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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef builtin_temporal_TimeZone_h
#define builtin_temporal_TimeZone_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "builtin/temporal/Wrapped.h"
#include "js/GCVector.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "vm/JSObject.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject.h"
class JSLinearString;
class JS_PUBLIC_API JSTracer;
struct JSClassOps;
namespace js {
struct ClassSpec;
namespace mozilla::intl {
class TimeZone;
namespace js::temporal {
class TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin : public NativeObject {
static constexpr uint32_t IDENTIFIER_SLOT = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t OFFSET_MINUTES_SLOT = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t INTL_TIMEZONE_SLOT = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t SLOT_COUNT = 3;
// Estimated memory use for intl::TimeZone (see IcuMemoryUsage).
static constexpr size_t EstimatedMemoryUse = 6840;
JSString* identifier() const {
return getFixedSlot(IDENTIFIER_SLOT).toString();
const auto& offsetMinutes() const {
return getFixedSlot(OFFSET_MINUTES_SLOT);
mozilla::intl::TimeZone* getTimeZone() const {
const auto& slot = getFixedSlot(INTL_TIMEZONE_SLOT);
if (slot.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<mozilla::intl::TimeZone*>(slot.toPrivate());
void setTimeZone(mozilla::intl::TimeZone* timeZone) {
setFixedSlot(INTL_TIMEZONE_SLOT, JS::PrivateValue(timeZone));
static void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj);
class TimeZoneObject : public TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin {
static const JSClass class_;
static const JSClass& protoClass_;
static const JSClassOps classOps_;
static const ClassSpec classSpec_;
class BuiltinTimeZoneObject : public TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin {
static const JSClass class_;
static const JSClassOps classOps_;
} /* namespace js::temporal */
template <>
inline bool JSObject::is<js::temporal::TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin>() const {
return is<js::temporal::TimeZoneObject>() ||
namespace js::temporal {
* Temporal time zones can be either objects or strings. Objects are either
* instances of `Temporal.TimeZone` or user-defined time zones. Strings are
* either canonical time zone identifiers or time zone offset strings.
* Examples of valid Temporal time zones:
* - Any object
* - "UTC"
* - "America/New_York"
* - "+00:00"
* Examples of invalid Temporal time zones:
* - Number values
* - "utc" (wrong case)
* - "Etc/UTC" (canonical name is "UTC")
* - "+00" (missing minutes part)
* - "+00:00:00" (sub-minute precision)
* - "+00:00:01" (sub-minute precision)
* - "-00:00" (wrong sign for zero offset)
* String-valued Temporal time zones are an optimization to avoid allocating
* `Temporal.TimeZone` objects when creating `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` objects.
* For example `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from("1970-01-01[UTC]")` doesn't require
* to allocate a fresh `Temporal.TimeZone` object for the "UTC" time zone.
* The specification creates new `Temporal.TimeZone` objects whenever any
* operation is performed on a string-valued Temporal time zone. This newly
* created object can't be accessed by the user and implementations are expected
* to optimize away the allocation.
* The following two implementation approaches are possible:
* 1. Represent string-valued time zones as JSStrings. Additionally keep a
* mapping from JSString to `mozilla::intl::TimeZone` to avoid repeatedly
* creating new `mozilla::intl::TimeZone` for time zone operations. Offset
* string time zones have to be special cased, because they don't use
* `mozilla::intl::TimeZone`. Either detect offset strings by checking the
* time zone identifier or store offset strings as the offset in minutes
* value to avoid reparsing the offset string again and again.
* 2. Represent string-valued time zones as `Temporal.TimeZone`-like objects.
* These internal `Temporal.TimeZone`-like objects must not be exposed to
* user-code.
* Option 2 is a bit easier to implement, so we use this approach for now.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS TimeZoneValue final {
JSObject* object_ = nullptr;
* Default initialize this TimeZoneValue.
