Name Description Size
Calendar.cpp IsISOLeapYear ( year ) 121236
Calendar.h AvailableCalendars ( ) 13246
Crash.h 878
Duration.cpp DurationSign ( years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds ) 134228
Duration.h Extract the duration fields from the Duration object. 9886
Era.h 7580
Instant.cpp Check if the absolute value is less-or-equal to the given limit. 37550
Instant.h Extract the instant fields from the Instant object. 3798
Int96.cpp 2536
Int96.h 96-bit integer with explicit sign. Supports integers in the range [-(2**96 - 1), 2**96 - 1]. 4546
Int128.cpp 6967
Int128.h Unsigned 128-bit integer, implemented as a pair of unsigned 64-bit integers. Supports all basic arithmetic operators. 21557
MonthCode.h Returns the maximum non-leap month. This is the epagomenal month "M13". 13071 1067
PlainDate.cpp IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) 70416
PlainDate.h Extract the date fields from the PlainDate object. 6206
PlainDateTime.cpp IsValidISODateTime ( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond ) 73167
PlainDateTime.h Extract the date fields from the PlainDateTime object. 8723
PlainMonthDay.cpp CreateTemporalMonthDay ( isoMonth, isoDay, calendar, referenceISOYear [ , newTarget ] ) 23689
PlainMonthDay.h Extract the date fields from the PlainMonthDay object. 3557
PlainTime.cpp IsValidTime ( hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond ) 46084
PlainTime.h Extract the time fields from the PlainTime object. 5119
PlainYearMonth.cpp ISOYearMonthWithinLimits ( year, month ) 42785
PlainYearMonth.h Extract the date fields from the PlainYearMonth object. 3636
Temporal.cpp GetOption ( options, property, type, values, default ) GetOption specialization when `type=string`. Default value handling must happen in the caller, so we don't provide the `default` parameter here. 45804
Temporal.h Rounding increment, which is an integer in the range [1, 1'000'000'000]. Temporal units are rounded to a multiple of the specified increment value. 12367
TemporalFields.cpp 23119
TemporalFields.h Mark the field as assigned. Each field should be assigned exactly once. 14189
TemporalNow.cpp 6.4.3 DefaultTimeZone () Returns the IANA time zone name for the host environment's current time zone. ES2017 Intl draft rev 4a23f407336d382ed5e3471200c690c9b020b5f3 10809
TemporalNow.h namespace js::temporal 725
TemporalParser.cpp ParseDateTimeUTCOffset ( offsetString ) 91375
TemporalParser.h ParseTemporalInstantString ( isoString ) 4972
TemporalRoundingMode.h NegateRoundingMode ( roundingMode ) 26702
TemporalTypes.h Struct to represent a seconds and nanoseconds value. The nanoseconds value is normalized to the range [0, 999'999'999]. 19321
TemporalUnit.h namespace js::temporal 4558
TimeZone.cpp IsValidTimeZoneName ( timeZone ) IsAvailableTimeZoneName ( timeZone ) 34130
TimeZone.h namespace js::temporal 11578
ToString.cpp FormatFractionalSeconds ( subSecondNanoseconds, precision ) 17188
ToString.h TemporalInstantToString ( instant, timeZone, precision ) 3070
ZonedDateTime.cpp InterpretISODateTimeOffset ( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, offsetBehaviour, offsetNanoseconds, timeZoneRec, disambiguation, offsetOption, matchBehaviour ) 99378
ZonedDateTime.h Extract the instant fields from the ZonedDateTime object. 7704