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<title>Testing test</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/ExtensionTestUtils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="head.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
"use strict";
function loadExtensionAndInterceptTest(extensionData) {
let results = [];
let testResolve;
let testDone = new Promise(resolve => { testResolve = resolve; });
let handler = {
testResult(...result) {
results.push(result);`Received test result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
testMessage(msg, ...args) {
results.push(["test-message", msg, ...args]);`Received message: ${msg} ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
if (msg === "This is the last browser.test call") {
let extension = SpecialPowers.loadExtension(extensionData, handler);
SimpleTest.registerCleanupFunction(() => {
if (extension.state == "pending" || extension.state == "running") {
SimpleTest.ok(false, "Extension left running at test shutdown");
return extension.unload();
} else if (extension.state == "unloading") {
SimpleTest.ok(false, "Extension not fully unloaded at test shutdown");
extension.awaitResults = () => testDone.then(() => results);
return extension;
// NOTE: This test does not verify the behavior expected by calling the browser.test API methods.
// On the contrary it tests what messages ext-test.js sends to the parent process as a result of
// processing different kind of parameters (e.g. how a dom element or a JS object with a custom
// toString method are being serialized into strings).
// All browser.test calls results are intercepted by the test itself, see verifyTestResults for
// the expectations of each browser.test call.
function testScript() {
browser.test.notifyPass("dot notifyPass");
browser.test.notifyFail("dot notifyFail");
browser.test.log("dot log");"dot fail");
browser.test.succeed("dot succeed");
browser.test.assertEq("", "");
let obj = {};
let arr = [];
browser.test.assertTrue(obj, "Object truthy");
browser.test.assertTrue(arr, "Array truthy");
browser.test.assertTrue(true, "True truthy");
browser.test.assertTrue(false, "False truthy");
browser.test.assertTrue(null, "Null truthy");
browser.test.assertTrue(undefined, "Void truthy");
browser.test.assertFalse(obj, "Object falsey");
browser.test.assertFalse(arr, "Array falsey");
browser.test.assertFalse(true, "True falsey");
browser.test.assertFalse(false, "False falsey");
browser.test.assertFalse(null, "Null falsey");
browser.test.assertFalse(undefined, "Void falsey");
browser.test.assertEq(obj, obj, "Object equality");
browser.test.assertEq(arr, arr, "Array equality");
browser.test.assertEq(null, null, "Null equality");
browser.test.assertEq(undefined, undefined, "Void equality");
browser.test.assertEq({}, {}, "Object reference inequality");
browser.test.assertEq([], [], "Array reference inequality");
browser.test.assertEq(true, 1, "strict: true and 1 inequality");
browser.test.assertEq("1", 1, "strict: '1' and 1 inequality");
browser.test.assertEq(null, undefined, "Null and void inequality");
browser.test.assertDeepEq({a: 1, b: 1}, {b: 1, a: 1}, "Object deep eq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq([[2], [1]], [[2], [1]], "Array deep eq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq(true, 1, "strict: true and 1 deep ineq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq("1", 1, "strict: '1' and 1 deep ineq");
// Key with undefined value should be different from object without key:
browser.test.assertDeepEq(null, undefined, "Null and void deep ineq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq({c: undefined}, {c: null}, "void+null deep ineq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq({a: undefined, b: 1}, {b: 1}, "void/- deep ineq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq(NaN, NaN, "NaN deep eq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq(NaN, null, "NaN+null deep ineq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq(Infinity, Infinity, "Infinity deep eq");
browser.test.assertDeepEq(Infinity, null, "Infinity+null deep ineq");
obj = {
toString() {
return "Dynamic toString";
browser.test.assertEq(obj, obj, "obj with dynamic toString()");
() => { throw new Error("dummy"); },
"intentional failure"
() => { throw new Error("dummy2"); },
() => {},
// The WebIDL version of assertDeepEq structurally clones before sending the
// params to the main thread. This check verifies that the behavior is
// consistent between the WebIDL and Schemas.sys.mjs-generated API bindings.
() => browser.test.assertDeepEq(obj, obj, "obj with func"),
/An unexpected error occurred/,
"assertDeepEq obj with function throws"
() => browser.test.assertDeepEq(() => {}, () => {}, "func to assertDeepEq"),
/An unexpected error occurred/,
"assertDeepEq with function throws"
() => browser.test.assertDeepEq(/./, /./, "regexp"),
/Unsupported obj type: RegExp/,
"assertDeepEq with RegExp throws"
// Set of additional tests to only run on background page and content script
// (but skip on background service worker).