TimeZoneValue() = default;
* Initialize this TimeZoneValue with a "string" time zone object.
explicit TimeZoneValue(BuiltinTimeZoneObject* timeZone) : object_(timeZone) {
* Initialize this TimeZoneValue with an "object" time zone object.
explicit TimeZoneValue(JSObject* timeZone) : object_(timeZone) {
* Initialize this TimeZoneValue from a slot Value, which must be either a
* "string" or "object" time zone object.
explicit TimeZoneValue(const JS::Value& value) : object_(&value.toObject()) {}
* Return true if this TimeZoneValue is not null.
explicit operator bool() const { return !!object_; }
* Return true if this TimeZoneValue is a "string" time zone.
bool isString() const {
return object_ && object_->is<BuiltinTimeZoneObject>();
* Return true if this TimeZoneValue is an "object" time zone.
bool isObject() const { return object_ && !isString(); }
* Return true if this TimeZoneValue holds a TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin.
bool isTimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin() const {
return object_ && object_->is<TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin>();
* Return this "string" time zone.
auto* toString() const {
return &object_->as<BuiltinTimeZoneObject>();
* Return this "object" time zone.
JSObject* toObject() const {
return object_;
* Return the underlying object as a TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin.
auto* toTimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin() const {
return &object_->as<TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin>();
* Return the Value representation of this TimeZoneValue.
JS::Value toValue() const {
if (isString()) {
return JS::StringValue(toString()->identifier());
return JS::ObjectValue(*object_);
* Return the slot Value representation of this TimeZoneValue.
JS::Value toSlotValue() const {
return JS::ObjectValue(*object_);
// Helper methods for (Mutable)WrappedPtrOperations.
auto address() { return &object_; }
auto address() const { return &object_; }
// Trace implementation.
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
enum class TimeZoneMethod {
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS TimeZoneRecord final {
TimeZoneValue receiver_;
// Null unless non-builtin time zone methods are used.
JSObject* getOffsetNanosecondsFor_ = nullptr;
JSObject* getPossibleInstantsFor_ = nullptr;
#ifdef DEBUG
mozilla::EnumSet<TimeZoneMethod> lookedUp_{};
* Default initialize this TimeZoneRecord.
TimeZoneRecord() = default;
explicit TimeZoneRecord(const TimeZoneValue& receiver)
: receiver_(receiver) {}
const auto& receiver() const { return receiver_; }
auto* getOffsetNanosecondsFor() const { return getOffsetNanosecondsFor_; }
auto* getPossibleInstantsFor() const { return getPossibleInstantsFor_; }
#ifdef DEBUG
auto& lookedUp() const { return lookedUp_; }
auto& lookedUp() { return lookedUp_; }
// Helper methods for (Mutable)WrappedPtrOperations.
auto* receiverDoNotUse() const { return &receiver_; }
auto* getOffsetNanosecondsForDoNotUse() const {
return &getOffsetNanosecondsFor_;
auto* getOffsetNanosecondsForDoNotUse() { return &getOffsetNanosecondsFor_; }
auto* getPossibleInstantsForDoNotUse() const {
return &getPossibleInstantsFor_;
auto* getPossibleInstantsForDoNotUse() { return &getPossibleInstantsFor_; }
// Trace implementation.
