Name Description Size
browser.toml 525
browser_BrowsingContextListener.js 3409
browser_CachedResourceListener.js 8256
browser_ConsoleAPIListener.js 5093
browser_ConsoleAPIListener_cached_messages.js 3845
browser_ConsoleListener.js 4809
browser_ConsoleListener_cached_messages.js 3009
browser_ContextualIdentityListener.js 1262
browser_NetworkListener.js 4727
browser_PromptListener.js 6163
cached_resource.sjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1255
head.js Add a new tab in a given browser, pointing to a given URL and automatically register the cleanup function to remove it at the end of the test. @param {Browser} browser The browser element where the tab should be added. @param {string} url The URL for the tab. @param {object=} options Options object to forward to BrowserTestUtils.addTab. @returns {Tab} The created tab. 3196