.eslintrc.js |
95 |
chrome.toml |
1447 |
chrome_cleanup_script.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
1548 |
chrome_head.js |
14 |
file_contains_iframe.html |
file contains iframe |
235 |
file_contains_img.html |
file contains img |
152 |
file_contentscript_activeTab.html |
193 |
file_contentscript_activeTab2.html |
172 |
file_contentscript_iframe.html |
151 |
file_green.html |
Super green test page |
90 |
file_green_blue.html |
Upper square green, rest blue |
261 |
file_image_bad.png |
5401 |
file_image_good.png |
580 |
file_image_great.png |
580 |
file_image_redirect.png |
5401 |
file_indexedDB.html |
641 |
file_language_fr_en.html |
686 |
file_language_ja.html |
354 |
file_language_tlh.html |
174 |
file_mixed.html |
238 |
file_redirect_cors_bypass.html |
1450965 Skip Cors Check for Early WebExtention Redirects |
860 |
file_redirect_data_uri.html |
Bug 1434357: Allow Web Request API to redirect to data: URI |
168 |
file_remote_frame.html |
393 |
file_sample.html |
file sample |
147 |
file_sample.txt |
6 |
31 |
file_script_bad.js |
38 |
file_script_good.js |
282 |
file_script_redirect.js |
38 |
file_script_xhr.js |
193 |
file_serviceWorker.html |
320 |
file_simple_iframe_worker.html |
558 |
file_simple_inline_script.html |
file simple inline script |
470 |
file_simple_sandboxed_frame.html |
447 |
file_simple_sandboxed_subframe.html |
86 |
file_simple_sharedworker.js |
217 |
file_simple_webrequest_worker.html |
614 |
file_simple_worker.js |
128 |
file_simple_xhr.html |
292 |
file_simple_xhr_frame.html |
274 |
file_simple_xhr_frame2.html |
448 |
file_slowed_document.sjs |
-*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
1281 |
file_streamfilter.txt |
7 |
file_style_bad.css |
37 |
file_style_good.css |
24 |
file_style_redirect.css |
37 |
file_tabs_permission_page1.html |
The Title |
92 |
file_tabs_permission_page2.html |
Another Title |
165 |
file_third_party.html |
330 |
file_to_drawWindow.html |
120 |
file_webNavigation_clientRedirect.html |
130 |
file_webNavigation_clientRedirect_httpHeaders.html |
70 |
31 |
file_webNavigation_frameClientRedirect.html |
153 |
file_webNavigation_frameRedirect.html |
130 |
file_webNavigation_manualSubframe.html |
159 |
file_webNavigation_manualSubframe_page1.html |
139 |
file_webNavigation_manualSubframe_page2.html |
70 |
file_WebNavigation_page1.html |
144 |
file_WebNavigation_page2.html |
48 |
file_WebNavigation_page3.html |
115 |
file_WebRequest_page3.html |
103 |
file_with_about_blank.html |
191 |
file_with_iframe_sandbox.html |
316 |
file_with_images.html |
302 |
file_with_same_origin_frame.html |
530 |
file_with_subframes_and_embed.html |
426 |
file_with_xorigin_frame.html |
234 |
head.js |
exported AppConstants, Assert, AppTestDelegate |
3920 |
head_cookies.js |
-*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
8800 |
head_unlimitedStorage.js |
-*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
1198 |
head_webrequest.js |
14707 |
hsts.sjs |
407 |
mochitest-common.toml |
13641 |
mochitest-remote.toml |
362 |
mochitest-serviceworker.toml |
1117 |
mochitest.toml |
370 |
mochitest_console.js |
eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script |
1458 |
oauth.html |
686 |
redirect_auto.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
1047 |
redirect_to.sjs |
297 |
redirection.sjs |
168 |
return_headers.sjs |
-*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
566 |
serviceWorker.js |
0 |
slow_response.sjs |
-*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
1568 |
test_check_startupcache.html |
Check StartupCache |
2161 |
test_chrome_ext_contentscript_data_uri.html |
