allintra_vis.c |
43296 |
allintra_vis.h |
1866 |
aq_complexity.c |
6823 |
aq_complexity.h |
1204 |
aq_cyclicrefresh.c |
29510 |
aq_cyclicrefresh.h |
\brief The stucture of CYCLIC_REFRESH.
\ingroup cyclic_refresh
10737 |
aq_variance.c |
11523 |
aq_variance.h |
1529 |
arm |
av1_fwd_txfm1d.c |
63521 |
av1_fwd_txfm1d.h |
2194 |
av1_fwd_txfm1d_cfg.h |
894 |
av1_fwd_txfm2d.c |
17737 |
av1_ml_partition_models.h |
6454 |
av1_noise_estimate.c |
11362 |
av1_noise_estimate.h |
1360 |
av1_quantize.c |
45920 |
av1_quantize.h |
8753 |
av1_temporal_denoiser.c |
28975 |
av1_temporal_denoiser.h |
4736 |
bitstream.c |
171239 |
bitstream.h |
!\cond |
5681 |
block.h |
! \file
Declares various structs used to encode the current partition block.
53696 |
blockiness.c |
4505 |
blockiness.h |
838 |
cnn.c |
49057 |
cnn.h |
7976 |
compound_type.c |
73249 |
compound_type.h |
2135 |
context_tree.c |
10803 |
context_tree.h |
4679 |
cost.c |
1907 |
cost.h |
1817 |
deltaq4_model.c |
Embedded file: model.tflite |
621871 |
dwt.c |
4202 |
dwt.h |
918 |
enc_enums.h |
5758 |
encode_strategy.c |
68406 |
encode_strategy.h |
\brief Declares frame encoding functions.
5642 |
encodeframe.c |
!\cond |
100776 |
encodeframe.h |
1826 |
encodeframe_utils.c |
71392 |
encodeframe_utils.h |
21558 |
encodemb.c |
35947 |
encodemb.h |
7808 |
encodemv.c |
TODO( This function writes MV_VALS ints or 128 KiB. This
is more than most L1D caches and is a significant chunk of L2. Write
SIMD that uses streaming writes to avoid loading all of that into L1, or
just don't update the larger component costs every time this called
(or both).
12779 |
encodemv.h |
4088 |
encoder.c |
207625 |
encoder.h |
\brief Declares top-level encoder structures and functions.
134918 |
encoder_alloc.h |
19068 |
encoder_utils.c |
66983 |
encoder_utils.h |
46866 |
encodetxb.c |
35842 |
encodetxb.h |
!\cond |
11074 |
ethread.c |
132880 |
ethread.h |
4451 |
extend.c |
6282 |
extend.h |
905 |
external_partition.c |
3770 |
external_partition.h |
!\cond |
2022 |
firstpass.c |
64145 |
firstpass.h |
\brief The stucture of acummulated frame stats in the first pass.
Errors (coded_error, intra_error, etc.) and counters (new_mv_count) are
normalized to each MB. MV related stats (MVc, MVr, etc.) are normalized to
the frame width and height. See function normalize_firstpass_stats.
19198 |
global_motion.c |
21042 |
global_motion.h |
4443 |
global_motion_facade.c |
19011 |
global_motion_facade.h |
2173 |
gop_structure.c |
39249 |
gop_structure.h |
!\cond |
2206 |
grain_test_vectors.h |
Test vectors for emulation of different film grain types.
Note that bit depth would be derived from the bitstream and
not signaled in film grain metadata. The parameters are valid
for any bit depth.
21401 |
hash.c |
CRC-32C (iSCSI) polynomial in reversed bit order. |
4520 |
hash.h |
Table for a quadword-at-a-time software crc. |
1579 |
hash_motion.c |
17304 |
hash_motion.h |
4101 |
hybrid_fwd_txfm.c |
4-point reversible, orthonormal Walsh-Hadamard in 3.5 adds, 0.5 shifts per
Shared for both high and low bit depth.
