Name Description Size
Calendar.cpp IsISOLeapYear ( year ) 127372
Calendar.h AvailableCalendars ( ) 12768
CalendarFields.cpp 18446
CalendarFields.h 12065
Crash.h 878
Duration.cpp DurationSign ( duration ) 118617
Duration.h Extract the duration fields from the Duration object. 8314
Era.h 7570
Instant.cpp Check if the absolute value is less-or-equal to the given limit. 37221
Instant.h Extract the epoch nanoseconds fields from this ZonedDateTime object. 3519
Int96.cpp 2536
Int96.h 96-bit integer with explicit sign. Supports integers in the range [-(2**96 - 1), 2**96 - 1]. 4546
Int128.cpp 6967
Int128.h Unsigned 128-bit integer, implemented as a pair of unsigned 64-bit integers. Supports all basic arithmetic operators. 21557
MonthCode.h Returns the maximum non-leap month. This is the epagomenal month "M13". 13438 1067
PlainDate.cpp IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) 50391
PlainDate.h Extract the date fields from this PlainDate object. 4473
PlainDateTime.cpp IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) IsValidTime ( hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond ) 65437
PlainDateTime.h Extract the date fields from this PlainDateTime object. 5992
PlainMonthDay.cpp CreateTemporalMonthDay ( isoDate, calendar [ , newTarget ] ) 22618
PlainMonthDay.h Extract the date fields from this PlainDate object. 3295
PlainTime.cpp IsValidTime ( hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond ) 44545
PlainTime.h Extract the time fields from this PlainTime object. 3337
PlainYearMonth.cpp ISOYearMonthWithinLimits ( isoDate ) 39025
PlainYearMonth.h Extract the date fields from this PlainYearMonth object. 3279
Temporal.cpp GetOption ( options, property, type, values, default ) GetOption specialization when `type=string`. Default value handling must happen in the caller, so we don't provide the `default` parameter here. 43856
Temporal.h Rounding increment, which is an integer in the range [1, 1'000'000'000]. Temporal units are rounded to a multiple of the specified increment value. 12294
TemporalNow.cpp SystemUTCEpochNanoseconds ( ) 6982
TemporalNow.h namespace js::temporal 725
TemporalParser.cpp ParseDateTimeUTCOffset ( offsetString ) 84653
TemporalParser.h ParseTemporalInstantString ( isoString ) 5443
TemporalRoundingMode.h NegateRoundingMode ( roundingMode ) 26702
TemporalTypes.h Struct to represent a seconds and nanoseconds value. The nanoseconds value is normalized to the range [0, 999'999'999]. 23081
TemporalUnit.h namespace js::temporal 4558
TimeZone.cpp FormatOffsetTimeZoneIdentifier ( offsetMinutes [ , style ] ) 35053
TimeZone.h namespace js::temporal 10976
ToString.cpp FormatFractionalSeconds ( subSecondNanoseconds, precision ) 16913
ToString.h TemporalInstantToString ( instant, timeZone, precision ) 2932
ZonedDateTime.cpp InterpretISODateTimeOffset ( isoDate, time, offsetBehaviour, offsetNanoseconds, timeZone, disambiguation, offsetOption, matchBehaviour ) 95483
ZonedDateTime.h Extract the epoch nanoseconds fields from this ZonedDateTime object. 6325