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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// Implementation of JS FinalizationRegistry objects.
#include "builtin/FinalizationRegistryObject.h"
#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_*
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"
#include "vm/Interpreter.h"
#include "gc/GCContext-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h"
using namespace js;
// FinalizationRecordObject
const JSClass FinalizationRecordObject::class_ = {
"FinalizationRecord", JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(SlotCount)};
/* static */
FinalizationRecordObject* FinalizationRecordObject::create(
JSContext* cx, HandleFinalizationQueueObject queue, HandleValue heldValue) {
auto record = NewObjectWithGivenProto<FinalizationRecordObject>(cx, nullptr);
if (!record) {
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(queue->compartment() == record->compartment());
record->initReservedSlot(QueueSlot, ObjectValue(*queue));
record->initReservedSlot(HeldValueSlot, heldValue);
record->initReservedSlot(InMapSlot, BooleanValue(false));
return record;
FinalizationQueueObject* FinalizationRecordObject::queue() const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(QueueSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return &value.toObject().as<FinalizationQueueObject>();
Value FinalizationRecordObject::heldValue() const {
return getReservedSlot(HeldValueSlot);
bool FinalizationRecordObject::isRegistered() const {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!queue(), heldValue().isUndefined());
return queue();
bool FinalizationRecordObject::isInRecordMap() const {
return getReservedSlot(InMapSlot).toBoolean();
void FinalizationRecordObject::setInRecordMap(bool newValue) {
MOZ_ASSERT(newValue != isInRecordMap());
setReservedSlot(InMapSlot, BooleanValue(newValue));
void FinalizationRecordObject::clear() {
setReservedSlot(QueueSlot, UndefinedValue());
setReservedSlot(HeldValueSlot, UndefinedValue());
// FinalizationRegistrationsObject
const JSClass FinalizationRegistrationsObject::class_ = {
&classOps_, JS_NULL_CLASS_SPEC};
const JSClassOps FinalizationRegistrationsObject::classOps_ = {
nullptr, // addProperty
nullptr, // delProperty
nullptr, // enumerate
nullptr, // newEnumerate
nullptr, // resolve
nullptr, // mayResolve
FinalizationRegistrationsObject::finalize, // finalize
nullptr, // call
nullptr, // construct
FinalizationRegistrationsObject::trace, // trace
/* static */
FinalizationRegistrationsObject* FinalizationRegistrationsObject::create(
JSContext* cx) {
auto records = cx->make_unique<WeakFinalizationRecordVector>(cx->zone());
if (!records) {
return nullptr;
auto object =
NewObjectWithGivenProto<FinalizationRegistrationsObject>(cx, nullptr);
if (!object) {
return nullptr;
InitReservedSlot(object, RecordsSlot, records.release(),
return object;
/* static */
void FinalizationRegistrationsObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) {
if (!trc->traceWeakEdges()) {
auto* self = &obj->as<FinalizationRegistrationsObject>();
if (WeakFinalizationRecordVector* records = self->records()) {
TraceRange(trc, records->length(), records->begin(),
"FinalizationRegistrationsObject records");
/* static */
void FinalizationRegistrationsObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx,
JSObject* obj) {
auto* self = &obj->as<FinalizationRegistrationsObject>();
gcx->delete_(obj, self->records(), MemoryUse::FinalizationRecordVector);
inline WeakFinalizationRecordVector*
FinalizationRegistrationsObject::records() {
return static_cast<WeakFinalizationRecordVector*>(privatePtr());
inline const WeakFinalizationRecordVector*
FinalizationRegistrationsObject::records() const {
return static_cast<const WeakFinalizationRecordVector*>(privatePtr());
inline void* FinalizationRegistrationsObject::privatePtr() const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(RecordsSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
void* ptr = value.toPrivate();
return ptr;
inline bool FinalizationRegistrationsObject::isEmpty() const {
return records()->empty();
inline bool FinalizationRegistrationsObject::append(
HandleFinalizationRecordObject record) {
return records()->append(record);
inline void FinalizationRegistrationsObject::remove(
HandleFinalizationRecordObject record) {
inline bool FinalizationRegistrationsObject::traceWeak(JSTracer* trc) {
return records()->traceWeak(trc);
// FinalizationRegistryObject
// Bug 1600300: FinalizationRegistryObject is foreground finalized so that
// HeapPtr destructors never see referents with released arenas. When this is
// fixed we may be able to make this background finalized again.
