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Test Info: Errors

<title>WebExtension test</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/ExtensionTestUtils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="head.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
add_task(async function test_cookies() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({set: [
["", false],
["", false],
async function background() {
function assertExpected(expected, cookie) {
for (let key of Object.keys(cookie)) {
browser.test.assertTrue(key in expected, `found property ${key}`);
browser.test.assertEq(expected[key], cookie[key], `property value for ${key} is correct`);
browser.test.assertEq(Object.keys(expected).length, Object.keys(cookie).length, "all expected properties found");
async function getDocumentCookie(tabId) {
let results = await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
code: "document.cookie",
browser.test.assertEq(1, results.length, "executeScript returns one result");
return results[0];
async function testIpCookie(ipAddress, setHostOnly) {
const IP_TEST_HOST = ipAddress;
const IP_TEST_URL = `http://${IP_TEST_HOST}/`;
const IP_THE_FUTURE = + 5 * 60;
const IP_STORE_ID = "firefox-default";
let expectedCookie = {
name: "name1",
value: "value1",
domain: IP_TEST_HOST,
hostOnly: true,
path: "/",
secure: false,
httpOnly: false,
sameSite: "no_restriction",
session: false,
expirationDate: IP_THE_FUTURE,
storeId: IP_STORE_ID,
firstPartyDomain: "",
partitionKey: null,
await browser.browsingData.removeCookies({});
let ip_cookie = await browser.cookies.set({
domain: setHostOnly ? ipAddress : undefined,
name: "name1",
value: "value1",
expirationDate: IP_THE_FUTURE,
assertExpected(expectedCookie, ip_cookie);
let ip_cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(1, ip_cookies.length, "ip cookie can be added");
assertExpected(expectedCookie, ip_cookies[0]);
ip_cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({domain: IP_TEST_HOST, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(1, ip_cookies.length, "can get ip cookie by host");
assertExpected(expectedCookie, ip_cookies[0]);
let ip_details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: IP_TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
assertExpected({url: IP_TEST_URL, name: "name1", storeId: IP_STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, ip_details);
ip_cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(0, ip_cookies.length, "ip cookie can be removed");
async function openPrivateWindowAndTab(TEST_URL) {
// Add some random suffix to make sure that we select the right tab.
const PRIVATE_TEST_URL = TEST_URL + "?random" + Math.random();
let tabReadyPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
browser.webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded.addListener(function listener({tabId}) {
}, {
url: [{
// This tab is opened for two purposes:
// 1. To allow tests to run content scripts in the context of a tab,
// for fetching the value of document.cookie.
// 2. TODO Bug 1309637 To work around cookies in incognito windows,
// based on the analysis in comment 8.
let {id: windowId} = await{
incognito: true,
let tabId = await tabReadyPromise;
return {windowId, tabId};
function changePort(href, port) {
let url = new URL(href);
url.port = port;
return url.href;
await testIpCookie("[2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b]", false);
await testIpCookie("[2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b]", true);
await testIpCookie("", false);
await testIpCookie("", true);
const TEST_URL = "";
const TEST_SECURE_URL = "";
const THE_FUTURE = + 5 * 60;
const TEST_PATH = "set_path";
const STORE_ID = "firefox-default";
const PRIVATE_STORE_ID = "firefox-private";
let expected = {
name: "name1",
value: "value1",
domain: "",
hostOnly: true,
path: "/",
secure: false,
httpOnly: false,
sameSite: "no_restriction",
session: false,
expirationDate: THE_FUTURE,
storeId: STORE_ID,
firstPartyDomain: "",
partitionKey: null,
// Remove all cookies before starting the test.
await browser.browsingData.removeCookies({});
let cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1", value: "value1", expirationDate: THE_FUTURE});
assertExpected(expected, cookie);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
assertExpected(expected, cookie);
let cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(1, cookies.length, "one cookie found for matching name");
assertExpected(expected, cookies[0]);
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({domain: ""});
browser.test.assertEq(1, cookies.length, "one cookie found for matching domain");
assertExpected(expected, cookies[0]);
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({domain: ""});
browser.test.assertEq(0, cookies.length, "no cookies found for non-matching domain");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({secure: false});
browser.test.assertEq(1, cookies.length, "one non-secure cookie found");
assertExpected(expected, cookies[0]);
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({secure: true});
browser.test.assertEq(0, cookies.length, "no secure cookies found");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({storeId: STORE_ID});
browser.test.assertEq(1, cookies.length, "one cookie found for valid storeId");
assertExpected(expected, cookies[0]);
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({storeId: "invalid_id"});
browser.test.assertEq(0, cookies.length, "no cookies found for invalid storeId");
let details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(null, cookie, "removed cookie not found");
// Ports in cookie URLs should be ignored. Every API call uses a different port number for better coverage.
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: changePort(TEST_URL, 1234), name: "name1", value: "value1", expirationDate: THE_FUTURE});
assertExpected(expected, cookie);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: changePort(TEST_URL, 65535), name: "name1"});
assertExpected(expected, cookie);
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({url: TEST_URL});
browser.test.assertEq(cookies.length, 1, "Found cookie using getAll without port");
assertExpected(expected, cookies[0]);
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({url: changePort(TEST_URL, 1)});
browser.test.assertEq(cookies.length, 1, "Found cookie using getAll with port");
assertExpected(expected, cookies[0]);
// .remove should return the URL of the API call, so the port is included in the return value.
