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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>slotchanged event</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
const slot = document.createElement('slot'); = 'content';
promise_test(async t => {
const customElement = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('custom-element'));
t.add_cleanup(() => customElement.remove());
const slot = customElement.shadowRoot.children[0];
const slotChangePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
slot.addEventListener('slotchange', e => resolve(), {once: true});
t.step_timeout(() => reject('Timeout; slotchange was not fired'), 1500);
const defaultContentP = customElement.shadowRoot.appendChild(document.createElement('p'));
slot.moveBefore(defaultContentP, null);
await slotChangePromise;
}, "Moving default content into a slot fires 'slotchange' event");
promise_test(async t => {
const customElement = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('custom-element'));
t.add_cleanup(() => customElement.remove());
const slot = customElement.shadowRoot.children[0];
const defaultContentP = slot.appendChild(document.createElement('p'));
// Wait for "signal a slot change" to asynchronously settle. This should fire
// the 'slotchange' event for the insertion above, but we will not assert that,
// since this test is only testing that 'slotchange' is fired on removal. We
// separate this out in case an implementation fires one but not the other
// (i.e., Chromium, at the time of writing this).
await new Promise(resolve => t.step_timeout(() => resolve()));
const slotChangePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
slot.addEventListener('slotchange', e => resolve(), {once: true});
t.step_timeout(() => reject('Timeout; slotchange was not fired'), 1500);
// Move `defaultContentP` OUT of the slot, and into the ShadowRoot. This
// triggers "signal a slot change" on `defaultContentP`'s old parent, which is
// the slot.
customElement.shadowRoot.moveBefore(defaultContentP, null);
await slotChangePromise;
}, "Moving default content out of a slot fires 'slotchange' event");
promise_test(async t => {
const customElement = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('custom-element'));
t.add_cleanup(() => customElement.remove());
const slot = customElement.shadowRoot.children[0];
const slottable = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('p'));
slottable.slot = 'content';
const slotChangePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
slot.addEventListener('slotchange', e => {
if (slot.assignedNodes().includes(slottable)) {
} else {
reject('slot.assignedNodes() did not include the slottable after move');
}, {once: true});
t.step_timeout(() => reject('Timeout; slotchange (whiling moving an element in) was not fired'), 1500);
// Move the slottable INTO the custom element, thus slotting it.
customElement.moveBefore(slottable, null);
await slotChangePromise;
const slotChangePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
slot.addEventListener('slotchange', e => {
if (slot.assignedNodes().length === 0) {
} else {
reject('slot.assignedNodes() not empty after the slottable moved out');
}, {once: true});
t.step_timeout(() => reject('Timeout; slotchange (whiling moving an element out) was not fired'), 1500);
// Move the slottable OUT of the custom element, thus unslotting it.
document.body.moveBefore(slottable, null);
await slotChangePromise;
}, "Moving a slottable into and out out of a custom element fires 'slotchange' event");