const JSClass FinalizationRegistryObject::class_ = {
JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_FinalizationRegistry) |
&classOps_, &classSpec_};
const JSClass FinalizationRegistryObject::protoClass_ = {
const JSClassOps FinalizationRegistryObject::classOps_ = {
nullptr, // addProperty
nullptr, // delProperty
nullptr, // enumerate
nullptr, // newEnumerate
nullptr, // resolve
nullptr, // mayResolve
FinalizationRegistryObject::finalize, // finalize
nullptr, // call
nullptr, // construct
FinalizationRegistryObject::trace, // trace
const ClassSpec FinalizationRegistryObject::classSpec_ = {
GenericCreateConstructor<construct, 1, gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION>,
const JSFunctionSpec FinalizationRegistryObject::methods_[] = {
JS_FN("register", register_, 2, 0), JS_FN("unregister", unregister, 1, 0),
JS_FN("cleanupSome", cleanupSome, 0, 0), JS_FS_END};
const JSPropertySpec FinalizationRegistryObject::properties_[] = {
JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "FinalizationRegistry", JSPROP_READONLY),
/* static */
bool FinalizationRegistryObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "FinalizationRegistry")) {
return false;
RootedObject cleanupCallback(
cx, ValueToCallable(cx, args.get(0), 1, NO_CONSTRUCT));
if (!cleanupCallback) {
return false;
RootedObject proto(cx);
if (!GetPrototypeFromBuiltinConstructor(
cx, args, JSProto_FinalizationRegistry, &proto)) {
return false;
Rooted<UniquePtr<ObjectWeakMap>> registrations(
cx, cx->make_unique<ObjectWeakMap>(cx));
if (!registrations) {
return false;
RootedFinalizationQueueObject queue(
cx, FinalizationQueueObject::create(cx, cleanupCallback));
if (!queue) {
return false;
RootedFinalizationRegistryObject registry(
cx, NewObjectWithClassProto<FinalizationRegistryObject>(cx, proto));
if (!registry) {
return false;
registry->initReservedSlot(QueueSlot, ObjectValue(*queue));
InitReservedSlot(registry, RegistrationsSlot, registrations.release(),
if (!cx->runtime()->gc.addFinalizationRegistry(cx, registry)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
void FinalizationRegistryObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) {
// Trace the registrations weak map. At most this traces the
// FinalizationRegistrationsObject values of the map; the contents of those
// objects are weakly held and are not traced by this method.
auto* registry = &obj->as<FinalizationRegistryObject>();
if (ObjectWeakMap* registrations = registry->registrations()) {
void FinalizationRegistryObject::traceWeak(JSTracer* trc) {
// Trace and update the contents of the registrations weak map's values, which
// are weakly held.
for (ObjectValueWeakMap::Enum e(registrations()->valueMap()); !e.empty();
e.popFront()) {
auto* registrations =
if (!registrations->traceWeak(trc)) {
/* static */
void FinalizationRegistryObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
auto registry = &obj->as<FinalizationRegistryObject>();
// The queue's flag should have been updated by
// GCRuntime::sweepFinalizationRegistries.
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(registry->queue(), !registry->queue()->hasRegistry());
gcx->delete_(obj, registry->registrations(),
FinalizationQueueObject* FinalizationRegistryObject::queue() const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(QueueSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return &value.toObject().as<FinalizationQueueObject>();
ObjectWeakMap* FinalizationRegistryObject::registrations() const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(RegistrationsSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<ObjectWeakMap*>(value.toPrivate());
// FinalizationRegistry.prototype.register(target, heldValue [, unregisterToken
// ])
/* static */
bool FinalizationRegistryObject::register_(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// 1. Let finalizationRegistry be the this value.
// 2. If Type(finalizationRegistry) is not Object, throw a TypeError
// exception.