Test content script matching a data: URI |
3354 |
test_chrome_ext_contentscript_telemetry.html |
Test for telemetry for content script injection |
3185 |
test_chrome_ext_contentscript_unrecognizedprop_warning.html |
Test for content script unrecognized property on manifest |
2327 |
test_chrome_ext_downloads_open.html |
Test for permissions |
3288 |
test_chrome_ext_downloads_saveAs.html |
Test downloads.download() saveAs option |
9548 |
test_chrome_ext_downloads_uniquify.html |
Test downloads.download() uniquify option |
3712 |
test_chrome_ext_permissions.html |
Test for permissions |
5722 |
test_chrome_ext_svg_context_fill.html |
Test for permissions |
5726 |
test_chrome_ext_trackingprotection.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
3083 |
test_chrome_ext_webnavigation_resolved_urls.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
1948 |
test_chrome_ext_webrequest_background_events.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
2693 |
test_chrome_ext_webrequest_host_permissions.html |
Test webRequest checks host permissions |
3486 |
test_chrome_ext_webrequest_mozextension.html |
Test moz-extension protocol use |
5857 |
test_chrome_native_messaging_paths.html |
WebExtension test |
1787 |
test_ext_action.html |
Action with MV3 |
1282 |
test_ext_activityLog.html |
WebExtension activityLog test |
11220 |
test_ext_all_apis.js |
-*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
7454 |
test_ext_async_clipboard.html |
Async Clipboard permissions tests |
13553 |
test_ext_background_canvas.html |
Test for background page canvas rendering |
1138 |
test_ext_background_page.html |
WebExtension test |
2919 |
test_ext_background_page_dpi.html |
DPI of background page |
1347 |
test_ext_browserAction_getUserSettings.html |
action.getUserSettings Test |
1839 |
test_ext_browserAction_onClicked.html |
browserAction.onClicked test |
3082 |
test_ext_browserAction_openPopup.html |
action.openPopup Test |
5285 |
test_ext_browserAction_openPopup_incognito_window.html |
action.openPopup Incognito Test |
4105 |
test_ext_browserAction_openPopup_windowId.html |
action.openPopup Window ID Test |
4796 |
test_ext_browserAction_openPopup_without_pref.html |
action.openPopup Preference Test |
1373 |
test_ext_browserSettings_overrideDocumentColors.html |
browserSettings.overrideDocumentColors |
6180 |
test_ext_browsingData_indexedDB.html |
Test browsingData.remove indexedDB |
4769 |
test_ext_browsingData_localStorage.html |
Test browsingData.remove indexedDB |
10909 |
test_ext_browsingData_pluginData.html |
Test browsingData.remove indexedDB |
2068 |
test_ext_browsingData_serviceWorkers.html |
Test browsingData.remove indexedDB |
4118 |
test_ext_browsingData_settings.html |
Test browsingData.settings |
1602 |
test_ext_canvas_resistFingerprinting.html |
WebExtension test |
1728 |
test_ext_clipboard.html |
Clipboard permissions tests |
5581 |
test_ext_clipboard_image.html |
Clipboard permissions tests |
9937 |
test_ext_contentscript_about_blank.html |
Test content script match_about_blank option |
12204 |
test_ext_contentscript_activeTab.html |
Test for content script |
21682 |
test_ext_contentscript_blob.html |
Test content scripts at blob:-URLs |
4673 |
test_ext_contentscript_cache.html |
Test for content script caching |
3694 |
test_ext_contentscript_canvas.html |
Test content script access to canvas drawWindow() |
3776 |
test_ext_contentscript_data_url.html |
Test content script at data:-URLs |
9168 |
test_ext_contentscript_devtools_metadata.html |
Test for Sandbox metadata on WebExtensions ContentScripts |
2265 |
