Name Description Size
hidePointer.cpp 955 234 345 6098
README # JSAPI Test Suite 5176
selfTest.cpp 591
testAddPropertyPropcache.cpp Do the test a bunch of times, because sometimes we seem to randomly miss the propcache. 2173
testArgumentsObject.cpp 3758
testArrayBuffer.cpp 13762
testArrayBufferOrViewAPI.cpp 3621
testArrayBufferView.cpp 5637
testArrayBufferWithUserOwnedContents.cpp 1565
testAssemblerBuffer.cpp 21700
testAtomicOperations.cpp failure 13823
testAtomizeUtf8NonAsciiLatin1CodePoint.cpp 6475
testAtomizeWithoutActiveZone.cpp 1430
testAvlTree.cpp 12098
testBigInt.cpp 24257
testBoundFunction.cpp 1023
testBug604087.cpp additional class flags 3278
testCallArgs.cpp 2381
testCallNonGenericMethodOnProxy.cpp 2967
testCharacterEncoding.cpp 7009
testChromeBuffer.cpp Check that, even after untrusted content has exhausted the stack, code compiled with "trusted principals" can run using reserved trusted-only buffer space. 10550
testCompileNonSyntactic.cpp 2075
testCompileScript.cpp 8082
testCompileUtf8.cpp 11927
testDateToLocaleString.cpp 2265
testDebugger.cpp 2094
testDeduplication.cpp 4999
testDeepFreeze.cpp 1579
testDefineGetterSetterNonEnumerable.cpp 1864
testDefineProperty.cpp 816
testDeflateStringToUTF8Buffer.cpp 5918
testDeleteProperty.cpp 1719
testDifferentNewTargetInvokeConstructor.cpp This is a different function 1126
testDynamicCodeBrandChecks.cpp 10193
testEmptyWindowIsOmitted.cpp 5131
testErrorCopying.cpp 1175
testErrorInterceptor.cpp 4497
testErrorInterceptorGC.cpp 869
testErrorLineOfContext.cpp 2586
testException.cpp 3098
testExecuteInJSMEnvironment.cpp 3917
testExternalStrings.cpp 7059
testFindSCCs.cpp Test what happens if recusion causes the stack to become full while traversing the graph. The test case is a large number of vertices, almost all of which are arranged in a linear chain. The last few are left unlinked to exercise adding vertices after the stack full condition has already been detected. Such an arrangement with no cycles would normally result in one group for each vertex, but since the stack is exhasted in processing a single group is returned containing all the vertices. 4839
testForceLexicalInitialization.cpp 1496
testForOfIterator.cpp 1539
testForwardSetProperty.cpp 2687
testFractionToDouble.cpp 7141
testFreshGlobalEvalRedefinition.cpp Create the global object. 2267
testFrontendCompileStencil.cpp 1941
testFrontendErrors.cpp static 10765
testFrontendJSON.cpp 20567
testFunctionBinding.cpp 2686
testFunctionNonSyntactic.cpp 3223
testFunctionProperties.cpp 774
testGCAllocator.cpp Finish any ongoing background free activity. 23509
testGCCellPtr.cpp 1882
testGCChunkPool.cpp 1849
testGCExactRooting.cpp Use the objects we just created to ensure that they are still alive. 31232
testGCFinalizeCallback.cpp Full GC, non-incremental. 6439
testGCGrayMarking.cpp 22346
testGCHeapBarriers.cpp We don't actually use the function as a function, so here we cheat and cast a JSObject. 24002
testGCHooks.cpp 10296
testGCMarking.cpp 14998
testGCOutOfMemory.cpp Check that we get OOM. 2557
testGCStoreBufferRemoval.cpp 3265
testGCUniqueId.cpp 3849
testGCWeakCache.cpp 24300
testGetPropertyDescriptor.cpp 2017
testHashTable.cpp The rekeying test as conducted by adding only keys masked with 0x0000FFFF that are unique. We rekey by shifting left 16 bits. 12482
testIndexToString.cpp 3101
testInformalValueTypeName.cpp 1723
testInt128.cpp 17676
testIntern.cpp Try to pick a string that won't be interned by other tests in this runtime. 1533
testIntlAvailableLocales.cpp 2454
testIntString.cpp Test other types of static strings. 1672
testIsCompilableUnit.cpp 2308
testIsInsideNursery.cpp Non-GC things are never inside the nursery. 4087
testIsISOStyleDate.cpp 1864
testIteratorObject.cpp 1111
testJitABIcalls.cpp 28654
testJitDCEinGVN.cpp 4299
testJitFoldsTo.cpp 7096