// 3. If finalizationRegistry does not have a [[Cells]] internal slot, throw a
// TypeError exception.
if (!args.thisv().isObject() ||
!args.thisv().toObject().is<FinalizationRegistryObject>()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
"Receiver of FinalizationRegistry.register call");
return false;
RootedFinalizationRegistryObject registry(
cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<FinalizationRegistryObject>());
// 4. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!args.get(0).isObject()) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_OBJECT_REQUIRED,
"target argument to FinalizationRegistry.register");
return false;
RootedObject target(cx, &args[0].toObject());
// 5. If SameValue(target, heldValue), throw a TypeError exception.
if (args.get(1).isObject() && &args.get(1).toObject() == target) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
HandleValue heldValue = args.get(1);
// 6. If Type(unregisterToken) is not Object,
// a. If unregisterToken is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!args.get(2).isUndefined() && !args.get(2).isObject()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
RootedObject unregisterToken(cx);
if (!args.get(2).isUndefined()) {
unregisterToken = &args[2].toObject();
// Create the finalization record representing this target and heldValue.
Rooted<FinalizationQueueObject*> queue(cx, registry->queue());
Rooted<FinalizationRecordObject*> record(
cx, FinalizationRecordObject::create(cx, queue, heldValue));
if (!record) {
return false;
// Add the record to the registrations if an unregister token was supplied.
if (unregisterToken &&
!addRegistration(cx, registry, unregisterToken, record)) {
return false;
auto registrationsGuard = mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] {
if (unregisterToken) {
removeRegistrationOnError(registry, unregisterToken, record);
// Fully unwrap the target to pass it to the GC.
RootedObject unwrappedTarget(cx);
unwrappedTarget = CheckedUnwrapDynamic(target, cx);
if (!unwrappedTarget) {
return false;
// If the target is a DOM wrapper, preserve it.
if (!preserveDOMWrapper(cx, target)) {
return false;
// Wrap the record into the compartment of the target.
RootedObject wrappedRecord(cx, record);
AutoRealm ar(cx, unwrappedTarget);
if (!JS_WrapObject(cx, &wrappedRecord)) {
return false;
if (JS_IsDeadWrapper(wrappedRecord)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_DEAD_OBJECT);
return false;
// Register the record with the target.
gc::GCRuntime* gc = &cx->runtime()->gc;
if (!gc->registerWithFinalizationRegistry(cx, unwrappedTarget,
wrappedRecord)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool FinalizationRegistryObject::preserveDOMWrapper(JSContext* cx,
HandleObject obj) {
if (!MaybePreserveDOMWrapper(cx, obj)) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
return true;
/* static */
bool FinalizationRegistryObject::addRegistration(
JSContext* cx, HandleFinalizationRegistryObject registry,
HandleObject unregisterToken, HandleFinalizationRecordObject record) {
// Add the record to the list of records associated with this unregister
// token.
auto& map = *registry->registrations();
Rooted<FinalizationRegistrationsObject*> recordsObject(cx);
JSObject* obj = map.lookup(unregisterToken);
if (obj) {
recordsObject = &obj->as<FinalizationRegistrationsObject>();
} else {
recordsObject = FinalizationRegistrationsObject::create(cx);
if (!recordsObject || !map.add(cx, unregisterToken, recordsObject)) {
return false;
if (!recordsObject->append(record)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */ void FinalizationRegistryObject::removeRegistrationOnError(
HandleFinalizationRegistryObject registry, HandleObject unregisterToken,
HandleFinalizationRecordObject record) {
// Remove a registration if something went wrong before we added it to the
// target zone's map. Note that this can't remove a registration after that
// point.
JS::AutoAssertNoGC nogc;
auto& map = *registry->registrations();
JSObject* obj = map.lookup(unregisterToken);
auto records = &obj->as<FinalizationRegistrationsObject>();
if (records->empty()) {
// FinalizationRegistry.prototype.unregister ( unregisterToken )
/* static */
bool FinalizationRegistryObject::unregister(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// 1. Let finalizationRegistry be the this value.
// 2. If Type(finalizationRegistry) is not Object, throw a TypeError
// exception.