test_ext_contentscript_fission_frame.html |
Test content script in cross-origin frame |
3496 |
test_ext_contentscript_getFrameId.html |
Test content script runtime.getFrameId |
5897 |
test_ext_contentscript_incognito.html |
Test for content script private browsing ID |
2678 |
test_ext_contentscript_permission.html |
Test for content script |
1567 |
test_ext_contentscript_securecontext.html |
Test content script accessing certain [SecureContext] interfaces in non-secure contexts |
6514 |
test_ext_cookies.html |
WebExtension test |
16884 |
test_ext_cookies_containers.html |
WebExtension test |
3415 |
test_ext_cookies_expiry.html |
WebExtension cookies test |
2492 |
test_ext_cookies_first_party.html |
14701 |
test_ext_cookies_incognito.html |
WebExtension test |
3696 |
test_ext_cookies_permissions_bad.html |
WebExtension test |
3209 |
test_ext_cookies_permissions_good.html |
WebExtension test |
2673 |
test_ext_dnr_other_extensions.html |
DNR and tabs.create from other extension |
9448 |
test_ext_dnr_tabIds.html |
DNR with tabIds condition |
4812 |
test_ext_dnr_upgradeScheme.html |
DNR with upgradeScheme action |
5118 |
test_ext_downloads_download.html |
Downloads Test |
2955 |
test_ext_embeddedimg_iframe_frameAncestors.html |
Test checking webRequest.onBeforeRequest details object |
2967 |
test_ext_exclude_include_globs.html |
Test for content script |
2547 |
test_ext_extension_getViews.html |
extension.getViews Test |
3267 |
test_ext_extension_iframe_messaging.html |
Test moz-extension iframe messaging |
3930 |
test_ext_external_messaging.html |
WebExtension external messaging |
3228 |
test_ext_generate.html |
Test for generating WebExtensions |
1260 |
test_ext_geolocation.html |
2453 |
test_ext_identity.html |
Test for WebExtension Identity |
12362 |
test_ext_idle.html |
WebExtension test |
2232 |
test_ext_inIncognitoContext_window.html |
WebExtension test |
1290 |
test_ext_listener_proxies.html |
Test for content script |
1531 |
test_ext_new_tab_processType.html |
Test for opening links in new tabs from extension frames |
4924 |
test_ext_notifications.html |
Test for notifications |
13158 |
test_ext_optional_permissions.html |
optional permissions and preloaded processes |
2838 |
test_ext_pageAction_onClicked.html |
pageAction.onClicked test |
3488 |
test_ext_protocolHandlers.html |
Test for protocol handlers |
20880 |
test_ext_redirect_jar.html |
2870 |
test_ext_request_urlClassification.html |
Test for WebRequest urlClassification |
7459 |
test_ext_runtime_connect.html |
WebExtension test |
2493 |
test_ext_runtime_connect_iframe.html |
WebExtension test |
5205 |
test_ext_runtime_connect_twoway.html |
WebExtension test |
5854 |
test_ext_runtime_connect2.html |
WebExtension test |
3024 |
test_ext_runtime_disconnect.html |
WebExtension test |
2209 |
test_ext_runtime_getContexts.html |
runtime.getContexts Test |
4376 |
test_ext_script_filenames.html |
Script Filenames Test |
1606 |
test_ext_scripting_contentScripts.html |
Tests scripting.*ContentScripts() |
51224 |
test_ext_scripting_executeScript.html |
Tests scripting.executeScript() |
39810 |
test_ext_scripting_executeScript_activeTab.html |
Tests scripting.executeScript() and activeTab |
4305 |
test_ext_scripting_executeScript_injectImmediately.html |
Tests scripting.executeScript() and injectImmediately |
5772 |
test_ext_scripting_executeScript_null_principal.html |
Tests scripting.executeScript() on null principal |
6750 |
test_ext_scripting_executeScript_slow_frame.html |
Tests scripting.executeScript() with allFrames:true or frameId option, edge cases |
5415 |
test_ext_scripting_executeScript_world.html |
