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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
# include "mozilla/Compiler.h"
# include "mozilla/TextUtils.h"
# include <array>
# include <climits>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <limits>
# include <optional>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <utility>
# include "builtin/temporal/Int128.h"
# include "jsapi-tests/tests.h"
// Use static_assert in compilers which support CWG2518. In all other cases
// fall back to std::abort().
# if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ >= 17)
# define UINT128_PARSE_ERROR(...) static_assert(false, __VA_ARGS__)
# define UINT128_PARSE_ERROR(...) static_assert(false, __VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define UINT128_PARSE_ERROR(...) std::abort()
# endif
using Int128 = js::temporal::Int128;
using Uint128 = js::temporal::Uint128;
// Simple Uint128 parser.
template <char... DIGITS>
constexpr Uint128 operator""_u128() {
static_assert(sizeof...(DIGITS) > 0);
constexpr auto digits = std::array{DIGITS...};
// Add [[maybe_unused]] everywhere to please GCC <10.
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto isBinaryDigit = [](auto c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '1') || c == '\'';
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto isOctalDigit = [](auto c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '7') || c == '\'';
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto isDigit = [](auto c) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiDigit(c) || c == '\'';
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto isHexDigit = [](auto c) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiHexDigit(c) || c == '\'';
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto isBinary =
[isBinaryDigit](auto zero, auto prefix, auto... rest) {
return zero == '0' && (prefix == 'b' || prefix == 'B') &&
(isBinaryDigit(rest) && ...);
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto isHex = [isHexDigit](auto zero, auto prefix,
auto... rest) {
return zero == '0' && (prefix == 'x' || prefix == 'X') &&
(isHexDigit(rest) && ...);
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto binary =
[digits]() -> std::optional<Uint128> {
auto value = Uint128{};
for (size_t i = 2; i < digits.size(); ++i) {
auto digit = digits[i];
if (digit == '\'') {
// Detect overflow.
if (((value << 1) >> 1) != value) {
return std::nullopt;
value = (value << 1) | Uint128{uint64_t(digit - '0')};
return value;
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto octal = [digits]() -> std::optional<Uint128> {
auto value = Uint128{};
for (size_t i = 1; i < digits.size(); ++i) {
auto digit = digits[i];
if (digit == '\'') {
// Detect overflow.
if (((value << 3) >> 3) != value) {
return std::nullopt;
value = (value << 3) | Uint128{uint64_t(digit - '0')};
return value;
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto decimal =
[digits]() -> std::optional<Uint128> {
auto value = Uint128{};
for (size_t i = 0; i < digits.size(); ++i) {
auto digit = digits[i];
if (digit == '\'') {
// NB: Overflow check not implemented.
value = (value * Uint128{10}) + Uint128{uint64_t(digit - '0')};
return value;
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto hexadecimal =
[digits]() -> std::optional<Uint128> {
auto value = Uint128{};
for (size_t i = 2; i < digits.size(); ++i) {
auto digit = digits[i];
if (digit == '\'') {
// Detect overflow.
if (((value << 4) >> 4) != value) {
return std::nullopt;
value =
(value << 4) | Uint128{uint64_t(digit >= 'a' ? (digit - 'a') + 10
: digit >= 'A' ? (digit - 'A') + 10
: digit - '0')};
return value;
if constexpr (digits.size() > 2 && digits[0] == '0' &&
!mozilla::IsAsciiDigit(digits[1])) {
if constexpr (isBinary(DIGITS...)) {
if constexpr (constexpr auto value = binary()) {
return *value;
} else {
UINT128_PARSE_ERROR("binary literal too large");
} else if constexpr (isHex(DIGITS...)) {
if constexpr (constexpr auto value = hexadecimal()) {
return *value;
} else {
UINT128_PARSE_ERROR("hexadecimal literal too large");
} else {
UINT128_PARSE_ERROR("invalid prefix literal");
} else if constexpr (digits.size() > 1 && digits[0] == '0') {
if constexpr ((isOctalDigit(DIGITS) && ...)) {
if constexpr (constexpr auto value = octal()) {
return *value;
} else {
UINT128_PARSE_ERROR("octal literal too large");
} else {
UINT128_PARSE_ERROR("invalid octal literal");
} else if constexpr ((isDigit(DIGITS) && ...)) {
if constexpr (constexpr auto value = decimal()) {
return *value;
} else {
UINT128_PARSE_ERROR("decimal literal too large");
} else {
UINT128_PARSE_ERROR("invalid literal");
template <char... DIGITS>
constexpr Int128 operator""_i128() {
return Int128{operator""_u128 < DIGITS... > ()};
class ConversionFixture : public JSAPIRuntimeTest {
virtual ~ConversionFixture() = default;
template <typename T, typename U, size_t N>
bool testConversion(const std::array<U, N>& values);
template <typename T, typename U, size_t N>
bool ConversionFixture::testConversion(const std::array<U, N>& values) {
for (auto v : values) {
// Conversion to signed int.
