Name Description Size
AnonymousContentKey.h values to identify particular subtrees of native anonymous content 1731
AspectRatio.cpp 1418
AspectRatio.h The aspect ratio of a box, in a "width / height" format. 5523
AutoCopyListener.h OnSelectionChange() is called when a Selection whose NotifyAutoCopy() was called is changed. @param aDocument The document of the Selection. May be nullptr. @param aSelection The selection. @param aReason The reasons of the change. See nsISelectionListener::*_REASON. 1748
BlockReflowState.cpp state used in reflow of block frames 44284
BlockReflowState.h state used in reflow of block frames 17119
BRFrame.cpp rendering object for HTML <br> elements 9424
broken-image.png 160
ColumnSetWrapperFrame.cpp 11849
ColumnSetWrapperFrame.h 3115
ColumnUtils.cpp A namespace class for static muti-column utilities. 1662
ColumnUtils.h A namespace class for static muti-column utilities. 1342
CSSAlignUtils.cpp Utility code for performing CSS Box Alignment 5771
CSSAlignUtils.h Utility code for performing CSS Box Alignment 2686
CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator.cpp Iterator class for frame lists that respect CSS "order" during layout 2550
CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator.h Iterator class for frame lists that respect CSS "order" during layout 9030
folder.png 529 Take the *.framedata files from graph-frameclasses.js and combine them into a single graphviz file. stdin: a list of .framedata file names (e.g. from xargs) stdout: a graphviz file e.g. `find <objdir> -name "*.framedata" | python | dot -Tpng -o frameclasses-graph.png -` 1070 593 9946 1645 271
JustificationUtils.h Jutification Algorithm The justification algorithm is based on expansion opportunities between justifiable clusters. By this algorithm, there is one expansion opportunity at each side of a justifiable cluster, and at most one opportunity between two clusters. For example, if there is a line in a Chinese document is: "你好世界hello world", then the expansion opportunities (marked as '*') would be: 你*好*世*界*hello*' '*world The spacing left in a line will then be distributed equally to each opportunities. Because we want that, only justifiable clusters get expanded, and the split point between two justifiable clusters would be at the middle of the spacing, each expansion opportunities will be filled by two justification gaps. The example above would be: 你 | 好 | 世 | 界 |hello| ' ' |world In the algorithm, information about expansion opportunities is stored in structure JustificationInfo, and the assignment of justification gaps is in structure JustificationAssignment. 4385
LayoutMessageUtils.h 1683
MathMLTextRunFactory.cpp Entries for the mathvariant lookup tables. mKey represents the Unicode character to be transformed and is used for searching the tables. mReplacement represents the mapped mathvariant Unicode character. 26358
MathMLTextRunFactory.h Builds textruns that render their text with MathML specific renderings. 1731
MiddleCroppingBlockFrame.cpp aIsCropped = 7276
MiddleCroppingBlockFrame.h Crop aText to fit inside aWidth using the styles of aFrame. @return true if aText was modified 2155 7834
nsAbsoluteContainingBlock.cpp code for managing absolutely positioned children of a rendering object that is a containing block for them 38876
nsAbsoluteContainingBlock.h code for managing absolutely positioned children of a rendering object that is a containing block for them 7363
nsAtomicContainerFrame.h base class for rendering objects that need child lists but behave like leaf 1701
nsBackdropFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "::backdrop" 2812
nsBackdropFrame.h rendering object for CSS "::backdrop" 1623
nsBlockDebugFlags.h 1309
nsBlockFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS display:block, inline-block, and list-item boxes, also used for various anonymous boxes 339290
nsBlockFrame.h rendering object for CSS display:block, inline-block, and list-item boxes, also used for various anonymous boxes 43187
nsBlockReflowContext.cpp class that a parent frame uses to reflow a block frame 17879
nsBlockReflowContext.h class that a parent frame uses to reflow a block frame 3516
nsCanvasFrame.cpp rendering object that goes directly inside the document's scrollbars 33753
nsCanvasFrame.h rendering object that goes directly inside the document's scrollbars 7118
nsColumnSetFrame.cpp rendering object for css3 multi-column layout 57335
nsColumnSetFrame.h rendering object for css3 multi-column layout 7979
nsContainerFrame.cpp base class #1 for rendering objects that have child lists 118681
nsContainerFrame.h base class #1 for rendering objects that have child lists 47534
nsContainerFrameInlines.h 3828
nsDirection.h 628
nsFirstLetterFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS :first-letter pseudo-element 20231
nsFirstLetterFrame.h rendering object for CSS :first-letter pseudo-element 4313
nsFlexContainerFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "display: flex" 287743
nsFlexContainerFrame.h rendering object for CSS "display: flex" and "display: -webkit-box" 30864
nsFloatManager.cpp class that manages rules for positioning floats 128219
nsFloatManager.h class that manages rules for positioning floats 18659
