Calendar.cpp |
IteratorToListOfType ( iteratorRecord, elementTypes )
With `elementTypes = « String »`.
This implementation accepts an iterable instead of an iterator record.
239638 |
Calendar.h |
AvailableCalendars ( )
35259 |
Crash.h |
878 |
Duration.cpp |
DurationSign ( years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds,
milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds )
140348 |
Duration.h |
Extract the duration fields from the Duration object.
10793 |
Era.h |
7580 |
Instant.cpp |
Check if the absolute value is less-or-equal to the given limit.
38519 |
Instant.h |
Extract the instant fields from the Instant object.
4149 |
Int96.cpp |
2536 |
Int96.h |
96-bit integer with explicit sign. Supports integers in the range
[-(2**96 - 1), 2**96 - 1].
4546 |
Int128.cpp |
6967 |
Int128.h |
Unsigned 128-bit integer, implemented as a pair of unsigned 64-bit integers.
Supports all basic arithmetic operators.
21557 |
MonthCode.h |
Returns the maximum non-leap month. This is the epagomenal month "M13".
13071 | |
1090 |
PlainDate.cpp |
IsValidISODate ( year, month, day )
88676 |
PlainDate.h |
Extract the date fields from the PlainDate object.
9303 |
PlainDateTime.cpp |
IsValidISODateTime ( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond,
microsecond, nanosecond )
82239 |
PlainDateTime.h |
Extract the date fields from the PlainDateTime object.
9971 |
PlainMonthDay.cpp |
CreateTemporalMonthDay ( isoMonth, isoDay, calendar, referenceISOYear [ ,
newTarget ] )
28386 |
PlainMonthDay.h |
Extract the date fields from the PlainMonthDay object.
1985 |
PlainTime.cpp |
IsValidTime ( hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond )
48942 |
PlainTime.h |
Extract the time fields from the PlainTime object.
5326 |
PlainYearMonth.cpp |
ISOYearMonthWithinLimits ( year, month )
48365 |
PlainYearMonth.h |
Extract the date fields from the PlainYearMonth object.
1915 |
Temporal.cpp |
GetOption ( options, property, type, values, default )
GetOption specialization when `type=string`. Default value handling must
happen in the caller, so we don't provide the `default` parameter here.
50329 |
Temporal.h |
Rounding increment, which is an integer in the range [1, 1'000'000'000].
Temporal units are rounded to a multiple of the specified increment value.
13047 |
TemporalFields.cpp |
31363 |
TemporalFields.h |
10740 |
TemporalNow.cpp |
6.4.3 DefaultTimeZone ()
Returns the IANA time zone name for the host environment's current time zone.
ES2017 Intl draft rev 4a23f407336d382ed5e3471200c690c9b020b5f3
10791 |
TemporalNow.h |
namespace js::temporal |
725 |
TemporalParser.cpp |
ParseDateTimeUTCOffset ( offsetString )
90784 |
TemporalParser.h |
ParseTemporalInstantString ( isoString )
4972 |
TemporalRoundingMode.h |
NegateRoundingMode ( roundingMode )
26702 |
TemporalTypes.h |
Struct to represent a seconds and nanoseconds value. The nanoseconds value
is normalized to the range [0, 999'999'999].
19321 |
TemporalUnit.h |
namespace js::temporal |
4558 |
TimeZone.cpp |
IsValidTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
IsAvailableTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
80409 |
TimeZone.h |
namespace js::temporal |
19595 |
ToString.cpp |
FormatFractionalSeconds ( subSecondNanoseconds, precision )
19482 |
ToString.h |
TemporalInstantToString ( instant, timeZone, precision )
3116 |
Wrapped.cpp |
766 |
Wrapped.h |
Type to represent possibly wrapped objects from a different compartment.
This can be used to represent specific JSObject sub-classes in return types
without having to pass unwrapped objects around.
4848 |
ZonedDateTime.cpp |
InterpretISODateTimeOffset ( year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, offsetBehaviour, offsetNanoseconds,
timeZoneRec, disambiguation, offsetOption, matchBehaviour )
117191 |
ZonedDateTime.h |
Extract the instant fields from the ZonedDateTime object.
10107 |