Name Description Size
BrowsingContextListener.sys.mjs The BrowsingContextListener can be used to listen for notifications coming from browsing contexts that get attached or discarded. Example: ``` const listener = new BrowsingContextListener(); listener.on("attached", onAttached); listener.startListening(); const onAttached = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { browsingContext, why } = data; ... }; ``` @fires message The BrowsingContextListener emits "attached" and "discarded" events, with the following object as payload: - {BrowsingContext} browsingContext Browsing context the notification relates to. - {string} why Usually "attach" or "discard", but will contain "replace" if the browsing context gets replaced by a cross-group navigation. 3630
ConsoleAPIListener.sys.mjs The ConsoleAPIListener can be used to listen for messages coming from console API usage in a given windowGlobal, eg. console.log, console.error, ... Example: ``` const listener = new ConsoleAPIListener(innerWindowId); listener.on("message", onConsoleAPIMessage); listener.startListening(); const onConsoleAPIMessage = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { arguments: msgArguments, level, stacktrace, timeStamp } = data; ... }; ``` @fires message The ConsoleAPIListener emits "message" events, with the following object as payload: - {Array<Object>} arguments - Arguments as passed-in when the method was called. - {String} level - Importance, one of `info`, `warn`, `error`, `debug`, `trace`. - {Array<Object>} stacktrace - List of stack frames, starting from most recent. - {Number} timeStamp - Timestamp when the method was called. 3461
ConsoleListener.sys.mjs The ConsoleListener can be used to listen for console messages related to Javascript errors, certain warnings which all happen within a specific windowGlobal. Consumers can listen for the message types "error", "warn" and "info". Example: ``` const onJavascriptError = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { level, message, stacktrace, timestamp } = data; ... }; const listener = new ConsoleListener(innerWindowId); listener.on("error", onJavascriptError); listener.startListening(); ... listener.stopListening(); ``` @fires message The ConsoleListener emits "error", "warn" and "info" events, with the following object as payload: - {String} level - Importance, one of `info`, `warn`, `error`, `debug`, `trace`. - {String} message - Actual message from the console entry. - {Array<StackFrame>} stacktrace - List of stack frames, starting from most recent. - {Number} timeStamp - Timestamp when the method was called. 4249
ContextualIdentityListener.sys.mjs The ContextualIdentityListener can be used to listen for notifications about contextual identities (containers) being created or deleted. Example: ``` const listener = new ContextualIdentityListener(); listener.on("created", onCreated); listener.startListening(); const onCreated = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { identity } = data; ... }; ``` @fires message The ContextualIdentityListener emits "created" and "deleted" events, with the following object as payload: - {object} identity The contextual identity which was created or deleted. 2107
LoadListener.sys.mjs The LoadListener can be used to listen for load events. Example: ``` const listener = new LoadListener(); listener.on("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded); listener.startListening(); const onDOMContentLoaded = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { target } = data; ... }; ``` @fires message The LoadListener emits "DOMContentLoaded" and "load" events, with the following object as payload: - {Document} target The target document. 2665
NavigationListener.sys.mjs The NavigationListener simply wraps a NavigationManager instance and exposes it with a convenient listener API, more consistent with the rest of the remote codebase. NavigationManager is a singleton per session so it can't be instanciated for each and every consumer. Example: ``` const onNavigationStarted = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { level, message, stacktrace, timestamp } = data; ... }; const listener = new NavigationListener(this.messageHandler.navigationManager); listener.on("navigation-started", onNavigationStarted); listener.startListening(); ... listener.stopListening(); ``` @fires message The NavigationListener emits "fragment-navigated", "navigation-started", "navigation-stopped", and "same-document-changed" events, with the following object as payload: - {string} navigationId - The UUID for the navigation. - {string} navigableId - The UUID for the navigable. - {string} url - The target url for the navigation. 2775
NetworkEventRecord.sys.mjs The NetworkEventRecord implements the interface expected from network event owners for consumers of the DevTools NetworkObserver. The NetworkEventRecord emits the before-request-sent event on behalf of the NetworkListener instance which created it. 8319
NetworkListener.sys.mjs The NetworkListener listens to all network activity from the parent process. Example: ``` const listener = new NetworkListener(); listener.on("before-request-sent", onBeforeRequestSent); listener.startListening(); const onBeforeRequestSent = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { cntextId, redirectCount, requestData, requestId, timestamp } = data; ... }; ``` @fires before-request-sent The NetworkListener emits "before-request-sent" events, with the following object as payload: - {number} browsingContextId - The browsing context id of the browsing context where this request was performed. - {number} redirectCount - The request's redirect count. - {RequestData} requestData - The request's data as expected by WebDriver BiDi. - {string} requestId - The id of the request, consistent across redirects. - {number} timestamp - Timestamp when the event was generated. 3547
PromptListener.sys.mjs The PromptListener listens to the DialogObserver events. Example: ``` const listener = new PromptListener(); listener.on("opened", onPromptOpened); listener.startListening(); const onPromptOpened = (eventName, data = {}) => { const { contentBrowser, prompt } = data; ... }; ``` @fires message The PromptListener emits "opened" events, with the following object as payload: - {XULBrowser} contentBrowser The <xul:browser> which hold the <var>prompt</var>. - {modal.Dialog} prompt Returns instance of the Dialog class. The PromptListener emits "closed" events, with the following object as payload: - {XULBrowser} contentBrowser The <xul:browser> which is the target of the event. - {object} detail {boolean=} detail.accepted Returns true if a user prompt was accepted and false if it was dismissed. {string=} detail.userText The user text specified in a prompt. 8440