nsFontInflationData.cpp Per-block-formatting-context manager of font size inflation for pan and zoom UI. 14043
nsFontInflationData.h Per-block-formatting-context manager of font size inflation for pan and zoom UI. 2328
nsFrameList.cpp 14703
nsFrameList.h for FILE* 15540
nsFrameSelection.cpp Implementation of nsFrameSelection 114889
nsFrameSelection.h PeekOffsetStruct is used to group various arguments (both input and output) that are passed to nsIFrame::PeekOffset(). See below for the description of individual arguments. 43563
nsFrameSetFrame.cpp rendering object for HTML <frameset> elements 54707
nsFrameSetFrame.h rendering object for HTML <frameset> elements 6645
nsFrameState.cpp constants for frame state bits and a type to store them in a uint64_t 3930
nsFrameState.h constants for frame state bits and a type to store them in a uint64_t 2207
nsFrameStateBits.h a list of all frame state bits, for preprocessing 31850
nsGridContainerFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "display: grid | inline-grid" 425655
nsGridContainerFrame.h rendering object for CSS "display: grid | inline-grid" 26489
nsHTMLCanvasFrame.cpp rendering object for the HTML <canvas> element 20317
nsHTMLCanvasFrame.h rendering object for the HTML <canvas> element 3369
nsHTMLParts.h factory functions for rendering object classes 9147
nsIAnonymousContentCreator.h interface for rendering objects that manually create subtrees of anonymous content 2374
nsIFrame.cpp base class of all rendering objects 445912
nsIFrame.h interface for all rendering objects 221762
nsIFrameInlines.h 6532
nsILineIterator.cpp 2446
nsILineIterator.h Line iterator API. Lines are numbered from 0 to N, where 0 is the top line and N is the bottom line. Obtain this interface from frames via nsIFrame::GetLineIterator. This iterator belongs to the frame from which it was obtained, and should not be deleted by the caller. Note that any modification of the frame will invalidate the iterator! Users must get a new iterator any time the target may have been touched. 4558
nsImageFrame.cpp rendering object for replaced elements with image data 103474
nsImageFrame.h rendering object for replaced elements with image data 15838
nsImageMap.cpp code for HTML client-side image maps 25941
nsImageMap.h code for HTML client-side image maps 3121
nsInlineFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS display:inline objects 41099
nsInlineFrame.h rendering object for CSS display:inline objects 7757
nsIntervalSet.cpp a set of ranges on a number-line 2389
nsIntervalSet.h a set of ranges on a number-line 1931
nsIScrollPositionListener.h Provides a way to learn about scroll position changes of ScrollContainerFrame's. 751
nsIStatefulFrame.h interface for rendering objects whose state is saved in session-history (back-forward navigation) 1231
nsLeafFrame.cpp base class for rendering objects that do not have child lists 1649
nsLeafFrame.h base class for rendering objects that do not have child lists 1944
nsLineBox.cpp representation of one line within a block frame, a CSS line box 19993
nsLineBox.h representation of one line within a block frame, a CSS line box 47683
nsLineLayout.cpp state and methods used while laying out a single line of a block frame 137454
nsLineLayout.h state and methods used while laying out a single line of a block frame 25414
nsPageContentFrame.cpp 18565
nsPageContentFrame.h Return our canvas frame. 2412
nsPageFrame.cpp 43711
nsPageFrame.h 6753
nsPageSequenceFrame.cpp Members are: {mNumPages, mLargerNumTracks} 29844
nsPageSequenceFrame.h This class maintains various shared data that is used by printing-related frames. The nsPageSequenceFrame strongly owns an instance of this class, which lives for as long as the nsPageSequenceFrame does. 6951
nsPlaceholderFrame.cpp rendering object for the point that anchors out-of-flow rendering objects such as floats and absolutely positioned elements 8436
nsPlaceholderFrame.h rendering object for the point that anchors out-of-flow rendering objects such as floats and absolutely positioned elements 6881
nsQueryFrame.h 6783
nsRubyBaseContainerFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-base-container" 33262
nsRubyBaseContainerFrame.h rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-base-container" 3620
nsRubyBaseFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-base" 1415
nsRubyBaseFrame.h rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-base" 1339
nsRubyContentFrame.cpp base class for ruby rendering objects that directly contain content 1045
nsRubyContentFrame.h base class for ruby rendering objects that directly contain content 1155
nsRubyFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "display: ruby" 17095
nsRubyFrame.h rendering object for CSS "display: ruby" 2477
nsRubyTextContainerFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-text-container" 6273
nsRubyTextContainerFrame.h rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-text-container" 2547
nsRubyTextFrame.cpp rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-text" 2792
nsRubyTextFrame.h rendering object for CSS "display: ruby-text" 1839
nsSplittableFrame.cpp base class for rendering objects that can be split across lines, columns, or pages 13460