Tests scripting.executeScript() with world option |
12279 |
test_ext_scripting_insertCSS.html |
Tests scripting.insertCSS() |
11335 |
test_ext_scripting_permissions.html |
Tests scripting APIs and permissions |
4080 |
test_ext_scripting_removeCSS.html |
Tests scripting.removeCSS() |
3644 |
test_ext_sendmessage_doublereply.html |
WebExtension test |
2588 |
test_ext_sendmessage_frameId.html |
Test sendMessage frameId |
1463 |
test_ext_sendmessage_no_receiver.html |
WebExtension test |
3611 |
test_ext_sendmessage_reply.html |
WebExtension test |
1850 |
test_ext_sendmessage_reply2.html |
WebExtension test |
6109 |
test_ext_storage_cleanup.html |
WebExtension test |
8875 |
test_ext_storage_manager_capabilities.html |
Test Storage API |
3888 |
test_ext_storage_smoke_test.html |
WebExtension test |
3934 |
test_ext_streamfilter_multiple.html |
Test for multiple extensions trying to filterResponseData on the same request |
2624 |
test_ext_streamfilter_processswitch.html |
Test for using filterResponseData to intercept a cross-origin navigation that will involve a process switch with fission |
2279 |
test_ext_subframes_privileges.html |
WebExtension test |
11779 |
test_ext_tabs_captureTab.html |
Tests tabs.captureTab and tabs.captureVisibleTab |
14013 |
test_ext_tabs_create_cookieStoreId.html |
Test tabs.create(cookieStoreId) |
6467 |
test_ext_tabs_detectLanguage.html |
Verify detectLangauge |
2268 |
test_ext_tabs_executeScript_good.html |
Tabs executeScript Test |
4612 |
test_ext_tabs_permissions.html |
Tabs permissions test |
19172 |
test_ext_tabs_query_popup.html |
Tabs create Test |
3277 |
test_ext_tabs_sendMessage.html |
Test tabs.sendMessage |
9851 |
test_ext_test.html |
Testing test |
13495 |
test_ext_unlimitedStorage.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
4693 |
test_ext_web_accessible_incognito.html |
Test the web_accessible_resources incognito |
5451 |
test_ext_web_accessible_resources.html |
Test the web_accessible_resources manifest directive |
17491 |
test_ext_webnavigation.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
21228 |
test_ext_webnavigation_filters.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
9230 |
test_ext_webnavigation_incognito.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
3540 |
test_ext_webrequest_and_proxy_filter.html |
4527 |
test_ext_webrequest_auth.html |
7373 |
test_ext_webrequest_background_events.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
3307 |
test_ext_webrequest_basic.html |
13008 |
test_ext_webrequest_errors.html |
Test for WebRequest errors |
1760 |
test_ext_webrequest_filter.html |
8411 |
test_ext_webrequest_frameId.html |
7415 |
test_ext_webrequest_getSecurityInfo.html |
browser.webRequest.getSecurityInfo() |
4741 |
test_ext_webrequest_hsts.html |
11123 |
test_ext_webrequest_redirect_bypass_cors.html |
Bug 1450965: Skip Cors Check for Early WebExtention Redirects |
2387 |
test_ext_webrequest_redirect_data_uri.html |
Bug 1434357: Allow Web Request API to redirect to data: URI |
2664 |
test_ext_webrequest_upgrade.html |
Test for simple WebExtension |
5246 |
test_ext_webrequest_upload.html |
7781 |
test_ext_webrequest_worker.html |
5718 |
test_ext_window_postMessage.html |
Test for content script |
2560 |
test_startup_canary.html |
Check StartupCache |
2935 |
test_verify_non_remote_mode.html |
Verify non-remote mode |
1148 |
test_verify_remote_mode.html |
Verify remote mode |
773 |
test_verify_sw_mode.html |
Verify WebExtension background service worker mode |
1020 |
webrequest_chrome.worker.js |
132 |
webrequest_test.sys.mjs |
288 |
webrequest_worker.js |
57 |