.eslintrc.js |
6459 |
Array-inl.h |
1106 |
Array.cpp |
Whether obj may have indexed properties anywhere besides its dense
elements. This includes other indexed properties in its shape hierarchy, and
indexed properties or elements along its prototype chain.
168888 |
Array.h |
JS Array interface. |
7450 |
Array.js |
ES5 |
34831 |
AsyncDisposableStack.js |
2690 |
AsyncDisposableStackObject.cpp |
static |
14602 |
AsyncDisposableStackObject.h |
namespace js |
1826 |
AsyncFunction.js |
617 |
AsyncIteration.js |
ECMA262 7.4.7 AsyncIteratorClose |
14743 |
AtomicsObject.cpp |
JS Atomics pseudo-module.
See chapter 24.4 "The Atomics Object" and chapter 27 "Memory Model" in
ECMAScript 2021 for the full specification.
35163 |
AtomicsObject.h |
5090 |
BigInt.cpp |
6927 |
BigInt.h |
1718 |
BigInt.js |
Format this BigInt object into a string, using the locale and formatting
options provided.
Spec PR: https://github.com/tc39/ecma402/pull/236
1346 |
Boolean-inl.h |
namespace js |
1564 |
Boolean.cpp |
JS boolean implementation.
4923 |
Boolean.h |
JS boolean interface. |
625 |
DataViewObject.cpp |
bytesPerElement = |
37706 |
DataViewObject.h |
Return the current byteLength, or |Nothing| if the DataView is detached or
8098 |
Date.js |
Get a cached DateTimeFormat formatter object, created like so:
CreateDateTimeFormat(undefined, undefined, required, defaults);
|format| must be a key from the "formatters" Record described above.
5931 |
DisposableStack.js |
1936 |
DisposableStackObject.cpp |
static |
13810 |
DisposableStackObject.h |
namespace js |
1924 |
DisposableStackObjectBase.cpp |
Explicit Resource Management Proposal AsyncDisposableStack.prototype.adopt ( value, onDisposeAsync )
Step 5.a DisposableStack.prototype.adopt ( value, onDispose )
Step 5.a
11569 |
DisposableStackObjectBase.h |
namespace js |
2597 |
embedjs.py |
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
namespace js {
namespace %(namespace)s {
static const %(sources_type)s data[] = { %(sources_data)s };
static const %(sources_type)s * const %(sources_name)s = reinterpret_cast<const %(sources_type)s *>(data);
uint32_t GetCompressedSize() {
return %(compressed_total_length)i;
uint32_t GetRawScriptsSize() {
return %(raw_total_length)i;
} // selfhosted
} // js
7165 |
Error.js |
ES6 20140718 draft |
867 |
Eval.cpp |
static |
18926 |
Eval.h |
builtin_Eval_h |
1357 |
FinalizationRegistryObject.cpp |
static |
28179 |
FinalizationRegistryObject.h |
11847 |
Generator.js |
2855 |
HandlerFunction-inl.h |
Handler for operations that act on a target object, and possibly upon
an extra value.
3948 |
intl |
Iterator.js |
ECMA262 7.2.7 |
35124 |
JSON.cpp |
Requires that the destination has enough space allocated for src after
escaping (that is, `2 + 6 * (srcEnd - srcBegin)` characters).
64952 |
JSON.h |
If stringifyBehavior is RestrictedSafe, Stringify will attempt to assert the
API requirements of JS::ToJSONMaybeSafely as it traverses the graph, and will
not try to invoke .toJSON on things as it goes.
2171 |
Map.js |
7679 |
MapObject-inl.h |
builtin_MapObject_inl_h |
2845 |
MapObject.cpp |
HashableValue ********************************************************* |
59339 |
MapObject.h |
Comparing two ropes for equality can fail. The js::HashTable template
requires infallible hash() and match() operations. Therefore we require
all values to be converted to hashable form before being used as a key
in a Map or Set object.
All values except ropes are hashable as-is.
14299 |
ModuleObject.cpp |
91227 |
ModuleObject.h |
18564 |
Number.js |
Format this Number object into a string, using the locale and formatting options
Spec: ECMAScript Language Specification, 5.1 edition,
Spec: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification, 13.2.1.
2984 |
Object.cpp |
Make an object whether this was called with 'new' or not. |
73098 |
Object.h |
Like IdToValue, but convert int jsids to strings. This is used when
exposing a jsid to script for Object.getOwnProperty{Names,Symbols}
or scriptable proxy traps.
2753 |
Object.js |
ES6 draft rev 32 (2015 Feb 2) |
11376 |
OrderedHashTableObject-inl.h |
builtin_OrderedHashTableObject_inl_h |
712 |
OrderedHashTableObject.h |
This file defines js::OrderedHashMapObject (a base class of js::MapObject)
and js::OrderedHashSetObject (a base class of js::SetObject).