nsSplittableFrame.h base class for rendering objects that can be split across lines, columns, or pages 6591
nsSubDocumentFrame.cpp rendering object for replaced elements that contain a document, such as <frame>, <iframe>, and some <object>s 50538
nsSubDocumentFrame.h nsSubDocumentFrame *************************************************************************** 7876
nsTextFrame.cpp rendering object for textual content of elements 419883
nsTextFrame.h An implementation of gfxTextRun::PropertyProvider that computes spacing and hyphenation based on CSS properties for a text frame. 44941
nsTextFrameUtils.cpp static 14948
nsTextFrameUtils.h Returns true if aChars/aLength are something that make a space character not be whitespace when they follow the space character (combining mark or join control, ignoring intervening direction controls). 7298
nsTextPaintStyle.cpp 21531
nsTextPaintStyle.h This helper object computes colors used for painting, and also IME underline information. The data is computed lazily and cached as necessary. These live for just the duration of one paint operation. 6133
nsTextRunTransformations.cpp 39044
nsTextRunTransformations.h Builds textruns that transform the text in some way (e.g., capitalize) and then render the text using some other textrun implementation. This factory also supports "text-security" transforms that convert all characters to a single symbol. 11154
nsVideoFrame.cpp rendering object for the HTML <video> element 26317
nsVideoFrame.h rendering object for the HTML <video> element 5263
PrintedSheetFrame.cpp Rendering object for a printed or print-previewed sheet of paper 17801
PrintedSheetFrame.h Rendering object for a printed or print-previewed sheet of paper 6074
ReflowInput.cpp struct containing the input to nsIFrame::Reflow 130858
ReflowInput.h struct containing the input to nsIFrame::Reflow 44220
ReflowOutput.cpp struct containing the output from nsIFrame::Reflow 3215
ReflowOutput.h struct containing the output from nsIFrame::Reflow 9861
RubyUtils.cpp static 7022
RubyUtils.h Reserved ISize With some exceptions, each ruby internal box has two isizes, which are the reflowed isize and the final isize. The reflowed isize is what a box itself needs. It is determined when the box gets reflowed. The final isize is what a box should be as the final result. For a ruby base/text box, the final isize is the size of its ruby column. For a ruby base/text container, the final isize is the size of its ruby segment. The final isize is never smaller than the reflowed isize. It is initially determined when a ruby column/segment gets fully reflowed, and may be advanced when a box is expanded, e.g. for justification. The difference between the reflowed isize and the final isize is reserved in the line layout after reflowing a box, hence it is called "Reserved ISize" here. It is used to expand the ruby boxes from their reflowed isize to the final isize during alignment of the line. There are three exceptions for the final isize: 1. A ruby text container has a larger final isize only if it is for a span or collapsed annotations. 2. A ruby base container has a larger final isize only if at least one of its ruby text containers does. 3. If a ruby text container has a larger final isize, its children must not have. 7362
ScrollAnchorContainer.cpp Set the appropriate frame flags for a frame that has become or is no longer an anchor node. 30072
ScrollAnchorContainer.h A scroll anchor container finds a descendent element of a scroll container frame to be an anchor node. After every reflow, the scroll anchor will apply scroll adjustments to keep the anchor node in the same relative position. See: 6783
ScrollAnimationBezierPhysics.cpp 6047
ScrollAnimationBezierPhysics.h 3504
ScrollAnimationMSDPhysics.cpp 6948
ScrollAnimationMSDPhysics.h 2495
ScrollAnimationPhysics.h 2392
ScrollbarActivity.cpp 9270
ScrollbarActivity.h ScrollbarActivity This class manages scrollbar behavior that imitates the native Mac OS X Lion overlay scrollbar behavior: Scrollbars are only shown while "scrollbar activity" occurs, and they're hidden with a fade animation after a short delay. Scrollbar activity has these states: - inactive: Scrollbars are hidden. - ongoing activity: Scrollbars are visible and being operated on in some way, for example because they're hovered or pressed. - active, but waiting for fade out Scrollbars are still completely visible but are about to fade away. - fading out Scrollbars are subject to a fade-out animation. Initial scrollbar activity needs to be reported by the scrollbar holder that owns the ScrollbarActivity instance. This needs to happen via a call to ActivityOccurred(), for example when the current scroll position or the size of the scroll area changes. As soon as scrollbars are visible, the ScrollbarActivity class manages the rest of the activity behavior: It ensures that mouse motions inside the scroll area keep the scrollbars visible, and that scrollbars don't fade away while they're being hovered / dragged. It also sets a sticky hover attribute on the most recently hovered scrollbar. ScrollbarActivity falls into hibernation after the scrollbars have faded out. It only starts acting after the next call to ActivityOccurred() / ActivityStarted(). 4193