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
struct Instant;
struct ParsedTimeZone;
struct PlainDateTime;
class CalendarValue;
class InstantObject;
class PlainDateTimeObject;
class PlainDateTimeWithCalendar;
enum class TemporalDisambiguation;
* IsValidTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
* IsAvailableTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
bool IsValidTimeZoneName(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSString*> timeZone,
JS::MutableHandle<JSAtom*> validatedTimeZone);
* CanonicalizeTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
JSString* CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> timeZone);
* IsValidTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
* IsAvailableTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
* CanonicalizeTimeZoneName ( timeZone )
JSString* ValidateAndCanonicalizeTimeZoneName(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<JSString*> timeZone);
* CreateTemporalTimeZone ( identifier [ , newTarget ] )
BuiltinTimeZoneObject* CreateTemporalTimeZone(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<JSString*> identifier);
* ToTemporalTimeZoneSlotValue ( temporalTimeZoneLike )
bool ToTemporalTimeZone(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<JS::Value> temporalTimeZoneLike,
JS::MutableHandle<TimeZoneValue> result);
* ToTemporalTimeZoneSlotValue ( temporalTimeZoneLike )
bool ToTemporalTimeZone(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<ParsedTimeZone> string,
JS::MutableHandle<TimeZoneValue> result);
* ToTemporalTimeZoneObject ( timeZoneSlotValue )
JSObject* ToTemporalTimeZoneObject(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone);
* ToTemporalTimeZoneIdentifier ( timeZoneSlotValue )
JSString* ToTemporalTimeZoneIdentifier(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone);
* TimeZoneEquals ( one, two )
bool TimeZoneEquals(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSString*> one,
JS::Handle<JSString*> two, bool* equals);
* TimeZoneEquals ( one, two )
bool TimeZoneEquals(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> one,
JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> two, bool* equals);
* GetPlainDateTimeFor ( timeZoneRec, instant, calendar [ ,
* precalculatedOffsetNanoseconds ] )
PlainDateTimeObject* GetPlainDateTimeFor(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
const Instant& instant,
JS::Handle<CalendarValue> calendar);
* GetPlainDateTimeFor ( timeZoneRec, instant, calendar [ ,
* precalculatedOffsetNanoseconds ] )
PlainDateTimeObject* GetPlainDateTimeFor(JSContext* cx, const Instant& instant,
JS::Handle<CalendarValue> calendar,
int64_t offsetNanoseconds);
* GetPlainDateTimeFor ( timeZoneRec, instant, calendar [ ,
* precalculatedOffsetNanoseconds ] )
PlainDateTime GetPlainDateTimeFor(const Instant& instant,
int64_t offsetNanoseconds);
* GetPlainDateTimeFor ( timeZoneRec, instant, calendar [ ,
* precalculatedOffsetNanoseconds ] )
bool GetPlainDateTimeFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneRecord> timeZone,
const Instant& instant, PlainDateTime* result);
* GetPlainDateTimeFor ( timeZoneRec, instant, calendar [ ,
* precalculatedOffsetNanoseconds ] )
bool GetPlainDateTimeFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
const Instant& instant, PlainDateTime* result);
* GetInstantFor ( timeZoneRec, dateTime, disambiguation )
bool GetInstantFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
JS::Handle<PlainDateTimeObject*> dateTime,
TemporalDisambiguation disambiguation, Instant* result);
* GetInstantFor ( timeZoneRec, dateTime, disambiguation )
bool GetInstantFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneRecord> timeZone,
JS::Handle<PlainDateTimeWithCalendar> dateTime,
TemporalDisambiguation disambiguation, Instant* result);
* GetInstantFor ( timeZoneRec, dateTime, disambiguation )
bool GetInstantFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
JS::Handle<PlainDateTimeWithCalendar> dateTime,
TemporalDisambiguation disambiguation, Instant* result);
* FormatUTCOffsetNanoseconds ( offsetNanoseconds )
JSString* FormatUTCOffsetNanoseconds(JSContext* cx, int64_t offsetNanoseconds);
* GetOffsetStringFor ( timeZoneRec, instant )
JSString* GetOffsetStringFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
const Instant& instant);
* GetOffsetStringFor ( timeZoneRec, instant )
JSString* GetOffsetStringFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneRecord> timeZone,
JS::Handle<Wrapped<InstantObject*>> instant);
* GetOffsetNanosecondsFor ( timeZoneRec, instant )
bool GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneRecord> timeZone,
JS::Handle<Wrapped<InstantObject*>> instant,
int64_t* offsetNanoseconds);
* GetOffsetNanosecondsFor ( timeZoneRec, instant )