if (self === self.window) {
let dom = document.createElement("body");
browser.test.assertTrue(dom, "Element truthy");
browser.test.assertTrue(false, document.createElement("html"));
browser.test.assertFalse(dom, "Element falsey");
browser.test.assertFalse(true, document.createElement("head"));
browser.test.assertEq(dom, dom, "Element equality");
browser.test.assertEq(dom, document.createElement("body"), "Element inequality");
browser.test.assertEq(true, false, document.createElement("div"));
browser.test.sendMessage("Ran test at", location.protocol);
browser.test.sendMessage("This is the last browser.test call");
function verifyTestResults(results, shortName, expectedProtocol, useServiceWorker) {
let expectations = [
["test-done", true, "dot notifyPass"],
["test-done", false, "dot notifyFail"],
["test-log", true, "dot log"],
["test-result", false, "dot fail"],
["test-result", true, "dot succeed"],
["test-result", true, "undefined"],
["test-result", true, "undefined"],
["test-eq", true, "undefined", "", ""],
["test-result", true, "Object truthy"],
["test-result", true, "Array truthy"],
["test-result", true, "True truthy"],
["test-result", false, "False truthy"],
["test-result", false, "Null truthy"],
["test-result", false, "Void truthy"],
["test-result", false, "Object falsey"],
["test-result", false, "Array falsey"],
["test-result", false, "True falsey"],
["test-result", true, "False falsey"],
["test-result", true, "Null falsey"],
["test-result", true, "Void falsey"],
["test-eq", true, "Object equality", "[object Object]", "[object Object]"],
["test-eq", true, "Array equality", "", ""],
["test-eq", true, "Null equality", "null", "null"],
["test-eq", true, "Void equality", "undefined", "undefined"],
["test-eq", false, "Object reference inequality", "[object Object]", "[object Object] (different)"],
["test-eq", false, "Array reference inequality", "", " (different)"],
["test-eq", false, "strict: true and 1 inequality", "true", "1"],
["test-eq", false, "strict: '1' and 1 inequality", "1", "1 (different)"],
["test-eq", false, "Null and void inequality", "null", "undefined"],
["test-eq", true, "Object deep eq", `{"a":1,"b":1}`, `{"b":1,"a":1}`],
["test-eq", true, "Array deep eq", "[[2],[1]]", "[[2],[1]]"],
["test-eq", false, "strict: true and 1 deep ineq", "true", "1"],
["test-eq", false, "strict: '1' and 1 deep ineq", `"1"`, "1"],
["test-eq", false, "Null and void deep ineq", "null", "undefined"],
["test-eq", false, "void+null deep ineq", `{"c":"undefined"}`, `{"c":null}`],
["test-eq", false, "void/- deep ineq", `{"a":"undefined","b":1}`, `{"b":1}`],
["test-eq", true, "NaN deep eq", `NaN`, `NaN`],
["test-eq", false, "NaN+null deep ineq", `NaN`, `null`],
["test-eq", true, "Infinity deep eq", `Infinity`, `Infinity`],
["test-eq", false, "Infinity+null deep ineq", `Infinity`, `null`],
"obj with dynamic toString()",
// - Privileged JS API Bindings: the ext-test.js module will get a XrayWrapper and so when
// the object is being stringified the custom `toString()` method will not be called and
// "[object Object]" is the value we expect.
// - WebIDL API Bindngs: the parameter is being serialized into a string on the worker thread,
// the object is stringified using the worker principal and so there is no XrayWrapper
// involved and the value expected is the value returned by the custom toString method the.
// object does provide.
useServiceWorker ? "Dynamic toString" : "[object Object]",
useServiceWorker ? "Dynamic toString" : "[object Object]",
"test-result", false,
"Function threw, expecting error to match '/dummy2/', got \'Error: dummy\': intentional failure"
"test-result", false,
"Function threw, expecting error to match '/dummy3/', got \'Error: dummy2\'"
"test-result", false,
"Function did not throw, expected error '/dummy/'"
"test-result", true,
"Function threw, expecting error to match '/An unexpected error occurred/', got 'Error: An unexpected error occurred': assertDeepEq obj with function throws",
"test-result", true,
"Function threw, expecting error to match '/An unexpected error occurred/', got 'Error: An unexpected error occurred': assertDeepEq with function throws",
"test-result", true,
"Function threw, expecting error to match '/Unsupported obj type: RegExp/', got 'Error: Unsupported obj type: RegExp': assertDeepEq with RegExp throws",
if (!useServiceWorker) {
["test-result", true, "Element truthy"],
["test-result", false, "[object HTMLHtmlElement]"],
["test-result", false, "Element falsey"],
["test-result", false, "[object HTMLHeadElement]"],
["test-eq", true, "Element equality", "[object HTMLBodyElement]", "[object HTMLBodyElement]"],
["test-eq", false, "Element inequality", "[object HTMLBodyElement]", "[object HTMLBodyElement] (different)"],
["test-eq", false, "[object HTMLDivElement]", "true", "false"],
["test-message", "Ran test at", expectedProtocol],
["test-message", "This is the last browser.test call"],
expectations.forEach((expectation, i) => {
let msg = expectation.slice(2).join(" - ");
isDeeply(results[i], expectation, `${shortName} (${msg})`);
is(results[expectations.length], undefined, "No more results");
add_task(async function test_test_in_background() {
let extensionData = {
background: `(${testScript})()`,
// This test case should never run the background script in a worker,
// even if this test file is running when "extensions.backgroundServiceWorker.forceInTest"
// pref is true
useServiceWorker: false,
let extension = loadExtensionAndInterceptTest(extensionData);
await extension.startup();
let results = await extension.awaitResults();
verifyTestResults(results, "background page", "moz-extension:", false);
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function test_test_in_background_service_worker() {
if (!ExtensionTestUtils.isInBackgroundServiceWorkerTests()) {
"This test should only be skipped with background service worker disabled"
info("Test intentionally skipped on 'extensions.backgroundServiceWorker.enabled=false'");
let extensionData = {
background: `(${testScript})()`,
// This test case should always run the background script in a worker,
// or be skipped if the background service worker is disabled by prefs.
useServiceWorker: true,
let extension = loadExtensionAndInterceptTest(extensionData);
await extension.startup();
let results = await extension.awaitResults();
verifyTestResults(results, "background service worker", "moz-extension:", true);
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function test_test_in_content_script() {
let extensionData = {
manifest: {
content_scripts: [{
js: ["contentscript.js"],
files: {
"contentscript.js": `(${testScript})()`,
let extension = loadExtensionAndInterceptTest(extensionData);
await extension.startup();
let win ="file_sample.html");
let results = await extension.awaitResults();
verifyTestResults(results, "content script", "http:", false);
await extension.unload();