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Test Info: Warnings

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='/resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='/resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-actions.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
'use strict';
async function select_range(t, anchorNode, focusNode) {
await new test_driver.Actions()
.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: anchorNode})
.pointerMove(focusNode.clientWidth, focusNode.clientHeight, {origin: focusNode})
promise_test(async t => {
document.body.innerHTML = `
<div id=old_parent>
<span>This text does not move</span>
<span id=text>Text</span>
<div id=new_parent></div>`;
await select_range(t, text, text);
// Don't first verify that `getSelection().anchorNode` is the expected
// `<span id=text>` node that was selected above. If we did that, then at
// least in Chromium browsers, this would generate a new Range capturing the
// visual selection, which would be cached to the internal `DOMSelection`
// object. Then the move would have two effects:
// 1. The internal visual selection would change as a result of
// `moveBefore()`
// 2. But the Range representing the visual selection would remain
// unchanged, since it was cached to the `DOMSelection` object and not
// updated during `moveBefore()`. This means if (a) the visual selection,
// and (b) the "API-returned" selection Range are out of sync after
// `moveBefore()`, it would be impossible to detect the discrepancy
// without a reftest.
// So instead, we will just dive right into `moveBefore()`, and then compute
// the selection range *after*, which will accurately represent the internal
// visual selection that the user sees, and we can run our assertions on it.
new_parent.moveBefore(text, null);
assert_equals(getSelection().anchorNode, text.firstChild);
}, "moveBefore should not reset selection with preceding text");
promise_test(async t => {
document.body.innerHTML = `
<div id=old_parent>
<span>This text does not move</span>
<span id=text>Text</span>
<span>This text ALSO does not move</span>
<div id=new_parent></div>`;
await select_range(t, text, text);
new_parent.moveBefore(text, null);
assert_equals(getSelection().anchorNode, text.firstChild);
}, "moveBefore should not reset selection with preceding and following text");
const kHTML = `
<div id=grandparentDiv>
<span id=grandparentParagraph>Grandparent paragraph</span>
<div id=parentDiv>
<span id=parentParagraph>Parent paragraph</span>
<div id=childDiv>
<span id=childParagraph1>Child paragraph one</span>
<span id=childParagraph2>Paragraph two</span>
// Selection spans parent->child.
promise_test(async t => {
document.body.innerHTML = kHTML;
await select_range(t, parentParagraph, childParagraph1);
grandparentDiv.moveBefore(parentDiv, grandparentParagraph);
assert_equals(getSelection().anchorNode, parentParagraph.firstChild);
assert_equals(getSelection().focusNode, childParagraph1.firstChild);
}, "moveBefore should not reset selection that enters a subtree, when the " +
"whole selection is moved");
// Selection anchor node is moved upwards in the DOM, to suddenly intersect more
// nodes.
promise_test(async t => {
document.body.innerHTML = kHTML;
await select_range(t, parentParagraph, childParagraph1);
grandparentDiv.moveBefore(parentParagraph, grandparentParagraph);
assert_equals(getSelection().anchorNode, parentParagraph.firstChild);
assert_equals(getSelection().focusNode, childParagraph1.firstChild);
}, "moveBefore anchor node moved up to expand selection and absorb nodes");
// Intersecting nodes are moved *out* of the selection.
promise_test(async t => {
document.body.innerHTML = kHTML;
await select_range(t, grandparentParagraph, childParagraph2);
grandparentDiv.moveBefore(childParagraph1, grandparentParagraph);
assert_equals(getSelection().anchorNode, grandparentParagraph.firstChild);
assert_equals(getSelection().focusNode, childParagraph2.firstChild);
}, "moveBefore move intersecting nodes out of a selection");
// Selection focus node is moved upwards in the DOM, shrinking the selection and
// excluding once-intersecting nodes.
promise_test(async t => {
document.body.innerHTML = kHTML;
await select_range(t, grandparentParagraph, childParagraph2);
parentDiv.moveBefore(childDiv, parentParagraph);
assert_equals(getSelection().anchorNode, grandparentParagraph.firstChild);
assert_equals(getSelection().focusNode, childParagraph2.firstChild);
}, "moveBefore focus node moved up to shrink selection and exclude nodes");
// Selection focus node is moved upwards in the DOM, shrinking the selection and
// excluding once-intersecting nodes.
promise_test(async t => {
document.body.innerHTML = `
<ul id=list>
<li id=i1>One</li>
<li id=i2>Two</li>
<li id=i3>Three</li>
<li id=i4>Four</li>
await select_range(t, i3, i4);
// Move the last list item to the position before the first. This pulls the
// range upwards, suddenly intersecting both `i2` and `i3`.
list.moveBefore(i4, i1);
assert_equals(getSelection().focusNode, i4.firstChild);
assert_equals(getSelection().anchorNode, i3.firstChild);
}, "moveBefore selection is preserved when directionality changes");