CHECK_EQUAL(int64_t(T{v}), int64_t(v));
CHECK_EQUAL(int32_t(T{v}), int32_t(v));
CHECK_EQUAL(int16_t(T{v}), int16_t(v));
CHECK_EQUAL(int8_t(T{v}), int8_t(v));
// Conversion to unsigned int.
CHECK_EQUAL(uint64_t(T{v}), uint64_t(v));
CHECK_EQUAL(uint32_t(T{v}), uint32_t(v));
CHECK_EQUAL(uint16_t(T{v}), uint16_t(v));
CHECK_EQUAL(uint8_t(T{v}), uint8_t(v));
// Conversion to double.
CHECK_EQUAL(double(T{v}), double(v));
// Conversion to bool.
CHECK_EQUAL(bool(T{v}), bool(v));
return true;
BEGIN_FIXTURE_TEST(ConversionFixture, testInt128_conversion) {
auto values = std::array{
INT64_MIN + 1,
int64_t(INT32_MIN) - 1,
int64_t(INT32_MIN) + 1,
int64_t(INT32_MAX) - 1,
int64_t(INT32_MAX) + 1,
INT64_MAX - 1,
return true;
END_FIXTURE_TEST(ConversionFixture, testInt128_conversion)
BEGIN_FIXTURE_TEST(ConversionFixture, testUint128_conversion) {
auto values = std::array{
uint64_t(UINT32_MAX) - 1,
uint64_t(UINT32_MAX) + 1,
UINT64_MAX - 1,
return true;
END_FIXTURE_TEST(ConversionFixture, testUint128_conversion)
class OperatorFixture : public JSAPIRuntimeTest {
virtual ~OperatorFixture() = default;
template <typename T, typename U, size_t N>
bool testOperator(const std::array<U, N>& values);
template <typename T, typename U, size_t N>
bool OperatorFixture::testOperator(const std::array<U, N>& values) {
// Unary operators.
for (auto x : values) {
// Sign operators.
CHECK_EQUAL(U(+T{x}), +x);
CHECK_EQUAL(U(-T{x}), -x);
// Bitwise operators.
CHECK_EQUAL(U(~T{x}), ~x);
// Increment/Decrement operators.
auto y = T{x};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(++y), x + 1);
CHECK_EQUAL(U(y), x + 1);
y = T{x};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(y++), x);
CHECK_EQUAL(U(y), x + 1);
y = T{x};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(--y), x - 1);
CHECK_EQUAL(U(y), x - 1);
y = T{x};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(y--), x);
CHECK_EQUAL(U(y), x - 1);
// Binary operators.
for (auto x : values) {
for (auto y : values) {
// Comparison operators.
CHECK_EQUAL((T{x} == T{y}), (x == y));
CHECK_EQUAL((T{x} != T{y}), (x != y));
CHECK_EQUAL((T{x} < T{y}), (x < y));
CHECK_EQUAL((T{x} <= T{y}), (x <= y));
CHECK_EQUAL((T{x} > T{y}), (x > y));
CHECK_EQUAL((T{x} >= T{y}), (x >= y));
// Add/Sub/Mul operators.
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} + T{y}), (x + y));
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} - T{y}), (x - y));
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} * T{y}), (x * y));
// Division operators.
if (y != 0) {
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} / T{y}), (x / y));
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} % T{y}), (x % y));
// Shift operators.
if (y >= 0) {
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} << y), (x << y));
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} >> y), (x >> y));
// Bitwise operators.