ScrollbarPreferences.h 559
ScrollContainerFrame.cpp rendering object to wrap rendering objects that should be scrollable 318620
ScrollContainerFrame.h rendering object to wrap rendering objects that should be scrollable 61103
ScrollGeneration.cpp 1433
ScrollGeneration.h 1926
ScrollOrigin.h 2685
ScrollPositionUpdate.cpp static 4879
ScrollPositionUpdate.h This class represents an update to the scroll position that is initiated by something on the main thread. A list of these classes is accumulated by scrollframes on the main thread, and the list is sent over as part of a paint transaction to the compositor. The compositor can then iterate through the scroll updates and apply/merge them with scrolling that has already occurred independently on the compositor side. 5289
ScrollSnap.cpp Keeps track of the current best edge to snap to. The criteria for adding an edge depends on the scrolling unit. 35035
ScrollSnap.h GetSnapPointForDestination determines which point to snap to after scrolling. |aStartPos| gives the position before scrolling and |aDestination| gives the position after scrolling, with no snapping. Behaviour is dependent on the value of |aUnit|. |aSnapInfo| and |aScrollRange| are characteristics of the scroll frame for which snapping is being performed. If a suitable snap point could be found, it is returned. Otherwise, an empty Maybe is returned. IMPORTANT NOTE: This function is designed to be called both on and off the main thread. If modifying its implementation, be sure not to touch main-thread-only data structures without appropriate locking. 3918
ScrollSnapInfo.cpp 3482
ScrollSnapInfo.h 5433
ScrollSnapTargetId.h 1151
ScrollVelocityQueue.cpp Calculate the velocity of the scroll frame, in appunits / second. 2937
ScrollVelocityQueue.h ScrollVelocityQueue is used to determine the current velocity of a scroll frame, derived from scroll position samples. Using the last iteration's scroll position, stored in mLastPosition, a delta of the scroll position is calculated and accumulated in mAccumulator until the refresh driver returns a new timestamp for MostRecentRefresh(). When there is a new timestamp from the refresh driver, the accumulated change in scroll position is divided by the delta of the timestamp to get an average velocity over that period. This velocity is pushed into mQueue as a std::pair associating each velocity with the duration over which it was sampled. Samples are removed from mQueue, leaving only those necessary to determine the average velocity over the recent relevant period, which has a duration set by the apz.velocity_relevance_time_ms preference. The velocity of each sample is clamped to a value set by the layout.css.scroll-snap.prediction-max-velocity. As the average velocity will later be integrated over a duration set by the layout.css.scroll-snap.prediction-sensitivity preference and the velocity samples are clamped to a set value, the maximum expected scroll offset can be calculated. This maximum offset is used to clamp mAccumulator, eliminating samples that would otherwise result in scroll snap position selection that is not consistent with the user's perception of scroll velocity. 3488
SelectionMovementUtils.cpp 24572
SelectionMovementUtils.h Given a node and its child offset, return the nsIFrame and the offset into that frame. @param aNode input parameter for the node to look at TODO: Make this `const nsIContent*` for `ContentEventHandler`. @param aOffset offset into above node. @param aReturnOffset will contain offset into frame. 6812
StickyScrollContainer.cpp compute sticky positioning, both during reflow and when the scrolling container scrolls 15594
StickyScrollContainer.h compute sticky positioning, both during reflow and when the scrolling container scrolls 3712
TextDrawTarget.h 24126
TextOverflow.cpp 36246
TextOverflow.h A class for rendering CSS3 text-overflow. Usage: 1. allocate an object using WillProcessLines 2. then call ProcessLine for each line you are building display lists for Note that this class is non-reassignable; we don't want to be making arbitrary copies. (But we do have a move constructor, since that's required in order to be stored in Maybe<>). 13391
ViewportFrame.cpp rendering object that is the root of the frame tree, which contains the document's scrollbars and contains fixed-positioned elements 19168
ViewportFrame.h rendering object that is the root of the frame tree, which contains contains fixed-positioned elements 4215
Visibility.h Declares visibility-related types. @Visibility is an enumeration of the possible visibility states of a frame. @OnNonvisible is an enumeration that allows callers to request a specific action when a frame transitions from visible to nonvisible. 1750
WBRFrame.cpp rendering object for HTML <wbr> elements 2537
WritingModes.h mozilla::WritingMode is an immutable class representing a writing mode. It efficiently stores the writing mode and can rapidly compute interesting things about it for use in layout. Writing modes are computed from the CSS 'direction', 'writing-mode', and 'text-orientation' properties. See CSS3 Writing Modes for more information 73541