bool GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
JS::Handle<Wrapped<InstantObject*>> instant,
int64_t* offsetNanoseconds);
* GetOffsetNanosecondsFor ( timeZoneRec, instant )
bool GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneRecord> timeZone,
const Instant& instant,
int64_t* offsetNanoseconds);
* GetOffsetNanosecondsFor ( timeZoneRec, instant )
bool GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
const Instant& instant,
int64_t* offsetNanoseconds);
using InstantVector = JS::StackGCVector<Wrapped<InstantObject*>>;
* GetPossibleInstantsFor ( timeZoneRec, dateTime )
bool GetPossibleInstantsFor(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<TimeZoneRecord> timeZone,
JS::Handle<PlainDateTimeWithCalendar> dateTime,
JS::MutableHandle<InstantVector> list);
* DisambiguatePossibleInstants ( possibleInstants, timeZoneRec, dateTime,
* disambiguation )
bool DisambiguatePossibleInstants(
JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<InstantVector> possibleInstants,
JS::Handle<TimeZoneRecord> timeZone, const PlainDateTime& dateTime,
TemporalDisambiguation disambiguation,
JS::MutableHandle<Wrapped<InstantObject*>> result);
* CreateTimeZoneMethodsRecord ( timeZone, methods )
bool CreateTimeZoneMethodsRecord(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<TimeZoneValue> timeZone,
mozilla::EnumSet<TimeZoneMethod> methods,
JS::MutableHandle<TimeZoneRecord> result);
#ifdef DEBUG
* TimeZoneMethodsRecordHasLookedUp ( timeZoneRec, methodName )
inline bool TimeZoneMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(const TimeZoneRecord& timeZone,
TimeZoneMethod methodName) {
// Steps 1-4.
return timeZone.lookedUp().contains(methodName);
* TimeZoneMethodsRecordIsBuiltin ( timeZoneRec )
inline bool TimeZoneMethodsRecordIsBuiltin(const TimeZoneRecord& timeZone) {
// Steps 1-2.
return timeZone.receiver().isString();
// Helper for MutableWrappedPtrOperations.
bool WrapTimeZoneValueObject(JSContext* cx,
JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> timeZone);
} /* namespace js::temporal */
namespace js {
template <typename Wrapper>
class WrappedPtrOperations<temporal::TimeZoneValue, Wrapper> {
const auto& container() const {
return static_cast<const Wrapper*>(this)->get();
explicit operator bool() const { return !!container(); }
bool isString() const { return container().isString(); }
bool isObject() const { return container().isObject(); }
JS::Handle<temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneObject*> toString() const {
auto h = JS::Handle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(container().address());
return h.template as<temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneObject>();
JS::Handle<JSObject*> toObject() const {
return JS::Handle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(container().address());
toTimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin() const {
auto h = JS::Handle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(container().address());
return h.template as<temporal::TimeZoneObjectMaybeBuiltin>();
JS::Value toValue() const { return container().toValue(); }
JS::Value toSlotValue() const { return container().toSlotValue(); }
template <typename Wrapper>
class MutableWrappedPtrOperations<temporal::TimeZoneValue, Wrapper>
: public WrappedPtrOperations<temporal::TimeZoneValue, Wrapper> {
auto& container() { return static_cast<Wrapper*>(this)->get(); }
* Wrap the time zone value into the current compartment.
bool wrap(JSContext* cx) {
MOZ_ASSERT(container().isString() || container().isObject());
auto mh =
return temporal::WrapTimeZoneValueObject(cx, mh);
template <typename Wrapper>
class WrappedPtrOperations<temporal::TimeZoneRecord, Wrapper> {
const auto& container() const {
return static_cast<const Wrapper*>(this)->get();
JS::Handle<temporal::TimeZoneValue> receiver() const {
return JS::Handle<temporal::TimeZoneValue>::fromMarkedLocation(
JS::Handle<JSObject*> getOffsetNanosecondsFor() const {
return JS::Handle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(
JS::Handle<JSObject*> getPossibleInstantsFor() const {
return JS::Handle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(
template <typename Wrapper>
class MutableWrappedPtrOperations<temporal::TimeZoneRecord, Wrapper>
: public WrappedPtrOperations<temporal::TimeZoneRecord, Wrapper> {
auto& container() { return static_cast<Wrapper*>(this)->get(); }
JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> getOffsetNanosecondsFor() {
return JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(
JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> getPossibleInstantsFor() {
return JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* builtin_temporal_TimeZone_h */