It also defines two templates, js::OrderedHashMapImpl and
js::OrderedHashSetImpl, that operate on these objects and implement the
ordered hash table algorithm. These templates are defined separately from
the JS object types because it lets us switch between different template
instantiations to enable or disable GC barriers.
The implemented hash table algorithm is also different from HashMap and
- Iterating over an Ordered hash table visits the entries in the order in
which they were inserted. This means that unlike a HashMap, the behavior
of an OrderedHashMapImpl is deterministic (as long as the HashPolicy
methods are effect-free and consistent); the hashing is a pure
performance optimization.
- Iterator objects remain valid even when entries are added or removed or
the table is resized.
Hash policies
See the comment about "Hash policy" in HashTable.h for general features that
hash policy classes must provide. Hash policies for OrderedHashMapImpl and
Sets differ in that the hash() method takes an extra argument:
static js::HashNumber hash(Lookup, const HashCodeScrambler&);
They must additionally provide a distinguished "empty" key value and the
following static member functions:
bool isEmpty(const Key&);
void makeEmpty(Key*);
49083 |
ParseRecordObject.cpp |
static |
2206 |
ParseRecordObject.h |
2146 |
Profilers.cpp |
Profiling-related API |
15568 |
Profilers.h |
Functions for controlling profilers from within JS: Valgrind, Perf, etc
2777 |
Promise-inl.h |
Given a settled (i.e. fulfilled or rejected, not pending) promise, sets
|promise.[[PromiseIsHandled]]| to true and removes it from the list of
unhandled rejected promises.
NOTE: If you need to set |promise.[[PromiseIsHandled]]| on a pending promise,
use |PromiseObject::setHandled()| directly.
1577 |
Promise.cpp |
ES2023 draft rev 714fa3dd1e8237ae9c666146270f81880089eca5
Promise Resolve Functions
256447 |
Promise.h |
Unforgeable version of the JS builtin Promise.all.
Takes a HandleValueVector of Promise objects and returns a promise that's
resolved with an array of resolution values when all those promises have
been resolved, or rejected with the rejection value of the first rejected
Asserts that all objects in the `promises` vector are, maybe wrapped,
instances of `Promise` or a subclass of `Promise`.
11349 |
Promise.js |
2167 |
RawJSONObject.cpp |
static |
1490 |
RawJSONObject.h |
builtin_RawJSONObject_h |
719 |
Reflect.cpp |
Reflect methods ******************************************************* |
6940 |
Reflect.h |
builtin_Reflect_h |
967 |
Reflect.js |
, newTarget |
5536 |
ReflectParse.cpp |
JS reflection package. |
127583 |
RegExp.cpp |
Implements RegExpBuiltinExec: Steps 18-35
84614 |
RegExp.h |
The following builtin natives are extern'd for pointer comparison in
other parts of the engine.
8301 |
RegExp.js |
36239 |
RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt.h.js |
5436 |
RegExpLocalReplaceOpt.h.js |
4030 |
SelfHostingDefines.h |
4546 |
Set.js |
13359 |
ShadowRealm.cpp |
static |
26367 |
ShadowRealm.h |
1082 |
Sorting-inl.h |
9476 |
Sorting.h |
5625 |
String.cpp |
Forward declarations for URI encode/decode and helper routines
143818 |
String.h |
Initialize the String class, returning its prototype object. |
4220 |
String.js |
A helper function implementing the logic for both String.prototype.padStart
and String.prototype.padEnd as described in ES7 Draft March 29, 2016
28654 |
Symbol.cpp |
7484 |
Symbol.h |
Stores this Symbol object's [[PrimitiveValue]]. |
2439 |
temporal |
TestingFunctions.cpp |
332865 |
TestingFunctions.h |
namespace js |
1691 |
TestingUtility.cpp |
9108 |
TestingUtility.h |
namespace js |
3048 |
TypedArray.js |
Steps 3-5 (non-wrapped typed arrays). |
40288 |
TypedArrayConstants.h |
834 |
Utilities.js |
Specification types ********* |
6112 |
WeakMap.js |
Upsert proposal
WeakMap.prototype.getOrInsert ( key, value )
3507 |
WeakMapObject-inl.h |
builtin_WeakMapObject_inl_h |
3393 |
WeakMapObject.cpp |
static |
11319 |
WeakMapObject.h |
builtin_WeakMapObject_h |
2345 |
WeakRefObject.cpp |
static |
8183 |
WeakRefObject.h |
builtin_WeakRefObject_h |
1361 |
WeakSet.js |
628 |
WeakSetObject.cpp |
static |
7162 |
WeakSetObject.h |
builtin_WeakSetObject_h |
1799 |
WrappedFunctionObject.cpp |
11697 |
WrappedFunctionObject.h |
1431 |