Name Description Size
Browser.sys.mjs 1352
Emulation.sys.mjs Overrides the values of device screen dimensions. Values as modified are: - window.screen.width - window.screen.height - window.innerWidth - window.innerHeight - "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS media query results @param {object} options @param {number} options.width Overriding width value in pixels. 0 disables the override. @param {number} options.height Overriding height value in pixels. 0 disables the override. @param {number} options.deviceScaleFactor Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override. @param {number} [not supported] Whether to emulate a mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text autosizing and more. @param {number} options.screenOrientation Screen orientation override [not supported] 5402
Fetch.sys.mjs 700
Input.sys.mjs Simulate key events. @param {object} options - autoRepeat (not supported) - code (not supported) - key - isKeypad (not supported) - location (not supported) - modifiers - text (not supported) - type - unmodifiedText (not supported) - windowsVirtualKeyCode - nativeVirtualKeyCode (not supported) - keyIdentifier (not supported) - isSystemKey (not supported) 5183
IO.sys.mjs Close the stream, discard any temporary backing storage. @param {object} options @param {string} options.handle Handle of the stream to close. 3221
Network.sys.mjs Deletes browser cookies with matching name and url or domain/path pair. @param {object} options @param {string} Name of the cookies to remove. @param {string=} options.url If specified, deletes all the cookies with the given name where domain and path match provided URL. @param {string=} options.domain If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain. @param {string=} options.path If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path. 15007
Page.sys.mjs Navigates current page to given URL. @param {object} options @param {string} options.url destination URL @param {string=} options.frameId frame id to navigate (not supported), if not specified navigate top frame @param {string=} options.referrer referred URL (optional) @param {string=} options.transitionType intended transition type @returns {object} - frameId {string} frame id that has navigated (or failed to) - errorText {string=} error message if navigation has failed - loaderId {string} (not supported) 24923
Security.sys.mjs Enable/disable whether all certificate errors should be ignored @param {object} options @param {boolean=} options.ignore if true, all certificate errors will be ignored. 1743
SystemInfo.sys.mjs 1237
Target.sys.mjs 8160