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} & T{y}), (x & y));
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} | T{y}), (x | y));
CHECK_EQUAL(U(T{x} ^ T{y}), (x ^ y));
// Compound assignment operators.
for (auto x : values) {
for (auto y : values) {
auto z = T{x};
z += T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x + y);
z = T{x};
z -= T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x - y);
z = T{x};
z *= T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x * y);
if (y != 0) {
z = T{x};
z /= T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x / y);
z = T{x};
z %= T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x % y);
if (y >= 0) {
z = T{x};
z <<= y;
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x << y);
z = T{x};
z >>= y;
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x >> y);
z = T{x};
z &= T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x & y);
z = T{x};
z |= T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x | y);
z = T{x};
z ^= T{y};
CHECK_EQUAL(U(z), x ^ y);
return true;
BEGIN_FIXTURE_TEST(OperatorFixture, testInt128_operator) {
auto values = std::array{
int64_t(-3), int64_t(-2), int64_t(-1), int64_t(0),
int64_t(1), int64_t(2), int64_t(3), int64_t(63),
// Values larger than INT64_MAX.
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{2}) ==
(Int128{INT64_MAX} + Int128{INT64_MAX}));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{3}) ==
(Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{4} - Int128{INT64_MAX}));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{2}) == (Int128{INT64_MAX} << 1));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{8}) == (Int128{INT64_MAX} << 3));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{8} / Int128{2}) ==
(Int128{INT64_MAX} << 2));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{23} % Int128{13}) == (Int128{5}));
// Values smaller than INT64_MIN.
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{2}) ==
(Int128{INT64_MIN} + Int128{INT64_MIN}));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{3}) ==
(Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{4} - Int128{INT64_MIN}));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{2}) == (Int128{INT64_MIN} << 1));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{8}) == (Int128{INT64_MIN} << 3));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{8} / Int128{2}) ==
(Int128{INT64_MIN} << 2));
CHECK((Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{23} % Int128{13}) == (Int128{-2}));
return true;
END_FIXTURE_TEST(OperatorFixture, testInt128_operator)
BEGIN_FIXTURE_TEST(OperatorFixture, testUint128_operator) {
auto values = std::array{
uint64_t(0), uint64_t(1), uint64_t(2),
uint64_t(3), uint64_t(5), uint64_t(63),
// Values larger than UINT64_MAX.
CHECK((Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{2}) ==
(Uint128{UINT64_MAX} + Uint128{UINT64_MAX}));
CHECK((Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{3}) ==
(Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{4} - Uint128{UINT64_MAX}));
CHECK((Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{2}) == (Uint128{UINT64_MAX} << 1));
CHECK((Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{8}) == (Uint128{UINT64_MAX} << 3));
CHECK((Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{8} / Uint128{2}) ==
(Uint128{UINT64_MAX} << 2));
CHECK((Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{23} % Uint128{13}) == (Uint128{7}));
return true;
END_FIXTURE_TEST(OperatorFixture, testUint128_operator)
BEGIN_TEST(testInt128_literal) {
CHECK_EQUAL(int64_t(0x7fff'ffff'ffff'ffff_i128), INT64_MAX);
CHECK_EQUAL(int64_t(-0x8000'0000'0000'0000_i128), INT64_MIN);
CHECK(std::numeric_limits<Int128>::max() ==
CHECK(std::numeric_limits<Int128>::min() ==
auto x = (Int128{INT64_MAX} + Int128{1}) * Int128{3};
CHECK(x == 27670116110564327424_i128);
CHECK(x == 0x1'8000'0000'0000'0000_i128);
auto y = Int128{0} - (Int128{5} * Int128{INT64_MAX});
CHECK(y == -46116860184273879035_i128);
CHECK(y == -0x2'7fff'ffff'ffff'fffb_i128);
// NB: This shift expression overflows.