13490 |
hybrid_fwd_txfm.h |
!\brief Apply Hadamard or DCT transform
DCT and Hadamard transforms are commonly used for quick RD score estimation.
The coeff buffer's size should be equal to the number of pixels
corresponding to tx_size.
1437 |
interp_search.c |
34775 |
interp_search.h |
!\cond |
6607 |
intra_mode_search.c |
!\cond |
74150 |
intra_mode_search.h |
\brief Declares high level functions to search through intra modes.
15336 |
intra_mode_search_utils.h |
\brief Defines utility functions used in intra mode search.
This includes rdcost estimations, histogram based pruning, etc.
28672 |
k_means_template.h |
5030 |
level.c |
51157 |
level.h |
6981 |
lookahead.c |
Return the buffer at the given absolute index and increment the index |
7587 |
lookahead.h |
\brief Describes look ahead buffer operations.
4889 |
mcomp.c |
160232 |
mcomp.h |
15152 |
mcomp_structs.h |
4012 |
misc_model_weights.h |
48312 |
ml.c |
6423 |
ml.h |
3138 |
mode_prune_model_weights.h |
8867 |
model_rd.h |
10004 |
motion_search_facade.c |
44474 |
motion_search_facade.h |
6104 |
mv_prec.c |
16531 |
mv_prec.h |
2163 |
nonrd_opt.c |
When is_tx_8x8_dual_applicable is true, we compute the txfm for the \
entire bsize and write macroblock_plane::coeff. So low_coeff is kept \
as a non-const so we can reassign it to macroblock_plane::coeff. |
39728 |
nonrd_opt.h |
!\cond |
28656 |
nonrd_pickmode.c |
155450 |
optical_flow.c |
44384 |
optical_flow.h |
2068 |
palette.c |
!\brief Removes duplicated centroid indices.
\ingroup palette_mode_search
\param[in] centroids A list of centroids index.
\param[in] num_centroids Number of centroids.
\return Returns the number of unique centroids and saves the unique centroids
in beginning of the centroids array.
\attention The centroids should be rounded to integers before calling this
43317 |
palette.h |
\brief Declares functions used in palette search.
8722 |
partition_cnn_weights.h |
135777 |
partition_model_weights.h |
335118 |
partition_search.c |
265502 |
partition_search.h |
4050 |
partition_strategy.c |
103712 |
partition_strategy.h |
11847 |
pass2_strategy.c |
!\defgroup gf_group_algo Golden Frame Group
\ingroup high_level_algo
Algorithms regarding determining the length of GF groups and defining GF
group structures.
179771 |
pass2_strategy.h |
\brief accumulated stats and features in a gf group
3846 |
pickcdef.c |
Search for the best strength to add as an option, knowing we
already selected nb_strengths options. |
42787 |
pickcdef.h |
\brief This enum controls to which frames CDEF is applied.
8852 |
picklpf.c |
14472 |
picklpf.h |
7161 |
pickrst.c |
89048 |
pickrst.h |
!\brief Algorithm for AV1 loop restoration search and estimation.
\ingroup in_loop_restoration
This function determines proper restoration filter types and
associated parameters for each restoration unit in a frame.
\param[in] sd Source frame buffer
\param[in,out] cpi Top-level encoder structure
\remark Nothing is returned. Instead, chosen restoration filter
types and parameters are stored per plane in the \c rst_info structure
of type \ref RestorationInfo inside \c cpi->common:
\arg \c rst_info[ \c 0 ]: Chosen parameters for Y plane
\arg \c rst_info[ \c 1 ]: Chosen parameters for U plane if it exists
\arg \c rst_info[ \c 2 ]: Chosen parameters for V plane if it exists
The following fields in each \c rst_info[ \c p], \c p = 0, 1, 2
are populated:
\arg \c rst_info[ \c p ].\c frame_restoration_type
\arg \c rst_info[ \c p ].\c unit_info[ \c u ],
for each \c u in 0, 1, ..., \c n( \c p ) - 1,
where \c n( \c p ) is the number of restoration units in plane \c p.