// 3. If finalizationRegistry does not have a [[Cells]] internal slot, throw a
// TypeError exception.
if (!args.thisv().isObject() ||
!args.thisv().toObject().is<FinalizationRegistryObject>()) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_NOT_A_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY,
"Receiver of FinalizationRegistry.unregister call");
return false;
RootedFinalizationRegistryObject registry(
cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<FinalizationRegistryObject>());
// 4. If Type(unregisterToken) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!args.get(0).isObject()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
return false;
RootedObject unregisterToken(cx, &args[0].toObject());
// 5. Let removed be false.
bool removed = false;
// 6. For each Record { [[Target]], [[HeldValue]], [[UnregisterToken]] } cell
// that is an element of finalizationRegistry.[[Cells]], do
// a. If SameValue(cell.[[UnregisterToken]], unregisterToken) is true, then
// i. Remove cell from finalizationRegistry.[[Cells]].
// ii. Set removed to true.
RootedObject obj(cx, registry->registrations()->lookup(unregisterToken));
if (obj) {
auto* records = obj->as<FinalizationRegistrationsObject>().records();
for (FinalizationRecordObject* record : *records) {
if (unregisterRecord(record)) {
removed = true;
// 7. Return removed.
return true;
/* static */
bool FinalizationRegistryObject::unregisterRecord(
FinalizationRecordObject* record) {
if (!record->isRegistered()) {
return false;
// Clear the fields of this record; it will be removed from the target's
// list when it is next swept.
return true;
// FinalizationRegistry.prototype.cleanupSome ( [ callback ] )
bool FinalizationRegistryObject::cleanupSome(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// 1. Let finalizationRegistry be the this value.
// 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(finalizationRegistry, [[Cells]]).
if (!args.thisv().isObject() ||
!args.thisv().toObject().is<FinalizationRegistryObject>()) {
cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_NOT_A_FINALIZATION_REGISTRY,
"Receiver of FinalizationRegistry.cleanupSome call");
return false;
RootedFinalizationRegistryObject registry(
cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<FinalizationRegistryObject>());
// 3. If callback is not undefined and IsCallable(callback) is false, throw a
// TypeError exception.
RootedObject cleanupCallback(cx);
if (!args.get(0).isUndefined()) {
cleanupCallback = ValueToCallable(cx, args.get(0), -1, NO_CONSTRUCT);
if (!cleanupCallback) {
return false;
RootedFinalizationQueueObject queue(cx, registry->queue());
if (!FinalizationQueueObject::cleanupQueuedRecords(cx, queue,
cleanupCallback)) {
return false;
return true;
// FinalizationQueueObject
// Bug 1600300: FinalizationQueueObject is foreground finalized so that
// HeapPtr destructors never see referents with released arenas. When this is
// fixed we may be able to make this background finalized again.
const JSClass FinalizationQueueObject::class_ = {
const JSClassOps FinalizationQueueObject::classOps_ = {
nullptr, // addProperty
nullptr, // delProperty
nullptr, // enumerate
nullptr, // newEnumerate
nullptr, // resolve
nullptr, // mayResolve
FinalizationQueueObject::finalize, // finalize
nullptr, // call
nullptr, // construct
FinalizationQueueObject::trace, // trace
/* static */
FinalizationQueueObject* FinalizationQueueObject::create(
JSContext* cx, HandleObject cleanupCallback) {
Rooted<UniquePtr<FinalizationRecordVector>> recordsToBeCleanedUp(
cx, cx->make_unique<FinalizationRecordVector>(cx->zone()));
if (!recordsToBeCleanedUp) {
return nullptr;
Handle<PropertyName*> funName = cx->names().empty_;
RootedFunction doCleanupFunction(
cx, NewNativeFunction(cx, doCleanup, 0, funName,
if (!doCleanupFunction) {
return nullptr;
// It's problematic storing a CCW to a global in another compartment because
// you don't know how far to unwrap it to get the original object
// back. Instead store a CCW to a plain object in the same compartment as the
// global (this uses Object.prototype).
