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<!doctype html>
<title>Test content script at data:-URLs</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/ExtensionTestUtils.js"></script>
<script src="head.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
add_setup(async () => {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["security.data_uri.block_toplevel_data_uri_navigations", false]],
add_task(async function data_url_via_match_about_blank_true() {
const manifest = {
content_scripts: [
// match_about_blank is documented to match the parent URL for
// about:blank / about:srcdoc, which inherit the parent principal.
// data:-URLs used to inherit the principal, until bug 1324406 changed
// this. For comprehensive test coverage, verify that we don't match
// the parent URL with match_about_blank and data:-URLs.
match_about_blank: true,
// This HTML file is the test itself.
matches: ["*://*/*/test_ext_contentscript_data_url.html"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["match_about_blank:matches.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
}, {
// match_about_blank may match top-level about:blank documents with a
// null principal, as a special case. This same logic was expanded to
// top-level data:-URLs in bug 1451463 (undocumented!).
match_about_blank: true,
matches: ["*://*/*"],
js: ["match_about_blank:wildcard.js"],
all_frames: true,
run_at: "document_start",
}, {
// Sanity check: without matching matches, this should never match.
match_about_blank: true,
matches: ["*://*/never_matched"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["never_matched.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
const files = {
"match_about_blank:matches.js": () => {
if (location.protocol === "data:") {
browser.test.sendMessage("match_about_blank:matches", location.href);
"match_about_blank:wildcard.js": () => {
if (location.protocol === "data:") {
browser.test.sendMessage("match_about_blank:wildcard", location.href);
"never_matched.js": () => {`Unexpected match at: ${location.href}`);
const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, files });
await extension.startup();
const DATA_URL_FRAME = "data:,iframe_data";
const DATA_URL = `data:text/html,<iframe src="${DATA_URL_FRAME}"></iframe>`;
let win =;
await extension.awaitMessage("match_about_blank:wildcard"),
"match_about_blank with wildcard matches data:-URL popup"
// Notably: match_about_blank:wildcard for DATA_URL_FRAME is not sent, because
// data:-URLs are not really supported with match_about_blank. Undocumented
// support for top-level data:-URLs was introduced in bug 1451463.
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function data_url_via_match_origin_as_fallback_true() {
const manifest = {
content_scripts: [
match_origin_as_fallback: true,
// mochi.test is where the test is running from.
matches: ["*://mochi.test/*"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["matched_fallback:host.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
}, {
// When a data:-URL has a precursor, such as when it is opened through
// a http(s) as done in this test task, then matching is based on the
// origin. include_globs matches the origin.
match_origin_as_fallback: true,
matches: ["*://mochi.test/*"],
include_globs: ["http*"], // matches http://mochi.test:8888
all_frames: true,
js: ["matched_fallback:glob.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
}, {
// Sanity check: without matching matches, this should never match.
match_origin_as_fallback: true,
matches: ["*://*/never_matched"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["never_matched.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
const files = {
"matched_fallback:host.js": () => {
if (location.protocol === "data:") {
browser.test.sendMessage("matched_fallback:host", location.href);
"matched_fallback:glob.js": () => {
if (location.protocol === "data:") {
browser.test.sendMessage("matched_fallback:glob", location.href);
"never_matched.js": () => {`Unexpected match at: ${location.href}`);
const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, files });
await extension.startup();
const DATA_URL_FRAME = "data:,iframe_data";
const DATA_URL = `data:text/html,<iframe src="${DATA_URL_FRAME}"></iframe>`;
let win =;
await extension.awaitMessage("matched_fallback:host"),
"match_origin_as_fallback matches data:-URL popup via matches"
await extension.awaitMessage("matched_fallback:glob"),
"match_origin_as_fallback matches data:-URL popup via glob"
await extension.awaitMessage("matched_fallback:host"),
"match_origin_as_fallback matches frame in data:-URL popup via matches"
await extension.awaitMessage("matched_fallback:glob"),
"match_origin_as_fallback matches frame in data:-URL popup via glob"
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function top_level_data_url_without_precursor() {
const manifest = {
content_scripts: [
// This is special compared to *://*/*: The data:-schema is part of
// <all_urls>, so even if the origin were to somehow not match anything,
// then <all_urls> + match_origin_as_fallback could potentially match
// data:-URLs without precursor principal, such as when the user
// navigates to a data:-URL from the address bar.
match_origin_as_fallback: true,
matches: ["<all_urls>"],
include_globs: ["data:,iframe_data"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["matched_fallback:glob_iframe.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
}, {
// There is a special case similar to about:blank which is also tested
// by top_level_about_blank in test_ext_contentscript_about_blank.html:
// When the top-level document is opaque, and 'matches' matches any URL,
// then data:-URLs are injected (even though there is no precursor to
// match).
// Note: this does not match the iframe, because the "origin" to be used
// for matching is the data:-URL of the iframe, and "*://*/*" does not
// match data:-URLs, unlike <all_urls>.
match_origin_as_fallback: true,
matches: ["*://*/*"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["matched_fallback:wildcard.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
}, {
// Sanity check: include_globs can also reject a match.
match_origin_as_fallback: true,
matches: ["<all_urls>"],
include_globs: ["data:,not-matching"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["never_matched.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
}, {
// Not expected to match: fall through to data:-URL matching only
// happens when match_origin_as_fallback is true, not when
// match_about_blank is true.
match_about_blank: true,
matches: ["<all_urls>"],
include_globs: ["data:*"],
all_frames: true,
js: ["never_matched2.js"],
run_at: "document_start",
const files = {
"matched_fallback:wildcard.js": () => {
if (location.protocol === "data:") {
browser.test.sendMessage("matched_fallback:wildcard", location.href);
"matched_fallback:glob_iframe.js": () => {
if (location.protocol === "data:") {
browser.test.sendMessage("matched_fallback:glob_iframe", location.href);
"never_matched.js": () => {`Unexpected match at: ${location.href}`);
"never_matched2.js": () => {`Unexpected match 2 at: ${location.href}`);
const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, files });
await extension.startup();
const DATA_URL_FRAME = "data:,iframe_data";
const DATA_URL = `data:text/html,<iframe src="${DATA_URL_FRAME}"></iframe>`;
let tab = await AppTestDelegate.openNewForegroundTab(window, DATA_URL, true);
await extension.awaitMessage("matched_fallback:wildcard"),
"match_origin_as_fallback matches data:-URL popup without http(s) origin"
await extension.awaitMessage("matched_fallback:glob_iframe"),
"match_origin_as_fallback matches data:-URL frame by data:-glob pattern"
await AppTestDelegate.removeTab(window, tab);
await extension.unload();