Name Description Size
ChildDNSService.cpp 16810
ChildDNSService.h 2832
DNS.cpp 12967
DNS.h address family (0x00ff maskable) 9149
DNSAdditionalInfo.cpp 577
DNSAdditionalInfo.h 1140
DNSByTypeRecord.h 8052
DNSListenerProxy.cpp 1403
DNSListenerProxy.h 1887
DNSLogging.h 822
DNSPacket.cpp 34514
DNSPacket.h 3993
DNSRequestBase.h 5556
DNSRequestChild.cpp 18643
DNSRequestChild.h 1530
DNSRequestParent.cpp 6613
DNSRequestParent.h 1671
DNSServiceBase.cpp 3155
DNSServiceBase.h 1073
DNSUtils.cpp 2567
DNSUtils.h 786
effective_tld_names.dat 318035
GetAddrInfo.cpp 20681
GetAddrInfo.h Look up a host by name. Mostly equivalent to getaddrinfo(host, NULL, ...) of RFC 3493. @param aHost[in] Character string defining the host name of interest @param aAddressFamily[in] May be AF_INET, AF_INET6, or AF_UNSPEC. @param aFlags[in] See nsIDNSService::DNSFlags @param aAddrInfo[out] Will point to the results of the host lookup, or be null if the lookup failed. @param aGetTtl[in] If true, the TTL will be retrieved if DNS provides the answers.. 4139
HostRecordQueue.cpp 6881
HostRecordQueue.h 3044
HTTPSSVC.cpp 19016
IDNBlocklistUtils.cpp 1858
IDNBlocklistUtils.h 2045 1365
metrics.yaml 17361 2916
NativeDNSResolverOverrideChild.cpp 1692
NativeDNSResolverOverrideChild.h 1560
NativeDNSResolverOverrideParent.cpp 3565
NativeDNSResolverOverrideParent.h 1098
nsDNSService2.cpp 55268
nsDNSService2.h 4397
nsEffectiveTLDService.cpp 16301
nsEffectiveTLDService.h 2807
nsHostRecord.cpp 21447
nsHostRecord.h This class is used to notify listeners when a ResolveHost operation is complete. Classes that derive it must implement threadsafe nsISupports to be able to use RefPtr with this class. 14675
nsHostResolver.cpp 67506
nsHostResolver.h nsHostResolver - an asynchronous host name resolver. 12716
nsIDNKitInterface.h __cplusplus 5932
nsIDNSAdditionalInfo.idl 435
nsIDNSByTypeRecord.idl Returns DNS request type that was made for this request. 4507
nsIDNService.cpp Implementation file 25982
nsIDNService.h Determine whether a label is considered safe to display to the user according to the algorithm defined in UTR 39. For the ASCII-only profile, returns false for all labels containing non-ASCII characters. For the other profiles, returns false for labels containing any of the following: Characters in scripts other than the "recommended scripts" and "aspirational scripts" defined in and This includes codepoints that are not defined as Unicode characters Illegal combinations of scripts (@see illegalScriptCombo) Numbers from more than one different numbering system Sequences of the same non-spacing mark Both simplified-only and traditional-only Chinese characters XXX this test was disabled by bug 857481 3508
nsIDNSListener.idl nsIDNSListener 1188
nsIDNSRecord.idl nsIDNSRecord this interface represents the result of a DNS lookup. since a DNS query may return more than one resolved IP address, the record acts like an enumerator, allowing the caller to easily step through the list of IP addresses. 4769
nsIDNSService.idl nsIDNSService 15326
nsIEffectiveTLDService.idl Returns the public suffix of a URI. A public suffix is the highest-level domain under which individual domains may be registered; it may therefore contain one or more dots. For example, the public suffix for "" is "", because the .uk TLD does not allow the registration of domains at the second level ("" is forbidden). The public suffix will be returned encoded in ASCII/ACE and will be normalized according to RFC 3454, i.e. the same encoding returned by nsIURI::GetAsciiHost(). If consumers wish to compare the result of this method against the host from another nsIURI, the host should be obtained using nsIURI::GetAsciiHost(). In the case of nested URIs, the innermost URI will be used. @param aURI The URI to be analyzed @returns the public suffix @throws NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED or other error returned by nsIIDNService::normalize when the hostname contains characters disallowed in URIs @throws NS_ERROR_HOST_IS_IP_ADDRESS if the host is a numeric IPv4 or IPv6 address (as determined by the success of a call to PR_StringToNetAddr()). 10556
nsIIDNService.idl IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) support. Provides facilities for manipulating IDN hostnames according to UTS #46 as parametrized by the WHATWG URL Standard. UTS #46: URL Standard: 3091
nsINativeDNSResolverOverride.idl Adds an IP override for this specific host. 1153
nsITRRSkipReason.idl 6806
nsPIDNSService.idl This is a private interface used by the internals of the networking library. It will never be frozen. Do not use it in external code. 1160
PDNSRequest.ipdl 1224
PDNSRequestParams.ipdlh 1077
PlatformDNSAndroid.cpp 4896
PlatformDNSMac.cpp 5070
PlatformDNSUnix.cpp 2791
PlatformDNSWin.cpp 4705
PNativeDNSResolverOverride.ipdl 803 Processes a file containing effective TLD data. See the following URL for a description of effective TLDs and of the file format that this script processes (although for the latter you're better off just reading this file's short source code). 4350
PTRRService.ipdl 1061
TRR.cpp 36904
TRR.h 5414
TRRQuery.cpp 12383
TRRQuery.h 4060
TRRService.cpp 45364
TRRService.h 14280
TRRServiceBase.cpp 11557
TRRServiceBase.h 3386
TRRServiceChild.cpp static 3865
TRRServiceChild.h 1777
TRRServiceParent.cpp 7119
TRRServiceParent.h 1903