const TEST_URL_TO_REMOVE = changePort(TEST_URL, 1023);
details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL_TO_REMOVE, name: "name1"});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL_TO_REMOVE, name: "name1", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(null, cookie, "removed cookie not found");
let stores = await browser.cookies.getAllCookieStores();
browser.test.assertEq(1, stores.length, "expected number of stores returned");
browser.test.assertEq(STORE_ID, stores[0].id, "expected store id returned");
browser.test.assertEq(1, stores[0].tabIds.length, "one tabId returned for store");
browser.test.assertEq("number", typeof stores[0].tabIds[0], "tabId is a number");
// TODO bug 1372178: Opening private windows/tabs is not supported on Android
if ( {
let {windowId} = await openPrivateWindowAndTab(TEST_URL);
let stores = await browser.cookies.getAllCookieStores();
browser.test.assertEq(2, stores.length, "expected number of stores returned");
browser.test.assertEq(STORE_ID, stores[0].id, "expected store id returned");
browser.test.assertEq(1, stores[0].tabIds.length, "one tab returned for store");
browser.test.assertEq(PRIVATE_STORE_ID, stores[1].id, "expected private store id returned");
browser.test.assertEq(1, stores[0].tabIds.length, "one tab returned for private store");
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL, name: "name2", domain: "", expirationDate: THE_FUTURE});
browser.test.assertEq(false, cookie.hostOnly, "cookie is not a hostOnly cookie");
details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL, name: "name2"});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL, name: "name2", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
// Create a session cookie.
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1", value: "value1"});
browser.test.assertEq(true, cookie.session, "session cookie set");
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(true, cookie.session, "got session cookie");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({session: true});
browser.test.assertEq(1, cookies.length, "one session cookie found");
browser.test.assertEq(true, cookies[0].session, "found session cookie");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({session: false});
browser.test.assertEq(0, cookies.length, "no non-session cookies found");
details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(null, cookie, "removed cookie not found");
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_SECURE_URL, name: "name1", value: "value1", secure: true});
browser.test.assertEq(true,, "secure cookie set");
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_SECURE_URL, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(true, cookie.session, "got secure cookie");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({secure: true});
browser.test.assertEq(1, cookies.length, "one secure cookie found");
browser.test.assertEq(true, cookies[0].secure, "found secure cookie");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({secure: false});
browser.test.assertEq(0, cookies.length, "no non-secure cookies found");
details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_SECURE_URL, name: "name1"});
assertExpected({url: TEST_SECURE_URL, name: "name1", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_SECURE_URL, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(null, cookie, "removed cookie not found");
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL_WITH_PATH, path: TEST_COOKIE_PATH, name: "name1", value: "value1", expirationDate: THE_FUTURE});
browser.test.assertEq(TEST_COOKIE_PATH, cookie.path, "created cookie with path");
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL_WITH_PATH, name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(TEST_COOKIE_PATH, cookie.path, "got cookie with path");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({path: TEST_COOKIE_PATH});
browser.test.assertEq(1, cookies.length, "one cookie with path found");
browser.test.assertEq(TEST_COOKIE_PATH, cookies[0].path, "found cookie with path");
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL + "invalid_path", name: "name1"});
browser.test.assertEq(null, cookie, "get with invalid path returns null");
cookies = await browser.cookies.getAll({path: "/invalid_path"});
browser.test.assertEq(0, cookies.length, "getAll with invalid path returns 0 cookies");
details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL_WITH_PATH, name: "name1"});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL_WITH_PATH, name: "name1", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1", value: "value1", httpOnly: true});
browser.test.assertEq(true, cookie.httpOnly, "httpOnly cookie set");
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1", value: "value1", httpOnly: false});
browser.test.assertEq(false, cookie.httpOnly, "non-httpOnly cookie set");
details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1"});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL, name: "name1", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL});
browser.test.assertEq("",, "default name set");
browser.test.assertEq("", cookie.value, "default value set");
browser.test.assertEq(true, cookie.session, "no expiry date created session cookie");
// TODO bug 1372178: Opening private windows/tabs is not supported on Android
if ( {
let {tabId, windowId} = await openPrivateWindowAndTab(TEST_URL);
browser.test.assertEq("", await getDocumentCookie(tabId), "initially no cookie");
let cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", value: "private", expirationDate: THE_FUTURE, storeId: PRIVATE_STORE_ID});
browser.test.assertEq("private", cookie.value, "set the private cookie");
cookie = await browser.cookies.set({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", value: "default", expirationDate: THE_FUTURE, storeId: STORE_ID});
browser.test.assertEq("default", cookie.value, "set the default cookie");
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: PRIVATE_STORE_ID});
browser.test.assertEq("private", cookie.value, "get the private cookie");
browser.test.assertEq(PRIVATE_STORE_ID, cookie.storeId, "get the private cookie storeId");
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: STORE_ID});
browser.test.assertEq("default", cookie.value, "get the default cookie");
browser.test.assertEq(STORE_ID, cookie.storeId, "get the default cookie storeId");
browser.test.assertEq("store=private", await getDocumentCookie(tabId), "private document.cookie should be set");
let details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: STORE_ID});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: STORE_ID});
browser.test.assertEq(null, cookie, "deleted the default cookie");
details = await browser.cookies.remove({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: PRIVATE_STORE_ID});
assertExpected({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: PRIVATE_STORE_ID, firstPartyDomain: "", partitionKey: null}, details);
cookie = await browser.cookies.get({url: TEST_URL, name: "store", storeId: PRIVATE_STORE_ID});
browser.test.assertEq(null, cookie, "deleted the private cookie");
browser.test.assertEq("", await getDocumentCookie(tabId), "private document.cookie should be removed");
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
incognitoOverride: "spanning",
manifest: {
permissions: ["cookies", "*://", "*://[2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b]/", "*://", "webNavigation", "browsingData"],
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitFinish("cookies");
await extension.unload();