The following fields in each \c rst_info[ \c p ].\c unit_info[ \c u ],
\c p = 0, 1, 2 and \c u = 0, 1, ..., \c n( \c p ) - 1, of type
\ref RestorationUnitInfo are populated:
\arg \c rst_info[ \c p ].\c unit_info[ \c u ].\c restoration_type
\arg \c rst_info[ \c p ].\c unit_info[ \c u ].\c wiener_info OR
\c rst_info[ \c p ].\c unit_info[ \c u ].\c sgrproj_info OR
neither, depending on
\c rst_info[ \c p ].\c unit_info[ \c u ].\c restoration_type
4871 |
pustats.h |
9079 |
random.h |
2853 |
ratectrl.c |
170779 |
ratectrl.h |
!\cond |
23367 |
rc_utils.h |
!\brief Function to test for conditions that indicate we should loop
back and recode a frame.
\ingroup rate_control
\param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure
\param[in] high_limit Upper rate threshold
\param[in] low_limit Lower rate threshold
\param[in] q Current q index
\param[in] maxq Maximum allowed q index
\param[in] minq Minimum allowed q index
\return Indicates if a recode is required.
\retval 1 Recode Required
\retval 0 No Recode required
18629 |
rd.c |
63466 |
rd.h |
14053 |
rdopt.c |
269067 |
rdopt.h |
!\brief AV1 intra mode selection for intra frames.
\ingroup intra_mode_search
Top level function for rd-based intra mode selection during intra frame
encoding. This function will first search for the best luma prediction by
calling av1_rd_pick_intra_sby_mode, then it searches for chroma prediction
with av1_rd_pick_intra_sbuv_mode. If applicable, this function ends the
search with an evaluation for intrabc.
\param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure.
\param[in] x Pointer to structure holding all the data for
the current macroblock.
\param[in] rd_cost Struct to keep track of the RD information.
\param[in] bsize Current block size.
\param[in] ctx Structure to hold snapshot of coding context
during the mode picking process.
\param[in] best_rd Best RD seen for this block so far.
\remark Nothing is returned. Instead, the MB_MODE_INFO struct inside x
is modified to store information about the best mode computed
in this function. The rd_cost struct is also updated with the RD stats
corresponding to the best mode found.
14077 |
rdopt_data_defs.h |
clang-format off |
13308 |
rdopt_utils.h |
33867 |
reconinter_enc.c |
build_for_obmc= |
29092 |
reconinter_enc.h |
4614 |
saliency_map.c |
46890 |
saliency_map.h |
1031 |
segmentation.c |
1633 |
segmentation.h |
1287 |
sorting_network.h |
! \file
This file contains several utility functions used to sort small arrays with
sorting networks.
Sorting network is a (potentially branch-less) way to quickly sort small
arrays with known size. For more details, consult
3456 |
sparse_linear_solver.c |
rows: array of row positions
cols: array of column positions
values: array of element values
num_elem: total number of elements in the matrix
num_rows: number of rows in the matrix
num_cols: number of columns in the matrix
sm: pointer to the sparse matrix to be initialized
Return: 0 - success
-1 - failed
12591 |
sparse_linear_solver.h |
2587 |
speed_features.c |
113744 |
speed_features.h |
! @file |
80745 |
superres_scale.c |
17233 |
superres_scale.h |
889 |
svc_layercontext.c |
30971 |
svc_layercontext.h |
\brief The stucture of quantities related to each spatial and temporal layer.
\ingroup SVC
9410 |
temporal_filter.c |
!\cond |
69072 |
temporal_filter.h |
!\cond |
17553 |
thirdpass.c |
31162 |
thirdpass.h |
--- Input and decoding related members --- |
7198 |
tokenize.c |
15225 |
tokenize.h |
5967 |
tpl_model.c |
101454 |
tpl_model.h |
!\cond |
27435 |
tune_butteraugli.c |
12657 |
tune_butteraugli.h |
1741 |
tune_vmaf.c |
fine_search_interval= |
47556 |
tune_vmaf.h |
2189 |
tx_prune_model_weights.h |
! \file
Contains the details of the ML models used for pruning transform size. This
file is only included by av1/encoder/tx_search.c.