RootedObject incumbentObject(cx);
if (!GetObjectFromIncumbentGlobal(cx, &incumbentObject) || !incumbentObject) {
return nullptr;
FinalizationQueueObject* queue =
NewObjectWithGivenProto<FinalizationQueueObject>(cx, nullptr);
if (!queue) {
return nullptr;
queue->initReservedSlot(CleanupCallbackSlot, ObjectValue(*cleanupCallback));
queue->initReservedSlot(IncumbentObjectSlot, ObjectValue(*incumbentObject));
InitReservedSlot(queue, RecordsToBeCleanedUpSlot,
queue->initReservedSlot(IsQueuedForCleanupSlot, BooleanValue(false));
queue->initReservedSlot(HasRegistrySlot, BooleanValue(false));
return queue;
/* static */
void FinalizationQueueObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) {
auto queue = &obj->as<FinalizationQueueObject>();
if (FinalizationRecordVector* records = queue->recordsToBeCleanedUp()) {
/* static */
void FinalizationQueueObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
auto queue = &obj->as<FinalizationQueueObject>();
gcx->delete_(obj, queue->recordsToBeCleanedUp(),
void FinalizationQueueObject::setHasRegistry(bool newValue) {
MOZ_ASSERT(hasRegistry() != newValue);
// Suppress our assertions about touching grey things. It's OK for us to set a
// boolean slot even if this object is gray.
AutoTouchingGrayThings atgt;
setReservedSlot(HasRegistrySlot, BooleanValue(newValue));
bool FinalizationQueueObject::hasRegistry() const {
return getReservedSlot(HasRegistrySlot).toBoolean();
inline JSObject* FinalizationQueueObject::cleanupCallback() const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(CleanupCallbackSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return &value.toObject();
JSObject* FinalizationQueueObject::incumbentObject() const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(IncumbentObjectSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return &value.toObject();
FinalizationRecordVector* FinalizationQueueObject::recordsToBeCleanedUp()
const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(RecordsToBeCleanedUpSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<FinalizationRecordVector*>(value.toPrivate());
bool FinalizationQueueObject::isQueuedForCleanup() const {
return getReservedSlot(IsQueuedForCleanupSlot).toBoolean();
JSFunction* FinalizationQueueObject::doCleanupFunction() const {
Value value = getReservedSlot(DoCleanupFunctionSlot);
if (value.isUndefined()) {
return nullptr;
return &value.toObject().as<JSFunction>();
void FinalizationQueueObject::queueRecordToBeCleanedUp(
FinalizationRecordObject* record) {
AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
if (!recordsToBeCleanedUp()->append(record)) {
void FinalizationQueueObject::setQueuedForCleanup(bool value) {
MOZ_ASSERT(value != isQueuedForCleanup());
setReservedSlot(IsQueuedForCleanupSlot, BooleanValue(value));
/* static */
bool FinalizationQueueObject::doCleanup(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
Value* vp) {
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
RootedFunction callee(cx, &args.callee().as<JSFunction>());
Value value = callee->getExtendedSlot(DoCleanupFunction_QueueSlot);
RootedFinalizationQueueObject queue(
cx, &value.toObject().as<FinalizationQueueObject>());
return cleanupQueuedRecords(cx, queue);
// CleanupFinalizationRegistry ( finalizationRegistry [ , callback ] )
/* static */
bool FinalizationQueueObject::cleanupQueuedRecords(
JSContext* cx, HandleFinalizationQueueObject queue,
HandleObject callbackArg) {
MOZ_ASSERT(cx->compartment() == queue->compartment());
// 2. If callback is undefined, set callback to
// finalizationRegistry.[[CleanupCallback]].
RootedValue callback(cx);
if (callbackArg) {
} else {
JSObject* cleanupCallback = queue->cleanupCallback();
// 3. While finalizationRegistry.[[Cells]] contains a Record cell such that
// cell.[[WeakRefTarget]] is empty, then an implementation may perform the
// following steps,
// a. Choose any such cell.
// b. Remove cell from finalizationRegistry.[[Cells]].
// c. Perform ? Call(callback, undefined, « cell.[[HeldValue]] »).
RootedValue heldValue(cx);
RootedValue rval(cx);
FinalizationRecordVector* records = queue->recordsToBeCleanedUp();
while (!records->empty()) {
FinalizationRecordObject* record = records->popCopy();
// Skip over records that have been unregistered.
if (!record->isRegistered()) {
if (!Call(cx, callback, UndefinedHandleValue, heldValue, &rval)) {
return false;
return true;