaceChildren |
8379 |
pre-insertion-validation-hierarchy.js |
Validations where `child` argument is irrelevant.
@param {Function} methodName
4363 |
pre-insertion-validation-notfound.js |
3969 |
prepend-on-Document.html |
DocumentType.prepend |
2034 |
ProcessingInstruction-escapes-1.xhtml |
ProcessingInstruction numeric escapes |
1287 |
ProcessingInstruction-in-doctype.xhtml |
XML: Processing instruction in doctype internal subset |
523 |
ProcessingInstruction-literal-1.xhtml |
<?xml?> is not a ProcessingInstruction |
403 |
ProcessingInstruction-literal-2.xhtml |
ProcessingInstruction literals |
725 |
productions.js |
167 |
query-target-in-load-event.html |
481 |
query-target-in-load-event.part.html |
311 |
remove-and-adopt-thcrash.html |
Test for a Chrome crash when adopting a node into another document |
743 |
remove-from-shadow-host-and-adopt-into-iframe-ref.html |
DOM Test Reference |
109 |
remove-from-shadow-host-and-adopt-into-iframe.html |
Adopting a shadow host child into an iframe |
930 |
remove-unscopable.html |
956 |
rootNode.html |
Node.prototype.getRootNode() |
4902 |
selectors.js |
All of these invalid selectors should result in a SyntaxError being thrown by the APIs.
name: A descriptive name of the selector being tested
selector: The selector to test
123702 |
support |
svg-template-querySelector.html |
querySelector on template fragments with SVG elements |
1078 |
Text-constructor.html |
Text constructor |
354 |
Text-splitText.html |
Text.splitText() |
1667 |
Text-wholeText.html |
Text - wholeText |
1542 |