testJitGVN.cpp 11130
testJitMacroAssembler.cpp 29344
testJitMinimalFunc.h 3081
testJitMoveEmitterCycles.cpp 24823
testJitRangeAnalysis.cpp 12501
testJitRegisterSet.cpp 5875
testJitRValueAlloc.cpp _(JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE) 9737
testJSEvaluateScript.cpp 1161
testJSON.cpp 3066
testLargeArrayBuffers.cpp 5263
testLinkedList.cpp 5742
testLookup.cpp 3140
testLooselyEqual.cpp 4835
testMappedArrayBuffer.cpp 5330
testMapSet.cpp 4022
testMemoryAssociation.cpp 1467
testMutedErrors.cpp NB: uncaught exceptions, when reported, have nothing on the stack so both the filename and mutedErrors are empty. E.g., this would fail: CHECK(testError("throw 3")); 3324
testNewObject.cpp 7502
testNewTargetInvokeConstructor.cpp 677
testNullRoot.cpp 666
testNumberToString.cpp 4220
testObjectEmulatingUndefined.cpp 3421
testObjectSwap.cpp Test JSObject::swap. This test creates objects from a description of their configuration. Objects are given unique property names and values. A list of configurations is created and the result of swapping every combination checked. 12829
testObjectWithStashedPointer.cpp 1224
testOOM.cpp 3493
testParseJSON.cpp 11148
testParserAtom.cpp 14626
testPersistentRooted.cpp 5727
testPreserveJitCode.cpp 3228
testPrintError.cpp 3499
testPrintf.cpp 2314
testPrivateGCThingValue.cpp 1970
testProfileStrings.cpp Make sure the stack resets and we have an entry for each stack 7727
testPromise.cpp 4035
testPropCache.cpp name 1397
testPropertyKey.cpp 2560
testRegExp.cpp 1702
testResolveRecursion.cpp Test that resolve hook recursion for the same object and property is prevented. 5914
testResult.cpp 2681
tests.cpp static 8277
tests.h Note: Aborts on OOM. 19178
testSABAccounting.cpp 931
testSameValue.cpp NB: passing a double that fits in an integer jsval is API misuse. As a matter of defense in depth, however, JS::SameValue should return the correct result comparing a positive-zero double to a negative-zero double, and this is believed to be the only way to make such a comparison possible. 966
testSavedStacks.cpp 14586
testScriptInfo.cpp 1551
testScriptObject.cpp After a garbage collection, the script should still work. 6970
testScriptSourceCompression.cpp 17199
testSetProperty.cpp 2002
testSetPropertyIgnoringNamedGetter.cpp 2317
testSharedImmutableStringsCache.cpp 2130
testSinglyLinkedList.cpp 5197
testsJit.cpp 2222
testsJit.h !jsapi_tests_testsJit_h 762
testSliceBudget.cpp 3196
testSlowScript.cpp 1990
testSortedArenaList.cpp 4249
testSourcePolicy.cpp 1791
testSparseBitmap.cpp 4700
testStencil.cpp /" "/************************************* 10422
testStringBuffers.cpp 5344
testStringBuilder.cpp 852
testStringIsArrayIndex.cpp The string being tested. 2488
testStructuredClone.cpp 11125
testSymbol.cpp 2315
testThreadingConditionVariable.cpp 6300
testThreadingExclusiveData.cpp 2315
testThreadingMutex.cpp 1466
testThreadingThread.cpp 3251
testToSignedOrUnsignedInteger.cpp 2121
testTypedArrays.cpp 13064
testUbiNode.cpp 30381
testUncaughtSymbol.cpp 1679
testUTF8.cpp 6422
testValueABI.cpp Bug 689101 - jsval is technically a non-POD type because it has a private data member. On gcc, this doesn't seem to matter. On MSVC, this prevents returning a jsval from a function between C and C++ because it will use a retparam in C++ and a direct return value in C. Bug 712289 - jsval alignment was different on 32-bit platforms between C and C++ because the default alignments of js::Value and jsval_layout differ. 1516
testWasmEncoder.cpp maybeTier2Listener= 4423
testWasmLEB128.cpp 3739
testWasmMasm.cpp 2018
testWasmReturnCalls.cpp 2515
testWeakMap.cpp Perform an incremental GC, introducing an unmarked CCW to force the map zone to finish marking before the delegate zone. 8812
testWindowNonConfigurable.cpp 2424
valueABI.c See testValueABI.cpp 677