Name Description Size
CDP.sys.mjs Entry class for the Chrome DevTools Protocol support. It holds the list of available targets (tabs, main browser), and also sets up the necessary handlers for the HTTP server. @see 4255
CDPConnection.sys.mjs @param {WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket server connection to wrap. @param {Connection} httpdConnection Reference to the httpd.js's connection needed for clean-up. 9747
Error.sys.mjs Takes a serialised CDP error and reconstructs it as a RemoteAgentError. The error must be of this form: {"message": "TypeError: foo is not a function\n execute@chrome://remote/content/cdp/sessions/Session.sys.mjs:73:39\n onMessage@chrome://remote/content/cdp/sessions/TabSession.sys.mjs:65:20"} This approach has the notable deficiency that it cannot deal with causes to errors because of the unstructured nature of CDP errors. A possible future improvement would be to extend the error serialisation to include discrete fields for each data property. @param {object} json CDP error encoded as a JSON object, which must have a "message" field, where the first line will make out the error message and the subsequent lines the stacktrace. @returns {RemoteAgentError} 3408 3702
JSONHandler.sys.mjs HTTP copy of Target.createTarget() 7178 958
Protocol.sys.mjs 769931
StreamRegistry.sys.mjs Add a new stream to the registry. @param {Stream} stream The stream to use. @returns {string} Stream handle (uuid) 3025