auto z = Int128{0x1122'3344} << 100;
CHECK(z == 0x1223'3440'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000_i128);
CHECK(z == 0221063210000000000000000000000000000000000_i128);
CHECK(z == 24108894070078995479046745700448600064_i128);
z ==
z >>= 80;
CHECK(z == 0X1223'3440'0000_i128);
CHECK(z == 0442146420000000_i128);
CHECK(z == 19942409764864_i128);
CHECK(z == 0B100100010001100110100010000000000000000000000_i128);
auto v = Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{INT64_MAX};
CHECK(v == 0x3fff'ffff'ffff'ffff'0000'0000'0000'0001_i128);
CHECK((v + v) == 0x7fff'ffff'ffff'fffe'0000'0000'0000'0002_i128);
CHECK((v * v) == 0x7fff'ffff'ffff'fffe'0000'0000'0000'0001_i128);
CHECK((v * -v) == -0x7fff'ffff'ffff'fffe'0000'0000'0000'0001_i128);
CHECK((-v * v) == -0x7fff'ffff'ffff'fffe'0000'0000'0000'0001_i128);
CHECK((-v * -v) == 0x7fff'ffff'ffff'fffe'0000'0000'0000'0001_i128);
auto w = Int128{INT64_MIN} * Int128{INT64_MIN};
CHECK(w == 0x4000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000_i128);
CHECK((w + w) == -0x8000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000_i128);
CHECK((w * w) == 0_i128);
CHECK((Int128{1} << 120) == 0x100'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000_i128);
return true;
BEGIN_TEST(testUint128_literal) {
CHECK_EQUAL(uint64_t(0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff_u128), UINT64_MAX);
CHECK(std::numeric_limits<Uint128>::max() ==
auto x = (Uint128{UINT64_MAX} + Uint128{3}) * Uint128{3};
CHECK(x == 55340232221128654854_u128);
CHECK(x == 0x3'0000'0000'0000'0006_u128);
// NB: This shift expression overflows.
auto z = Uint128{0x1122'3344} << 100;
CHECK(z == 0x1223'3440'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000_u128);
CHECK(z == 0221063210000000000000000000000000000000000_u128);
CHECK(z == 24108894070078995479046745700448600064_u128);
z ==
z >>= 80;
CHECK(z == 0X1223'3440'0000_u128);
CHECK(z == 0442146420000000_u128);
CHECK(z == 19942409764864_u128);
CHECK(z == 0B100100010001100110100010000000000000000000000_u128);
auto v = Uint128{UINT64_MAX} * Uint128{UINT64_MAX};
CHECK(v == 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fffe'0000'0000'0000'0001_u128);
CHECK((v + v) == 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fffc'0000'0000'0000'0002_u128);
CHECK((v * v) == 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fffc'0000'0000'0000'0001_u128);
CHECK((v * -v) == 0x3'ffff'ffff'ffff'ffff_u128);
CHECK((-v * v) == 0x3'ffff'ffff'ffff'ffff_u128);
CHECK((-v * -v) == 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fffc'0000'0000'0000'0001_u128);
CHECK((Uint128{1} << 120) == 0x100'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000_u128);
return true;
BEGIN_TEST(testInt128_division) {
auto x = Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{4};
CHECK((x / Int128{2}) == 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fffe_i128);
CHECK((x / Int128{2}) == (x >> 1));
auto y = Int128{INT64_MAX} * Int128{16};
CHECK((y / Int128{2}) == 0x3'ffff'ffff'ffff'fff8_i128);
CHECK((y / Int128{2}) == (y >> 1));
CHECK((0x1122'3344'5566'7788'aabb'ccdd'ff12'3456_i128 / 7_i128) ==
CHECK((0x1122'3344'5566'7788'aabb'ccdd'ff12'3456_i128 /
0x1'2345'6789'abcd'ef11'abcd'ef11_i128) == 0xf0f0f0f_i128);
CHECK((7_i128 / 0x1122'3344'5566'7788'aabb'ccdd'ff12'3456_i128) == 0_i128);
CHECK((0x1122'3344'5566'7788'aabb'ccdd'ff12'3456_i128 % 7_i128) == 3_i128);
CHECK((0x1122'3344'5566'7788'aabb'ccdd'ff12'3456_i128 %
0x1'2345'6789'abcd'ef11'abcd'ef11_i128) ==
CHECK((7_i128 % 0x1122'3344'5566'7788'aabb'ccdd'ff12'3456_i128) == 7_i128);
return true;
BEGIN_TEST(testInt128_abs) {
CHECK((0_i128).abs() == 0_u128);
CHECK((0x1122'3344_i128).abs() == 0x1122'3344_u128);
CHECK((-0x1122'3344_i128).abs() == 0x1122'3344_u128);
CHECK((0x1111'2222'3333'4444'5555'6666'7777'8888_i128).abs() ==
CHECK((-0x1111'2222'3333'4444'5555'6666'7777'8888_i128).abs() ==
CHECK(std::numeric_limits<Int128>::min().abs() ==
CHECK(std::numeric_limits<Int128>::max().abs() ==
return true;