160555 |
tx_search.c |
154649 |
tx_search.h |
!\brief Compute the pixel domain distortion.
\ingroup transform_search
Compute the pixel domain distortion from diff on all visible 4x4s in the
transform block.
\param[in] x Pointer to structure holding the data for the
current encoding macroblock
\param[in] plane Plane index
\param[in] blk_row Block row index
\param[in] blk_col Block col index
\param[in] plane_bsize Current plane block size
\param[in] tx_bsize Transform size
\param[in] block_mse_q8 Block mse
\return An int64_t value that is the block sse.
9599 |
txb_rdopt.c |
26988 |
txb_rdopt.h |
!\brief Adjust the magnitude of quantized coefficients to achieve better
rate-distortion (RD) trade-off.
\ingroup coefficient_coding
This function goes through each coefficient and greedily choose to lower
the coefficient magnitude by 1 or not based on the RD score.
The coefficients are processing in reversed scan order.
Note that, the end of block position (eob) may change if the original last
coefficient is lowered to zero.
\param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure
\param[in] x Pointer to structure holding the data for the
current encoding macroblock
\param[in] plane The index of the current plane
\param[in] block The index of the current transform block in the
\param[in] tx_size The transform size
\param[in] tx_type The transform type
\param[in] txb_ctx Context info for entropy coding transform block
skip flag (tx_skip) and the sign of DC coefficient (dc_sign).
\param[out] rate_cost The entropy cost of coding the transform block
after adjustment of coefficients.
\param[in] sharpness When sharpness > 0, the function will be less
aggressive towards lowering the magnitude of coefficients.
In this way, the transform block will contain more high-frequency
coefficients and therefore will preserve the sharpness of the reconstructed
5596 |
txb_rdopt_utils.h |
9031 |
var_based_part.c |
82795 |
var_based_part.h |
!\brief Set the thresholds for variance based partition.
Set the variance split thresholds for following the block sizes:
0 - threshold_128x128, 1 - threshold_64x64, 2 - threshold_32x32,
3 - vbp_threshold_16x16. 4 - vbp_threshold_8x8 (to split to 4x4 partition) is
currently only used on key frame. The thresholds are based om Q, resolution,
noise level, and content state.
\ingroup variance_partition
\param[in] cpi Top level encoder structure
\param[in] q q index
\param[in] content_lowsumdiff Low sumdiff flag for superblock
\remark Returns the set of thresholds in \c cpi->vbp_info.thresholds.
4276 |
wedge_utils.c |
Computes SSE of a compound predictor constructed from 2 fundamental
predictors p0 and p1 using blending with mask.
r1: Residuals of p1.
(source - p1)
d: Difference of p1 and p0.
(p1 - p0)
m: The blending mask
N: Number of pixels
'r1', 'd', and 'm' are contiguous.
Sum((MAX_MASK_VALUE*r1 + mask*d)**2), which is equivalent to:
Sum((mask*r0 + (MAX_MASK_VALUE-mask)*r1)**2),
where r0 is (source - p0), and r1 is (source - p1), which is in turn
is equivalent to:
Sum((source*MAX_MASK_VALUE - (mask*p0 + (MAX_MASK_VALUE-mask)*p1))**2),
which is the SSE of the residuals of the compound predictor scaled up by
Note that we clamp the partial term in the loop to 16 bits signed. This is
to facilitate equivalent SIMD implementation. It should have no effect if
residuals are within 16 - WEDGE_WEIGHT_BITS (=10) signed, which always
holds for 8 bit input, and on real input, it should hold practically always,
as residuals are expected to be small.
4102 |
x86 |